Thug Love

By nickihicks23

380 28 3

From rags to riches, or from riches to rags? Meet Camila. Her whole life is about to change, and she has no... More

Chapter I: Being Introduced
Chapter II: Recording Moments
Chapter IV: Black Girl Magic
Chapter V: Strong Enough

Chapter III: The City

65 6 0
By nickihicks23

Caz's POV:

After the little moment Camila and I shared in the studio, I just can't get that girl out my head. I don't know what it is about her, but I'm really feeling shorty for real. I've messed with a lot of females, but damn sho not nobody like her. She too good, too pure; and I think that's what I'm diggin about her.

"So Caz, how you feel rich girl? I heard y'all had some alone time in the studio." Mikey picked.
"She ight." I responded, keeping it short.

"Nah nigga, she more than ight. Ever since last night, you been out of it. Staring off into space an shit. Don't be a bitch, tell me the truth. You feelin ole girl, or nah?" Mikey nagged.
"Mikey, shut the fuck up." I rolled my eyes at his constant annoyance.

Now, I know what you probably thinking...Wasn't this nigga just talking bout how Camila different and yada yada yada? Yeah, okay. But not everybody gotta know that. Us niggas can't be out here showing vulnerability. Don't get me wrong, it's cool to have a shorty if she really down. We love that shit; but females too damn sneaky these days. The fuck I look like setting myself up for some like that? I know Camila probably different, but shit every dog has it's days.

She was looking beautiful in that booth though. The way she just went in there and did her lil thing. Shorty got some potential for real, just hope she know how to use it.

*Ring Ring*

Why the fuck is Diamond calling me?

"Man, what?" I answered the phone, knowing if I didn't she would not stop blowing me up.

"Don't answer this phone like you not happy to hear my voice nigga." Her voice rang through my ears, causing me to cringe.

"I'm not. Now what the fuck you want?" I blurted out.

"You know what I want, come over. Tonight." Diamond insisted.

"No Diamond."

"It's open opportunity. Come on." She pushed on the subject.

Man, she right though. And a nigga ain't had some pussy in a while.
"Man shut the fuck up, I'll be over in a little." I rushed out before hanging up the phone.

"You ain't shit nigga." Mikey said with a straight face.

"Fuck you. Now come on, I got some shit to handle today." I said.

We walked out the house and went straight to my car. I had to go to my homeboys house before we did anything. I got some business that needs to be handled.

The car ride wasn't long, so we was pulling up at Rasco's house in no time.

"Aye, wassup man?" Rasco greeted me while shaking my hand.
"What's going on?" I greeted back.

"Where Mikey at?" He asked looking behind me.
"He in the car talking to his momma." I answered.

Rasco nodded his head.

"Ight, so wassup?" I asked trying to figure out what our next move was.

"You know them rich folks over on the Northside? I found this one house, get this;the owners of got hella dough dawg. Best part, they keep they shit in a safe. We get in there and get that, we might not have to worry about money for a while. And that's with splittin it. We grab a couple more things, like some jewelry or some my nigga, we straight." Rasco explained while doing his lil head movement and rubbing his hands.

"Ight, here's the downfall though. How the fuck we get in the house? When is there going to be an open opportunity?" I questioned to be sure this nigga had his shit together.

"Man, think about it. Thanksgiving is in a couple weeks, if I'm right them rich folks gone have somewhere to go. Maybe spare us a couple hours." He pointed out. I nodded my head while going through the plans to make sure everything was figured out.

"Ight, sounds good. Let's just hope you right about these rich folks leaving for thanksgiving." I turned to walk out the door.

"Aye man, uh you think I can bum a couple bars off you?" Rasco asked. This nigga stay asking to get some shit from me, but ain never got the money.

"Nah man, I done gave you four of em. Still ain seen my money." I said while leaning against the door frame. "L-listen. Imma have yo money, tomorrow. I promise." Rasco pleaded.

I took in a deep breath and reached my hand in my back pocket. I pulled out two and place them in his hand, but before letting them go I said "Ion like nigga's who play with my money. Especially nigga's I fuck with. You should know me best." I warned before turning around to walk out the door.

