masters of the scene | lutteo...

By deliverydefresas

16K 535 274

Matteo Balsano is a famous singer who has been crushing on this one girl he saw every day behind a window man... More

we know the start
masters of the scene I
givin' out a spark
nothing promised, no regrets
take it now or leave it
now is all we get (i)
we've done it all before
la question c'est voulez-vous?
we know the end (i/iii)
we know the end (ii/iii)
we know the end (iii/iii)

now is all we get (ii)

1K 35 14
By deliverydefresas


New pictures of what looked as a strained interaction between the couple have surfaced today. If you're wondering why, we're here to tell you it's got a name: Ámbar Smith.

The young actress and singer were seen – and photographed- in the middle of a heated argument moments before Matteo was left alone with Sol, leading us all to believe Benson's cold attitude was caused by Smith's presence in her boyfriend's life.

Witnesses affirm Smith was 'all over' the singer before he confronted her in the middle of the restaurant. "She was attached to his arm as soon as she was close enough. [Matteo] looked angry and whispered something to her, probably to leave him alone. After that, she went nuts. [Ámbar] started talking louder about how it was all [Sol's] fault." According to our source, Smith calmed down as soon she realized Sol was in the room with them. "It was like a switch had turned on her. She smiled at [Benson] and her friend, and then left with the other girl, leaving Balsano alone with his girlfriend."

What happened after that? "Sol's smile looked forced, while he tried to lighten the mood between them. It didn't seem to work, because she got all serious and told [Matteo] to join the group upstairs, saying they'd have 'a talk' later. I would act the same if my boyfriend's ex were all over him."

Smith and Balsano had been on a on and off relationship for over five years, before Balsano started seeing ex-professional skater, Sol Benson. Are you #TeamMambar or #TeamSoltteo?

For more on these three, click here!


She was getting dizzy. It was probably a downside of twirling in her dress so many times.

She just couldn't help it. She didn't know how Yam had done it, but the way the skirt moved as she twirled not only looked pretty, but was a lot of fun, too. Luna must've twirled at least fifty times the last half an hour, having Yam finished with her in less than fifteen minutes after they arrived at her shop. She'd done enough dresses for her not to get them ready on the firsts fittings, or so she said. She couldn't say the same for Nina, though, as she'd been with Yam for over thirty minutes by now.

"Red looks so pretty on you." Jim complimented her, "me, on the other side, will probably need to die my hair a shade darker if I want to look decent with it on."

She stopped her twirling, casting an incredulous look to the redhead. "What? But it looks gorgeous on you! Yam picked it up thinking of you!"

"Yam picked it because she's getting married on Valentine's Day, and the theme is 'love red'." Jim snorted. "I'm sure that red being Ramiro's favorite color, and Yam's favorite shade of lipstick play a nice part on it, too."

While Luna admitted she was oblivious of her surroundings like, 60 percent of the time (or maybe 65. Or 70. Sometimes even 75%), when it came to her friends, she was anything but. Something was bothering the sweet Valencian woman. "Jim, are you okay?"

"Of course, I am, why do you ask?"

Was she imagining things now? "I don't know, you just- I mean, you sound a little off, that's all."

Her friend opened her mouth then closed it quickly after a second. She repeated it a couple times, until she ended up pouting. "Yam's getting married."

She almost retorted with an 'obviously', but figured it was probably rude. So, she went with the universal answer to everything. "Oh?"

Jim sighed. "You don't get it, Nina's not dating anyone, much less engaged and soon to be married!"

"Well, no. Maybe if you explained to me what the problem is? I thought you liked Ramiro, and how he treated her?"

"I do. It's just... She's my best friend. And she's getting married. Soon she'll be having babies, creating a family, maybe she'll get a dog and I'll be here, single, and alone!"

Yikes. "You'll have me! And Nina! Besides, I seriously doubt Yam'll have children any time soon. And I doubt even more she'll forget about you. You're Jim and Yam, and like Yin and Yang, you're interconnected!"

"That's super cheesy, but thanks Luna." Her friend sighed, smiled, and went to hug her. "I guess I just got the jitters... It feels like everyone is pairing off and then it'll be just me. And Nina." That only confused her.

"Who's everyone?"

"Y'know, Ramiro and Yam, Pedro and Delfi, Matteo and you, Simón and his new girlfriend..."

