her ex husband (leonetta)

By -starrywriting

30.2K 583 242

Violetta and Le贸n were young sweethearts, who married each other at nineteen. At the age of twenty-three they... More

p r o l o g u e
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
e p i l o g u e

e i g h t

1.4K 38 8
By -starrywriting

"Diego!" Violetta yelled, sitting on the bed. It was nine in the morning on a Saturday. Maria and Sofia were both at their father's house for the week and weekend. "Diego Hernández!" Violetta smiled, leaning above him.

Diego stayed asleep. They had a late night, and it was a miracle Violetta was awake so early. Violetta pressed small kisses on Diego's face trying to make him up. Diego was slowly waking up, and when he opened his eyes, Violetta smiled at him. "I have a surprise for you." Was all that Violetta said before climbing off the bed. "Now get dressed and come to the kitchen, I made breakfast for us."

Violetta walked out, and made her way to the kitchen. Marco and Francesca were standing near the island, Francesca was drinking orange juice. "Wasn't able to wake him up?" Marco asked.

"I woke him up, he's getting dressed," Violetta told him. "Go hide because he'll be here any second!" She told Marco. Marco obliged, and decided to hide on the other side of the island.

Violetta turned to Francesca when Diego neared the kitchen. Without noticing anyone else, Diego wrapped his arms around Violetta and pressed a small kiss on her neck, before leaning into her shoulder.

"Morning, Diego!" Francesca smiled, Diego opened his eyes to see the Italian. "Coffee?" Francesca handed him the cup.

"No offense, Fran. But why are you here so early in the damn morning?" Diego asked, taking the coffee cup. He sat on one of the stools, and stared into his black coffee.

"Because I had to pick someone up at the airport," Francesca complained, glaring towards Marco's direction. Diego was too tired to notice. "Why are you so tired? It's like you don't even wake up early for work during the week."

"We had a long night," Diego explained.

"Long night equals se—"

"Fran!" Violetta interrupted. Diego gave a sleepy chuckle, and Francesca gave Violetta a sly smile. "Long night because the baby kicked, and was kicking for a long time."

"You're pregnant?" Marco asked, standing up. Diego finally woke up when he heard his best friend's voice. Violetta looked down at her stomach, she was visibly pregnant, but then again she was wearing a loose dress.

"Marco?!" Diego stood up, and gave a tight hug to his best friend. "When did you come back?"

"This morning. I'm moving back to be closer to my wife," Marco told Diego, when they stopped hugging. Diego looked at Marco weirdly.

"Aren't you dating Francesca? You can't be married and date someone else," Diego rambled. "Fran, did you know Marco is married?"

"Yes," Francesca answered. "I'm his wife," she smiled.

"What?" Diego asked. "Congratulations!" Diego pulled Marco and Francesca into a hug. All three of them were too busy to notice Violetta leave the kitchen.

Violetta stood in the hallway, with her phone by her ear. "León? What's wrong?"

León sounded like he was in a panic. "Vilu! María fell on her arm, and right now I'm driving her to the hospital. I think she broke it," León concluded.

"What?" Violetta rushed to grab her coat, keys, and purse. "I'll meet you at the hospital." She ran to it of the house yelling that she'd be back.

Violetta ran into the emergency room, seeing Andres sitting with Sofía in the waiting room. León and María nowhere in sight. "What happened?" Violetta asked. "Where's María?"

"Excuse me, are you Violetta Vargas?" A nurse walked up to Violetta. Violetta nodded, not correcting her last name. "Your husband and daughter are in the back, follow me." Violetta followed the nurse, she saw María sitting on the hospital bed, with a full cast on her arm.

"Mama!" María smiled when she saw her mother. Violetta ran up to her daughter, hugging her.

"What happened?" Violetta asked.

"Do you want to tell your mom, or should I?" León asked his daughter. María sighed, and told her father to tell her mother. "María and Sofía woke up early, and snuck outside to jump on the trampoline, and María landed on her arm."

"You got a trampoline?" Violetta asked León. "Those things are dangerous, León."

"Everything is dangerous to you, besides I set rules for the girls for the trampoline," León replied.

"I'm sorry that I didn't listen to the rules, but look my cast is pink!" María said, lifting her arm a bit to show the bright pink cast on her left arm.

"You know you can't play for the next few weeks," León told María. María's face fell.

"You two are free to go, but I'll need a parent's signature. Here are two prescriptions, one for her pain, and another for inflammation that might occur. I made an appointment for the cast to be removed in three weeks, but if something happens please come back here," the female doctor said, handing the clipboard to León to sign. León handed it to Violetta behind him, who quickly signed her name on the paper, the doctor looked taken back. "And María, if your arm hurts really really bad, let dad or mom know, okay?" María nodded.

"Okay," María replied. "Can I still play?"

"I'm sorry, but you can't play," the doctor said, pushing her hair out of her face. "But you can play with your barbies, I'm sure you have a lot."

"I do have a lot!" Maria smiled. The doctor smiled at Maria. "Mama, Dad? Can we go home now?" Violetta nodded, helping her daughter off the hospital bed. "I can't wait to show Tio Andres and Sofia my cast!"

"León?" Violetta called out as they were walking back to the waiting room. León turned around. "Thanks for calling me."

"I'm not her only parent, and I'm sure you'd call me first whenever something happens with the girls." Violetta nodded. Instinctively she hugged León. León was taken back, but hugged her back.

After they pulled apart, Andres was standing between María and Sofia, he was smirking but didn't say anything as they left the hospital to their cars.

Violetta sat in her car, which was coincidentally parked beside León's. And tried to start it, only for it to start and die right after. "Not again!" Violetta complained. She knew it was time to get a new car, but she didn't want to say goodbye to Elena, her little red Nissan Altima. She pulled out her phone to call Diego, but was interrupted by León knocking on the passenger side window. Violetta nodded when León asked if she need a ride.

Violetta sat in the passenger seat of León's car, Andres, Maria and Sofia in the backseats, as León drove to Violetta and Diego's house.

"They must've been tired," Violetta said as she peeked in the backseat, seeing her daughters sleeping.

"They woke up early today, I'm surprised Sofia didn't fall asleep waiting with Andres," León responded.

"Excuse me, León, your daughters love me! And they don't fall asleep when they hear my amazing stories!" Andres told León, making him and Violetta laugh.

León parked his car outside Violetta's house. "I'll drop the girls off tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, I can't really pick them up now, until I get a new one, or have someone start it up again," Violetta responded. "Bye León." Without thinking, she leaned over pressing her lips against León's cheek. When she realized what she did, she said bye again and left the car.

"What am I chopped liver?" Andres asked, León remained quiet. Was there something still there between Violetta and him? Is there still a chance?

And this chapter is finally done. Sorry for the long wait, but this always happens to me, I have so many new fanfiction ideas every day, and I am currently writing them in my drafts, bc who knows if I'll actually post it. But there is a Fedeletta fanfiction on my profile. :-)

Q: When and why did you guys start watching Violetta?
My A: I started and finished Violetta last year. I watched it in spanish with English subtitles to help me learn spanish while taking spanish 2 in high school, and spanish 101 in college.

Also Marco is back! Yay!

And Violetta hugged and kissed León! And did you catch the nurse calling Violetta and Leon husband and wife, and saying Violetta Vargas?

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