Dusted hands


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Gaster couldn't help but think of the good times knowing that soon those memories would perish in this war al... Еще

Clear Beginning
Enough fighting, i'm begging you
So Here We Are
We're just getting started
Authors note!
This is when the author gives up on making titles
A filler
The start of something new
Imma fight someone real soon

Things have changed

162 5 12

Both Grillby and Gaster took advance from fighting defenses when they were 17, the class was dedicated to mainly monsters and discovering their strong attack. During Gaster and Grillbys first year at the institution of magic degree 7 humans entered the the small classroom clutching their bags as if they're lives depended on it, well to be honest I would too.They were the first humans to apply in 20 years and monsters and humans were not on the best terms at the moment. Trying to ignore the burning glares from the monsters the humans looked around for a seat, Gaster pursed his boney lips together and stared straight at the humans. Grillby pulled up his arm and gave a friendly wave and motioned to the seats next to him. With a sigh of relief the humans filed into the rows of empty desks.
"Hey Gaster" whispered Grillby,
Gaster appalled at Grillbys kindness simply ignored him and pulled out his binder from his backpack.
"Hey...Wing-Dingus!" Whisper shouted Grillby waving his hands in front of Gaster's face, Gaster snapped his neck around
<<Do NOT call me that!>>Signed Gaster fuming
"Well you weren't listening to me and tibia honest-"
<<God your horrible>>
Grillby chuckled "I'm going to need help on today's assignment,"
<<Of course you will, but maybe if you paid attention->>
"I don't know if you noticed Wing-Ding, but I prefer hands on experience" said Grillby motioning the swinging of a sword, Gaster pinched the bridge of his nose and screwed his eyes shut,
<<Grillby, this class is about magic. Not sword dueling>>
"Shit, I'm in the wrong class" laughed Grillby nudging an annoyed Gaster. Gaster rolled his eyes as the clock chimed for the start of class.
"Now Now, I want your essays done by Thursday!" Shouted Mrs.Orefil over the noise of the chattering students.
Grillby turned to Gaster
"Will you write mine?"
<<No, do it yourself>>
<<I'll help you->>
"YES!" Cried Grillby throwing his bent elbows to his hips.
Gaster rolled his eyes, Grillby then noticed the humans next to his and gazed at them.
<<Grillby don't->>
Grillby put away his notebook and walked over the the humans, sighing with exasperation Gaster continued putting his things away.
"Hey, Wing-Ding come here!" Shouted Grillby gesturing Gaster to join him. Gaster gave a grunt before standing up and seeing all 7 pairs of eyes following his every move,
"What's your name?" Asked a girl with green eyes and thick black hair that hung all the way down to her waist,
<<My name? By god, you humans expect me to spill my personal information already?>>
Grillby rolled his eyes, while The girl looked confused, she turned to her friends with a look asking for assistance. They all shrugged their shoulders,
Gaster furrowed his eyebrow bones
<<They don't understand sign language, oh well looks like I can't talk to them>> sighed Gaster, unconvincingly disappointed.
Grillby glared at Gaster, The girl sheepishly looked at Grillby
"U-Um... what did he say?"
Grillby looked at the girl,
"He said his names Wing-Ding Gaster"
Gaster's eyes widened in shock, he snapped his heard towards Grillby furiously signing
<<How DARE you mistranslated what I said!>>
"What did he say this time" chuckled a boy with blonde hair and yellow eyes.
"He said what are your names" Said Grillby quickly,
Gaster groaned in frustration
Grillby laughed and motioned the group to introduce themselves,
"My name is Shanta!" Said the girl with black hair and green eyes,
"I'm Neil!" Said the boy with blonde hair and yellow eyes,
"I'm Gaten." Said a boy with brown hair and orange eyes, looking Gaster up and down, Gaster suddenly felt self-conscious-
"My name is Leila!" Said a girl with black hair and dark blue eyes enthusiastically,
"Taylor.." scoffed a girl with fawn hair and cyan eyes.
"I-I'm K-Kylie.."whispered a scrawny girl with auburn hair and purple eyes.
"Chara," said a girl with brown hair and a pair of glowing red eyes,
<<Alright now that we all the BEST of friends can I leave now?>> signed Gaster glaring at Grillby
"What did he say!" Shanta asked closing in on Gaster earning a funny look from Gaster as he back peddled,
"He said those are pretty names," laughed Grillby.
<< Im going to make your life a living hell>>
Gaster dropped his hands and attempted to charade what he wanted to say. Gaster pointed to the clock and then to his wrist than to the humans doing showing them one of his many fingers, then spun on his heel walking towards his bag. Grillby growled his name. Gaster slowly turned around already feeling the heat coming off the element,
Grillby started signing furiously
<< Gaster what the FUCK! They are nice beings and if you could not be an ass for one MINUTE->>
<< You pulled me into this! Did you expect me to bow down and kiss their shoes!>> signed Gaster glaring at Grilby, the humans watched closely as if trying to catch on to what their saying, Kylie whipped out a book from her bag and started flipping through the pages.
<<I'm leaving! Are you coming or not!>> fumed Gaster allowing his hands to get sore,
<< Fine! In a minute grab your bags Wing-Dingus I'll be out in a second>> signed Grillby giving up,
He turned towards the humans as Gaster grabbed his bag and left the room.
"Well maybe I can give you guys some signing lesson so I don't have to translate," sighed Grillby
A language unknown to all the souls in that room came loudly from outside the door,
"I think that's Gaster" chuckled Grilby tiredly, the humans tilted their heads
"It's Wing-Ding." explained Grillby exasperated.