Luna had to take a step back, breaking the hug altogether. "I'm going to ignore the part about Matteo and me, because it's a lie, but, Simón has a girlfriend?"

"You didn't know?" Jim gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "I thought you knew! He's your best friend!"

"Who is it? Why hasn't anyone said anything to me about it?" she cried out, both surprised and offended they'd kept it a secret from her. They had no secrets, never had and she thought they'd never have. Of course, someone always tried to keep them, but they usually told someone else and that person told someone else and that person- it went on and on. Point being, keeping a secret was pointless and she couldn't believe her friends, much less Simón, would do it.

"We thought you knew, you're his best friend after all! The thing is, no one knows who it is. He keeps insisting there's no one, but Yam told me, that Ramiro told her, that Pedro told him he's been writing love songs. And we all know he only writes love songs when he-"

"When he has a crush! That idiot is seeing someone, and he didn't tell me!" She huffed out, her excitement for twirling completely gone now. Now she just had to wait for lunch, and that man better be prepared because he was going to meet her bad cop side, all interrogative and annoying. She'd have to apologize with Ámbar for it but- "Oh. My. God." It hit her then. Was this why he wanted Nina and her to have lunch with them both? To present Ámbar as his girlfriend to his best girlfriends? Now that she remembered it, the day Matteo had called her last, and she'd implied Matteo had written Princesa for her, Simón had flinched. It made sense, right? That he didn't want to think about another guy writing a love song about his girl? Is that what had prompted him to start writing love songs?

"What?! Why that 'oh my god'?" Jim asked excitedly, eager to gossip.

"I think I know who it is." She had to take a deep breath. "Out of all possibilities I didn't, for sure, see this one coming, holy chalupas."

Jim squealed. "Who, who, who?!"

"Jim, who are Nina and I meeting for lunch today?"

Her friend frowned, confused. "Simón and Ámb-" Jim interrumpted herself with a gasp. "NO WAY! That's like, impossible!"

But was it? She'd seen weirder things happening. "Do I need to remind you of the Nico incident two years ago?"

Jim pursed her lips. "That was a mistake, but you're right. I just can't picture those two together. It's like a bad-ass eagle dating a mouse. One of them will end up eating the other. And it won't be the mouse."

"What are you two talking about over here? Mouses?" Yam asked, coming out of the fitting room's door, with Nina right behind. Jim squealed again.

"You won't believe what we just found out!" Luna was quick to stop her, pinching her arm. "Ouch!" the redhead threw her a puzzling look, not getting why she couldn't tell Yam.

"We don't know for sure what's happening there, we could be wrong for all we know." She said in a hurried whisper, knowing well that Yam and Nina were getting more suspicious by the second.

"But-" Jim tried to protest. When she pinched her arm again, she relented. "Fine. But I want all details of your lunch or I will spill to Yam, and she will to Ramiro, and he will-"

"Yeah, yeah. I get it, Jim." Luna had to giggle at the situation. Jim trying to be intimidating was like a puppy trying to be intimidating, adorable. She turned to her other friends then, giving them an innocent grin to their inquisitive looks. "We were just talking about... computers. Mine is giving me problems and Jim said the cause won't be the mouse."

Damn, she was a terrible liar. Jim was turning red from holding in her laughter, while Yam looked skeptical. Nina, looked thrown aback. "You don't have a mouse."

"Which is why it won't be the cause, Nina, please. Catch up." She giggled nervously. When her best friend tried to talk, she changed the subject. "So, are you done with Nina's dress, Yam?"

Yam nodded, her eyes shining with pride. "Yes, I still have a couple modifications to make, but it's mostly done, thankfully. Now all you two- "she pointed to Jim and her "-need to do is to not gain or lose any weight, so they'll fit perfectly on February." Her tone was cheery, but even Luna could tell she was warning them not to mess it up. She wanted to say she could've left all the tailoring to Mora but contained herself from doing so. Yam wasn't a bridezilla by any means, but she could be scary when it came to her designs, and who could or couldn't touch them up, especially on her wedding.

"We promise we won't mess it up Yam. Are you ready to go, N? I bet Simón and Ámbar are waiting for us right now." Nina threw her an odd look.

"Are you okay, Luna? Did your hot chocolate have too much caffeine in it? This is Simón we're talking about. He's always late." She had her there.