I got in the car to find Mikey's goofy ass staring right at me. "What man?" I snapped.
"How many he talked yo ass out of today?" Mikey laughed. "Man, that nigga got issues. He's gonna fucking overdose one day." I said shaking my head. "Stop giving em to him." Mikey stated.
"I'd rather me give them to him, than some random nigga in the streets. You know how people be doing. Straight be killing niggas." I explained.

"Facts." Mikey nodded as he turned up the radio.

"What ya momma say?" I asked.

"Her usual trippin. How I need to stop running these damn streets and go out and get a job like a real man." He rolled his eyes and said.

"In a way, I feel where she coming from. But it ain't easy to just go out an get a job. My mom's used to preach the same thing. Just be happy you got a moms to bitch at you. I'd do anything to have my ma naggin at me." I said, thinking back to when my moms used to always tell me how dangerous the streets are. I always told her I was gonna make it out, I know she believed in me; just had that thought in the back of her head that one day she'd be burying her son,

Mikey didn't really say much, just looked out the window instead. Deep down, I know that nigga scared. Scared he won't make it out, or that he's gone die trying. Honestly, I think we all scared. Kind of a thought in the back of our mind. Those "what if" ass thoughts.

I pulled up at Mikey's house and waited for him to get into the house before I pulled off. It was only about two in the afternoon, so I figured I had time to get over to Diamond's.



I knocked on Diamond's front door, and waited for someone to answer it. I walked through to the house observing everything around me. The house was mess. Her drunk ass mother was stretched out on the couch, while her three little sibling ran around like they had no damn sense. I walked to the back, and into Diamond's room.

"Yo ass need to get up and clean, do something witcho time." I said while standing at her bedroom door.

"Nigga I do not pay bills here, and any room outside of this ain't got shit to do with me. Now come lay down." She smiled while patting the bed.

I really wonder about this girl sometimes. She don't got shit to offer, and for some reason I still be fucking with her.

I laid out on the bed, and let ole girl do her thing. She pulled my dick out, and placed her lips on the tip.

In my head, I knew what I was doing wasn't right. I should be encouraging this girl to carry herself a little better. Ever since we was little, she always been fast. Running around, chasing little boys.

"Fuck." I mumbled/groaned as she started speeding up.

No lie, shit felt good as fuck; but in a way something felt wrong.
I watched as she got up, and started taking her clothes off.
"We need some protection?" I asked thinking back to the condoms in my car.

"Nah, I'm on birth control." She answered.
"Since when?" I questioned.
"Couple days ago." She said while laying down next to me.

I got up, and got into position. I slowly put it in and started stroking her.

Again, it felt so good; but in a way I knew something wasn't right. Her moans grew louder as I started going a little faster. For some odd reason, I could not stay focused. My brain was else where, but where it need to be at this moment. I pulled out, and turned her over so I could hit it from the back.

I didn't hold back. Whatever was making me feeling like what I was doing was wrong, pushed me to go a little harder. The louder she screamed, the harder I went it. I felt myself about to cum so I sped up some more.

Why doesn't this feel right? Why is my head all over the place today?



"Iono what got into you this time, but that was probably the best sex we've ever had." Diamond said while rubbing her hands on my back.

"Diamond, I don't think we can keep doing this." I mumbled.

"Nigga what the hell you mean?" She asked, sounding pissed off.

"You heard me. We can't keep doing this." I said again, this time standing up.

"So what, you're just gonna fuck me and then cut me off?" She stood up and said, getting a little in my face.

"Diamond, you been knew wassup! That's all we use each other for. To fuck. That's it. What you think I love you or something?" I snapped.

I watched as her whole body language changed, and her head slowly dropped. I couldn't help but be rude. It's true, I don't love her. She's only ever showed me one side of her, and that's the side of her that takes dick. She has never shown me that she has something to prove.

"Caz, just go." She whispered. I shrugged my shoulders and turned to walk out.
I walked straight through the house. Nothing had changed. Her mom still laid out on the couch, with bottles of liquor surrounding her. Children still running around with no damn sense.

I walked outside and sat in my car.

Damn, was I too harsh? What I said kept replaying through my head over and over again.

