Floated Angel ✓

By imaginesinwonderland

63.3K 1.4K 1K

{Based off the tv series The 100~ season 1} {Completed} ~•~ Eden Taylor the girl that really does live by the... More

●Twenty One●
●Twenty Two●
●Twenty Three●
●Twenty Four●
● Twenty Five ●
● Twenty Six ●
● Twenty Seven●
●Twenty Eight●
●Twenty Nine●
The Sequel
The Past .1
The Past .2
The Past .3


6.8K 101 87
By imaginesinwonderland

Free falling.

It felt extraordinary. It felt pacifying, almost soothing. Your heart beats fast and slow, rapid and unrushed; your mind swims into a stagnant sea to sit and wonder. Your body feels weightless like an itinerant vessel. You're free, you defy all laws.

I was floated.

I was floating...

Then I wasn't.

My sharp intake of breath sounded as if I had been held underwater for the longest of times.

Noise― it filtered into my senses. Chatter, crying, screaming bounced around along with a constant buzzing.

Light― the dull, wasted luminosity brung the room into a blue, gloomy veil. I blinked, clearing my haze, to find myself in a metal room of sorts and I wasn't alone. Many boys and girls of around my age surrounded me.

Touch― like everyone else, a belt woven over my chest and torso confined me to a chair but some deliquents were strapped to the metal walls.

I swiveled my head to the right seeing a brunette girl. She looked at me, stunning me with her striking blue eyes and stern yet wild expression. She was attractive.

"Where are we? What's happening?"

I didn't remember much of the chain of events that had occurred. I remembered a familiar guard waltzing into my cell and ordering me to stand. He had boasted a a set of thick handcuffs and a wicked smile. I thought he had come to torment me and didn't know what do. He went to touch me and I lashed out. I remember feeling a prick in the side of my neck and his hand caressing my hair. He had said he would miss me.

"We're being sent to the ground. One hundred of us from the Skybox.

I thought Earth wasn't survivable. What the hell were they doing? We fly down to Earth, see the world for a few seconds, then die. . . Classy.

The blue-eyed girl opened her mouth to say something, but flickering screens on the walls cut her off and Chancellor Jaha's face appearing. A soft glare of light shone over his dark skin. Considering he had a stressful job his skin bared no telling signs.

My lips drooped to a frown on their own, as the distaste I held for Jaha began to reignite itself. The guy deserved an award for being the biggest dick known to what's left of humanity. Honestly, I wished I could shoot him.

Eyeing him on the big screen, I decided to ignore his words. All I made out as I focused on looking around was:

"You've been given a second chance..." Oh really, I almost crackled at what he was saying. A second chance at what exactly?

"Your crimes have made you expendable..." Asshole!

"Those crimes will be forgiven." Now I scoffed. Crimes? Forgiven? There was no way we'd be forgiven.

"Your dad is a dick, Wells!"

I agreed with the bodiless voice, "Damn right he is." We were free of the Ark but we were rapidly reaching death.

The girl beside me laughed a little.

"Spacewalk bandit strikes again."

A gleeful boy floated past where I sat.

"Whoo!" A chorus of hollers erupted along with cheers of his name. Finn.

My eyes widened in fascination as he twirled in the air ignoring a blonde girl and Wells. I knew the girl, she was called Clarke Griffin. The daughter of the doctor that treated my mum. I instantly didn't like her.

"...Your dad floated me, after all."

I grinned wide at the prospect of flying. Impulsively, I ripped my seatbelt off and pushed off into the space above.

"Eyyy give it up for the red-head." The boy laughed out, loudly. Teenagers hollered around us yelling out in encouragement.

"It's not red." I pulled a fake annoyed face whilst pulling a strand of hair.

"What's your name?" He grinned.

"Eden."I floated towards him.

"You two should strap in before the parachutes deploy," the dark-skinned boy, Wells, directed to both Finn and I.

"If I'm gonna die I may as well do it floating, like your dad would have wanted."

Wells seemed taken aback but I didn't care he wasn't my dad.

"Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live," Clarke ordered.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. None of us got locked up and imprisoned, by our own people, just to let the joy of being set free drained and crushed by Killjoy and her chancellor boyfriend.

Finn and I continued to somersault in the air before the room jolted and all four of us, idiots, were thrown into one of the walls with force. Throbbing ran up my spine and a groan left my lips. "Fuck."

"Finn, are you okay?"

