To Marry Or Not?

By Ayricka16

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Both of them agreed to get married for one sole reason! Business! Both of them came to a single agreement th... More

Day 1: The Start of Us
Day 2: Love
Day 3: The Last Day
Day 4: Confused
Day 5: Kiss
Day 6: White Flowers
Day 7: How To Say 'Cute'
Day 8: I Cried Because I Love You
Day 9: Going Home


290 9 5
By Ayricka16

Lucy 's POV

I ran so fast like I am about to loose my breath.

There, I saw them, busy chatting with one another.

I embraced my mother when she saw me.

"Lucy, what's going on? "

I was still shaking.

I was so scared when that man grabbed my arm.

"Is there something wrong? " Mr. Pio asked.

My mother loosened my embrace and cupped my face.

"Darling, what's going on? "

"M--mom..there was a man who---


All of us turned around when we heard someone called out.

My eyes grew wide when I saw that man again. He walked straight to us. I hid at my father's back.

"That guy is crazy!" I exclaimed.

His brows arched. "Crazy?"

"He was in the ladies' room!" I exclaimed.

"Hey! You were on the wrong rest room! Did you not see the sign outside? "

What was he talking about? There was only one restroom!

Mr. Pio went to the man and hit his left arm.

"Jeno! "


"Will you please buttoned up your shirt? And what's with this stain? Where did you get this? "

"A scoop of ice cream fell on me."

I don't understand! What's going on here?

"Do you know him, Mr. Shon? "I asked.

The two of them looked at me.

"Yes, dear. He is my son. Jeno Shon."

Oh, gosh!

I held my father's arm tightly. "Dad, what's going on? "

My father tapped my hand and smiled. "Come on, let's eat, shall we? "

"Jun is right. Let's eat before the food gets cold. And, Jeno, dear, I think it's better if you change your clothes. I am sure your Dad has some spare shirts." my mother said.

That guy named Jeno gave me a quick look and excused himself.

Now what was that for?!

So quiet!

Awkwardly quiet!

I did not bother looking at them. My eyes were fixed on my meal.

"Ehm, so, shall we let them know?" my mother asked.

I looked at her. She was smiling at me.

"I already know. You can just tell her."

That Jeno guy said.

Now, this is really confusing and making me go crazy!

"Mom? What's going on?! You and Dad were acting so strange earlier. What's with all of these? "

I saw my father's facial expression. His smile fades away when he saw my anxious face.

I hate surprises!

"Dear, listen to me, and promise me you won't give any side comments until you let me finish! "

I nod.

"Okay. Go."

My mother composed herself. Both Dad and Mr. Pio's reaction were cold and nervous.

While that other guy just remained calm leaning on his chair.

"So, when you were little, me, your Dad, your uncle Pio and his wife, Roa, my friend, all came to an agreement that you will marry their son."

I did not say anything.

"So, that day has come! You're getting married! "

I was unsure how my face looked. But one thing is for sure!

It made me froze!

"Ge--getting married to whom? "

"To Pio's son, darling, Jeno!"

My eyes automatically fell on him. He did not look at me. He remained quiet.

I was devastated!

Like I'm dying with shock!

And they didn't tell any thing about it!!

"So, what do you expect from me? That I'll just accept it and say yes? Mom, Dad, you planned it with yourselves and did not consult me whether if I will like it or not?!"

"Lucy! "

I did not let my mother finish her word and I went outside the room!

This is such a frustrating day!

I hate every single thing that ever happened today!

I hate it so much.

I reach for the elevator and pressed the 40th floor.

They can't just dropped it like a bomb and expect me to accept it wholeheartedly!!!

And all of those men that I can get married with, why it has to be that guy?!


Jeno's POV

"Oh, dear! This is such a disaster! " Mrs. Yoo said.

"Well, I don't blame her to act like that! " I said.

All eyes were on me.

"I also feel the same way! I can't marry her."

"Why?" my father asked.

"Because this is the first time we met! You can't expect me to like her and get married right away!"

