The Lady Justice

By SLGrey2904

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*Sequel to The Lady Knight* As the heiress presumptive of Monrique's largest duchy and a Lady Justice in trai... More

Prologue : The Beginning Of An End
Chapter I : To Break, And Be Broken
Chapter II: I Feel, I Feel Not
Chapter III: To Welcome, And Be Welcomed
Chapter IV: I Accept, I Accept Not
Chapter V: To Meet, And Be Met
Chapter VI: I Convince, I Convince Not
Chapter VII: To Introduce, And Be Introduced
Chapter VIII: I Care, I Care Not
Chapter IX: To Coax, And Be Coaxed
Chapter X: I Save, I Save Not
Chapter XI: Strolls and Secrecies
Chapter XII: I Argue, I Argue Not
Chapter XIII: To Befriend, And Be Befriended
Chapter XIV: I Refuse, I Refuse Not
Chapter XV: To Fight, And Be Fought
Chapter XVI: I Remember, I Remember Not
Chapter XVII: To Thank, And Be Thanked
Chapter XVIII: I Threaten, I Threaten Not
Chapter XIX: Finding Our Way Home
Chapter XX: I Prepare, I Prepare Not
Chapter XXI: To Find, And Be Found
Chapter XXII: I Dance, I Dance Not
Chapter XXIV: To Feel, And Be Felt
Chapter XXV: I Rally, I Rally Not
Chapter XXVI: To Interrogate, and Be Interrogated
Chapter XXVII: The Beginning of the Middle
Chapter XXVII: I Reveal, I Reveal Not
Chapter XXVIII: To Invite, And Be Invited
Chapter XXIX: I Grieve, I Grieve Not
Chapter XXX: To Discover, And Be Discovered
Chapter XXXI: My Darling Duchess
Chapter XXXII: I Brace, I Brace Not
Chapter XXXIII: To Arrest, And Be Arrested
Chapter XXXIV: I Accede, I Accede Not
Chapter XXXV: To Force, And Be Forced
Chapter XXXVI: I Took Matters Into My Own Hands
Chapter XXXVII: I Blame, I Blame Not
Chapter XXXVIII: To Defend, And Be Defended
Chapter XXXIX: I Love, I Love Not
Chapter XL: To Suspect, And Be Suspected
Chapter XLI: Drifting
Chapter XLII: To Wheedle, And Be Wheedled
Chapter XLIII: I Propose, I Propose Not
Chapter XLIV: To Enjoy, And Be Enjoyed
Chapter XLV: I Present, I Present Not
Chapter XLVI: Of Pride and Prejudice
Chapter XLVII: I Risk, I Risk Not
Chapter XLVIII: To Accuse, And Be Accused
Chapter XLIX: The End of the Beginning
Chapter LI: To Visit, And Be Visited
Chapter LII: I Leave, I Leave Not
Chapter LIII: To Know, And Be Known
Epilogue: New Beginnings (1)
Epilogue: New Beginnings (2)
Bonus Chapter: Coming Home

Chapter L: We Win, We Win Not

4.9K 523 217
By SLGrey2904

Lady Therese De Beauharnais, Duchess of Roche

11 December, Year 32 of King Frederick V of Monrique's reign

Bordeux Castle, Bordeux


"Are we truly allowed to be out and about?" Kat asks Evie.

It is nearing dawn. The Castle is silent, and almost empty. There is no one about, except for the army officers who stand guard outside the various chambers.

Kat is currently slung across Evie's shoulders, as she is unable to walk on her own, and I am following them both. The poor woman winces every time Evie climbs a stair, or makes a turn, as she is jostled none too gently.

Evie shakes her head now. "Nay."

"How did you get the keys to the dungeons, then?" I want to know.

She does not answer me right away. We begin climbing the last flight of stairs that leads to Jules' chambers, and she holds onto Kat even tighter, as she summons together every last bit of energy and willpower she possesses to continue moving. She looks around every now and then, to check if anyone is following us.