"Maybe so but I'm starving, Nina!" Her friend still had that odd look on her face. The one that said 'I know you're up to something' look. After what felt like a century, Nina nodded.

"Alright, we'll go. We'll meet you for dinner tomorrow, girls." She said her goodbyes to Jim and Yam, waiting for her to do the same.

Luna apologized to Yam, who simply waved her off with, making her promise she'd bring dessert tomorrow's night. Jim threatened to burn down her skates if she didn't call her after with all the scoop. As soon as they were out, Nina started questioning her.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

She really wanted to, really, really, wanted to. "Not yet. Sorry, Nina."

Her friend opened her car, waiting until both were in it to talk again. "Is this about the interview?" she asked softly, turning on the engine. Luna sighed.

"No. And I really don't want to discuss it right now, please? And before you tell me I only have a couple of days, I know, I will think about it later, just not right now."

"Okay, okay. I'm here if you want to talk, you know that, right?"

She smiled at that. "Yes, I know, thank you, N."

"Good. Now, I might've done something while you went for the coffee with Tamara..."

"You asked out Matteo's friend?" Luna guessed with a laugh, expecting a rotund no from her.

She choked on her own saliva when Nina answered with a "kinda."

"What?! Are you serious?!"

"Again, kinda. I just told them they could join us for lunch."

"Them? Matteo, too?" Nina nodded. "Why?"

"I felt bad for him, Luna. He looked so sad you were mad at him, and he promised he was going to tell you the truth."

"But I told him to call me, so we could talk, and he could explain later, Nina. Not today. I'm still mad at him!"

"That was before you did that! How was I supposed to know you were going to give him a chance this soon? I thought it'd take another week, minimum."

She sighed exasperatedly. "I don't want to fight with you about this." Nina looked at her regretfully.

"I'm sorry, Luna. I know you're stressed with everything that's happening right now, I truly thought I was helping you... that's why I'm telling you I did it, so you're not taken off guard when they appear out of nowhere."

"I know, N. Do Ámbar and Simón know they're coming, though?" If they were thinking about announcing their relationship status to Nina and her, she doubted they'd do it with Matteo and Gastón there. She knew Simón enough to know this.

Nina grimaced. "No. And it worries me."


"Delfi mentioned her while you were gone, and Matteo seemed very mad at her for some reason. I don't think they're on the best terms."

"Mad? Why would he be mad?" Last time she spoke to Ámbar she didn't sound mad at him, so it had to be a new development. She couldn't think of a reason eith- Oh. Maybe he was jealous of her new relationship? It had been years since they broke up, though, so for sure they'd moved on by now, no? Or maybe he saw her as the one that got away?



"I said, I think Ámbar did something she wasn't supposed to do. I heard Delfi telling him she tried to stop her but couldn't." Why would Delfi try to stop her from dating Simón?

"That doesn't make any sense." She thought to herself out loud, but when Nina looked at her questionably, she tried to come up with an excuse. "I mean, this is Ámbar we're talking about. She's always professional."

"Are you sure you're okay, L?" Now she was getting her friend worried.

"Yes, yes. My brain is just jumping to conclusions about stuff."

"About Ámbar and Matteo?" It should scare her how much Nina knew about her without telling her beforehand; however, the relief of knowing she didn't have to say it out loud was bigger. Besides, she doubted this was something to fear. "Simón told me you two had a talk about them before he went M.I.A on you. Does the thought of them being together years ago bother you?"

"What? No! I didn't even know him back then, Nina. And right now, we're mere acquaintances, if that. We've both dated people before we-" she cut herself then. They weren't dating each other, she'd say so just two seconds before and yet, her brain didn't seem to think the same. It was overlining ridiculous.

As always, Nina knew when not to push it. "I know but you have to admit, babe, that even your mouth is already thinking of you two as more. I'm not saying you have to date him ASAP, but maybe if you acknowledge to yourself the possibility of being, y'know, that, then maybe it could get easier for you and him. Lying to yourself will only delude your judgment." Not.

"I'm not even sure I want us to be 'that', N. I don't know him that well, and quite frankly, not for that long either."

"It's been three months, Luna."

"Two months we didn't see, much less talk to each other! Then he goes and ignores me for other two weeks. That's roughly a week-ish of time!"