I heard Mrs. Yoo laughed softly. "Well, you have a point. But, a deal is a deal! Your mother clearly promised that both of our children will get married to each other. "

"That was your decision and not ours! Why do we have to be a part of it? "

I heard my father coughed. I looked at him. He was holding his chest. I instantly attended him. "Dad?"

"I'm okay! Just..just feeling tired."

I leaned his back on the chair and loosened his tie so he can breathe.

"Are you alright, Pio? "Mr. Yoo asked.

"Yes, I am."

"You can't possibly let your father down just because of a certain marriage? We all know what's the status of your father's health and you can see that he needs to have someone who can manage the company right away! And we all know that you are the perfect candidate! However, you can't be the next President if you won't marry Lucy. "

For the first time in our meeting, I have never seen that expression of hers.

Lucy's mother was so scary and cunning.

I looked at my father. I wonder how they got to make a promise like this?

What exactly happened to them before?

"So, you're saying, I can only take this company if I marry your daughter? "

My father held my arm. "Well, that is right! That was our condition! "

I grew more and more frustrated!

What type of parents that me and Lucy have?

Why do they need to do this to their own children?

I looked at my father. He held my hand tightly.

"I apologized if I didn't mention this before. I was scared that you might go away. Your mother has a deep reason why. And someday, I will tell you that. But not now. Not here."

I tried to calm myself. I tried to understand everything.

"Okay. I trust you Dad."

He eventually smiled at me.

I stood straight and looked at Mrs. Yoo. "I'll marry your daughter. I'm okay with it. But, it will be hard for you to convince her."

"No, we won't do that. You will convince her to marry you. "

"What? "

She smiled and sipped her wine. "Time is running, my dear."

I looked at Mr. Yoo. He was obviously has no control over his wife.

I don't understand what's happening but I know there is a reason why Dad participated in it. And I tend to know it for myself.

I left the room without a word.

I saw a male attendant pushing a cart with a bottle of champagne on top.

"Have you seen a girl earlier today? "

"Yes, Sir. I believe she went to the top floor. "

"I see. Thanks."

I immediately pressed the 40th floor.

So, if getting her to say yes is the challenge, then I'll find some ways to get those three letters.

Lucy's POV

I sat on the bench and let the wind touched my face. I breathed in and out.

This day was one of those days that I wished was a dream.


It was not.

I looked at my hand. I did dream once of seeing a ring on my finger and get married to the man I loved so much.

I dreamt of having a romantic wedding scene.

But that was just a dream. A dream that has a zero chance of coming true.
I closed my hand.


I never thought a certain event like this would happen to me. Have I been watching too much dramas that it starting to happen to me in real life?

"Why do I need to marry that pervert?"

"How many times should I tell you that I am not a pervert?"

I suddenly stood from the bench when I heard a familiar voice from my back.

There I saw the guy who has been occupying my head for the past hour.

He was standing still with both hands on his pockets. He was wearing a dark sweater. His chocolate brown hair was like messily combed.

I need to be honest.

He is indeed so beautiful.

But it won't change a mere fact that I don't want to marry him.

"What are you doing here? "

He walked towards me and sat on the bench. His eyes were fixed on the scenery.

"You have not eaten a single meal earlier today."

I remained quiet.

What is he doing?

"What? "

He looked at me. "I heard that you live near the Felicia. Today is their first anniversary. Their chef is planning to introduce his new dish. Let's have a quick dinner. My treat."

I just looked at him.

Unaware of what is happening.

"I won't do anything. I am not that type of guy. What happened earlier was an accident. And I apologize! I also wanted to talk with you about the marriage."

I held my breath and deeply released it. "Okay."

He stood up.

"So, shall we go? "

I did not respond and just walked an inch away from him.

Lucy's POV

So, I can't believe I am here with him. And, I got to sit beside him on his car. I can't believe I was able to manage it all the way through.

"What are you doing at the back? "

I looked at him. He was looking at me at the front mirror.

"You can't sit there. Sit here. Beside me. That front seat won't bite."

This guy!

I can't describe him.

He is just so...


I went outside and transferred to the front.

