Long As My Bully Love Me

By TheyLoveMeechie

66.5K 1.5K 694

"Tired of living with demons because they're always inviting more" ~J.Cole😁 Notoria isn't your average 16 ye... More

New School
Chapter 2
Transformation chp3
Chapter 4
Author A/N
Chapter 5
Author A/N
New Beginnings⁉
Chapter 6❗
Chapter 7πŸ’¦β—
Chapter 8😌
Chapter 9β™₯
Chapter 10🌟
Chapter 11 pt.1
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Readd. S. S. B N c cs. C m

Chapter 11 pt.2

2.4K 67 22
By TheyLoveMeechie

*Next Morning*

I woke up to my alarm and forced myself out of bed. I took a shower and put on my Thanksgiving outfit. >>>>>

I grabbed Munch and bathed her then put her on this >>>>

After I was finished I let Raye sleep and cooked us some breakfast.

"Morning." Raye said walking in.

"Morning boo. Did I wake you up?" "Nah the food did." I laughed.

"Here's yo plate."

"Thanks" she grabbed her plate and sat down "You scared?"

"Why would I be scared?" I asked feeding Vaeh. "Ion know like do you think she really changed?"

"I don't know but I hope she did."

"You think she'll be happy about the person you became over these few months?" she asked.

"I mean she should. I believe I changed for the better but we'll find out."

"Can I ride with?"

"Yeah we need to gone head out." she nodded and jogged to the back.

We only get 3 days out for thanksgiving plus the weekend so hopefully that's enough time to try to bond with my momma.

I washed our dishes and grabbed Munchkin stuff.

"I'm ready." Raye said *outfit*

"You look cuteeeeee."

"Thanks babe you do too." We went across to James's house.

"Morning momma." I said hugging her she was still up cooking. "Morning babies." she replied.

I walked towards the back to Jaden and Bre room.

They was still sleep so I walked back out.

We went to James's room he was up watching t.v. "You ready?" I asked.

He looked high.

"Yea." "You look handsome." "Thanks ma." he grabbed his jacket and keys.

"Let's go."

"Fuck he being so rude for?" Raye asked. "Ion know but just ignore it."

I grabbed Munch car seat out his closet and strapped her in. I walked out to the car and put her in.

"Raye buckle her in." I said.

She nodded and did it. We drove in silence he sat there looking irritated the whole time.

I turned the music down.

"Wassup with you?" I asked. He looked at me and turned it back up.

I turned it back down "Stop touching my shit." he turned it back up. I did it again. "Notoria I'm trying not to go off on you leave my shit alone."

"No." "What you want bruh?" he asked.

"For you to stop acting like a lil kid and tell me what's wrong?" he sighed and kept driving.

"Hellooo?" he just mugged me.

"I give up." I said turning his junky ass radio back up.

We pulled up to the rehab center I grabbed my sister and walked in. "Hey Ms. Jones how you feeling?" the lady at the desk asked.

"Good you?"

"Same. I'm guessing you're here for your mother." "Yes ma'am."

"She did very well and she showed progress very quickly." I smiled hearing her say that.

She typed something in the computer. "Ummm Ms. Jones?" she asked.

"Yes?" "Your mother was checked out this morning." "By who?" I asked. "It says her husband." "Husband?" "Yeah I wasn't here early Ms. Smith was but I made sure to leave a note stating you was supposed to be the one to get her."

"Oh my god. Can't y'all use cameras to find her or something"

"We can run it back to see the man she left with." I nodded. She pulled up the footage from this morning.

"I'll go back to 6 because she was checked out at 6:30."

We watched the footage and noticed an all black mustang pull up. "You recognize this car?" she asked.

"Nah never seen it." I said.

A man dressed in all black walked up to the door. He wore a hoodie and shades.

I watched as my momma left with the man but she looked scared. "Yo this some crazy shit." Raye said.

I just started crying my momma life could be in danger.

"I'm sorry Ms. Jones."

I didn't respond I just walked out with Raye. "What's wrong with her and where yo momma?" James asked when we got back to the car.

"She not there." Raye told him.

"What you mean?" "Some man in all black checked her out this morning." I sat in the car holding onto my sister.

