
By allsbad

32.8K 720 111

In which a girl finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her and gets into a car crash. ♛ Book 1 in the Crash t... More

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2.6K 66 3
By allsbad

NINE // "yours sincerely, nicole"


Saturday came and went, but Jason never showed up home. Deep down I knew that the past few days were too good to be true. I knew that he would be back on his old bullshit the second he could. However that still didn't stop part of me hoping that he actually had came to his senses and was back to the way he was in the very beginning of our relationship.

Since he had taken his phone with him, I decided to call him. He said he will be back. There were five rings in total, before the call was answered. "Jason's phone," a females voice came from the other end. Furrowing my eyebrows, every possible emotion washed over me. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Swallowing the ball that was starting to rise in my throat, I awkwardly coughed. "Who am I speaking to?"

The girl giggled, "Skyler," I could just imagine her with long, blonde hair, clear blue eyes. Isn't that just every man's ideal girl? Practically a supermodel. "Who's this?" at that I ended the call.

After all these years, he was cheating on me. After all we've been through. Yes, we had our share of fights, but every couple has them. It was normal! There wasn't even anything to complain about in our sex life. Maybe I just wasn't good enough for him anymore?

And it might be silly of me to be this shocked about this since there was that text from Katie and Liane constantly nagging me about this... but I just didn't want to believe them. The signs were definitely there, I just ignored them.

Sighing, I wiped away a tear that had managed to roll down my cheek. Pulling out a pen and paper, I started writing my goodbye letter, because I wasn't planning on being here when he gets back.

Dear Jason,

I'm not sure what I did wrong that made you cheat on me. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm not good enough for you? Or maybe you fell out of love with me?

Few tears stained the paper as I quickly wrote in a messy handwriting.

Either way, I just want you to know that I still love you and I don't think that anyone will ever change it. I should be angry at you. I should hate you. but I don't; I can't.

You were my everything.

My rock. My stars, my moon and the whole galaxy.

No matter where life takes us, no matter who we meet just remember that I will always love you, but...

I can't do this. I can't stand the fact that you would rather cheat on me than tell me that things between us are over. It would've been easier to see you walk away from us; from everything we built rather than finding out you cheated and not even from you.

Yours sincerely,

Letting it rest on the desk that was placed against the wall in the foyer, I placed the ring that he gave me for our second anniversary on top of it.

Walking upstairs to our shared bedroom, I packed as much of my stuff as I could in my suitcase and duffle bag. Heading back downstairs with the bags, I picked up one of the many car keys that Jason had. Opening the front door, I looked back at home where with one final tear rolling down my cheek, I closed the door.

For a Sunday night, the road was awfully busy. But even as how much I disliked driving with traffic, I was on a mission to get away and nothing was going to stop that.

Some annoying love song played on the radio as I pulled to a stop at a red light. I only took my eyes off of the road for a second when bright lights practically blinded me and something crashed heavily in the hood of the car.

A loud beep went off in my head as it grew more and more annoying. Muffled voices could be heard all around me, but I couldn't make out exact words they were saying. In distance sirens could be heard and as they got louder, everything turned even more muffled and black.

Until it went dead silent and pitch black.


if some things were repeated in this chapter (put in previous chapters), i apologize.

this (and the next chapter) were the very first things that i wrote for this story.

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