I put the seatbelt on.

He started the engine and drove.

I will make sure I won't utter a single sound.



"Your phone? " I said.

I looked at his phone's screen.

And a name appeared.


"You have a message. " I said.

"Don't bother yourself. It's not important."

And that shuts me up. Did I just not warn myself not to utter a single word?


That was the most quietest moment in my life. And I am happy I was able to survived.

We chose a table near the glass window. He was looking at the menu.

I surveyed the whole place. This is my first time that I came here in Felicia. And, no wonder this place is always a trend. It's because the atmosphere is so romantic.

"What do you want to eat?"

I looked at him. A waiter was already by our side. He was waiting for me to respond. I immediately checked the menu.

"Uhm, I would like to have cherry pasta."

I don't know why but my eyes kept on looking at him.

He looked at me back.

"Tell it to the waiter, not to me."

Argh! Stupid.

I smiled at the waiter. That was so embarrassing. "Cherry pasta please."

"One cherry pasta, one medium rare mushroom steak and two glasses of champagne. Anything else? "

"That will be all for me. You? "he said.

I waved my hands. "Same here."

The waiter left us.

I am both nervous and embarrassed. And I want to scream at myself for acting like this.

I secretly took a peek at him.

He was checking his phone.

I wonder.

If he is single or what? It would be best if he has a girlfriend so we have a bigger chance to cancel this whole marriage thing.

Should I ask him?

"Do you have a girlfriend? "

From his phone, he moved his gazed to me.

And I don't know why I find it so attractive!! Come on, self! Cooperate! We both hate him!

"I don't."

What? That's impossible! He should have a girlfriend!

"But why? That is not right! You should have one! "

He looked at me like I was making weird expression to my face.

"You should have a girlfriend! I don't believe you! "

He leaned his back on the chair and remained looking at me, smiling.

"I don't have one. And I am not joking. I used to have one but we broke up many years ago."

My mouth slightly opened. "Ooh. Really? Why you didn't get a new one?"

His smile became a laugh. And somewhere, in this room, I found myself smiling.

And again! Another slap for me for appreciating this man! Which I shouldn't be!

"I was busy helping my father running our business. And, I want to be fair with my girlfriend. If I commit myself into a relationship, it will lead to a break up soon. I have been focused with the Shon Hotel and my attention has been undivided. It will be unfair for her."

I nod at his answer. "That's hard. I mean, managing such a grand and famous hotel is mind-blowing."

He smiled. "How about you? My father told me that you are also assisting your parents with your business? "

I gestured my hand up and down. "It's not the type of business you are thinking. It's not that big, grand or known. Well, we used to be but not anymore."

"Why? What happened? "

I leaned to the table. I turned to my left side and there I saw our little restaurant. Peacefully standing as passers by coming back and forth.

"It was a long story but I am determined to bring it back to life. I mean, our business."

He nods his head. "Well, I am hoping for the best for your family's business. And, to your career as well."

Our conversation was cut off when the waiter came and brought our orders. He neatly placed our plates. And he left.

I looked at my pasta and in all honesty, this looked so good and pleasing.

"This pasta taste good! No wonder this place is so popular!"

He was chewing his steak, savoring the taste. "Hmm. I agree."

We had a quiet yet enjoyable dinner.

Somehow, my initial impression about him changed.

I found him surprisingly kind and cool. And, it's something that I found new for myself. Like, how I instantly saw him differently.

After our dinner, he looked at me, smiling. Like he has something to say.

"Look, I was actually planning to wait for the chef's special menu. And, according to my research, at exactly seven PM, he will announced that special dish. I was wondering if we can wait. I actually wanted to try it."

I can't control my laughter. How cute of him to ask me that?




Did I just praise him again?

How many times did I praise this man?

"Yeah sure. We can."

He smiled.

The waiter came and took our plates. He told the waiter that we will wait for the head chef's special announcement. The waiter nodded in response and then left.

I intertwined my hands and placed it on top of the table.

Now what?

What should I talk? Or what should we talk about? I can't just blurt out the word marriage, right?

And then...