"If it ain't one thing it's another." James said.

We drove off listening to the music.

After we pulled up I got out and went straight to James's room.

"You good?" he asked.

I ignored him and starred at the ceiling.

He sat beside me "Relieve some stress?" he asked handing me a blunt. "I guess."

He picked Munch up and came back in the room with Raye. He stuck a towel under the door.

"What's that for?" Raye asked.

"Hot boxing." "Cool." he lit 2 blunts and we went around. "Where y'all think she is?" James asked.

"Ion know probably the old neighborhood." I said.

"Wanna go check later?"

"Yeah but I really don't wanna talk about it right now."

After a hour or so went by we all was just chilling watching Uncle Grandpa. "Toriaaaa?" I heard his momma yell.

"Ma'am" I replied.

She didn't say nothing. "Ma'am?" I said again. "She want you to get up and come see what she want." he said.

I got up and walked to the front.

"Tor-- you high?" she asked. I just laughed. "Open yo eyes."

"They are open." I said.

"Yep you high. Help me ice these cakes." she said. "You sure about that?" I asked.

"Girl yea." I walked over and started icing the first cake.

"What happened with your mom?" she asked. "She wasn't there." "Where was she?" "I don't know. They don't know."

"Have y'all tried searching?"

"Yeah we will later." "Okay." she said it was an awkward silence.

I set the first cake in the cooler to chill. I heard a loud crash and turned around. "Momma." I said.

She was on the floor blacked out.

"James!" I screamed.

I fanned her but her eyes remained closed. "What the fuck?" he said running over.

"What happened?"

"I don't know we was icing cakes, I heard a crash and turned around she was like this."

"Fuck. Get some water."

Raye ran and got a cup of water.

"Mommy?" Bre said.

"Bre go back to your room." "But mommy--" "Bre take yo ass in the room." he yelled she started crying running to the back.

He put some water on her till her eyes opened. "Ma?" he asked.

She took her time trying to catch her breath.

"We need to get her to the hospital." Raye said. "No I'm good." she winced in pain trying to lift up. "Take it slow." James picked her up and carried her to the couch.

"Thank you baby. Toria make sure you add more cheese on my macaroni."

"Yes ma'am." I gave her some juice and went back to the kitchen. "Mane that shit just blew my high." James said.

"Why she won't go to the doctor?" I asked.

"She believe that doctors kill you." "How?" "Ion know she say you go in with a cold you leave out with tuberculosis." I laughed.

"You gone help me finish the food?" I asked him.

"Yeah cause you gone burn everything." he said laughing but ian get the joke.

*Fast Forward*

The house started to fill up with people and all the food was done.

Bre was still shooken up from earlier "You hungry?" I asked her. "No." "Bre you gotta eat something." she just starred at me.

All she did was sit on the couch next to her momma.

I met most of James's family.

His momma's step brother was just kind of chill about everything and barely spoke to anybody.

"You going home?" I asked Raye.

"Nah I think I'll stick around with y'all. They out of town again."

"Your parents?"

"Yep it never fails." she said throwing a shot back. "Well you got me as family since we both kind of in the same boat."

"I see. Thank you." "No problem."

James P.O.V
It felt good to see all my family in one room.

Somebody was knocking at the door

"Wassup Unc." "Wassup boy where my sister?" "On the couch."

"Ight and thanks nephew for getting me out that hoe." "Don't thank me thank my pappy."

"I'll make sure to do so." he shook up with me then walked pass me.

I was about to close the door but some stopped it. "Gone close the door on yo old man?" "My bad pops." I said.

He just grinned and walked past.

I checked out the door before closing it. "Y'all ate?" I asked my brother and sister.

"Naw." "Ight." I went to fix they plates and sat em at the kid's table.

"You good?" I asked Toria.

She looked kind of out of it. "Um yeah." "What's on yo mind?" "Nothing just looking at your family."

"Why?" "Cause I wonder would my family be like this one day?"

"I'm pretty sure it will don't let what happened to yo parents distract you from you doing better."

"You right. I'm finna go to my aunt house I'll be back later."

I nodded and watched her walk off.

