Guzma x reader

By AnAmpora

35.7K 779 208

You were just sent to alola to study Pokémon, and you meet this strange guy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11! :]
Not chapter 12
What? Im Posting??

Chapter 8

2.1K 54 15
By AnAmpora

         You wake up surrounded by warmth and a comforting musky smell. A weight rests on your side and it takes you a moment to notice the soft breathing coming from behind you. You jump a little realizing what's happening; You are sandwiched between Guzma and Jamie. Guzma's breathing becomes a little more controlled and you hear him grunt from behind you. 'Shit shit shit' you think to yourself, and try to look under the covers without waking the two boys. You let out a mental sigh of relief as you see you are fully clothed in what you were wearing the day before. You shift and lightly shake Guzma and Jamie awake, not wanting to waste away the day by sleeping.
     "Mmmmmmmmmwaddya want" Guzma mutters, hugging you closely. Your face heats up and you push away.
     "Wake up, Guzma. You have to wake up and get ready to leave." He opens one eye to look at you.
     "Why?" You sigh and look at Jamie, who is opening the door of the bedroom.
     "So that both you and I can get ready for tonight. I have to get rid of J's energy before anything, and you scare him, so you can't be around while we do stuff. Plus I'm sure you have very important team skull business to attend to." You wink and he glares at you. "Anyways, I won't kick you out until everyone's had breakfast, so you can chill out for a little bit until that's all situated and all." He huffs and turns over in the bed, his back to you.
     "Don't know why ya woke me up. Coulda jus' told me when food was ready, then I'd be out an' excited." You chuckle and leave the room to let Guzma have whatever extra sleep he can get.

     You finish frosting the last pokepuff and put it on a plate next to the rest of them. "Great, that should be enough for the Pokémon... Jamie! Guzma! Come on out here for pancakes!" You call and take the plate of pancakes out of the oven (to keep them warm). Jamie comes running out of Guzma's old room and sits at the table smiling at you. He has changed into a light blue and black shirt and matching shorts. Guzma shuffles out of the master bedroom, wincing at the lights. You set down two plates for them and put the pancakes in the middle of the table. You serve Jamie and turn back to the kitchen to begin serving the Pokémon.
    "Ey what typa coffee did ya give me? Doesn' smell like anythin' I've had here."
     "It's an easy recipe from Kalos. Give it a try, I'd love to see how you like it," you say as you offer Xinos one of the pastries. He takes it gleefully and you pet him gently on the head. "Where's Golosipod?" You ask, holding up an especially large pastry.
    "'E's in his ball. Why do ya want 'im?" He pats his pocket and returns back to his plate.
    "I want him to try one of the pokepuffs."
    "Ah. Yeah, gimme a sec." You cringe internally as he wipes his sticky hands on his sweats and reaches into his pocket, tossing Golosipod's ball and summoning him in a flash of blue light.
      The isopod stretches and chirps when he notices you. You smile and offer him the frosted pastry, which he sniffs cautiously. Golosipod looks at Guzma for approval before taking a bite. You giggle as his face lights up and gobbles down the rest of the pastry in a matter of seconds. You pat him on the head and grab a plate for yourself to breakfast.


     Once the three of you finally finish eating, you shoo Guzma out of the house and begin cleaning up the kitchen. "Mama!! Can I go outside?" J yells from somewhere in the house. You looks up from the bubbling sink and look around.
     "Yeah, just get Riek to watch over you, 'Kay?"
     Jamie runs out of Guzma's old room and nearly crashes into your side. "Later can we catch me a Pokémon? Boss says i should ask you! Pleeeeeease?" You dry your hands and crouch down to be his height and smile.
     "Jamie, you know you don't have to call him boss.... and what type of Pokémon are you thinking of? Anything you really want?" Jamie smiles broadly and nods.
     "Yeah!! I want a bat guy! Like you!" Your eyes widen in surprise.
     "You want to get a Crobat?"
     "Uh-huh! She's super strong and cool looking!! Can I please catch one??"
     "I can help you get a Zubat, I don't think you can catch Crobats, hun." His smile falters a little. "For you to get a crobat, you gotta get a really good bond with it. You have to make that Zubat your best friend and hopefully he'll return your friendship."
     "Woah..." Jamie smiles again and looks excited. "I wanna get a Zubat!! They're gonna be my best friend and I'm gonna be cool, just like you!!" You smile and stand back up.
     "I have to clean the rest of the kitchen up. Once I'm done, we'll go look for a Zubat for you, okay?" Jamie nods and runs off to find Lucaro.

(This low key sucks bc I don't have any ideas hahahahaha I'm sorry :,) I'm probably gonna have this next chapter with little to no Guz, so sorry! He will be in the one after that so don't be too angry at me. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day/night )

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