"So, it's a crush, nothing wrong with that. The possibility is still there."

"Even if that's true – which, I'm not saying it is- there's also a possibility he isn't interested. And crushes come and go, soon one of us will move into someone else."

"That only happens when you don't let the crush grow into something else." Nina pointed out, daring her to contradict her once more.

She was never one to back out.

"Maybe I won't."


"Okay, so, do we come up to them and say 'oh, what a surprise, can we sit with you?' or like, wait for them to invite us over?"

"Luna doesn't know we're jumping into them, though, so I doubt she invites us over. Besides, where would we wait for them to notice us? We don't even know when they're arriving either. Are we going to stand in a corner for who knows how long just waiting for them? You're already confessing to your creepiness later, the less creepy we can make you look today, the better."

"If I'm already confessing to it later, why not go all out?"

"Because we want to get you a girlfriend, not a restraining order."

Gastón had him there. "So, what do we do?"

"We look for a table and wait until they get here. Nina knows we're planning to meet them, she'll make her sit with us." He was about to agree, when a hand grabbed his left arm. Thinking it was a fan, he prepared himself to politely ask them to let it go.

He couldn't help but scowl when he realized who it was.

Ámbar arched her brow, "what? We just came to say hi. Right, Simón?" she drew attention to her companion, who smiled at his friend, frowning at him when he looked his way. Ámbar's satisfied smirk confirmed to him, that she knew he was pissed and was using the guy as a public shield. If he had to guess, he'd bet Delfi had warned her. "I told Simón I thought I saw you getting out of your car from our table."

"She did." He confirmed, extending his hand to shake Gastón's, and then his; the grip a bit too tight. Nina wasn't the only one offended in Luna's behalf. "Are you waiting for a table?"

Gastón answered for both. "We just arrived, so no, but we're hoping to get a table on the private terrace." Ámbar faked surprise, her small gasp being a tell-tale, as she only did that on her movies. Simón's frown deepened, not really buying it, but he didn't comment on it, either.

"What a coincidence! We're sitting over there, maybe we can ask the manager to bring over two more chairs?"

"I don't know, Ámbar, we're waiting for Nina and Luna, remember? Maybe we should wait until they're here..."

"Don't be silly, Simón. I'm sure they'll be fine with it, what's that that Luna always tells us, huh? The more the merrier." The poor guy either bought the excuse, or he simply knew it was pointless to fight with someone as stubborn as Ámbar. "Excellent. Shall we return to our table, now?" She tugged on his arm, still being held by her hand, nudging them to walk. Knowing her like he did, she was probably trying to avoid talking to him alone by dragging them all to a more crowded place. The small waiting area wasn't as filled with people as one would think. Yelao's was, after all, a low-key place.

"Actually, why don't they go on first? I wanted to discuss something with you." He told her, loud enough for their companions to get the hint. Gastón was about to protest, his eyes telling him that it wasn't a good idea.

"Can't it be later? It would be rude of us to leave our friends alone." Her nails pressed into his arm, her blue eyes staring right at his own, a silent warning. He couldn't have cared less.

"Oh, if you have stuff to discuss, don't worry about us, it's okay. The girls aren't here yet, and I've been meaning to talk to Gastón about something too." He mentally thanked Simón. If he wanted to talk to his friend, too, then Gastón couldn't join Ámbar in her objections.

Before they left, Gastón made sure to give him one last 'be careful' look, shaking his head in disapproval.

"I'm going to kill that idiot later." The blonde muttered lowly, letting out a huff. She sighed before turning her body towards him. "Okay, I know you're upset but this is not the place, nor the time to bitch out to me, remember?" She showed her pinkie finger, moving it around for a couple of seconds, a clear warning of Delfi's threat. He slapped it away.

"I'm not just 'upset'! Do you know how much crap has been said about me and Luna thanks to your little stunt?" he hissed quietly, trying his best to not raise his voice.

"Oh, yes, poor you. Being linked to a wonderful girl and getting painted as a monogamous boyfriend for the first time in six years. Tragic." She put her hand on her chest, mocking sympathy.

"Can you be serious for a moment? Put yourself in her shoes, she's been harassed by fans and media about a non-existent relationship thanks to you."

