Forcefully Mated to Him

By poptartwarrior

2.3M 54.6K 15.5K

"Please," I begged pulling on the man's arm that was wrapped around my torso, pressing me to him. I wanted no... More

Disclaimer/ Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 22

52.9K 1.4K 296
By poptartwarrior


November fifteenth.

"Son, don't do this. You'll regret this when you're older." He cowered in the corner in fear but I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. No fear. No pain. No regret. Nothing.

"I'm not your son. You've never treated me like your child and I won't treat you like my father. You're a piece of shit and you deserve to die." I grip the large kitchen knife in my hand tightly.

"You're a fool boy. Only a silver knife can kill a wolf, you and I both know that." Andre attempts to lift himself up from the floor but fails due to the injury on his leg.

I roll my eyes at him. "Of course it won't kill you. It'll just hurt like a bitch and keep you pinned until I finish ripping your throat out." And with that last word I strike and stab my so called father in the leg. It slices all the way through and even punctures the hardwood floor beneath him. He screams out in agony while clenching his fist and punching the floor in anger.

All I could do was breathe a sigh of relief. It'll finally be over. No more abuse. No more pain. I could feel my body shake and tremble as my bones begin to crack and morph into my pitch black wolf. I shake out my fur and watch as Andre's eyes widen in fear.

"Impossible!" He yells out. "You're only fifteen. You're not supposed to turn until February of next year."

I growl lowly at him. I turned weeks ago. I guess all the anger that had built up over the years and all the time I spent working out to get revenge one day led to this. A premature shift. Although I don't feel premature at all. I feel powerful.

"Son, please. I'm sorry." He begs but it only makes me more furious and with one last viscous growl I leap for his neck and tear it to shreds. I leave him to bleed out, decapitated on the floor.

There was a loud bang on the door which took me by surprise. Who could be interrupting this? No one cared for my father. No one except my mother who had just committed suicide twenty minutes ago in the bathroom.

The door busts open and a fire ignites. I take a fearful step back as a large man walks unscathed through the hot flames. No. No. It can't be him. I just got back from murdering him. How can this be?

"Did you miss me pup?" Jargen says with a viscous smirk on his face and lust in his eyes. Now I was the one who was cowering away. This can't be. No. No. How?

"No!" I want to yell at him but I couldn't considering I was in my wolf form.

"Ajax..." He says evilly as he approaches me.


"Ajax." I jump up immediately taking a large breath of air in. I grab my chest quickly feeling as though I can't get enough air into my lungs fast enough. It was just a nightmare.

"Hey, are you okay?" Octavia's soft small hand lands on my shoulder and rubs it soothingly sending a current of shocks up and down my arm. I turn to look at my beautiful mate who was once all the way on the other side of the bed fast asleep.

"Did I wake you?" She had a look of concern on her face but I didn't want her to worry about me. If anything I felt guilty for waking her up. Even fresh out of slumber she looked amazing. Her hair fell wildly around her shoulders and her eyes were soft and her cheeks were a baby pink.

"Ajax, talk to me. Are you alright?" Her small hand moves across my back and begins to rub my tense muscles.

"It was just a bad dream, no big deal." I try to act as calm as possible. I look past her at the clock on the night stand. It read 3:27am.

"More like a nightmare. You were screaming and your back is extremely tense." She sighs and rubs her tired eyes.

"It's nothing. I promise." I look her straight in those forest green eyes to prove that I wasn't lying. It was just a bad dream. He's dead. I know it for sure. "Go back to sleep ducky."

Her eyes search mine for a moment before she nods her head. She places a small kiss on my shoulder before moving back to the left side of the bed. My side of the bed. Usually I would be upset, but in this very moment I'd give up anything for her.

Once she was comfortable and lying still I get up and head over to the bathroom. This feeling was strange. It's like I couldn't be angry with her anymore. And if I was it would diminish quickly. I've never felt like this before. Ever. I would die for that girl. For my mate.

I grab the glass that sat on the counter and filled it up with water and chugged the whole thing in under three seconds. I glance at myself in the mirror. There were dark circles underneath my eyes and my heart felt heavy in my chest. It was just a stupid dream, pull yourself together.

I make my way back into the bedroom and slip back into bed. I was suddenly very grateful to Octavia for spending the night here with me. Even though I didn't give her much of a choice, she didn't put up much of a fight.

I lay on my side and pull the duvet over myself. I watch the rise and fall of her back carefully until I eventually fall back asleep.

