Play With Fire (Completed)

By historia14

18.3K 1.1K 361

"Sana, there's many boys around you who silently and openly adore can pick whoever you like. But rem... More

Oh Sehun
Park Jimin
Jung Hoseok
After A While
Park Jihoon
In Sena's Free Time
Their Conditions Afterwards
Since That Till Now
Suicide Attempt
In Your Arms
Sisterly Love
I Miss You
Hurt... it's just hurt
J-Hope's Strikes
Get A Grip
Quiet Days
note (update is before this)
new book (au)
It's Too Late
Six Months
Going Public
Jimin's Feelings
Something is Missing
Lovers Trip
Paradise For Us
Triple Date
Special Stage Request
Never an Easy Day
Drunk Text
🔸i got tagged 🔸
Realization Hits
How To Put An End
Forgive, Me?
The One She Loves
Sana's Heart
Friend for Life
The Day We Start It All
Burning Up
But I Still Love You
It's Time To Forget
She Better Died
Final - Spring Day

Cinnamon Ice Cream

499 35 4
By historia14

Today he looks brighter than ever. He smiles all day. It's been so long since I saw him smiling like a fool like this. He even hummed a song, smiling while making coffee and cleaning! That is not Oh Sehun that I know unless what I guess in my head right now is right.
"Are you perhaps falling in love again?" I asked him to the point.
Sehun stopped cleaning the dusk on our television. How so diligent.
"Aish, Kyungsoo hyung you're really to the point,"said Jongin who sat on the couch while playing game on PlayStation portable.
"Then you realized it as well,"I told Jongin. The younger one just lifted his shoulder while pouting his lips.
"I'm still 25 years old and have a long life to face how can I won't fall in love in process,"said Sehun, he keeps on cleaning the dusk.
"The hell! And who's the poor girl?!"suddenly Chanyeol popped out of nowhere. Hitting Sehun's board shoulder.
"She's lucky! She's the chosen one among so many girls out there,"Sehun clicked his tongue in annoyance upon hearing Chanyeol's remark.
"I'm always the one who's poor,"he continued.
"Okay no matter who she is, I hope this one is the kind-hearted one who will never betray you and break your heart anymore,"I patted the youngest's shoulder giving him strength.
"I guarantee, she's one of a kind. She's the type that never have intention to hurt you,"Sehun grinned. He looks so confident and so in love.
I don't know why, upon hearing his description... there's a girl that crossed my mind.