Toria P.O.V
August was outside, I grabbed Vaeh and our stuff.

"You coming Raye?" "Yeah" we headed to the car. "Wassup." "Hey cousin."

I strapped Vaeh in then got in.

"Where yo sisters?" I asked. "The house everything ready and since it's just us yeen gotta worry bout not having nothing left to eat."

I nodded and sat back listening to the music.

I sat on the kitchen floor waiting for my momma to come home. I haven't ate all day and Ms. Daniel's isn't home.

I held my stomach as it growled staring at the clock crying.

Hours passed and I cried harder when the door finally opened. I was to weak to move.

I watched my momma stumble into the house followed by some man.

She laughed and hiccupped at whatever he said. "Ssshhh" she said still laughing. They walked to the back leaving me there as I closed my eyes.

I'm only eight and I'm going through this. I woke up from my sleep feeling somebody shake me.

I looked up to see the man.

"Please move please." I cried using the lil strength I had to shove him.

"Shh it's okay I'm not going to hurt you."

Tears ran down my face as I remember the times her other boyfriends said the same thing before molesting me.

"Leave me alone." I said crying harder.

"I promise I'm trying to help you not harm you now come with me I promise you'll be okay."

I looked at his facial expression and he seemed serious.

I used him to pull myself up.

I immediately felt dizzy. "You hungry?" he asked I nodded my head.

"Come on let's get you something."

"Where's my momma?" I whispered. "She's sleep." he said.

I just nodded and followed him out the door. I sat in the car as he passed me some crackers.

"Eat these until we stop some where."

I nodded my head watching as it rained. It always seemed to rain whenever I was hurting.

We pulled up to Wendy's.

"Can I get 3 Kid's Meals all girls." "What type of drink?" he asked me. "Hi-C."

"Chicken Nuggets or Burgers."

"Nuggets." I replied. He paid for my food and handed me all 3.

"They yours." I nodded.

I pulled the toys out and ate my fries. We pulled up to the police station I watched through the window as he talked to an officer.

He pointed to my direction.

I'm young but not stupid he's trying to take me away from my momma I grabbed my food putting it in one box.

I opened the door and got out when he turned around.

I grabbed his coat and wrapped myself in it. I noticed he was coming out so I ran into the ally.

"Hey little girl where you going?" some weird looking man asked.

"Away from you." I ran and ran I was lost and in a bad neighbor I sat on the bench at the park crying.

Hours went by I laid down covering myself with his jacket till something fell out. I picked it up and it was his wallet.

I opened it and his I.D read 'August Miller.'

I woke up from the dream. I looked at August staring at him.

"August what is your dad's name?" I asked. "August." "Last name?" "Miller why?"

So he isn't dead and he know who I am.

My mom knew who he was what the hell. "No reason." I got out the car and followed August in.

"Hey Toria and Hey--" my auntie stopped.

"Raye" "Hey Raye, food's in the kitchen help yourselves." I went to the kitchen and they wasn't having a traditional Thanksgiving they had wings, hot dogs, regular chicken, rotel, and snacks every where.

I grabbed a plate and filled it with wings and rotel.

"Hungry?" I turned around to see my granddad. "😂Starving." "Eat up we made enough to feed an army."

I laughed and grabbed a drink.

"Come to the living room we playing some guessing game."

I went to the front and sat down.

"Y'all ready?" May asked.

"Yeah." she looked like she was having a seizure. "Umm you got hit with a tractor." her momma called out.

I just laughed as she kept doing stuff.

Everybody kept guessing until we gave up. "What was it?" "I was a kangaroo duh."

"How the hell we suppose to guess a kangaroo?" My granddad asked.

"I don't even know." he laughed.

"Where's yo momma? Let me guess she didn't wanna see us."

"It's not that."

"Then where is she?" "I don't know when I went to pick her up she was already checked out."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"No you good. You didn't know." he gave me a sideways hug. It was my turn to play charades.

I stood up and grabbed my card.

I was supposed to act out a dinosaur. "How the hell?" I said to myself.

"Y'all ready?" "Yeap." I made lil T-Rex arms. "Tiny arms." Raye screamed out I laughed and tried to pick up some in the same position.