There was a light knock at the door but it was loud enough to pull me from my sleep. It's not like I was sleeping that great anyway. I look over to find Octavia sleeping peacefully. My eyes train themselves on the clock, 6:47am.

I groan quietly as I slip out of bed, careful not to wake Octavia. I tip toe my way to the door and open it slightly and peek my head through. Sam is dressed in a suit looking down at his watch.

"Meetings at seven." He says looking up at me. I mutter a few curse words before telling him I'll meet him at the pack house. He nods his head and disappears down the hall. My guards nod their heads at me as a sign of respect and I whisper a small good morning before closing the door.

I take shower wanting scrub away the horrors of that nightmare. I was constantly reminding myself that it wasn't real. That they're both dead. Both of them. Gone.

I dress myself in a suit and tie along with a jacket. There were many clouds in the sky and looked like it might rain. I pull my shoes on and strap my watch to my wrist. I glance at myself in the mirror, double checking that my hair was still in place. I'll never understand why Alexander insisted we dress so formally. Especially since we aren't even leaving the pack territory.

I walk back out into my bedroom and make my way over to Octavia who was still sleeping. I allow my hand to brush over her cheek lightly. Her skin is soft and warm, it took everything in me to not jump back into bed and lay with her all day.

I can't believe I'm actually being this soft. Never in a million years would I have thought me capable of these kind of emotions. I never even considered marking a she-wolf. But of course like the bastard I am I did out of revenge and she ended up being an amazing girl.

I place a small kiss on her temple before exiting my home. The air was crisp and cool, exposing the warm breath that escaped my lips. I stuff my hands into the pockets of my jacket as I scan my surroundings. I could feel myself become slightly angry as the memory of over twenty deer chasing my best friend and mate replays in my mind.

Once I reach the pack house I head straight towards the basement instead of the conference room. Alexander was apparently in the mood to play pool.

"Where's Octavia?" Christina asks a look of concern lacing her tone and gracing her face. I barely had a chance to even take my coat off.

"She's home, resting. I didn't want to bombard her with all this especially after what happened with Siren."

She nods her head in understanding before taking a seat on the couch near Cipher. Alexander and Weston were already consumed in a game of pool, while Sam simply watched.

"So why are we all here?" Cipher asks shifting in her seat, a look of annoyance was painted clearly on her face. I roll my eyes at her. She hated these things, which is why she is never invited. Her input is mainly negative or irrelevant.

"To discuss the situation at hand along with the disappearance of Siren Laurel." Alexander speaks loudly and clearly before shooting the 8 ball into the left upper pocket of the pool table.

"So you got her file from SnowMoon?" I ask intrigued. We barely knew anything about that girl and I didn't dare ask Octavia because I know how over protective and blinded she is about her best friend.

"It was difficult considering what you've taken from them but yes." He sighs and turns to pick up a vanilla colored folder. He extends it to me and I don't hesitate to grab it.

"She disappeared about two weeks after you took Octavia. Her family doesn't think she was kidnapped because there were belongings missing from her room. Such as clothing items and toiletries." Alexander says as I flip through her short file.

She was clearly rebellious but she never got into serious trouble. She had one older brother and both of her parents are alive. There are absolutely no signs or any reasons for her to run away.

"The older sibling says that she was sneaking around a lot in the previous days before her disappearance. They had no idea whom she left with and they searched for her everywhere for about a month and half. They figured the loss of her best friend was too much." Alexander continues and I could feel my eyebrows furrow. That doesn't make sense. There's no way she would run away from a perfectly good home just because her best friend is gone.

I close the file in my hand and pass it on to Samuel. I rake my fingers through my hair and begin to pace the length of the room.

"It's just strange that she immediately disappears after a herd of deer try to trample Octavia and I. I mean we were just looking for a herbal plant and boom before you know it were almost pancakes." Sam shakes his head disapprovingly before tossing the file onto the coffee table.

I stop in my tracks completely. What? Herbal plant?

"Wait, you're telling me she purposely sent you guys outside?" I could feel my heart rate rise. I take in a deep breathe and try to not let my anger get the best of me.

"I really don't like the direction this is going in." Cipher says and leans forward in her seat, placing her head in her hands.

"Well yeah, she was feeling ill and Octavia offered to make tea and Siren specifically asked for a herb she saw outside..."

"I want that girl back here and I want her head on a platter." I growl out as I begin to pace again. My mind was spinning and twirling in a million different ways.

