MINE (boyxboy)

By 11LookAtMeh11

146K 5.8K 646

Disclaimer: this is the sequel to "Don't Touch What's His" so you won't really understand this book much if y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Baby, I'm A Killer A/N

Chapter 18

7.2K 307 50
By 11LookAtMeh11

I never thought that this day would come. Everything was perfect, just like Lathan and I wanted. My parents were here and they were happy for me, my brother and my sister and my friends. Lathaniel's parents and his friends and colleagues.

Everyone was so nice and happy. My guardian angel was going to have us married and I was so excited. I hadn't seen Lathaniel all morning which was beginning to stress me out but it was going to be high-time soon.

"Nervous?" Sasha asked as he walked into the change room. "Kinda, how's Lathan?" I asked. "He's good, don't worry Babes." He replied as he fixed up my tie. "I'm proud of you Toby." He said lowly. I looked up at him and smiled softly. "What do you mean?" I asked, watching as he straightened my clothes out.

"You've come so far from that suicidal, vulnerable kid. You're getting married to a man who cares about you. I couldn't be happier for you." He continued before squeezing me. "Thanks Sasha, I owe this all to you, so thank you so much." I said, hugging him back tightly. This was all him. Had he not encouraged me to come here I probably would've died a long time ago or just be miserable.

I wouldn't have found happiness if he hadn't done what he did and for that reason, I'd forever be grateful to him. It's hard to really imagine where I'd be if I stayed in Germany and even though it hurt, I kind of owe my life now to that abuse I endured too.

We pulled away from each other and smiled at one another. Sasha quickly straightened my clothes out again before kissing my cheek. "Right, let's go get you married." He said before pulling me to where the ceremony was going to be held.

There my mother waited to walk me down the aisle. She smiled at me and I returned the gesture happily. "You ready?" She asked me as we laced arms. I nodded, not being able to speak as the moment's tension built up inside me.

The doors opened and we began to walk. Everyone was watching me with happy and tearful eyes which just made me want to cry. I looked at every possible person before looking at my husband-to-be. I really couldn't believe the overwhelming love and happiness that overcame me as I looked at him.

I'd seen Lathaniel in a suit before, but this one was so nice...so amazing. He looked gorgeous and seeing him made me want to cry. I was getting married to him, he was going to be officially all mine in a few minutes.

Once I got to Lathan the ceremony began. I just gazed at him the whole time, unaware of anything else but him. When it came time to say our vows I was shocked because everything had seemingly gone by quickly.

"Lathan...I just want to say thank you for everything that you've done for me and the kids and just everyone. You're a wonderful man and anyone would be lucky to be win my position. I love from the bottom of my heart and I cherish everyday I spend with you. I love you Lathaniel." I said, on the brink of tears.

"Tobias, Kitten, you are my absolute everything. Everything in my world revolves around you. Everything I do, I do it just for you. All the things that I do, I do just to see you smile. I love you and I respect you to the moon and back. I'll enjoy growing old with you my Kitten." Lathan said his vows, also on the brink of tears.

We smiled at each other again and after a few seconds we were sharing the most passionate kiss under the sun. The clapping and cheering from our friends and family had me blushing intensely. So much so that I hid my face in Lathan's chest as I hugged him.

After the ceremony everyone moved to the bigger venue where we were going to spend the rest of the day while Lathan pulled me away for a moment. We went into a room and once he was in he locked the door behind him.

I looked around and marvelled at how pretty it was. Though the lights were dim I could see the jewels on the khaki wall which made the room sparkle. I turned to Lathan and smiled at him.

He smiled back and came to me. "I'm so happy right now." He whispered, looking into my eyes sweetly. "Me too." I whispered back before going on my tippy toes and kissing him. He kissed back gently making my heart speed up. We moved to the bed as things began to heat up even more.

Lathan pulled away from my lips and proceeded to kiss down my jaw line making me get all hot and bothered. "Lathan, we have guests to attend to, we can do this after." I whispered. He cursed under his breath making me chuckle softly.

He looked me in my eyes again and I smiled. "I love you so fucking much Kitten." He said as if he'd been keeping it in since we met. He hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek making me blush. "I love you even more Lathan." I replied and melted into his hug.

Hey guys, this chapter brings us to the end of this two-part series! I hope you enjoyed this book with me and if you did please share it so others can enjoy too. Thank you all so much for reading and voting and commenting, it means so much to me. But don't worry, I have another book on its way that will most probably be up next week Sunday, but...
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