You Were There For Me Why?

By HolloweenQueen

18 4 0

Hollow Heart is a new student from Spain and Speaks English and is a Youtuber her channel is HollowHeartsNeve... More

New Girl
It's No one
Let's be Friends!
Don't make me hurt them
We are Runners

Why are You here?!

3 1 0
By HolloweenQueen

Hollows P.O.V

We got through all of his homework and were now watching Once apon a time on Netflix. "How could Emma do that to her own Damn baby?!" Nogla complained. "She was only 18 when she had him." I replied handing him the popcorn. "Got to go mommy's here!" He said walking out the door.

"Wait Nogla let me give you my number so you can call me or text me whenever here." I said taking his phone and typing in my number. "Bye" he said as I heard the door shut. I heard a knock down stairs. "Who could be here?" I asked myself. I walked up to the door and opened it. I saw my father I slammed the door and locked it.

"Mom dad's here!" I screamed as she darted up and got her phone. "My husband is here help please I live on Denmark Rose Cross the house is 360 hurry!" She screamed running towards me and held me tightly. "Mom run he won't hurt me you know he won't go please!" I said as she cried and ran out the back door with her purse I saw her climb over the fence. I opened the door to find him still standing there.

My blood chilled at his presence. "How are you Hollow my dear?" He asked calmly. "Why are you here?!" I demanded. "To see my beautiful daughter!" He said happily. "Just please don't hurt anyone." I pleaded. My phone went off my dad looked at it. "Who is that?" He asked and I started to cry.

"I don't know." I told him sobbing. "Well answer it don't be rude." I did as he said and answered it. "H-Hello" I choked up. "Hey it's me Delerious!" He said happily I shook my head crying still. "Tell him you want him to visit" he told me as I shook my head and he smacked me up side the head. It touched it and it started to bleed.

"I won't do it!" I screamed. "Hollow are you okay!?" Delerious screamed through the phone. I picked up the phone and he made me talk. "Can you come over please Johnathan?" I asked. I as heard a yes. And I hung up "he is coming over don't hurt him please." I told him as he laughed. "Why would I hurt him i just want to meet your friends." He told me as I shook my head.

"Don't kill him daddy please." I pleaded. "Only if you call all your friends and tell them to come over then I won't kill anyone. Deal?" He asked as I nodded "Deal." I said pulling back out my phone. I texted Nogla.
Hollow:Hey can you come over my father wants to meet all my friends.
Nogla:Sure lassy
Hollow:can you text Evan and Craig to come over too I don't have their number.
Nogla:yeah anything for you!
Nogla:No problem

I sat there quietly as he stared at me. Where are the damn cops I thought to myself. "The cops aren't coming if that's what you're thinking I disconnected theirs towers." He said as I cried still. I wiped them away and ran up to the bathroom to make myself look presentable.

I still had a cut and a bruise but I covered the bruise up foundation. And I put a bandaid over the cut. I walked back down stairs and sat next to my dad. I heard a knock and my dad got up to answer it. "Hello Hello welcome come in Hollow is on the couch take a seat!" He exclaimed as I sighed I saw Delerious, Nogla,Evan, and Craig.

They all sat around me. "So boys what are your names." He asked as I swallowed a lump. "I'm David" "I'm Craig" "I'm Evan"  "And I'm John" they all said happily Evan pushed up his glasses. "So what classes do you boys have my daughter in?" He asked as their faces were red a little. I smiled at this seeing my dad might actually like them. "I have Science with her" Craig said cheerfully.

"I have social studies with her." Evan said putting his glasses in a case. "I have Math with her she taught me stuff as like a tutor and she is really nice!" David said adding on stuff. I felt my cheeks burn. "I have uh Health with her." Del said lying but my dad could never tell if anyone was lying or not so he believed him.

"Do any of you have a relationship with her?" He asked as the air tense I looked around to see 4 red faced boys. I saw head rubbing and face palming. "N-No we just met today but we all are really good friends" Evan said burying His face in his jacket. "I see well what do you all wish to do?" He asked as they all smiled I didn't.

"A game maybe?" Craig suggested. "Yes that would be fun wouldn't it Hollow?" He asked me with a terrible smile. "Ye-yes father that would be quite enjoyable." I replied as a hand was layed on my back. I saw a conceded hockey mask. "Are you okay you're acting a little weird?" He asked as I shook my head. "No but it's hotter than hell in here I'll give you that."

I said with a fake laugh and he bought it. "So what game we playing Mr. Heart?" Nogla asked in his Irish tone and my dad gave him a strange look. "Tell me David What nationality are you?" He asked Nogla and he crossed his eyes. "Oh yeah I'm Irish of some sort me mum was a Irish and me dad was American so I'm a little both" he said happily.

"How about Truth or Dare?!" Evan suggested. I nodded and my dad smiled "Sure let's play truth or dare there is a pool table in the basement let's go" he said with the 4 boys following How did he know we have a pool table? I thought to myself.

I shrugged it off Everyone was down but me "Come on Hollow let's go" Craig said waving I sighed knowing my father he was up to something. Is walked down there and all the boys were down there but one my dad I turned around and saw a smiling devil and a slammed door.

"NO YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T DADDY PLEASE!!"  I screamed pounding on the door there was no use it was stainless steel. I saw the boys next to me trying to comfort me I wiped off the foundation and saw it on my hand. "What happened?" Craig asked touching my face. "I fell down the stairs." I told them and I lied.

"But there is a wide scratch" Nogla added. "It gave me a cut" I lied again. "And tell me that the stairs left a large hand print on your face?" Evan asked picking me up bridal style and put me down in a chair. "No....." I trailed off. "Did your dad do this to you?" Nogla asked horrified. I nodded and tears spilled down my face.

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