It's No one

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Hollows P.O.V

"We were wondering if we could eat with you" Evan said with a dash of blush. "I Mean yeah I have no friends so it's fine" I said eating my strawberry. "So Evan tells me you are the HollowHeartsNeverBreak is it true?" Craig asked as I smiled. "Yeah and I know it's true you both are YouTubers as well Craig is Minilad and Evan is Vannossgaming." I replied as Craig looked shocked.

"She is smart" Craig said to Evan. "I know this already numb nuts." He told Craig as a little giggle came out of me and they noticed. "Who you calling numb nuts dumb ass" he came back. Evan heard me laugh again they were acting like themselves. "I'm glad you guys are acting like yourselves" I told them as their faces lit up.

"Usually girls that see us act this way say we are immature." Evan said shocked. "Well I act just like you guys" I said as I heard a gasp. "Oh my God look at that Ass" I heard a voice behind me I looked to see a boy staring at my Ass. "Excuse me?" I got angry. "I'm sorry I Mean look at that fine Ass" he said as I punched him in his face and he fell to the ground.

I sat back down. The boys were astonished at my capability. "That was Tyler he is kind of a perv and he won't stop so get used to it." A boy said behind me I saw a tall boy with brown eyes and brown hair. He sat next to me. "Like master Roshi?" I asked as he became shocked. "You watch DBZ?!" He freaked out. "Yeah all the time" I replied. "I'm Louie!" He greeted and he spoke in his childish voice.

"Your a Youtuber like Evan and Craig." I told him as he glared at my satchel. "What's in that?" He asked as I handed it to him. "Find out." I said as he dug through it he found my markers, necklace, and my notebook. "Can I see what's in this?" He asked anxiously. "Yeah" I said taking a bite of lettuce. He flipped through the pages slowly taking in the detail. "This is awesome." He said in awe.

"Thanks." I told him as he stopped on one. "Who is this?" He asked as he handed me the notebook. I saw a picture of me hanging myself with knifes in my arms. "Its No one" I said giving it back. "It looks like you........." He said as Evan and Craig went over to him and saw the picture. Then sat back down and were silent.

Louie shut the notebook and put every thing back. He gave it back to me "Thanks" I said as I put it on. "So was it you?" Louie asked playing with his hair. "Yes" I told him not smiling anymore. "But why was it you?" He asked as I sighed. "It's just a thought I had of a sketch." I lied to him. He grabbed a hold of my arm and lifted up my jacket sleeve to reveal deep stab wounds.

He looked at my neck careful not to touch me. He let go of me. "Yeah that looks like just a thought." He mumbled. I  pulled back down my sleeves.  "Why did you do it." He asked sadly. "I didn't want to hurt anymore I didn't want anything to hurt anymore I just want to die."

I told him walking out and I stepped on Tyler's arm. I walked in the hallway crying I heard boys laughter. I saw a boy with blonde hair he was wearing a jersey and the other boy was a brunette. "Well look it the new girl" the blonde said as I kept walking. "Hey when I talk to you you answer." He said again as I kept walking still then I fell to the ground. I hit my head and passed out. "Oh shit what did you do is she dead?!" A voice screamed.

"I didn't do anything just help me." I felt my body being picked up. I woke up and punched him in the face and Got on my feet. I kicked the other one and they both fell to the ground. I walked into the bathroom and started crying. "Hello?" A girl voice asked. "I'm not here to make fun of you I'm here to help."

The femine voice rang. She saw me her blonde hair and brown eyes were beautiful. "Hey don't cry" she said sitting next to me. "It's Okay I know what happened Louie told me I'm Mae" she said seriously. "I'm Hollow" I told her as she patted my back. "It's Okay" she said trying to calm me down and it worked.

"Mae,Hollow?!" I heard a boy scream. I saw Louie's head appear. Mae jumped and sighed I sniffled. "Louie your not supposed to be in here this is a girls restroom." Mae said as I walked away from her and tried to walk out but Louie got a hold of my arm. "What are you doing Louis?!" Mae asked freaked out. "I'm showing you what she did" he said pulling up my sleeve to reveal the other deep stab wounds again.

"Hollow how could you?........." Mae asked sadly. I got out of Louies grip and ran down the hallway. I ran into someone and it knocked me on my bum. "Hey watch it.....oh sorry you okay?" He asked in a Irish tone. "*sniff* Yeah I-Im fine" I asked shivering. He pulled me up on my feet. "Hey now lassy don't be crying it's okay did I hurt you?" He asked kindly. "No it's just people in sorry I ran into you"

I said as he pulled me into a hug. "It's Okay people it happens when People  run without looking" he said while letting go of me. "I'm David!" He exclaimed. "Yeah your Daithi De Nogla." I told him as a smile came across his face. "How did you know?" He asked curiously. "Your voice"

I answered as he nodded. "What class do you have next? I have math" he said as I pulled out my schedule and it was Math too. "Math" I told him and he mouthed yes. "I can take you instead of Molly she is a creep." He said making me think of her. "Yeah let's go." I said walking with him.

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