The lights flickered, as if their heartbeats were spiking. The ship itself spat out bright sparks, as it jostled back and forth. My body slammed back into the wall again. This time, harsh smoke squealed into the room, clouding the area that fluctuated between light and dark. The ship's organs groaned and churned, protesting at the rocketing speed we were most probably descending at.

Then nothing.

No sound. No movement. I think we landed?

"Listen. No machine hum."

"Whoa. That's a first."

I felt two strong arms haul me up, then Finn's eyes looked worriedly into my eyes. Finn's eyes were a warm brown and his hair fell below his ears. "Are you alright?"

I nodded, "You're an idiot, Finn."

"As are you, Eden." I stared at him for a second before we both cracked up a little.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the two boys from before rendered unconscious. I sighed knowing I encouraged these kids to do something dumb. Finn knelt by them and checked for a pulse. I prayed that they were fine and that they were really only knocked out, but the solemn look on Finn's face told me otherwise.

Someone said something and suddenly everyone began to swarm out of the room and down to another level. There were more of us. Finn and I bulldozed our way through a mass of people. We came to a stop in front of a large metal door and three people: Wells and his blonde wife, and then a tall, dark and handsome somebody.

The last guy I noticed seemed older than the rest of us and he seemed ready to take charge and open up the drop ship.

"Stop. The air could be toxic."

"If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway," tall dark and handsome, stated matter of fact. And I agreed completely.

"Exactly! Who gives a fuck? Open the door, if we die then we die!" I called out smirking as the Clarke glared at me.

Right as, tall dark and handsome, was about to open the door the girl who sat beside me climbed down from the ladder and called out, "Bellamy?"

I huffed out as strong anticipation took hold of me. I wanted to go outside see what the Earth was like, I wanted to know if we were going to die already. What I didn't want to do was watch a reunion between Bellamy and his sister.

Then, it dawned on me. Nobody has a sibling, that's a crime on the Ark. Hushed whispers ran over the room, mummers of Octavia's name and how she hid under the floorboards for most of her life.

Like a newly released wildcat, Octavia lunged forward at everyone but Bellamy held her back. I had to applaud her fierceness.

I blew out air between my lips and slyly slipped over to the lever that opened up the door. I pulled down on it surprising people. "There's no time like the present," I grinned. I caught sight of Bellamy smirking a little towards me which I responded to with a short smile.

Octavia was the first to step out. I followed close behind wanting to get out into the open. I stood beside her mesmerized at the feel of warm sunlight on my skin and the extraordinary scene of wildlife before us.

The air felt fresh, it felt raw, it felt crisp. On the Ark everything felt artificial but here on Earth it felt right. We were supposed to be here.

"We're back, bitches!" Octavia hollered.

"We're home!" I screamed after her.

We both laughed as everyone ran out of the drop ship howling, hooting and shrieking with exhilaration. I gazed around in wonder feeling a sense of adventure.

Shocked, that my feet planted down on Earth's soil, could be the biggest understatement of the year. Today I was eighteen. Today was my start of the short period of time before I was supposed to be floated. The council would have had to review my crimes to see if I was to be floated or not. Today was meant to be the beginning of the end, but I made it and this is the best birthday present I could ask for.

Now, I knew I wanted to leave the Ark behind and start again, I wanted to ditch the Eden that had been in Lockup.

"Happy birthday to me," I muttered quietly.

"It's your birthday?" I started at the sudden sound of Finn's voice. "This is one heck of a birthday present, don't you think?"

"Definitely." I admired Finn's adventurous grin. "What's that look for?"

"Let's go on an adventure, birthday girl."

"Right now?"

"Why not?"

Despite my heistation because of the thought it would be just me and Finn, I pumped my arms into the air and released a holler, "Let's go, Spacewalker!"

I jumped with adrenaline and skipped ahead, barely grabbing hold of Finn's hand to pull him along.

The touch of healthy green plants grazing my hand felt surreal. Still, I couldn't believe we made it, witnessing and experiencing Earth first hand was mind-boggling.

Finn and I marched on, weaving between the greenery, eager to explore. After a while of wandering I decided to strike up a conversation with my handsome companion.

"So you're the boy who got arrested for going on an illegal spacewalk."

"Yep that's me alright."

"I remember when that happened, a lot of the Ark wanted you floated but I found it quite funny." I came across what looked like white berries and picked a handful of them.

"Why were you sent to the Skybox? What did you do?"

I turned back to Finn and just shrugged, "I'd rather not talk about it. Not today anyway." The cause of my arrest was a sour topic that I'd do anything to forget about. Today's my birthday and I didn't want to ruin it with such a mood dampener. "Here have some berries." I dropped a few into his hand ignoring his perplexed and intrigued stare.