Grillby POV
Grillby was falling. He was falling into an empty canvas as people shouted his name, Grilby couldn't move. Or at least he didn't have the will to move. Pain slowly tingled it's way from Grillby's leg to his head. Grunting he clawed at his head, the shouting got louder...louder... Grillby cried for the pain to stop, he yelled for the agonizing voices to stop. Darkness licked at his flames as he continued to fall before swallowing him whole.

Grillby gasped sitting up from his bed clutching his chest where his soul rested. His flames turning white Grillby pulled his legs to his chest, rested his head on his knees and whispered comforting reassurance to himself. After what it seemed an eternity Grilby climbed from his bed and slowly opened the door. Grilby lived alone, it wasn't an appealing idea to Grillby back . But he seemed to enjoy the loneliness at the moment.

Walking into his kitchen Grilby scavenged his medicine cabinet, pulling out white pills and tossing them into his mouth,
If only he could take water with them.
Grilby grimaced as he felt the pill slide down his throat. He took and deep breath and checked the clock
Grilby had already decided he was in no state to attempt to fall asleep. Groaning he walked himself to the coach where he slouched defeated. He summoned his notes, his desk drawer opened up and paper was sliding on small fire flames that lead to Grilby. Snatching the notes He checked them again and again making sure every fact was correct and statement wasn't too biased. Grilby rubbed his face where his nose should be and and sighed out smoke.
There was a knock at the door,
For fucks sake.
Grillby groaned standing up and stomping towards the door, who would be awake at this hour-
As he opened the door his train of thought immediately stopped,
"Jesus fuck Gaster" sighed Grilby rubbing his eyes,
<<I'm sorry Grillby I know it late->>
"It's fucking 3 in the morning Gaster this better be good" said Grillby
Gaster smirked
<<I believe this is good enough, now may I come in?>> signed Gaster starting past Grillby
"Oh-! Ya of course,"  said Grillby stepping out of his way burning yellow in embarrassment. Gaster seemed to have noticed
<<all is well Grillby, it's 3 in the morning if you were in your right mind at this time I would be worried for you>>signed Gaster smirking though very tiredly. Grillby nodded,
<<by the way why are you up so late->>
"I thought you wanted to tell me something" interrupted Grillby Turning away from the skeletons annoyed glare.
<<Oh yes, it is the upmost importance too. Grillby as you may already know, do to your position, i have been ranked to commander of middle night fort>> Grillbys flames sparked in surprise, of course he didn't know, he slept and took notes all day long that day. He even sent a letter to the King saying he wouldn't be able to make it to the meeting last night.
"Really?congratulations!" Said Grillby allowing his flames to spark.
Gaster gave a smirk,
<<so that means I won't be able to fight with you..>>
Grillby felt his fire dim,
"Isnt that what you wanted?"laughed Grillby nervously,
Gaster raised his eyebrow.
"Well i think I'd annoy you to the point that you'd decide to murder me and spare the Humans" chuckled Grillby suddenly stopping at Gaster expression.
"I didn't mean that-" Grillby fumbled before going silent, his fire flickered with nervousness.
Awkward silence filled the gap between Gaster and Grillby.
"Why are you up so late?" Grillby fumbled trying not to say anything wrong.
<<I got lost,>> signed Gaster not looking Grillby in the eye.
<<Why were you?>>
Grillby was annoyed Gaster wasn't being completely honest with him, annoyed enough to the point where he felt Gaster didn't deserve to know. Not that it's important anyway.
Gaster's eyes darted from Grillby to the notes on the couch.
<< taking notes?>>
Grillby breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't make an excuse.
"Yes, yes I have been taking notes all night long" breathed Grillby trying to sound convincing. Gaster pursed his lips.
He knew Grillby was lying.
Silent overcame the pair again.
<<I ran into some humans on the trail..>> signed Gaster slowly,
Grillby's flames sparked,
"Are you alright!" He cried walking fast towards Gaster checking his stats.
<<I'm fine, they were clearly spies. Cocky ones if I may add>> chuckled Gaster
<< Didn't expect to get caught them ,humans and their magic, so fortunately they didn't care to bring they're weapons.>>
"Magic?! Was there a mage?" Whispered Grillby refusing to close Gaster's stats in fear his HP will drop.
<<No, the spell was casted on them before leaving. Seemed the spell was not strong enough. Do not fret though, for they are currently dead>> sighed Gaster.
Grillby turned away
"I'll get some water"
Gaster frowned and tried to sign, but sighed when realizing Grillby wouldn't see it with his back turned.
Grillby entered his kitchen again and put both of his hands on the counter breathing heavy. Really Grillby just needed a break, to take in all that was said.
Humans are spying on us, how long have they done it? How much to they know?
