Not Good Enough (A Harry Styl...

By adult_disneyprincess

135K 4.8K 562

Isolde Connor is just a piano teacher with above average intelligence who just happened to see a stranger pas... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Requests Open

Chapter Eighteen

4.4K 171 20
By adult_disneyprincess

Harry POV

                The rest of the holidays passed without incidence, and I was sad to see that Isolde had to return to work. I went with her a few times, but I sacred the children when she was trying to teach piano and was banded from the lessons.

            “You did that on purpose!” Isolde huffed at me, trying to contain her laughter. I had “accidently” thrown a book at a fourteen year old who was watching her bend over.

            “Then maybe he should keep his eyes on the keyboard.” I told her and she laughed. We had gotten along well these past few weeks, I think it was because I had stopped being such a hardass. I was a nicer person now, and I like that she had changed me for the better. The boys and I had practically moved in here with her, her home actually felt like a home. She was very motherly with the boys especially Niall, and I think the boys missed having a female in their lives.

            “So my mother and father are coming to here to eat. They told me they had to tell me something, so I need you to be out of the house.” Isolde told me. I frowned at her.

            “Are you embarrassed of me?” I asked her quietly and, to my surprise, she laughed at me.

            “No, sweetheart! I already told them about you! Well about us dating, not the whole you turn into a giant wolf thing. Plus I think your tattoos and piercing would give my dad a brain aneurism.” She tells and I smile back at her. Just as I was about to say something, Zayn’s voice invaded my mind.

            Harry. I’m sending Niall to go with Isolde to her lesson. There is something you need to see. The sooner the better, Alpha. Just as he said this the door open and a worried looking Niall came in.

            “Hi guys”, he begin, “I was hoping that I could tag along when you go see Isaac for his lesson, Princess. I miss him.” He says this looking directly at me, and I soon grow fearful. Isolde must not have noticed because she smiled at him.

            “Of course, Niall. Isaac speaks very highly of you. Let me grab my jacket and we’ll leave.” I look into Niall mind to see what he is worried about. (Normally I don’t do this, he thinks about Zayn too much and I could live the rest of my life without those mental images.). He is thinking of a person whom I have never seen. Isolde’s face comes into view, and suddenly I am filled with a feeling of dread.

            “Be careful you too,” I tell them, “Tell Isaac I said hi.” I kiss Izzy goodbye and she smiles walking out the door. I grab Niall before he can walk out.

            “Who’s the person?” I ask him harshly. He pales and his eyes widen.

            “You promised not to read our minds anymore.” He says quietly. I sigh and let him go. He walks out the door and gets into Isolde’s car.

            Protect her. I tell me.

            With my life. He replies, and I believe him.


Isolde POV

            The car ride to Isaac’s was different. I had learned that Niall never stayed silent for more than ten minutes, so it was odd that he hadn’t said anything for almost the whole drive.

            “Niall, we’re almost there. Are you okay? You look like you’re lost in thought.” I ask him, concerned for my friend. He sighs and turns his head to look at me.

            “We have been noticing people that have been coming too close to you for Harry’s comfort.” He tells me. I feel a rush of fright at his words.

            “How do you know they’re looking for me?” I ask.

            “The last place we tracked them too was an abandoned factory and they had drawn the Hood crest all over the walls.” I took a deep breath, and tried to process what he told me. How do they know who I am? “We don’t know. All we know is that this person, or people are looking for the next members of the Hood’s family.” He tells me, apparently I had been thinking out loud.

            “Then why aren’t they after my mother?” I asked. Niall looked at me.

            “Your mother is still alive?” He asked carefully. I actually had to laugh at his question. I nod at him. I pulled into Isaac’s driveway. “Then I have no idea.” Niall says in a defeated tone.

            “Hm. Well, have you told Harry?” I ask him. We were just sitting in the car at this point. I unbuckle my seat belt and wait for him to answer.

            “Zayn, Liam, and Louis should be telling him now. They are out looking for whose doing this.” He tells me. I smile at him.

            “Then everything will be okay.” I tell him. He smiles back and we get out of the car and walk up to the door.

            I notice that the door is ajar, and I run into the house to see Isaac clasped on the floor.

            “Isaac!” I yell. I hear the sound of a wolf howling, and then everything goes black.




Harry POV

          “What are we doing here?” I ask impatiently. I hated being away from Izzy, and I knew she wouldn’t text and drive. The rest of the boys soon came to Isolde’s house, and we left to go look at the abandoned factory.

            “You need to see this, Harry.” Liam told me gravely. I walk passed him and begin to look at the walls. The Hood’s crest is covering every single inch of the walls in this place.

            “What the actual fuck?” I said mostly to myself. I look up to see the boys giving me a look of concern.

            “We don’t know. There have never been any records or anything of this in all of our history. I think it someone trying to scare Isolde or maybe you.” Louis tell me.

            “Well, he is half right.” A voice from the darkness calls out. A dark skinned woman, dressed all in black walks out from the shadows. She wears a dangerous smirk.

            “You’re the woman from the park, the one that threatened Isolde.” Liam growls at her. At this time all of the boys had extended their claws and teeth.

            “The very same. Allow me to introduce myself, boys. I am Aliya, spokesperson for the Hart’s coven. You remember them don’t you, boys?  ” She says, gesturing to herself. She was referring to the pack of bloodsucker that used us as guard dogs.

            “What do you want?!” I spat.

            “I want you dead.” She says simply.

            “Really? Because there’s four of us and one of you.” Louis says mocking her. She pouts her lip, and says in sick, twisted voice.

            “But I have something you don’t have.” She says in a singsong voice.

            “And what is that?” I ask, circling around giving ready for the kill.

            “Your mate.”




Once again: massive, huge, gigantic thanks to anyone and everyone ready this! 

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