"😂Are you a T-Rex bruh?"

"Yes bout time." hours went by and it was nice to know I still had family.

"Momma we about to head out." August said kissing her head. "Raye and Toria give y'all auntie a hug."

We smiled and gave her one.

My granddad was already out for the night. "Take some of that food to go ima just throw it anyways."

"You ain't said none but a word." Raye ran to kitchen.

We was laughing hard as hell.

"I'm about to change Munchkin I'll be back." I walked to the restroom to change her.

She made spit bubbles and talked to the ceiling while I changed her.

"I love you mommy." I said tickling her feet. She smiled showing the lil teeth she had coming in.

*Ring* *Ring*


Where you at?

Leaving my aunt house.

Ight tell August to stop by the store and get some backwoods.

Okay bye.

Bye baby.

That baby word be some else.

I walked to the front to see Raye with damn near 20 plates. "Raye why you got so much food?"

"Yo auntie insisted that I should take everything." I laughed.

"I guess bye twins." I hugged the girls before leaving. "James said stop and get some backwoods."

"Ight." we loaded in the car and I strapped Munch in.

"Y'all had fun?" August asked.

"Fun ain't the word. Who knew that's what a family thanksgiving felt like?" Raye said.

"You're always welcomed to come." he said.

*At the house*

When we got back to James house mostly everybody was gone except his uncles and his daddy.

We all was sitting around on the couch watching t.v together.

"I missed you." Jay whispered in my ear. I was sitting on his lap holding Munchkin.

"I was only gone for a few hours."

"A few to many." "😂You probably enjoyed them hours."

*Knock* *Knock*

He was about to say some but was cut off by knocking.

"I got it." I said. "Wait who is it?" his uncle screamed but nobody spoke.

"Who that Michelle?"

"Ion know maybe somebody left some. Open it girl."

I opened the door and my momma's body fell on top of me. "Oh my godddd." I screamed.

His daddy ran over lifting her body off me.

"She's alive. She full of the drugs though." It wasn't long before these men ran in with guns pointing at us.

One of em I recognized.

"August." I said he looked at me and walked over with his gun still up.

"Hey Toria right?"

"August this yo daddy." I yelled. "My pops dead." the man laughed.

"So they say but I'm right here baby in straight flesh and blood."

James P.O.V
I was confused as fuck but all I wanted to do was off these niggas.

One had a gun right at my head the only person they didn't have a gun aiming at them was my uncle Darriun he sat back chill and relaxed.

"All of y'all will live as long as I get Notoria." this nigga said.

"The fuck you want her for?" I asked getting mad. "Her father's empire." Everybody looked at her. "Empire?" my momma asked.

"Yeah empire. Her dad was one of the biggest and riches kingpins in the world."

"So you lied to me?" I asked her.

"About what?"

"Everything was fake, you faked being poor and homeless and allat shit." I was furious.

"Why would I fake some like that? I didn't even know about the money. I knew he was a kingpin but that's it."

I just laughed trying to hide my anger cause I was mad as fuck.

Mad at myself for trusting this hoe, helping her, and the worse actually falling for her.

"Take that bitch with you." I told him.

She looked at me and I could just see the pain in her eyes.

"The fuck she got to do with anything?"

August asked him. "Son you might wanna sit down and stay out of this shit before you get yo lil feelings hurt."

"Fuck y'all still talking for?" Darriun pulled a strap from out the couch.

All guns aimed at him.

"Michelle this yo fucking fault making everybody put they guns up now look at this shit." my pops told my momma.

"Shut the fuck up." one of his niggas said.

"We taking the girl and we will be back." they walked out with Toria.

"You just gone let them take her?" my momma asked. "Fuck that bitch." I walked off to my room slamming the door loud as hell.

August P.O.V
These folks just took my fucking cousin.

I ran over to her momma.

She smiled. "Oh hey." she said trying to touch my hair.

His uncle helped me move her to the couch. "You good Raye?" she was shooken up.

"They took her." was all she said.

"They fucking took her and y'all let them." "Fuck was we gone do. Our guns locked up in James's momma room we had no choice unless we all wanted to die."