"Are you sure these are edible?"

"Everything from Eden is holy and edible, except the apples. Don't take an apple." I faked a serious look furrowing my brows before giggling slightly at Finn's face.

I chucked a few berries into my mouth and bit into them gently. A new flavour burst over my taste buds making me moan in delight. "These are so good and look I'm alive!" I laughed.

With a careless shrug from Finn, he chucked some berries into his mouth as well, and then we were on our merry way. I'd say after ten more minutes of casual strolling and talking, I noticed a glimmer not too far ahead.

"Oh my god, Finn! Look there's water!" Anticipation of wanting to feel water on my skin sky rocketed and in seconds I was running towards it with Finn close behind.

In a small circular clearing, the reflective water shimmered in the centre surrounded by small rocks and one large one. A state of ecstasy washed over me completely, stripping away negative emotions. I only felt happy, ecstatic and exhilarated.

I was quick to strip off my jacket, pull off my boots and take off my top and trousers. I didn't glimpse back at Finn to see what he was doing, instead I plunged into the warm, crystalline water and held my breath. Soon enough Finn cannonballed in, I took that as my time to re-emerge.

I closed my eyes and released a soft breath as I broke the surface of the water. My hands slicked back my hair to my neck and shoulder blades making me shiver delicately. My eyes fluttered open locking with Finn's. I couldn't contain the large smile that lit up my face and neither could Finn.

Around him I saw rapid wisps of gold circling and spitting everywhere. Different colours joined in like light trails, everywhere I glanced.

"This is amazing," he exclaimed.

"I feel so euphoric. I want to feel like this all the time."

All of my limbs had a mind of their own and I felt detached from reality. My hands ran through my soaked hair messing with it, pulling it up, letting it fall, twisting it around and ruffling it.

"Eden. Your hair looks so red right now," Finn swam a bit closer and ran a hand though my tresses.

"It's strawberry blonde." I rolled my eyes taking in his bare body that was so close.

"Well, it's a rich strawberry blonde right now."

I wasn't comprehending what he was saying, I just watched his lips move as he spoke to me. His hand grazed my shoulder as he played with my hair making me shiver. I laughed like he said or done the most hilarious things which made him laugh just as hard. There was a slight drop in temperature as I left the water but I forgot about it as soon as I jumped onto the large rock.

I felt numb to anything that ever upset or could ever upset me. I was on a permanent high at this moment, as was Finn. We had no explanation for it nor did we care to have one.

I plunged back into the water, surfacing in front of him. I admired his face and the array of spitting lights that surrounded the array. Then, without much thought, I pressed my lips to his feverishly loving the taste of berries on his lips.

As soon as he kissed back everything escalated quickly. I sat on the ground with my legs hanging in the water, Finn stood between my legs and we continued to make out intensely. Rapture engulfed my being as he pressed into me more wrapping my legs around him.

I'm not certain how far we would have gone if we weren't suddenly interrupted and by the dazed look on Finn's face he didn't know either.

We both jumped at Bellamy's voice. "Hey you two! Save it for some other time and get your asses back to the dropship."

His expression was blank and that alone made me giggle. Bellamy stood tall in his guard's uniform, oozing an air of command with a voice that demanded attention. He looked really, really good and that made me giggle again whilst I pulled away from Finn and stood on wobbly legs.

Finn wasn't as bad as me but you could safely say we weren't normal right now.

"What is wrong with you two?"

"Two?" I asked baffled. "There's only one of us. This is my right hand, Finn." I wrapped an arm around Finn's shoulder almost bringing us crashing down.

"Other way around, Eden." Finn butted in.

Bellamy just sighed, "Just put on your clothes and let's go."

With a slight struggle and exhilarated determination, Finn and I managed to amble into our clothing. With a lasting echoing laugh, Finn started to head back the way we came with phenomenal coordination. I, however, stumbled straight into Bellamy's chest, he steadied me then let go immediately.

"How did you find us?"

"I was checking the perimeter."

"Mhmm. What did you see?"

"Trees, trees, more trees and then you two. Let's go."

I decided to start teasing him now and see if I could get him flustered. "Did you see me strip down then jump into the water?"


"Did you see the water trickle down my body as I resurfaced?"


"Did you watch as I pressed up against Finn. Did you watch as I kissed him?"

Bellamy rolled his eyes impatiently. "No. I didn't see anything." His voice was gruff.