Saturday morning Sehun was already sitting on his favorite cafe, sipping his favorite menu here, black coffee. He was sitting so relaxed, looking outside the window while observing the life outside. The crowds, the people who's busy with their daily activities. He enjoyed the scenery which kinda surprised him at how long since he had done this before.
Sehun was not that cold like what people remarked him as an ice prince. He's just afraid of many things like disappointment. He's afraid of rejection and disappointment. That's what made him kinda introvert but with his looks, people just thought that he's a cold and cool person. He's just an ordinary guy who likes to appreciate his surrounding. At least, he used to be a person who appreciates his surrounding.
People ever fall in love then fall out love. That's what happened with Sehun. He changed. He became an indifferent person. He became unsympathetic with things...until he met her. Until Sehun saw her, suddenly his heart told him that she's different. That this girl can bring sunshine again to his life.
The girl that he has been waiting for finally came to his life. He wanted her to bring back the old Sehun. And now she's walking towards his direction. With her shy smile under the cap that she wore to cover almost a half of her small face. She wore a black long coat with pink sweater under her coat as her disguise from public. Her black hair was down also covering her cheeks. But Sehun could still distinguish her.
"Hello,"she greeted him. Sehun just wanted to pull her small body and smash her body to his chest and hug her tightly if he could. This is like a dream come true. The voice that recently he heard like every night even every time he has time to call her, is now her with him. The real person is here, he don't have to watch her from videos or facetime. She's here and he could hold her hands anytime he's ready.
"Hi good morning,"Sehun greeted her, so cringeworthy. How he wanted to smash his head on the wall.
"Good morning Oppa...did you sleep well last night?"Sana gave her sweet smile which can make Sehun fly anytime.
"I...I couldn't...,"Sehun looked away. He wanted to break his fists by smashing the wall by being so shy like this. He's older than her by 2 years but why he's acting like a boy who just fall in love.
"Hmm...why?"Sana looked so concerned.
"Because I can't wait to meet the morning,"Sehun took a sip of his coffee. Sana just blushed upon hearing that.
"Ah you need to order your beverage. What do you want?" He asked.
"I just want a hot chocolate...umm..with cinnamon,"
So, to summarize how can Sehun and Sana now having a date. That's after GDA, Sehun quickly texted her. He noticed her secret aegyo and told her.
"So Sana, you remember right if I can answer then I'll get my prize?"
"What is that do you want Oppa?"
"Hmm...a date,"
Sana promised if she could fly after reading his reply, she would. Sana had been dreaming of having a date with Sehun back then when she was still a nugu. He's her favorite member in EXO and back then, she was sure that she never will have a chance even just standing near him. But now, she got a date offer from him! Well it's not an offer it's a request to be exact. He asked her!
So that's why today she's with him. They're going to amusement park 2 hours from the city. Sehun picked this location because he knew that it's saver for them even in their disguise. This whole day is like a dream for Sana. She had a coffee date with Sehun earlier this morning and she swore she couldn't get enough of his handsome face and nice smell. After that they rode to the amusement park for two fuckin hours on his car and she was sitting next to him for that two fuckin hours long! Sana bets her heart almost explode during the ride.
And now, she's walking around the amusement park side by side with him. He was right, although it's Saturday but this amusement park is not too crowded. This amusement park is not too big but what attracted Sehun since the first time is the ferris wheel. It's huge.
"How I wish I can buy you that bunny hair band,"
Sana could hear Sehun whispered that. She looked at Sehun and he looked back at her.
"Do you want me to wear that?"she asked.
"Really want. But we're disguising. You wear that cap and mask so I think it's useless.
Without responding him, Sana walked towards the kiosk and picked a bunny hair band.
"How much is this?" She asked to the woman who sells the hair bands.
"$5 miss...,"
Just when she's about to fish out her money, Sehun gave the woman his money.
"Let's go,"he grabbed Sana's hand.
"Thanks,"Sana smiled seeing his action. Sehun looked at her while leading her to a place and gave her a smile which made Sana's heart fluttering even more.
"Ah ice cream stall! Do you want an ice cream?"he asked while pointing to a stall. Sana nodded her head excitedly.
"How cute," Sehun smiled upon seeing her response. They approached the stall and Sana began to scan the menu.
"I want to order a chocolate mint ice cream and... you?"Sehun asked Sana. Sana without hesitation, pointed her finger at a flavor which made Sehun widened his eyes.
"Cinnamon ice cream?"he asked. Sana nodded while smiling. Sehun might think that she has weird taste but she really likes cinnamon flavor.
"It's tasty,"she said.
"Earlier this morning you ordered coffee with ice cream cinnamon. Are you a cinnamon freak?"he asked in disbelief. Sana just laughed upon seeing his reaction.
"It's great!"
"Okay then I'll order this too,"he said then he told the man who sells the ice cream the flavors they want.
"Hmm... it's actually tasted good,"Sehun said as he licked the ice cream after that.
"Cinnamon is great!"Sana responded.
"I thought it'll taste like a grandmother,"Sehun laughed jokingly.
"Grandmother's taste good then,"Sana chuckled. Sehun looked at Sana with admiration and patted her head.
"Do you want to ride the ferris wheel?"Sehun pointed at a ferris wheel not far from their place. It's already late and Sehun thinks it'll better to ride the ferris wheel before they go home. Sana nodded excitedly because she really likes to see the lights from a high place.
"Let's go!"Sehun grabbed Sana's hand and they headed to the ferris wheel.
They're alone on the car and Sana could see the city freely from the top. Her eyes were glimmering seeing the lights under them. The car moved slowly so they can enjoy each other company freely.
"Tadaaa~" Sana wore the bunny head band Sehun brought before. Sehun bets, Sana is the cutest right now.
"Thanks for considerately showing me this,"Sehun took his phone and took a picture of her. Sana was surprised but then she smiled shyly.
"Oppa you really confuse me today for giving so many feelings to me,"Sana said shyly.
"And such as?" Sehun asked patiently while observing her blushing face.
"Hmm...,"Sana looked at Sehun hesitatedly. Sehun just waited for her patiently.
"Happiness...and fluttering heart...,"Sana looked away tried to hide her even more blushing face.
At that time, Sehun couldn't hold himself again and he grabbed her neck and titled his head to kiss her. Sana's eyes were widened as she felt his tender, wet lips on her lips. Her time felt like stop but the ferris wheel still moving. Sehun pulled back and looked at her face and as he found she was taken aback by the sudden kiss, he chuckled and kissed her forehead.
"Sorry for that...,"
Sana shook her head continuously, making Sehun laughed. She was afraid that Sehun may think she doesn't like the kiss and he thought she's so cute.
I-I ... don't feel sorry Oppa...,"Sana said nervously and upon couldn't bear her nervousness anymore, she covered her face with her palms.
"Waaaaa...,"she shouted lowly. Sehun took her hand away from her face and faced her.
"I'm also so happy...and my heart is never stop fluttering...,"he said. Sana looked at Sehun and observing his honesty. He speaks with his heart and she knew that. So when Sehun leaned forward again to kiss her, Sana was surrender.
That night was an unforgettable night for her. They were kissing passionately after that until the car stopped. And for him, their first kiss tasted like a sweet cinnamon...he would never relate cinnamon to grandmother again. It's all about her from now on.

Kyaaaaa Sena's first kiss! What do you think guys? My heart's fluttering upon imagining this part! So do you think Sena will be official in next chapter? Or will Jimin interfere with their just starting relationship? And what will happen to Hoseok and Sana? Please keep waiting for my updates..and don't forget to keep supporting me if you like this story by leaving your comments, it'll really boost my mood to continue this story 😆

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