"It's yo pops so you responsible for this shit." "How? I thought this nigga was dead."

"Well he not and we gotta get that girl back." his daddy said.

"How?" his momma asked.

"August." Darriun said. "Wassup." "You gone be how we get her back." his momma step brother said.

As much as I wanted to say hell nahh I had to that's family.

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"Let me go check on my son I'll be back." His pops said.

James Senior P.O.V

I walked to his room and he was on the phone. "Yeah I'll be there later tonight....Mhm Ight ma." he said before hanging up.

"On to the next?"

He looked up at me and went back to what he was doing.

I sat next to him on his bed.

"I missed out on 18 years of yo life I'm not missing out on nothing else." I told him.

"Neither are we."

Darriun and Matthew walked in.

"That's cool and all but I'm good just finna get high and sleep." he said.

"Took yo pills?" I asked. "Ian took them since they prescribed em." I nodded.

"So you don't care what they gone do to her?" Matthew asked. "Naw not really. If I'm being honest I'm just trying to fuck." he said.

I looked at Darriun this the only nigga that can get through to him.

"My turn?" he asked. We nodded.

Darriun P.O.V

I watched this mane sit here without a care in the world and I couldn't blame him shit I'm the same way.

"How long you and this girl been dating?"

"We ain't dating at all."

"So what y'all doing? Y'all fucking?"

"Nah." I nodded my head.

"You care about her." I said.

"Nah fuck that bitch."

"It wasn't a question. Let this hard ass act go for five minutes and listen to me. You care about her and you might not notice that yet but you will. You wanna know how I know?"

"Go ahead."

"Answer these questions. Why you ain't smash yet? Why you so quick to call up another female?" he stayed silent.

"Exactly you don't got an answer you care about her.

Any other chick you would've smashed and been done with but it's some bout her that got you waiting.

She hurt you James so you about to find comfort in another bitch pussy.

That girl changed you and it's for the better.

Don't be like me and wait too long to realize that. I'm damn near 40 and single.

I play the shit cool.

Talking bout pimping, gangsta, and allat other false shit but anybody can tell I'm just a bitter man.

Mad at the fucking world cause I missed the shot that I had with a bad ass female wanna be like me? You wanna know how you showing everybody you care probably love that girl?

Because if a nigga constantly bashing a female it's only cause you fell for her and her betraying you as you say hurt you to the point that you gotta slam her name."

He sat there still ignoring us. The last thing I can do is reverse this shit.

"Look I'm not finna preach to you mane but what would you do if a nigga did yo auntie the way you do her?" his face filled with anger.

"You don't know shit about my auntie nigga. She ain't going for that shit and that's on me I swear to god I'll off any nigga that speak down on her." he stood over me.

"Exactly so if you get this fired up about her why not about Toria? The splitting image of yo auntie?" Matthew asked.

"Mane fuck this shit." he grabbed his phone and walked toward the door.

"You a lil ass boy grown men face they problems. Why the fuck you running James? You a hard body right? Can't nobody get in yo head right? This yo house right? So why you leaving huh? Huh James?"

"Nigga you don't know shit about me. Neither of y'all do so get the fuck out my face before y'all be joining my auntie."

"You gone kill me do it." I walked towards him and handed him my gun.

"Take it come on you a man nigga. You gone off me lil nigga do it." he turned red in the face.

"Exactly now get yo shit together and meet in the living room."

We all walked out the room.

"Unc?" Me and Matthew turned around. "Darriun?" "Wassup?"

"Thank you." "Any time."

Y'all may be confused but because of his disability you gotta think like him and since we got most of the same disabilities I'm the only one that can get through to him.

If we have a long ass conversation he won't hear me cause he got a short ass attention span.

Me psyching him out was way more effective than a full hour long conversation.

James P.O.V
I felt played like a muthafucka.

After they left I sat in my room contemplating if I wanted to save her or not.

Honestly I didn't give a fuck but my uncle right if that was my auntie I would've risked my whole life to save her.

"Lord give me a fucking sign." I said to myself.

Bre walked in "Brudah where Toria?"

"She went some where she'll be back in a few." "I wanna apologize to her." I sat her on my lap. "For what?"