When we reach the landing, I start again. "How – "

"I stole them," she replies calmly, "snuck into Captain Roger's quarters when he was at evening training earlier, and slipped away before anyone could notice."

Kat lets out a whistle. "Well done," she is impressed, "Ned is a good influence on you."

However, I have other concerns. "And the guards simply let you into the dungeons?" I raise an eyebrow, "and did not say anything when you released us?"

"Well, I lied to them that Jules commanded me to bring the both of you to her bedside," she sighs, "I stole her wedding ring to produce to them as proof." She holds up a small ring towards me with her free hand.

I take it from her. Even as I walk, I finger the small, gold-wrought lily embedded on a simple band.

Lilies, especially white lilies, are Jules' favourite.

"But I need not have," Evie continues in the meanwhile, her voice heavy, "they only had to take one look at my gown, and another look at my face, to be convinced."

She gestures to her gown, and I wince at once. Dark red splotches dot the cream of her gown.

"How is she doing?" Kat murmurs anxiously.

We reach Jules' chambers just then, and strangely, there are no guards stationed outside. It is so quiet. There are no footsteps, no whispers, not even the soft grunts expected of a woman trying to bear the agony during her labour.

It frightens me. I feel the bottom of my belly clench.

Evie does not answer, as she pushes the handle and enters. Almost at once, the air within shoots straight up my nose. It is heavy with the combined stench of sweat, blood, dirt and...

Utter hopelessness.

I hurry after Evie and Kat before I can lose sight of them. She strides down the empty receiving chambers, towards the bedchambers. That is when I realise - there is no door between the bedchambers and the receiving chambers. It existed once, I am certain of it. I myself opened and closed it many times on earlier occasions.

"Where is that door, my Lady?" I whisper.

"Nick kicked it down when Jules' Ladies-in-waiting and the midwives refused to let him enter," Evie answers quietly, "he has been by her side ever since."

We cross the threshold.

No one looks up as we enter. The flames in the fireplace have almost burned out. Most of the midwives and the Ladies-in-waiting are either standing around or kneeling down, praying in the earnest. Their countenances are filled with misery and fear, lined with exhaustion.

I turn my gaze to the bed.

I see Jules' petite body, her belly still round with child, lying upon it. Her legs are propped up, and the same red gown she wore to the Council meeting two days ago is hitched up to her knees. The bed is soaked with blood, and her own piss and shit.

Her eyes are closed, and her raspy, uneven breathing is the only sound that can be heard in the room. A few of her Captains are seated on the left of her bed, with their berets in their hands.

On her right, her father and her husband are seated. While Oncle Henri is openly and silently sobbing, Nick is holding her hand with one hand, and sponging her forehead with the other from a bowl of warm water on his lap.

His grey eyes are distant, and the tears tracks have long dried on his face.

Evie now sets Kat down on the ground, and wraps an arm around her waist to hold her up. Kat grips my hand at once, and the both of us desperately turn to Evie for an explanation.

"She is dying," Evie murmurs bleakly.

At the sound of her voice, Nick glances at us. His lifeless, red-rimmed eyes take in each of us, unsurprised and uncaring, and returns his attention to his wife.

"What is everyone waiting for?" Kat hissed.

"Her next contraction," her voice is low, "her pains are not strong enough to expel the baby. It has been two days, and she is exhausted."

"Where is the Queen?" I whisper.

"She runs between Jules' chambers and Prince Richard's every hour," she rolls her eyes, "she wants take care of the both of them. In my opinion, however, a living woman in labour needs more care than an unconscious man who is not likely to wake up for many days yet."

I sigh. I find myself shaking out of Kat's grip, and forcing my wooden legs to walk towards Nick.

Behind me, I hear Kat limping towards the other side of the bed. Her colleagues the Captains, too deeply submerged in their grief, fail to realise that she is an escaped convict, and make space for her to sit next to them.

