New Girl

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Hollows P.O.V

I sat down in the bus and every One was silent and everyone stared at me. I sat down in a empty seat and put on Crash and Burn by G-Eazy and Kehlani. A tap on my shoulder alerted me and I turned to see a brunet.She obviously wore way to much makeup and She had a smirk on her face. "Who are you?" She snapped. "Hollow Heart and who the hell do you think you are?" I snapped back. I took out my head phones and put it in my J string.

"Who am I?! Who am I?!" She pouted. "I don't know who you are, are you a movie star were you in a coma or something." I said with aditude. "I don't like you new girl!" She said as people gasped. "I'm not a fucking Facebook post you don't have to like me bitch" I said sitting back down. I  could feel the air tense and she threw a punch I caught her fist and stood up.

I punched her in her face making her stumble back and her nose bleed. I sat back down as I heard cheers. I sighed and Black Hole Sun came on by Soundgarden and I smiled. The school was large and was full of students. "Hey Hollow is it oh well were here" I tall boy said with two of his friends behind him. "Oh yeah thanks." I said getting up I slipped and I was caught by a boy with dirty blonde hair. "Woah be careful there" he said lifting me back up on my combat boots. "Thanks" I said and walked off.

I walked up to what looked like a teacher. "Excuse me which way is the office I'm new here" I said as he sighed and was leading me to what looked like a whole nother classroom. I saw a large desk with two people sitting there. "Umm hello I'm new here my name is Hollow Heart I need a schedule." I said as she sighed as well it seems like everyone here is depressed or stuck up.

The old lady handed me a piece of paper  I said thank you and left. A girl came up to me and she had a name tag it said Molly "hi I'm Molly I'm here to take you to your class." She said looking at my schedule. "Just follow me." She said with a cheesy smile. She is stuck up obviously I thought to myself.

I was in Science first. "Here you go!" She said walking off I sighed and walked in The teacher looked at me and she smiled. "Ahh and here is our new student how about you take a seat next to hmm Craig over there." She said and pointed to a boy with dirty blonde hair he looked at me with blue eyes.

I walked over to him and sat down and she kept talking I put in my head phones and listened to Leviathan by G-Eazy and Sam Martin. I was sketching in my notebook and Craig looked over my shoulder and smiled. "That's good" he remarked. It was a girl lying dead in the floor and a apple in the floor filled with razor blades and she looked zombified. "Thanks." I replied.

"Excuse me miss Heart would you like to share with the class what you are drawing?" She asked and I smiled. "Yeah sure." I said getting up and showed the class what I drew the teacher saw and was horrified. I heard cool and other things but most things I did hear was muffled by my music.  I sat back down and continued to sketch. I colored it in and made it look like that prick from the bus.

"That looks like Amy" Craig said as I smiled. "Yeah that bitch deserved what she got." I told him as he laughed. "She did someone needed to do it" he said with a smile. I was staring and he looked at me and I snapped out of it and put my hair behind me ear. A bell rang and everyone left and Molly came running up to me.

"Next class is social studies then lunch." She said leading me to the door. And I walked in as she walked off i saw the teacher he was tall and muscular it was weird. I caught his eye and he rushed over to me and gripped onto my shoulders.

"This is miss Hollow Heart students I hope you treat her with as much respect as I will or more." He said leading me to a seat next to the other boy on the bus he was wearing a Red jacket and he had glasses and dark black hair. "Hi I'm Evan" he said greetingly. "Hollow" I said joking out my hand as he gladly shook it.

"I like your channel you Draw and they are really cool and I like it when you do parcore in Gmod." He said smiling. "Thanks I like yours too" I said as he froze. "I don't have a channel" he lied. "Yes you do it's Vannossgaming" I said quietly. "How would you know?" He asked suspiciously. "I recognize your voice plus you might of just given yourself up."

I said pulling out my note book and drew a Ariel she had no eyes she had a smile plastered on her face there was ooze coming through her sockets. In her chest there was a knife plunged into her it was slowly bleeding. "That's awesome!" Evan exclaimed. "Thanks" I said as the teacher cleared his throat and looked at me disappointed but I didn't care.

The second bell Rang and No Molly in sight that's because it's lunch. I brought my satchel it had my notebook and markers in it. I sat down at a empty table and pulled out my fruit salad it contained of lettuce, strawberry, apples and lemon juice.

I started to eat and people sat down I looked up to see Evan and Craig. "Oh hey what's up?" I asked as no one answered. I looked back up to see them staring at me. "Uh guys are you okay?" I asked as they snapped out of it. "Yeah were good." Craig replied.

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