"It could just be a coincidence." Weston says as he sets up another game of pool. I give him a dirty look before going back to my thoughts.

Who runs away from a perfectly good family just because you lost a friend? She didn't even tell them where she was going... She wanted it to be a secret. Why? She wouldn't betray Octavia, right? She just wouldn't. At least I hope she wouldn't.

"Maybe she's working with Jalex." Sam shrugs. He said what we were all thinking. But there was one hole in that theory.

"She's not mated to anyone. She had no mark. Why would she willingly follow Jalex and betray her best friend?" I ask and lean up against the wall. I was beginning to tire myself out with all this thinking and pacing. I was starting to feel stressed.

Octavia didn't deserve any of this. It's all my fault. I did this.

We all sat in silence for a moment, deep in thought. I should have killed that bastard when I had the chance. None of this would be happening. But then I would've had innocent blood on my hands. I was so young, I could've never crossed that line.

"This is going to devastate Octavia." Cipher whispers just loud enough for us to hear. I could feel my heart tighten in my chest for a moment. It was strange. I realized that I never wanted to see Octavia hurt and sad again.

"I'm going to murder that girl for doing this to her."

"Relax, we don't know if this is true. Siren could be innocent."

"Sure, she's as innocent as Jalex." Sam scoffs as he takes a seat on the recliner.

"So what do we do now?" Weston asks looking around the room for an answer. His eyes finally land on me and I couldn't help but sigh heavily.

"We act normal. No one say anything to Octavia until we have concrete evidence. We'll send out a search party for Siren and check the nearby woods. If we don't find her... then tough luck. Our main concern is the safety of our pack and Luna." My tone was cold and final. I couldn't care less if we did or didn't find Siren. As long as she can't hurt Octavia anymore then I don't care.

"Sam, please keep a close eye on the border. I don't want anymore slip ups." He nods his head at me.

No one in the room dares to disagree with anything I say. There was a simple silent agreement and the nodding of heads before we all disperse.

I take a seat on the couch where Cipher and Christina sat. I run my fingers through my hair multiple times and even tug on it in frustration. Eventually I'll have to tell her. She'll wonder what happened and why we won't keep searching. Her so called best friend is a back stabbing bitch.

I stand up and slip into my jacket. Once I make it upstairs I notice it's pouring rain outside. It's like the sky was angry. I step outside and pull the collar of my jacket up, a feeble attempt at keeping me dry.

And even though the rain was heavy I didn't bother to walk quickly or even run. I instead decided to head over to the garden. It's like something in the back of my mind told me that I had to go there. I guess it can't hurt to stop and smell the roses before coming up with a plan to tear Jalex to shreds.

There was a small figure in the distance but I couldn't really make out who it was. The rain not only made it hard to see but also hard to pick up their scent.

I make my way over to them slowly and quite literally stop to smell the flowers. I didn't exactly know what type of flower it was but I know they're definitely not roses. They were a dull and pale color, it oddly matched the sky perfectly.

I continue to make my way over to the small figure. It soon become clear that it was a girl. Her brown hair was drenched from the rain and she wasn't wearing a jacket. The hint of coconut that drifted through the moist air is what made me pick up my speed until I was practically jogging my way over to her.

"Octavia," I place my hand on her shoulder and step in front her. Her shoulders shook and I could hear a small sniffle. Her forest green eyes were surrounded by red and the tip of her nose matched. "Why are you crying?"

What the hell is she doing out here all alone? She could've been taken or attacked. What was she thinking?

"I just can't believe she's gone. I was finally starting to come to terms with what happened and all of sudden she's here and she's back to being my best friend. I got my hopes up."

My jaw clenches in anger. This is about Siren's disappearance. She probably knew what leaving would to do Octavia and simply didn't even care. Some best friend she is.

"I thought that it was a sign." She says as she begins to shiver violently. I pull her closer to me wrapping my arm around her. She lays her head on my soaking wet chest. I need to get her back home.

"A sign of what?" I ask curiously.

"That a might see my family again." She can barely get the words out before she begins to sob in my arms. She hides her face further into my chest and I could feel my heart sink into the pit of my stomach.

I swallow the lump of guilt that formed in my throat. This is really my fault. I sigh heavily and press my lips to the top of her head. I know what I must do, but I don't want too. She's mine.

"Come on, let's go home." I pick her up gently and she immediately wraps her arms and legs around me like a small child.

Why must I be so selfish?

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