"Are you sure?" I pushed a little more.


I grinned widely looking into his dark eyes. "Good! Because that would be bad." I pulled back from him feeling more in control of myself. "I'm just teasing you. Do you want some berries?"

The corner of his lip twitched slightly as if he was going to smile, although it didn't last long.

"Did you and Finn eat these?" I nodded. "Give me them."

I poured the left over white fruit into the palm of his larger hand. Bellamy inspected them first before pulling his arm back and throwing the berries with great strength. "No more of those berries, they're making you high."

I grumbled lightly but said nothing in return.

"Let's head back to camp." Bellamy walked ahead not even giving me a second glance which I shrugged off. What a guy.

By the time we arrived back at camp my mind was completely sober, which wasn't surprising since the small trek required me to switch back to reality to stay upright.

I stepped up beside Finn and Bellamy in time to see the start of an argument. "Honestly, teenagers and drama," I said dramatically shaking my head.

"Tell me about it," Bellamy responded.

"I bet fifty bucks the boy with goggles somehow knows karate," I spoke casually earning slight chuckles from both boys.

Bellamy walked over to get involved with Wells and now a group of boys' disagreement.

"You have no money," Finn caught my attention as he moved towards the drop ship.

"I bet my trouser legs then!" I called moving towards where a small circle was forming.

I watched unimpressed at the little scrap going on. Taunts were thrown around along with chants for both Murphy and Wells to fight. Bellamy stood to the side, like some higher being, not doing anything and Wells' lousy blonde friend did nothing either. As soon as Murphy kicked Wells' ankle, making it an unfair fight, I decided to step in.

"Hey back off! Fighting a guy already on the floor doesn't show your strength. It shows your weak character."

Murphy laughed. Well jokes on him because I'm not as weak as I look.

"Get out of my way, Red." He made a move to push me but I side stepped his hand and kicked him in the side. Murphy staggered to the floor in surprise.

I held out a hand for Wells to take and helped haul him up. I spun back around only to have Finn jump down from the side of the drop ship and stop Murphy from landing a punch to my face.

"It's not cool to hit girls, especially when they've already publicly kicked your ass."

Murphy growled giving me one last look before stalking off.

"Hey, Spacewalker, rescue me next." Octavia flirted. I glanced over her shoulder to Bellamy, not surprised to see his pissed expression.

"Finn, my knight in shining armour," I teased straight away taking the spot to his left. Finn held a cheeky smirk.

I turned my attention to Clarke who was talking about trekking to Mount Weather to get supplies. The trek sounded interesting and since it was my birthday I knew I wanted to go with them on the journey.

"How are the two of you gonna carry enough food for a hundred?" Wells winced.

"Sorry, am I ghost or what? I just helped you, the least you could do is acknowledge me." I crossed my arms over my chest annoyed, I didn't even really like the kid, he's his father's son and I hated his father. "Eden makes three."

Finn grabbed a hold of two boys and spun them into the group. "Five of us. Can we go now?"

I recognised the boy with the goggles from just a few minutes ago, but not his friend. "Names?"

"Jasper." Boy with the goggles.

"Monty." Asian boy who seems very sweet.

"Sounds like a party. Make it six." Octavia marched over with a determined look on her face that differed from her big brother's behind her.

"What are you doing?" Bellamy questioned his rebellious little sister.

"Going for a walk." Bellamy looked extremely concerned so I ignored Finn and Clarke and focused on the siblings.

"It's a team bonding exercise. Do you have a knife by any chance?" I asked directly to Bellamy.


"You'll get it back." I showed off my best pleading smile.

I waited as he searched his pockets and listened to Finn get scolded for trying to take off his metal wristband. Apparently they transmit our vitals signs to the Ark so they know we're alive.

Bellamy handed over a knife. "Thanks."

With hast I pulled off my trousers earning a few confused and surprised stares. I cut the legs of my trousers then pulled back on my new shorts.

I handed Bellamy his knife back taking note of his continuous staring then chucked the material at Finn.

"What am I supposed to do with these?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Leg warmers, arm warmers, a scarf, you pick," I listed a few things gaining a laugh back from him.

Jasper stared wide-eyed and mouth wide open. I laughed slapping his shoulder. "You made me lose a bet. Plus they were making my legs itch." I faced Bellamy and asked, "You gonna let her come with?"

"Go on." He groaned. Octavia grinned and kissed his cheek before stepping up beside me.

"Okay, let's go."

Octavia nodded in agreement so we set off first not caring if they were following or not.

It's time for an adventure.







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