"I was mad at her today for no reason and I just wanna give her my gift."

"Let me see it." she ran out the room and I just sat there till she got back.

"Open it." she said giving me the box.

I opened it to see a diamond necklace shaped like an angel.

"How you get this?"

"I had mommy order it for me a few days ago."

I hugged her. "She'll love it." "Thank you. Can I go get her with you?" "Naw you can't Brit Brat but I promise she'll be here before you go to bed."

"Okay brudah I love you."

"I love you too Bre." I got up off the bed and put my jacket on.

"Go up there with momma and munch I'm finna go get her." she nodded and ran out.

"Damn God you work fast.. Auntie protect me as I do this shit I love you baby continue to fly high."

I walked to the front to see everybody sitting there. "I'm ready." I said.

"That's my muthafuckn boy." Darriun said. They all got up.

"Let's head to the trap." my dad said.

My momma hugged him like it would be the last time she seem him.

They had this spark that you couldn't get rid of that easy. "Be careful James I love you." she told him.

"I love you too Michelle." he kissed her forehead.

"Ight let's head out." we loaded up in Darriun's truck. Once we reached the trap we got some of our other guys to load up.

"You strapped up?" Smoke asked me.

"Yeah I love y'all bruh." Wiz, Smoke, and I shook up. "Brothers for life." Wiz said. "Dat way nigga."

I put my vest on and covered it up with my jacket. We all loaded into the trucks.

"August where we heading?"

"Y'all might wanna get comfortable his largest trap is 2 hours away." he said.

I nodded and sat back resting my eyes.

"Hey Nephew." "Wassup Auntie." "Nothing just came to watch over you through this shit." I nodded.

"Life ain't been the same without you being on my ass every lil step of the way." "I never left Jay. I been here all along watching you as you've grown.

You've become such a handsome young man."

"Thank ya but shit get hard you feel me like I'm lost out here."

"It can get like that sometimes but it'll be okay just believe baby. By the way I'm here to deliver a message from Notoria's father."

"You met him?"

"Yeah. He's been watching over her also but this is for you. Don't give up. Thank you for being there for my daughter but you can't be mad at her. She didn't know anything. I'm not here physically to be on yo ass about my daughter but just know if you hurt her I'll be haunting yo dreams."

I laughed. "He said that?" "Yeah don't miss out on a blessing trying to impress these other niggas."

"Why everybody keep telling me that? She ain't nothing special just another female out here." "We never said she was special but a person like her you don't let slip away.

Keep her close friends or partners she'll always have yo back."

"Yeah I hear ya."

"Bye James I Love You."

"Love you too T."

I remained sitting here with my eyes closed nodding my head to the music.

After two long ass hours we finally arrived. "Park around the corner. Larry you our driver be at the side door in 20 minutes.

If we not out in 20 wait five more minutes if you are not at the truck by then we leaving you." My pops spoke.

"This shit in and out.

Show them a picture of her so they know who we getting." I passed an image of Toria around.

"Ight Move Out Let's Go Let's Go."

We all ran into the back door knocking it down. Shots instantly went off today was the day we had to prepare to not return with all our men and explain to broken hearted families.

"James. You and Wiz go find Toria I'll cover y'all." Smoke said.

"Ight mane."

We ran towards the back of the trap shooting niggas as we went through.


I turned to see Wiz shot in the leg.

"Get Toria I'll be straight." he said. "Naw mane bros before hoes." I took my jacket off tying it around his womb for pressure.

"Thanks man. Now let's go getcho girl."

I needed something to set me off and quick cause once I'm pissed I'm capable of anything.

We got to the end of the hall and it was a door.

"Open that bitch." Wiz said. I kicked the door open it was just a closet when I felt an arm around my neck and cold steel pressed against my dome.

"Drop it." I dropped my gun on the floor and so did Wiz we gave each other the look. 1...2...3..

I quickly turned around snapping the nigga that was holding me arm. He screamed and pain as I kicked him in his face constantly stomping him harder and harder.

More niggas surrounded us. It was too many a cloth was placed over my face and everything soon went black.

Thank you for reading my story. What happens next? Stay tuned to find out. Smooches💋💋💋💋💋

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