Man, what the hell is going on with me? Why the hell I can't get my thoughts together.

Man, where the fuck is my sister? I decided to call her up and talk to her about the shit.

"Hello?" My sister voiced came through the phone.

"Man Ari. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Sitting around with Pooh and Camila." The sound of Camila's name did something to me, it took that weird ass feeling and made it disappear.

"What's Camila got planned for today?" I found the words slipping out uncontrollably.

"Why don't you ask her?" Ari said. I heard a little movement right before hearing her voice.

"Hello?" Camila's voice sent a certain feeling through my body.

"Hey shorty, you doing anything today?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so. May I ask why?" She responded. I loved that lil proper shit she had going on. That shit lowkey attractive as hell.

"I wanted to take you around the city. Show you some things, you cool with that?" I questioned.

"Oh, that sounds nice. Let's do it, what time you want to go?" She asked.

"Tell Ari to bring you over to our place, and we'll leave from there." I responded.

She said okay and then hung up the phone. I pulled out of Diamond's driveway and started towards the house.



"Aye pops, you got an extra charger?" I called out realizing I had broke my last one.
"Yeah, come get it." He called out. I walked into his room and was instantly hit with the smell of gas. The room was full of smoke. A woman was laid up in the bed with my father, taking a hit off his blunt.

"Wassup boy?" My fathers deep voice greeted me.

"Nigga, all this damn smoke. You turned this room into a hotbox." I said while waving my hands past my face so I could breathe a little better.

"Shit, you trynna hit it?" He offered while holding the blunt out. "Nah, not tonight pops." I answered while grabbing the charger and making my way out the room.

I'm not even gone lie, I hate when he brings other women into this house. I know he's trying to cope with the loss of my mother, but damn man. This still my moms house.
I walked into the living room and stretched out on the couch. I decided to just play 2k, and wait for my sister to pull up with Camila.



After about an hour passed by, the girls was finally here. I walked outside to meet with Camila so we can get going.

"Take care of my lil friend." Ari whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes at her childishness and walked over to Camila.

"Wassup girl?" I greeted her.

"Hey Caz." She smiled back at me.

"Ight, you ready?" I asked while opening the car door. She nodded and sat in the passenger seat.

She looked so damn beautiful. She had on some tan pan that's fit to her just perfectly showing off her curves. Shorty real life thick as hell.

I sat in the driver seat and pulled out the driveway.

"You seen the grafitti bridge yet?" I asked her.

"I seen a small bridge the night of your party." She answered while looking out the window.

"Nah shorty, you ain see THE bridge yet. You hungry?" I questioned. She shrugged her shoulders a little bit.

I turned down Oakland street and went straight to the corner store. Romantic, I know.

I got out and walked into the store. I ordered sixteen lemon peppered wings with a coke, and bottled water.

After getting the food and drinks, I walked back out the car.

"Ight, so we can't just drive around the city without enjoying some of these wings." I said adding a small laugh. I watched as her smile grew a little bigger and he cheeks started turning red.

Damn, she so beautiful.

I sat back in my seat and started driving towards the bridge.

"What building is that?" Camila asked while pointing up at the old jailhouse.

"That's the old jailhouse, we don't use it anymore because it had a gas leak a couple years back causing it to blow up." I informed her.

"They just leave abandoned buildings around here?" She asked sounding a little concerned.

"Yeah, I guess the governor isn't too concerned with us over here." I responded.

"That's horrible. Did you know that if we could eliminate more abandoned buildings, rape crimes and kidnap crimes would go down? They wouldn't have anywhere to take the people." She said, while staring out the window and observing the different buildings.

"Makes sense." I told her while grabbing a wing.

"Hey, when you blow up and go big you should send out a message to get rid of all these abandoned buildings." She suggested. The thought brought a small smile to my face.
"You feel very strongly about these buildings.

I liked that she was stating her opinion with me, and the fact that it was a good one was even better.

"Of course. I did a research project about the rape and kidnapping crimes a while back, ever since then I've always been so intrigued by the topic." She explained.

"Well shorty. When I make it big, just know I gotchu." I reassured her.

Her face lit up, and that pretty ass smile of hers grew on her face.