In the meanwhile, I stop by to press a kiss to Oncle Henri's forehead, and allow him to enfold me in his arms for a few moments. When he releases me, I step towards Nick, and grip his shoulders.

He tenses, and looks up at me. I hold out my hand towards him.

His eyes, gleaming with tears he is too exhausted to shed anymore, hold mine with a deep intensity, as he hands me the sponge and the bowl of water. He moves aside for me to sit.

I sink down into the chair, setting the bowl of water on my lap.

A small crease appears between Jules' eyebrows at the sound, and she stirs. Her eyes do not open, but her dry, chapped lips try to form words.


I dip the sponge in water, and squeeze it. "Nay, Cousin, 'tis me," I dab her cheeks and her forehead, "I am sorry if I woke you."

"You did not. It is hard to sleep when it hurts so badly," her voice is raspy.

I feel Nick grow rigid next to me.

"I know, ma douce," I whisper to her, "and I wish to the Lord that I can make it go away."

Her hazelnut brown eyes shine with tears, as she nods. "They say that my baby is not positioned properly. That she is slowly suffocating in my womb with every passing moment," her voice breaks, "I have tried and tried to push, but I cannot."

"How do you control something that is not in your control?" she asks me painfully, "I want to save her, I want her to live, but – " She turns away to suppress the sobs escaping her lips.

My own vision blurs at the pain in her voice. I scoot forward, and lean my forehead against the side of her head in comfort. She releases Nick's hand, and reaches for mine, gripping it with what feeble strength she has left.

I gently slip her wedding ring back on her ring finger, and squeeze her hand.

She does not notice. "They say I am dying too," she mumbles thickly, "is that why you have been released? Have you come to watch me and my baby die like the rest of them here?"

"Dare not say that, poppet," Kat snaps fiercely just then.

Jules stills for a moment, as her eyes try to trace where the voice came from. "Kat," she breathes when she sees her, "when did you return from Amöneburg?"

Kat reaches for her other hand. "Recently."

"Thank you for coming," she sniffs, "I have missed you."

Before Kat can answer, we hear loud footsteps approaching. Soon enough, a thin, stern man enters the chamber, with a briefcase in hand. He bows deeply in front of all of us.

Nick barely conceals his irritation. "What do you want?"

"Your Royal Highnesses, Your Graces," he greets us, "I am Master Larrey, a Physician. I have been sent by the Crown Council to help Her Royal Highness deliver her child."

"We have sufficient midwives here for that, Master Larrey," Lady Brigitte, one of Jules' Ladies-in-waiting, speaks up for the first time since we came, "your services are not necessary."

Ignoring her, Master Larrey continues to set down his briefcase on the dressing table, and proceeds to open it up. He takes out a leather tool kit, lined with many sharp, metal-wrought instruments.

Almost at once, it becomes clear to everyone present what he intends to do.

"Nay," Nick's voice is cold, as he stands up, "you will not be using any of those on my wife."

Master Larrey walks towards Nick. "I am sorry, Your Royal Highness, but I have orders," he explains, handing a scroll over to him, "it has been two days since Her Royal Highness went into labour. The child will die if we do not act soon."

Nick snatches the scroll from him and begins to read through it.

Kat turns in her seat to face Master Larrey. "The Crown Princess Consort is certain to perish if you cut her stomach open," her eyes are blazing, "you know this better than I do, Master Larrey. No mother ever survives the knife."

Master Larrey crosses himself. "The Lord must help her."

Oncle Henri reads the scroll over Nick's shoulder, and freezes. "His Majesty authorised this?" he whispers in disbelief.

I bite my lip. I find it hard to believe as well. As much as he hates me, His Majesty has loved and helped to raise Jules like a daughter all these years, even before she married Nick. I refuse to believe, even for a moment, that he has willingly ordered this.

"Aye, Your Grace," Master Larrey answers, "the King did not want to sign them at first, but was reminded by his good Council of the duty he bears to our nation. All of them are in the church now, praying for the Crown Princess Consort and the child."

