The Records of Time: Scourge...

By nixblazer

482 37 135

AN OLD WAR BEGINS ANEW Kalina Scarborough is a young teenage orphan who everyone had no hope for. She barely... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

13 2 6
By nixblazer

A/N: Dear Jubileus it's been a while since I updated this just wanted to release this. Thanks for waiting patiently, and once again thank you KittyKollision for letting me write this fanfic.

Also this is unedited so don't mind the typos and errors.

* * *

Walking down the streets of New York Kalina could not believe she actually met the Vergil. But then again a whole lot of strange magical things has been happening to her lately. But one thing that seemed to stick with her was that Kana Marie girl. Why did she look so familiar? Could they have met before and Kalina not know it or something else?

All this dimensional traveling and talks of demons, gods, and video games is giving me a headache!

"Hold up a second!" Zero began eyeing a sparkling green car with no roof, and sitting in front of the steering wheel was a portly man with his back faced to them. "Is that who I think it is!?" Zero spoke to herself as she quickened her pace. "Zero wait up!" Kalina called after her.

Hearing that name causes the man in the car to turn around to face us. He wore a large business suit and his dark brown hair slicked back in a ponytail with a fedora overtop. Kalina's eyes widened with surprise as any fan of Bayonetta could guess who this man was.

"Z-Zero!? Oh hell no. No no no no no no no! It's bad enough you and Bayonetta trash my car and I've been evading both of those crazy witches for a while but you show up too!? FUGGETTABOUTIT!"

And the signature catchphrase only proves it. Zero just put a hand on her hip as she took out a strawberry lollipop and put it in her mouth. "Hello again Enzo, you'd think after all that cash I helped you make last time we saw each other you would be happy to see me?"

The New Yorker Italian looked flabbergasted. "Do you know how many times my car got destroyed because of you, Bayonetta, and Jeanne!? It took almost every cent I earned to fix it, and then my kids birthdays came up which left me broke!"

Zero could only laugh at Enzo's predicament, and to be honest Kalina did too. "Don't forget that you still haven't paid your tab at Rodin's", Kalina butted in making Enzo shift his attention to Kalina. "Who the fuck is this!? Is she a witch too!? Get the hell away from me, you won't be taking my money you credit hijacking vampires!"

Kalina and Zero shared an unimpressed look. "Is he always like this?" Kalina asked her white haired friend. Zero shook her head. "Only when me, Bayo, and Jeanne are involved."

"Speaking of which we need a ride to Rodin's, it's Kalina's birthday and I promised to take Kalina to see Bayonetta." Enzo immediately shook his head. "As I said before no no no no no no and no! I'm trying to save my car from supernatural collateral damage and you guys want me to take you to those two witches who's on God's death list! UNBEFREAKINLIEVEABLE!"

"Actually both Jubileus and Aesir is dead Enzo, or did you not keep up with the events in your own world?" Kalina butted in once more. "It's quite alright Kalina, I know exactly what will change dear Enzo's mind."

Kalina was about to open her mouth to question Zero's methods when the white haired Demi-God summoned Diamond Dust into her hand and aimed it right in between Enzo's eyes. "Look Enzo, buddy we've been friends for a while and all I want is to treat my friend for her birthday. But I'm sure if your not willing to take us to Rodin's I'm sure you and Gomorrah can have a nice chat. You do remember Gomorrah do you?"

The portly man gulped as he stared down the barrel of Zero's gun. "Alright fine, but if my car gets damaged in anyway you two are repairing the damages." Zero smiled with victory as Diamond Dust suddenly disappeared from her hands whilst the duo of demon slayers hopped into Enzo's car.

As they sped down the highway Kalina couldn't help but take in the sights, the rush of her actually being in the Bayonetta world thrilled her to no end. I can't believe I'm actually going to meet Bayonetta, and maybe Jeanne! Do you think we might run into Loki as well, I've seen and played the second game so that would be so awesome! Will we run into a Cardinal Virtue or--

"So kid in the back with the crimson hair, what's your story?"

Kalina snapped out of her thoughts as she turned to meet Enzo's gaze through the car mirror. "What do you mean, my story?" She asked quizzically. "You know your story, Bayonetta and Jeanne are witches and survivors of the Witch Hunts in the sacred city of Vigrid, Zero here is a Demi-God, and I think my cousin Leon mentioned something about some weird girls called--what were they called again? Oh right Projects, I think there names were something like Elena, Oriana, Miranda, and Audrey or something like that."

"Well Enzo I have no idea what I am truly, all I know is that I can use magic, I hunt demons with my best friend Zero, and pretty much that's it." "So you have magic and you have no idea who or what you are, so are you a Demi-God like Zero? A Project like those girls, or are you an Umbra Witch like Bayonetta? Or something entirely different?"

Kalina remained silent as she ignored Enzo altogether, finding the towering sky scrapers of New York much more interesting. From out the corner of her eye she could see Zero giving Enzo a deadly glare and her mouthing the words 'why would you ask that?'

Enzo of course threw his hands up and mouthed 'FUGGETTABOUTIT!'

The rest of the trip was pretty much the same, quiet with Kalina looking out at New York City, but then again she felt off. It felt dark and sour and yet ominous at the same time, but still she found it somewhat oddly calming.

What is wrong with me, she mentally chided herself.


Enzo pulled up to the Gates of Hell. Kalina had seen the bar many times in game but never had she actually had the chance of gazing upon the real thing. It was an old brick building with the logo of the bar in bright red cursive with the sigil of a horned devil holding a gun.

The trio entered the establishment with Zero leading the charge like some sort of war hero.

Inside was every bit as fine and refurbished as in the games. Violet colored lighting, slow jazz music playing from all over, and of course behind the bar was Rodin, standing tall and stoic as always, but someone else was standing on the opposing side of the table.