"Here we are." I said while pulling up next to the bridge. We stepped out of the car and took a look at the bridge. It was about a mile long, and was filled with nothing but art. I watched as she walked up slowly, really focusing on the detailing.

On one part of the bridge was different black inspirations. You had Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Ruby Bridges, Harriet Tubman, you name it they was there.

"You know who all these people are?" I asked her as I watched her look at the different faces.

"Of course. They're some of our black heroes. My mom has always told me about them ever since I was little. She's really big on embracing your black history." She explained. I smiled at her interest to learn where we've come from.

"I love black history. Being able to learn about who stood up for us, and who's helped give us the freedom we have now." I added on.

"Who's these people?" She asked pointing at a group of young black boys.

"Those are some young men this city has lost due to gang violence. All eighteen and younger. Some people came out here and gave them their own spot on the bridge, to help remember what these streets can do to you." I explained. "This is Michael J." I said pointing to the painting of the boy on his knees praying. "His family was really big on Christianity. Almost lived in the church. One day, he was playing basketball with his little sister when a group of wannabe thugs came up, shot him right in his stomach; leaving the little girl there to watch everything. Nobody knows why they did it, or who did it. All we know, is he's innocent." I explained the story. I watched as she rubbed her hand across the painting.

"That's horrible." She practically whispered. You could hear the sincerity in her voice.

"Come on." I said grabbing her by the hand and walking her down a little bit.

"This is the cities rappers." I said pointing up at the painting.

"Hey. That's you and Mikey." She said pointing over to our faces. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Yea. The city is really big on pushing everyone to do better. This is a part of the bridge that helps us represent the nigga's trying to make it." I told her.
"There's so many of y'all." She said looking at all the faces closely.

"Wait, that looks like one of the boys you just showed me." She said pointing up at Ray's face.

"Yeah, Ray was on his way to the top. He couldn't leave the streets alone, and they finally caught up to them." I said feeling my voice almost crack. Ray was one of my best friends.

"This is all so sad, all the murders that happen here. Everyone has the same dream, why are they killing people that just want to make it too?" She asked turning and looking up to me.

Her eyes met mine, and I instantly felt the pain she felt. She was so into the bridge and it's meanings, and I really liked that.

"That's the thing shorty. Everyone has the same dream, but that doesn't mean everyone will make it. Nigga start eliminating their competition." I explained.

"Caz?" She called my name while turning to face the bridge.
"Are you scared? That someone is going to try to get rid of you?" She asked turning back around to look at me.

Something about this question kind of stuck with me. "Nah." I slowly said. I knew I was lying. Deep down, I was scared. But that's not something you can show.

Camila's POV:

Everything Caz was telling me, was so interesting; but at the same time it broke my heart. Everyone has the same dream, but not the same future. You never know when things could change for you.

"Caz?" I called his name, watching him slightly tense up.
"Wassup?" His deep voice responded.
"Are you scared? That someone is going to try to get rid of you?" I questioned, wanting an honest answer that I knew I probably wouldn't get.

I watched as he went lost in his thoughts for a second. That's all I needed to know. Deep down, he is scared.. he wasn't going to show it, but he is.

"Nah." He lied. I could hear him trying to make it sound a little more believable.

I turned my head to the side a little bit and just took a look at him. He has this gangster ass look, but I know on the inside he's just a boy that wants to help everyone else.

"This bridge is amazing. I didn't think I'd be this amazed by it. I love how there's so many deep stories behind it." I said while walking down a little more. I came in front of this one section, it was full of beautiful buildings, that almost looked like the ones over on my side of town.

"This is the Northside. Even though these are two complete opposite sides of the city, it's still part of the city. They put this on here to show how two things can be so similar but yet so different. So close in relation, but yet share no type of connection." He explained to me.

In a way, I understood exactly what he meant. The two sides were complete opposite. One thing I have noticed, is money doesn't mean everything. On my side, we don't have the family connection that this side has. I've never seen a city so entwined with each other.

"Thank you for showing me this Caz, I honestly love this." I told him.

"This is my go away place when I don't feel like going to the studio. It helps remind me of who I am." He said while walking closer to me.
His body was super close to me, so close I could practically feel his body heat.

