Collection of Poems and Short...

By Jkzzrd

149 8 0

This will be just a collection of random poems and stories I do that don't go to or belong to any of my stori... More

Collection of Poems and Short Stories
Letting Go
I'm on top of the world.
A Christmas Tobuscus One-Shot
Hello, my name is GaMzEe MaKaRa
It's the night that gets me
Doctor Fix Me (Doctor Who One-Shot or scene for my fanfic)

The Doctor

9 1 0
By Jkzzrd

The Doctor - by Olivia White

(relates to 'Help Me - A Doctor Who fanfiction')


Who is the Doctor exactly,

What is his name?

Who was he before?

Why is he so mysterious?

The Doctor is no one,

in some places he doesn't exist,

he's existing when he shouldn't,

and so is that girl,

I believe her an is Olivia,

The Doctor's daughter,

another time lord,

The Creator,

The Creator is her,

the girl with one heart but is some how a time lord,

She even registers as human,

I think the Doctor is hiding something from her,

as if he is afraid of something,

Maybe he is afraid of what she can do,

Maybe, just maybe,

he is afraid of the Creator.

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