"Aye," Nick's voice is bitter soft, "I can imagine how upset they must be." His trembling hands crush the scroll.

"But he need not be, in my opinion. You can easily find another wife if the Crown Princess Consort dies, Your Royal Highness," he shrugs obnoxiously, "while, well...a royal heir is God's blessing. We must save the child, would you not agree?"

Nick looks like he would have murdered Master Larrey there and then with his own two hands. Oncle Henri is holding tightly onto him, preventing him from flying at the physician as he wants to do – as I want him to do.

In the meanwhile, Jules was looking back and forth between all the men, trying to follow their argument. She is becoming anxious, and her breathing quickens.

"Tess," her eyes grow flinty, "if that is the only way to save her, let him do it. Let him cut me open."

Even in such pain, she is trying so hard to be brave.

I shake my head at her firmly in denial. "'Tis not the only way," I smoothen a hand over her forehead, "but rather, the fastest way. What Master Larrey is trying to tell us all, in simple terms, is that the Council is tired of waiting, and would rather have you dead - than risk you giving birth to a stillborn, become barren and live." I glare at him.

The room has fallen deadly silent.

Master Larrey shrugs again. "I will not lie to you, Madame," he addresses Jules, "even if you survive this birth, there is a good chance you might be rendered infertile."

"I do not give a damn about what the Council wants," Nick snarls, chucking the scroll into the fireplace, "she is my wife, that is our child – and you are not going to kill the either of them."

"But Sire, if we continue to do nothing, the child is certain to die!" he protests vehemently, "why do you not understand – "

Kat clears her throat just then, interrupting them.

"Master Larrey, we are well aware how much you care for the safety of the child, and we appreciate it. However, before you follow your orders," she takes a deep breath, "I would like to try something, if I may."

Master Larrey is sceptical. "But – "

"Nothing invasive, or dangerous," Kat promises, "please?"

He is clearly inclined to refuse her, but Kat holds his gaze with a fierce intensity, showing him how utterly serious she is. He eventually nods, with some reluctance.

Kat then beckons Evie to her side, and whispers something in her ears. At once, the young woman runs out of the room with all speed.

"What are you going to do, Kat?" Nick asks quietly.

"'Tis something the midwives in Johanne tried on Mama when she had trouble delivering my brother Tristan," her voice is soft, "I will not cause her any further pain than she already is in, I promise." She turns to squeeze Jules' hand in reassurance.

Evie soon returns with a white handkerchief, cradled carefully in her hands. She hands it straight to Kat, who looks at it for a brief moment, before looking at Jules.

"Are you ready, poppet?" she queries.

Jules closes her eyes, tensing. "Just get it over with."

Kat leans over the bed to brush the handkerchief below Jules' nose. Almost at once, her nose wrinkles, and her eyes fly open in surprise. She inhales once. She inhales again.

"What was that?" her breathing is uneven, "Kat – "

And she sneezes so violently that the bed trembles.

"Pepper," Kat smiles in satisfaction.

Jules clutches her stomach almost the moment after, her countenance contorting with crippling pain. She desperately tries to raise herself from the pillows with great difficulty.

Well done, Kat.

The midwives, realising that her pains have returned, hurry to the bed once more. Some of them leave the room to refill the bowl of warm water and bring more towels, while the others crouch beneath her gown to check if the baby is coming.

"Someone had best summon Her Majesty!"

In the meanwhile, Kat and I slip our arms beneath Jules and pull her up to a sitting position.

"Deep breaths, sugar," Oncle Henri coaches her, tensed with anxiety, "breathe through your mouth."

She obeys him. She grits her teeth together, and tucks her chin into her chest as she pushes hard. Nick reaches for her hand again, and she almost squashes his fingers with the amount of force she applies on it.

"I am sorry," she gasps out, noticing him wince, "but – "

He shakes his head. "'Tis all right. Crush them if you need to," he tells her, "but please do not give up. You can do this."