"Most girls don't find stuff like this interesting. They see stuff like this as being boring." He said while looking at the bridge.
"That's because they don't care to take time to find out where they're from. My mother used to always tell me, a girl who doesn't find interest in her history is a girl who could care less where her future goes." I responded.

He looked down at me, keeping eye contact. I loved his eyes. Something about his dark brown eyes that just drew me into him.

"We should get going, I have another place I want to show you." He said before turning away to walk to the car. The instant his body left my presence, I felt mine get cold. I didn't like that feeling. I wanted him back in front of me.

I followed him to the car and got in. I didn't forget to look back at the bridge one last time. It truly was a beautiful sight to see.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

"You'll see." He smiled and started driving. He hooked his phone up to the Bluetooth radio, and put on some beats for us to listen to.

The car ride was silent, besides the music. It was okay though, because it wasn't an awkward silence. It was peaceful. The music was playing in the background, and the sun was slowly setting. Honestly, perfect timing.

We drove up what seemed like a big ass hill. We parked to car and jumped out. I did the same. We walked for a little before coming to the top of the hill.

"Woah." I whispered taking a look at the view in front of me. It was the whole city in front of us. the sun was just perfect to where it helped light up the city a little more. It was just dark enough for the street lights to come on. You looked down and see cars racing around the streets, and people running around. If you looked close enough, you could see some boys playing basketball over on the court.

"Caz, this is.. amazing." I managed to get out. The sight was honestly breath taking. I watched as he sat down on the ground, not once taking his eyes off the view. I sat next to him.

"This is my home." He mumbled. A small smile appeared on my face.

"It's beautiful." I told him.

"I know. Many people don't get to see this part of it. They just see ran down streets." He explained. "Now enough about me and this city. Tell me about you shorty." He said while leaning back on his elbows.

"What do you want to know?" I questioned.
"Wassup with this complicated ass relationship you got?" The question that I knew was coming.

"Well. I'm not happy, and he's really controlling. He doesn't treat me with any respect." I revealed.
"Why do you put up with that?" He asked.

"It's not as easy as it seems; to just leave. He won't let me." I explained.

"Camila, it is. Just leave, if he tries to hurt you, you know you got people to handle it. Especially now." He said trying to indicate that him and the others would help.

"I know, but.. I don't know. Like I said it's complicated." i said, trying to find the right words.

"Just tell old due how you feel. You gotta let em know wassup." He replied.

"I've done that too."

"Do you love him?" He asked.

"Honestly, I thought I did. I thought I knew what love was." I answered.
He nodded his head a little bit.

"Listen, if you ever need anything I gotchu. And if the nigga ever puts his hands on you, know I got you for real. I'll bring my black ass over there on the rich side." He laughed trying to lighten up the mood.

"Thank you Caz." I smiled.

We sat in silence for a little bit, just taking in the fresh air and enjoying the city lights.

"I should get you back home." Caz said while standing up. I hadn't even looked at the time. I knew it was getting kind of late, considering the sun was gone.

I nodded my head.



Again, the car ride was mostly quiet; but I was fine with that.

We pulled up to my house and he turned the car off.

"Thank you Camila. I appreciate you rollin out with me." He smiled.
"No, thank you for giving me a little tour of the city. I really enjoyed being able to learn about what all goes on around there." I smiled back.

"Wanna link up again next weekend? Might try to get you in the studio." He asked.

"I'd really like that. Let me see what all I have planned and I'll let you know." I said before getting out the car and walking up to my front door. He waited for me to get in the house before he pulled off.

"How was your day honey? Oh, I really like your braids. Those are pretty." My dad said as I walked through the living room.

"My dad was pretty good, and thank you. My friend did them." I responded before walking up the stairs and into my room.

I decided I was going to take a quick hot shower, and get ready for bed.

I have something to handle tomorrow.


Hello my loves! Did you enjoy the chapter?

I decided I wanted to switch things up and allow you to see more from Caz's point of view. I wanted you guys to get a little inside scoop on how he thinks.

Thank you for reading, I really appreciate the support.


My next goal is 100 views ♥️

Happy black history month. 😉


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