Moonbeam Levels {sequel to Te...

De prince_3121

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"Please send all your Moonbeam levels to me" It's 8 years later and Reina, Princes eldest child is growing up... Mais

New chapter?


553 19 22
De prince_3121

"Nooo!" I heard my dad squeal at me "put your hand here... not there" he told me as he repositioned my hand on his black piano. I sighed, I knew asking my dad to teach me how to play would be a bad idea. He's a perfectionist.

"Now press down on that key, but leave that one out and the black one" he told me as he stared at my hand. "I don't get it..." I said scrunching my face up.

"I don't wanna do this anymore" I sighed, more than frustrated that he wouldn't let me do my own thing. He gave me a quick side eye before momma came into the studio. "Reina, you should be getting ready for school..." she told me "ok" I sighed at the thought of school. God how I hate that place.

Walking up stairs quickly, I dashed to my room realising I had to leave in half an hour. Closing the door behind me, I undressed from my pyjamas and quickly slipped on my jeans and a comfy tee shirt. Putting my hair up into a decent ponytail, I was ready to go eat breakfast.

Entering the kitchen I could smell the familiar, delightful scent of my dads pancakes. Dads pancakes are the best. They've became my comfort food recently. Having to deal with being back at school with those bully's has been stressful.

"What's up old man" I giggled as I took a seat at the island to receive a death glare from my father. "I hope you've got your homework done, I won't be getting any phone calls today I suspect" he said with a serious tone. Ugh I will never live that moment down.

I didn't do my maths homework yesterday and my teacher decided to embarrass me in front of the whole class, who already ridicule me enough, by showing them my undone homework and she threatened to call my parents. In an attempt to be cool I said "call them!" God that was a bad idea. My dad had to come pick me up. Just because of that stuck up teacher.

"Nope... it's all done" I smiled confidently "Good" he said as he continued to flip the pancakes, making my mouth water.

"Hey Reina" I heard my little brothers voice call. "What do you want" I growled sarcastically "momma told me to get breakfast, she doesn't feel too good" Mattie told me, immediately grabbing my dads attention.

"Did momma say she'd take you guys to school?" He asked Matias curiously. "No... she asked me to ask you, daddy" Mattie told him. "Oh... well I can't take y'all to school today, I've got Kingdom Hall" he told us as he served us our long awaited pancakes, cooked perfectly.

I thanked Jesus. We're gonna get the day off! If nobody can take us to school, then we have no other option! Plus it's Friday! An extra day added to our weekend! That's when my whole world crumbled "Kirk can take you guys" my dad said as he sat facing us with his fresh cup of coffee.

Mattie stuffed bits of his pancake into his mouth, filling his cheeks like a squirrel. But me. I was having full blown panic attacks inside of myself. "Dad please no! Anyone but him! Uncle Morris even! Anyone but him!" I begged my father as I grabbed his hand from across the island.

"Your so dramatic" he laughed "what's so bad about Kirk" he asked. "Dad! He's creepy! I don't like him" I said. Just then, in walked kirk.

"Y'all ready to go?" He asked smiling. No. I glared at my father who glared back at me playfully. Matias ran into daddy's arms and giggled as daddy kissed him repeatedly on the cheeks and neck. "Have a good day buddy" he said.

Now it was my turn to say bye to my dad until after school. I fell into his arms willingly and clung to his black coat "say goodbye to me dad, this will probably be the last time. He's gonna kidnap us" I said being over dramatic but I seriously was fearing this. Feeling my dad chuckle into my neck, he kissed that same spot, before pulling me to face him "he'll stick 10 minutes of your annoying behind and give you straight back to me" he giggled before fixing my shirt, that had drawn up "stay out of trouble, ok?" He warned me "ok" I smiled. "I love you" he told me kissing my cheek. "Love you too" I frowned walking away from him.

Sitting in the car Kirk insisted I sat in the front. Really I wanted to hide in the back seat with my brother, but no.

I felt him staring at me now and again and I began to get pretty annoyed. "What?" I snapped at him "nothing... your just pretty". Ummmmm??? What. "Kirk that makes me feel uncomfortable" I said staring at him as my stomach turned. He's the same age as my dad!! What the heck!

He just glared at me. Once he stopped at my school, I jumped out of the car. Quickly
Opening the back door I hugged my brother, he goes to the elementary school just around the corner. "See you later Reina" he smiled. I smiled at him gently with tears in my eyes. What Kirk said scared me. Maybe he just meant it in a nice way. Or maybe I was right all along. Maybe he is a weirdo.

Sitting in class the day dragged in. Especially with Stacey Barber and her crowd of girls making fun of me all day.

"Alright class, get into your groups" those words I dreaded hearing Mrs Tracey, our English teacher say. Because I had been put into a group with Stacey and a few of her mean girl friends. My anxiety levels rose sky high.

Trailing my seat over to they're table, I took my books out of my book bag. 'It'll be ok. They won't say anything if your quiet' I told myself as I put my books on the table and flicked the pages to our last days work.

I saw one of the girls whisper something into Stacey's ear, causing her to look over at me and laugh. I just let it slip and kept my mouth shut but inside I was scared. I hated these girls. Even worse they all hated me.

"So Reina... heard your daddy was nominated for a Grammy" Stacey said smugly. Dad was nominated for his new album, but he didn't win. He didn't care though. Dads like that. He just moves on to next things so quickly that he doesn't even have time to process the success of the old stuff.

"Yeah" I said shyly. "He lost though, the album musta been shit" she told me. Just trying to hurt my feelings again I see. I just stared blankly at her. "I liked it. It was good" "you liked it cuz it was your dads. Nobody else liked it" she told me witch hurt my feelings.