"I see the head!" one of the midwives cry out jubilantly from under her gown, "continue to push, Your Royal Highness!"

A reverent chant of prayers increases in volume around us. Jules turns her head away, hissing and spitting with agony, as she pushes with every last ounce of energy left in her. Another midwife rushes to her side, and uses her hands to push her belly downwards, almost physically helping the child to make its way into the world.

"It is coming! Not long now, Madame! Please push!"

At that moment, a hand clamps down on my shoulder. I shake it away at once, annoyed, as I concentrate on holding Jules upright.

"Tess," I hear Oncle Henri's voice near my ear, "come with me for a moment. Just a moment."

I frown, looking up at him. "Oncle – "

"Just a moment, child," he whispers, "please."

Ensuring that Kat is able to support her, I stand up, and follow Oncle Henri out of the bedchamber. A young man, dressed in the King's liveries, is waiting with a scroll in his hand in the receiving chambers.

"His Majesty has asked me to pass this to you without delay, Your Grace," he bows to me.

I grab it from him, scowling, as I rip the seal open. Does the King have nothing else to do? His daughter-in-law and grandchild are teetering on the edge of death, and here he is, sending me threats -

Dear Therese,

I will pass the petition into legislation. A good portion of the Council wants me force Roche into submission instead, but I will not do that. They can argue all they want, but even they cannot deny that we need your support in the south.

You may be an utter wretch, a whore, a liar and many other things, but it is an irrefutable truth that you have drawn up an excellent petition.

I have been thinking long and hard these couple of days, and I realise that my son is right. Many people's hard work has gone into this, and it is a step towards progress for the women of Monrique, which I have worked towards since the beginning of my reign. I cannot let my pride, or my fury with you, impede it. I would be doing a great disservice to my people on your account.

I expect you to pay homage for Roche come New Year's. Threaten us again with separation, and the Council will have you executed for treason without a trial, make no mistake.

~ King Frederick V of Monrique

Post script: 'Twas I who asked Lady Evangeline to sneak you and Katherine out of the dungeons, so that you can stay by Jules at this critical time. She can truly use your support.

I have only just sent the petition to the Court of the Lady Justice, and therefore, I cannot legally release you from imprisonment until the Court writes it into law. Katherine, on the other hand, will have to remain imprisoned until her trial for murder in a fortnight's time. Thus, you will both be returned to the dungeons straight after the baby is born.

Please take care of Jules. I am praying, every moment, that there will be no need for the orders that I signed.

My heart is in my mouth when I finished reading. We have won.

I turn to Oncle Henri, whose countenance also holds a watery smile as he finishes reading the scroll over my shoulder. I take his hand, and drag him back inside the bedchambers, feeling my eyes shine with happiness for the first time in days.

"Cousin, we have won!" I exclaim, waving the scroll.

Jules does not even look at me, as she groans louder than I have ever heard her. The midwife is slowly pulling out a bloodied mass from between her legs.

I stare, stunned, still holding the scroll aloft like an idiot.

The midwife lifts the baby up into the air by the legs, which was still attached to Jules by the cord. She pats its bum, and it begins to cry, loud and strong.

The rays of the early morning sun were just beginning to filter into the room through the windows, and it surrounds the child in a divine glow, as her wails fill the air.

Everyone in the room begin to clap their hands together.

"A healthy baby girl, Your Royal Highnesses," the midwife announces, "a Princess for Monrique."

My eyes fill with tears. She was right all along.

"Princess Yara of House Seymour," I murmur to myself, smiling widely, "Crown Princess of Monrique in her own right."

Jules flops against her pillows, breathing heavily.


A/N: Hooray!

There is much to celebrate today :) The petition is going to be passed, both Jules and her daughter are safe, and Tess will soon be released!

I suppose you guys can rest easy for a while, eh? (If I were you, I would not worry too much...there is not much I can screw up for the characters in mere four chapters :p)

Anyways, do let me know what you thought of this chapter! :)

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