Kalina couldn't see much because her back was turned to them but she wore a blood red body suit with a biker like feel and she had long glowing platinum blonde hair that reached her waist. Kalina almost couldn't control her excitement. It was Jeanne, the Umbra Witch Jeanne d'Arc. The legendary witch wielding the katana Angel Slayer and was excommunicated from the clan for starting a war with the angels.

"Yo! Long time no see!" Zero blurred out getting the two's attention. Jeanne was the first to react and respond. "Zero, now there's a face I haven't seen in a while how've you been?"

"No rest for the wicked as Lady's been swamping me with work and still reaping more than half of my benefits but I'll live somehow. Speaking of faces where's Bayonetta?"

"I'm afraid you just missed her Snow White, Bayonetta left a few hours ago on her trip to Paris, something about a modeling job and her wanting to see the Eiffel Tower." Zero glared at Rodin before out of nowhere a flurry of bullets whizzed past Jeanne and narrowly missed Rodin's head. And yet the Umbra Witch remained unfazed as if this was a daily occurrence and continued to sip her vodka.

"Come on Ro I thought we were past this, the whole Snow White thing because of my hair is quite insulting" Zero quipped as the demon-smith merely threw up his hands.

"It's fine just don't you go bust a cap in my ass!" Rodin chuckled.

Kalina couldn't help but snicker. "Ha first game reference." Jeanne turned to face Kalina. "I'm sorry but have we met before?" Jeanne asked quizzically as she walked over. Kalina shook her head. "Sorry, I'm from a different world, Zero took me here for my birthday because I'm a huge fan of yours and Bayonetta's game."

Jeanne's eyes widened. "Oh right, I keep forgetting that different worlds have a game about us, sorry that Cereza couldn't be here but it's a pleasure to meet you", the platinum blonde haired Umbra Witch greeted as she extended her hand. Kalina happily shook her hand but a strange jolt of energy coursed through her hand instantly causing her to recoil.

"Damn that hurt! Sorry about that Jea--"

Kalina was shocked to find Jeanne in a frozen state as if lost in thoughts. Zero turned to Kalina, "is this a new power of yours or?" Kalina shrugged. After a few more seconds Jeanne finally returned to earth. "It would seem we have guests" she spoke solemnly as she summoned All 4 One into her hands.

Kalina just turned to Zero who was deep in thought. "Well.....I guess this is your first time fighting angels, might as well give you a show." Zero walked towards the exist as in a flash of light she was in her magician's outfit, the blue and silver guns of Diamond Dust in her hands.

As Zero walked out the door Kalina turned to face Rodin who had just made himself a mysterious destiny with one olive.

"Well, aren't you gonna join them?" He asked before downing the drink in one gulp.

The red haired magic user looked at the fallen angel turned demon once more before conjuring Crimson Blitz into her awaiting hands, the red metal of the guns glistening in the low lighting of the bar.

"Why the hell not. Got nothing else better to do."

Striding confidently out of the bar Kalina walked out to see Zero and Jeanne already killing angels. Zero had switched out using Diamond Dust and instead was using her two curved swords Zeus and Jupiter to hack and slash into the angels skin, effectively killing them with oneshot kills. Jeanne being the graceful Witch she was, was flourishing her moved with graceful dives and well timed twirls, unleashing a storm of bullets and hellfire killing the angels around her without mercy.

Well they don't call Jeanne the Angel Slayer for nothing, Kalina mentally quipped before joining the fray.

Blasting a couple of angels in the face she got the attention of low ranking Affinities and prepared for attack.

Thanks to Zero's training she made quick work of them, shooting off their heads or blowing their limbs off giving her time to perform some Wicked Weaves from Madama Butterfly to finish them off. Things seem to be going well and Kalina was actually excited to be fighting alongside legendary fighters like Zero and Jeanne. It was like a dream come true.

But then it turned to a nightmare when an unearthly shriek caused the ground to quake.

Jeanne, Kalina, and Zero turned up at the same time to see a large golden portal of swirling runes open up to the gates of Heaven. And from the portal descended an angel that Kalina hoped never to meet.

"Fortitudo" she growled under her breath.

It was indeed true as the draconic Cardinal Virtue now hovered over the buildings of New York, the dragon heads looking like they're ready to pounce.

"Make haste dark witches, the coming of a new era approaches, the girl must be sacrificed!"

Zero instantly stepped forward.

"Nobody's getting sacrificed. Except maybe you if I have to look at your face any longer!"

Fortitudo laughed. "And what can you hope to do godling, you are one of the Trinity allied with Paradiso, surely you must know that the new era approaches. He calls for her blood in exchange."

"Sorry but Trinity or no it's not gonna happen!" Zero seethed as she aimed Diamond Dust at the Bringer of Flames.

The large dragon heads dressed in armor of ruby and sapphire opened their maw's as white hot flames began to charge up in their mouths, ready to incinerate the Witch, Demi-God, and magic user. But before Fortitudo got the chance a large boulder made of concrete slammed into the giant angel causing him to crash into a building.

Everyone turned to see blood and gunshots as multiple angels fell dead to the floor. And standing in the middle of them was a face Zero and Jeanne considered an old friend. And one that almost made Kalina squeal.

"Y-you're" Kalina tried to speak but she just couldn't taking in all her glory.

Bayonetta just smiled as she saw her old friends. Letting out a grin from ear to ear she put her hand on her hip in a sassy manner.

"Hello everyone. Did you miss me?"

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update this took me a while to find inspiration again.

Also if you don't mind me being shameless plug for a moment but I have a new book coming out soon called 'The Angel's Hunt' a Bayonetta/Devil May Cry fanfic so if you guys want you can check that out when I release it so be on the look out.

P.S. don't forget to share, comment, and vote.

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