"Why does he still make music Reina? I mean you are gonna have to break it to him one day. His music sucks. That shit was cool in the 80s. Not now" she said as the other girls giggled.

"I like your moms music though. She's actually good. But you do know she's only with your dad for publicity, your dads probably only with her for publicity too cuz everybody already knows he's gay as hell, I mean my mom even told me so" "your mom doesn't know shit about my momma so shut the fuck up stacey, you jealous piece of shit! What the fuck is your problem, I've been nothing but nice to you!" I yelled in anger.

It just got too much. She went too far and I couldn't take it. My family mean so much to me. Those things she was saying were heartbreaking to me.

"Reina Nelson! You should be ashamed of yourself! Report to the principals office this instant!" Mrs Tracey screamed with fury in her eyes as the tears welled up in mine.

Of course they just HAD to call my dad. Why!? Cuz I'm being bullied!? Ugh. I couldn't tell them that. They wouldn't believe me.

I sat outside the principals office with my head down waiting for daddy to come pick me up. When I heard the sound of heels walk down the corridor, anxiety immediately rushed through my veins. I felt the figure stop right in front of me as I looked down at my hands.

"Look at me" I heard my fathers deep voice demand. I stared up at him, his hazel eyes, identical to mine stared into the matching pair with anger. "Let's go" he said walking ahead of me. I sighed as I grabbed my backpack and hurried after him.

It was silent as my dad drove. Our sly stone CD played through the speakers though witch gave me a little comfort. I love sly.

"Reina... you know I love you right?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of the road. "Yeah" I said as I fiddled with the elephant key chain momma gave me for my school bag. Elephants have been my favourite animals since I was a little kid.

"Why do you do this to me then... why are you getting yourself into trouble. You know i work while your at school. Why can't I work peacefully just once without getting a phone call to come get you" he said. I heard the disappointment in his voice witch made me sad. "I'm sorry" I said staring at him.

"It's ok. I love you. I just need you to be a good girl for me" he said as he placed his hand on my knee. Seeing him take a different turn, I had almost forgotten it was Friday. On Fridays dad takes me to this diner that I love after school. It's the highlight of my week because it's the only time I'm allowed to eat meat.

"We're still going?" I asked as I got excited "Yeah, I forgive you, plus I'm sure your hungry. You missed school lunch". It was true I was hungry. But I was more than happy I had missed those terrible meals at school they try and call lunch.

As we sat facing each other at one of the little booths, I told my dad what happened. "It's those girls dad. They never leave me alone" "can't you just ignore them though baby?" He asked me. "No dad, they literally never stop" I said as my internal tears started. I don't like to cry in front of dad so I kinda just keep them in.

"They're just jealous of you Reina. You know that right? Because your beautiful, and talented and your momma and I are famous. Girls are gonna get jealous of that. It's up to you to prove them wrong" She smiled at me taking my hand over the table.

Just then the waitress arrived. "You guys ready to order?" She smiled at my dad. I jumped right in for the kill. "Yeah, I'll have the cheese burger with fries and a large coke please" I smiled at her. I prayed that he would let the large coke slide.

"And you sir?" She asked giggling "make that coke a small, and I'll have the salad and some water" she smiled at her. "No problem, I'll go fetch your drinks" "thank you ma'am" he told her.

"A large coke huh? Who you trynna fool mama?" He asked giving me a side eye "dad I'm a growing woman, I need energy" I told him. He chuckled at me gently "God you remind me so much of your mother" he said witch made me smile.

"How is momma?" I asked, remembering she hadn't been feeling well this morning. "Mommas doing great, she was just pretty tired" he told me smiling.

As our food came out, it hadn't even been on the table two seconds and I had already bitten into the burger. The taste of the cooked meat coated my taste buds, bringing me to heaven and back again. "Mmmmm" I moaned as I chewed my food, my dad staring at me in horror.

"That was a innocent little cow with a family and life ahead of him" my dad tried to guilt me "now he's a delicious cheese burger" I smiled stuffing some fries into my mouth.

Watching as my dad picked at his salad, I wondered how he could do it. How does he not like meat.

Walking through the doors of paisley I told my dad about what we learned in science. But he wasn't listening. His eyes locked on momma and he immediately rushed to her.

Watching as he came up behind her, he kissed her neck, and momma jumped in surprise making me smile, turning to him she gave my dad a kiss on the lips before hugging him tightly. I smiled so hard. I hope I have a relationship like my mom and dad when I'm older. Someone who loves me like dad loves momma would be a miracle.

"Reina!" I heard my little brothers voice call, snapping me out of my trance of watching my parents "what?" I smiled "will you come play with my cars with me?" He asked "maybe later buddy, I'm gonna take a nap" I told him.

Finally entering my room, I was so happy. Finally in my own little space. My room was truest my sanctuary. My walls had recently been painted purple and momma let me hang posters of my favourite musicians. I had my record player here and all my art facilities here. Just things that comfort me.

I jumped on my bed, pulling a blanket over myself to rest. Today was a stressful day. I hate school. I hate Stacey Barber. I hate Kirk. I closed my eyes trying to forget about everything. Slowly but surely I fell asleep.

-ok guys. A lot in this chapter. PLEASE tell me what you think so far! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for all the love and support! 😭😭😭 I truly appreciate it so much! COMMENT BELOW👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 if you got the time 😏😏😏 TELL ME all your thoughts/questions/opinions. Do you think Kirk was being creepy or is Reina just paranoid? What do you think of Reina's bully's? Do you think prince was right to get angry? Do you think she should open up more? What do you think of they're father daughter relationship?💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜-

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