I Never Lied When I Said I Lo...

By VikiiC

27.8K 350 41

"So every touch, every word, every kiss was all lies?" He asked. She looked up at him. "No Harry. I love you... More

Chapter 1: Changes & Saving a princess
Chapter 2: Meeting the prince
Chapter 3 : Talking
Chapter 4: Good Luck Kiss?
Chapter 5: Paddling & Story's
Chapter 6: Remembering Last Night.
Chapter 7: Flashbacks and goodbyes
Chapter 8: A Royal Surprise

Chapter 9: Dinner With the In-law

2K 49 12
By VikiiC



The bass was pounding out of the speakers and bodies were so tightly pressed together that Nikki could hardly move through the crowd. After shoving her way across the room she made it out onto the balcony. The gentle wind felt good on her skin, the dark night surrounding her. David's team had won their Football match and this was the celebratory party. She looked out towards the lake that lay before the house. It was Jace's house, well his parents. Jace was like the older brother Nikki had never had, kind, funny and always looking out for her.

"You okay?" The voice Nikki loved to here the most asked. David wrapped her arms around Nikki's waist and rested his head on Nikki's.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?" She asked turning round to face him.

"I'm fine, now that I'm with you." He said, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Nikki?" A voice asked from the darkness, Nikki froze. That voice, it couldn't be? Nikki looked around David to see the owner of the voice. Conor's eyes stared back at her. They moved to David who was standing protectivly in front of Nikki. Conor's eyes turned to glare at David.

"Who are you?" Conor said through clenched teeth.

"I'm Nikki's boyfriend." David said. Nikki stepped in front of David before the two of them started a fight.

"Conor what are you doing here?" She asked. Conor couldn't be here,not here, not at this party. Why did he always have to do that. Didn't he understand the concept of Nikki's not liking surprises? He turned his icy glare from David back to Nikki.

"I was over with my dad for a business trip, your mum also asked me to check up on you. I'm sure she'll be glad to here about that." He spat, indicating to David. Nikki felt betrayed, Conor had been talking to her mum. She had made it clear that she didn't want anything more to do with her mum, she could look after herself just fine. After everything she did to Nikki, to her dad! How could Conor do that, she told him everything about her mum and he still went and talked to her! How could he?

"I don't need you as my watch dog." She glared at Conor. "Get lost." She turned around and started heading back towards David who had stood quietly watching the whole encounter. Nikki felt a strong hand wrap tightly around her wrist, she was tugged back towards Conor. Then, in the blur of the moment, Nikki was back behind David and they were chest to chest. David was stronger and taller that Conor and even though she wanted Conor to pay for betraying her and talking to her mum, she had seen David in fights, and she didn't hate Conor that much to unleash David on his. She grabbed David's arm and gave it a pull.

"David, baby, he's not worth it. Come on." She said her voice soft and pleading. The two of them were still chest to chest and her words didn't even seem to affect David. She gave him a tug. "David," She said her tone changing, sounding as if she was giving a child its last warning. "Just leave it." This time David took a step back and wrapped his arm around Nikki's waist. Nikki could feel him shaking, she gave Conor a looked to kill. How dare he come and upset her and David. He was meant to be her friend. How could she have ever liked Conor?

"We need to talk." Conor stated looking at Nikki.

"Well actually, you need to leave. You have already nearly had your ass kicked by David, and really I feel like you need a good kick in." Jace walked out the balcony door to join the three. Conor gave Nikki one last pleading look.

"Please Nikki, I miss you. Come home." Conor let the words settle in, knowing the effect it would have on Nikki. Conor got quite a different response than what he expected, he expected her to come straight into his arms and he would take her home. Instead, Nikki punched him square in the jaw knocking him to the ground. David and Jace stared at her with open mouths.

"What? He deserved it." She said  innocently. "Leave before I ask Jace to escourt you out." She said. With that the three headed back inside the building to continue to party. Leaving Conor on the stone cold ground.


"Harry, I would like you to meet my dad." Victoria said. They were standing in a beautiful lake house, it reminded Nicole of something out of the fancy magazines Hannah's mum had spread across her house. It's beautiful interior, with gleaming marbled floors and pristine white walls. Wide open windows that gave a beautiful view of the lake and large ceilings that illuminated the beautiful paintings on the wall.

"It is very nice to meet you Mr Dunnly." Harry said stepping forward to shake Victoria's fathers hand. Nicole had first been horrified at the idea. Her Unit Chief her new dad? Seriously? Victoria's father, the man who owns 'Dunnly Designs' was her boss. Better yet, he was Victoria's only parent, her mother died when she was 14. Nicole hoped this might get Harry to open up more to her and let her get the information she needed.

"Yes, It's nice to meet you to Harry. My daughter seems very fond of you." Mr Dunnly said, looking directly at Victoria. Victoria automatically looked down letting the blush format on her cheeks. Harry gave her hand a tight squeeze.

Awkward as it was Nicole sat through a two hour long dinner with her unit chief and Harry. Harry making small talk and discussing with her 'father', that made Nicole cringe everyone she heard it, shooting and rugby. When dinner was finally finished she excused herself and Harry so they could go take a walk around the lake.

"Your Father is a lovely man." Said Harry, as they walked along the path. This is my chance, thought Nicole.

"My mother was far nicer, she would have loved you." Victoria said to Harry. Victoria sighed and looked out towards the lake.

"How old were you?" Harry asked.

"14. She died of a 10 year battle from cancer."

"I'm sorry." Nicole, stared at Harry in amazement. This guy had his mother, then one morning he wakes up to find her dead. He was chased and harassed by the media for years, and he felt sorry for her? Nicole's mother was still alive, much to her displeasure. Her father she had never known, her brother had tracked him down and met with him. He had phoned Nicole one day, out of the blue, and wanted to meet up with her. She said the same thing she said to her mother when she suggested the same, 'go to hell.' With that Nicole hung up and changed her number, not even giving it to her brother. If he needed her then he could email her. But Harry had lost his mother, one who care and loved him, let him have a bit of a normal child hood.

"What?" Nicole said before she could stop herself. Harry stopped look at her.

"I said I'm sorry about your mother. That must have been a horrible way for her to die." Nicole was again gobsmacked . Horrible? His mother was killed in a car crash. Ripped to bits by the cold, metal body that was meant to protect her. Was this guy for real? Maybe he was smoking pot again. Yeah, that's it, thought Nicole.

"Yeah, I guess it was." Said Victoria.

"What was your mother like?" asked Harry. Nicole froze. What was Mrs. Dunnly like? She hadn't been briefed on this. Harry noticed Victoria freeze and he pulled her to his chest.  

"Shhh," He whispered rocking her back and fourth. " It's okay, you don't have to talk about it." Nicole salvaged the silence and tried to think what Mrs. Dunnly would have been like. Maybe she would have been a beautiful, honest, appreciative woman who loved her daughter? The exact opposite of her mother. Harry broke away from Victoria to give her a gentle smile.

"Come on, let's get back to the house." He said grabbing her hand and walking with her back up to the lake house.



Exams are all over!! YAY!!

This chapter is dedicated to PeaceLovePrinceHarry because they are soooo awesome and motivated me to write this chapter! :)


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