The silence broke.


I suddenly looked at him. His gaze was resting on the jazz band on stage.

"I wanted to talk about this whole marriage thing."

He was still not looking at me.

I don't know why but I wanted him to look at me everytime he says the word 'marriage'.

I can't even understand myself!

And this is not right for me to feel something like this!!

"I....I think that it was crazy for them to decided it on their own. We are two complete strangers. And we haven't even formally introduced ourselves to each other."

My heart started to beat rapidly when our eyes met.

He looked at me directly with those dark emotional eyes.

I don't know why but it was like I was drawn to a blackhole by just meeting his stare.

Every beat makes me want to question myself! Why is it beating like this?

"I wanted to introduce myself. I just don't want you to think I'm just some random guy that your parents pick."

I remained quiet.

Waiting for him to finish his statement.

He leaned closer to the table.

"I'm Jeno Shon. I'm twenty-four years old. I am a graduate of Business Management. I don't have any siblings. I live on my own when I was eighteen."

I studied his expression. There were some things I have noticed when he introduced himself.

Like, he is creating a wall. It seemed that he does not want me to ask any questions and just safely mentioned those things that are common.

And I wonder why?!

" is your turn now."

I looked away. I held on the edge of the table.

" name is Lucy Yoo. I'm twenty years old. Will be turning twenty one in a few months. I'm a chef. I don't have any favorite food. And, just like you, I am an only child."


He smiled.

"So, we have something in common."

I stared at him.

And another of his boyish smile makes me want to slap my face for appreciating his visual.

Why? Lucy, why?

Our conversation was cut off when the jazz band stopped playing and a man in his tux came on stage with a microphone in hand.

"Good evening ladies and gents. Tonight is the night where we celebrate Felicia e cibo's first anniversary. Our head chef and the creator of this whole concept, Mr. Ark Kim has announced to the public about his new created dish. And, please, help me welcome, no other than, the man behind all this elegance and dream, Mr. Ark Kim. "

Loud applause filled the whole restaurant.

I craned my neck to see clearly. I saw a man wearing a grey formal suit. He reached for the microphone from the speaker and he faced in front.

All my life, I have been believing that the owner of Felicia was someone older than my father. Like real old.

But then,

I was surprised when the owner appeared in front of us. This is the first time he introduced himself to the public.

And, I can sense all the young girls hearts screaming when he smiled.

If I am not mistaken, he's around 23 or 24. He looked striking with his coal dark hair and his eyes are definitely his beauty.

Why do rich and young businessmen have to be so amazingly beautiful and handsome?

"Hi! Good evening. My name is Ark Kim. I just want to say thank you to everyone who loves our Felicia. Thank you for spending each of your days with us. And, to make this first anniversary more grand, I have finally decided to introduce my created dish, which I call, Moonlight Kiss. "

A bunch of waitresses appeared bringing the said dish with them. They all lined infront of the stage.

"As my way of saying thanks, I present to you Moonlight Kiss. "

All the waitresses came to every table and gave each customers a plate of the dish.

And I am so excited to see what Moonlight Kiss looks like and how it will taste.

The waitress neatly placed the plates.

I was amazed on how the dish looked like.

I wonder how he came up with such flavor and these ingredients together in one dish?

The lamb meat is so soft. The oregano and cinnamon added further flavor. Plus, the cream sauce is just so perfect.

"This is definitely a kiss in the moonlight! "

I smiled when I saw him smiling back at me.

"I'm glad that we have our first date here. "


Did he just say the word date?

"Oh! No! This is not a date. This is just like a simple hanging out together."

He wiped his mouth with the napkin and nodded his head. "Alright!"

I looked away.

Of course this is not a date!

"So, where do you want to go next after this? " he asked.

"Aren't you going home after this? "

He shrugged his shoulders.

"It is still early to go home."

He leaned on his chair and played with the fork. "Do you want to see the river at night? "

I was surprised.

I can't even barely remember how I responded to him.

And all that registered in my mind was the word...



How could he changed my mind in a quick second?

Like earlier I hated him...

And now....???

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