Rubbing his face he grabbed a cup out of the cupboard, after all he couldn't leave the kitchen empty handed. Gaster would get suspicious if he isn't already. Sighing Grilby put his hand on the faucet handle.
Ok, let's do this.
Grillby turned on the faucet and stuck the cup under the water hissing slightly when a few drops bounced of the bottom of the cup and onto his arm.
A strange language scolded him from the living room.
Grillby smirked and turned off the faucet when the water reached a satisfying height.
Walking back into the living room with a new spring in his step he held out the water to Gaster.
" I did it," said Grillby giving Gaster a smug smile.
He looked him up and down before taking the cup out of Grillby's hand muttering his strange language.
A couple minutes crawled by as Gaster sipped on his cup glaring at Grillby's smug face.He set the cup down and then asked
<< So are you going to tell me the real reason your up so late,>>
Grillby fumbled with his hands, Gaster glared at him
<< Or are you not->>
"It was just a nightmare," whispered Grillby.
<< Just a nightmare? Why didn't you go to sleep after you woke up>>
Grillby sighed a breath of smoke
"It was bothersome, I felt I was in no state to attempt going back to sleep and allowing my thoughts to take control."
Gaster stared at Grillby.
<<May I ask what you were dreaming about?>>
"Oh it was nothing, just some silly things" said Grillby quickly brushing away Gasters offer.
<< If it was so silly, what's the trouble telling me?>>
Grillby glared at the skeleton, Gaster put his hands up . Grillby then dropped his glare and smiled then scoffed.
" you got me,"
Gaster celebrated,
" Shut your mouth Wing-Dingus" snapped Grillby playfully
<< And why may I ask? I got the Great Grillby to speak for mwah!>> said Gaster playfully pointing at himself.
"Reminding you I haven't said shit yet, I could easily lie to you and you would never know" laughed Grillby, Gaster face hardened
<< But you wouldn't right? You wouldn't lie to me about what's bothering you right?>>
"Of course not" said Grillby hoping he sounded reassuring.
Gaster clasped his hands together,
<<Great! Now was it an exciting dream? Do I need popcorn?>>
It was strange to see him so excited for a dream that haunted Grillby, he winced at Gasters excitement though he seemed to not notice.
"I'm not getting you anything, help yourself." Said Grillby eyeing the cup of water.
Gaster laughed and heaved  himself up and disappeared into the kitchen. Moments later Gaster reappeared holding a bag of popcorn and a blanket, Grillby stared at the blanket.
"Where did you get that-"
Gaster cut him off and with difficulty, due to the fact his hands were occupied, he signed
<< Found it >>
Confused, Grillby decided it was not worth hearing.
Gaster sat down and situated himself and stared at Grillby tossing a piece of popcorn into his mouth.
Grillby retold his dream. Surprised by How much he remembered. He couldn't help but shutter at parts he found disturbing.
After he finished Gaster stared at him.
<< that was short->>
" oh fuck off" scoffed Grillby
Gaster laughed,
<< Well it seems I have overstayed my welcome>> sighed Gaster dramatically pushing himself off the couch, Grillby looked nervously out side, it was so dark, and Grillby felt uncomfortable letting Gaster walk alone in the dark to his house with humans spying on the monsters
"Gaster stay here for the night"
Said Grillby firmly.
<<No no, don't worry about me. I'll be out of your hair->> Gaster looked at Grillby's head
"Gaster your staying here or I'm walking you home,"
<< No because then you'll have to walk back by yourself!>>
"And that's a problem..?"
<< Yes! Humans could be out there at this very moment waiting for a vulnerable monster to walk alone->>
" You just listed the reasons why I would like you to stay here for the night"
Gaster sighed defeated
" you can sleep here if you like, or you can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch,"
<< the couch is fine>> mumbled Gaster,
"I'll go fetch a pillow while you can have that...Blanket" Grillby walked away muttering something about not having any blankets in his house beside his bed.
After Gaster was tucked in to Grillby's content he picked up his notes and attempted to finish them in his room, but the nagging feeling that something was wrong kept him from doing so. Gaster and Grillby always had much more fun when talking. But just now, they just proved that the war was taking a toll on peoples spirits. Grillby forced himself to stay awake that night. Grillby enjoyed himself more when he wasn't jolting awake with screams ringing in his ears.

I want to remind everyone that I have no posting schedule, I prefer to update once every two weeks or if I'm lucky one every week. But I've been busy lately and I'm afraid that won't happen. Sorry. Im still upset on how I ended this. I couldn't figure out how to word it correctly. Bleh, I'm still trying to figure out Gaster and Grillby's personality, so I hope you guys aren't to bothered when I change things a bit. I am currently reading a fan-fiction called "casting rain" by silverskye13. And I suggest you guys read it too, it's pretty much a better story about wartime! Grillby and wartime! Gaster.

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