"Oh, yes, give me a moment while I try to wonder how it must feel to be linked to you by the media, in a romantic way." She deadpanned, "how it must feel having people discrediting your talent and projects, for years, by always bringing up your name and wondering if I'd still be relevant if it wasn't for you. Gee, I wonder how that must feel."

"This isn't about you-"

"Ah, no, of course not. This is about you and her but somehow, it's my fault."

Matteo gripped his hair, trying hard not to scream in frustration at her attitude.

He wasn't blind. And he'd never been when it came to her as she was, after all, one of his closest friends. Matteo knew it hadn't been easy for her to deal with all the shit the media had said about her in the past – to be painted as the woman on the side, the one who'd help him 'cheat' on other imaginary women. He also knew that, while some papers (mainly the ones both had exclusivity with) said it was Luna who he was cheating with, the majority painted Ámbar as the one who just couldn't let go of him and see him happy with Luna. She'd expressed her discomfort a couple times before but knew there wasn't much that could be done. He felt bad, had done so since they broke up all those years ago.

"Ámbar, please-"

"No!" she interrumpted him, "I'm done with your superhero complex. Yes, Jazmín and I planned for her to ask the question, but we didn't make Luna answer what she did, and it was obvious she was helpless, I stepped in and stopped it. You might not agree, but I helped her back then. You think she doesn't know? I came clean to her while we were on the promo tour, she wasn't even as mad as you seem to be on her behalf!"

A blink. "What?"

"The fact that you're here, acting all mighty protector on my ass, is ridiculous!"

"How was I supposed to know?!"

"By asking before you start shit, dumbass!"

He groaned lowly, knowing she was – probably- right. "I'm sorry, but I just can't help but want to protect her. She's just so..."

"Ugh, don't get mushy on me. As your ex, I honestly want to know minus zero business of your new love-life." Ámbar made a disgusted face, pretending to gag at the thought. "As your friend, though... I must admit I'm happy you've found her. She's a great girl and her song does her justice."

"I didn't even know it would."

"No, but your subconscious hit the nail extraordinarily." She smirked. "Does she know about it, yet?"

"Not yet. I'm planning to break it to her slowly today."

Ámbar sighed, "ah, yes. Delfi told me about your plans. Are you sure she's going to agree to the group interview knowing how much of a creep you really can be?"

"You dated me, and you knew, didn't you?"

"Well, to be honest, I thought your brain had made her up to trick you into writing songs."

"That sounds even crazier." Ámbar just shrugged it off. She didn't claim sanity, either. "So, you and Simón? Don't give me the bullcrap Delfi told me, if this was a collaboration with the RB, they'd be here too."

"Aw, there you go again with your superhero complex." She rolled her eyes, "we're not dating, if that's what you're asking."

"Hooking up?"

"Nope. He's doing this project as a solo, and he hasn't told his band yet."

"Why wouldn't he?" Ámbar pursed her lips, as if she wasn't sure to tell him. Finally, she sighed it out.

"You didn't hear about this from me, okay?" He nodded. "Pedro's planning on proposing. If everything goes right, Delfi and him will be married in like, a year. She wants a baby right away, and Pedro will ask for a three-year break if it does happen."

"I'm not getting it, how's that related to Sim- Oh." Simón was planning a solo career.

It was her turn to nod. "He's preparing songs and working on small solo projects to help himself get used to it."

"I still don't get why he can't just tell them."

"Well, don't quote me on this, but I'm sure this must be a hard decision for him, especially when you've been in a band for over ten years. I'm 99% sure he's talking to Gastón about the legal stuff that comes with it right now, which sounds complicated AF as well."

"How come you know all of this?" Matteo teased her. She rolled her eyes.

"Contrary to popular belief, I'm an awesome friend." She then turned her eyes to the entrance of the restaurant, waving over to someone. "Your princess is here." Ámbar whispered to him, alerting him of her presence. "I'll take Nina and give you some time, yeah?"

"I don't know, Nina suggested a full stomach first." He whispered back, slowly turning his body to Luna and her friend.

"Smart girl." She said, before throwing the newcomers a big grin. "Hi girls! Simón and I arrived a little early and look who we bumped into!" Nina returned the grin, while Luna looked like she was forcing hers. That worried him immediately. "So, Nina, want to go up first?" Blondie extended her arm to the girl, who looked at Luna for approval. When the girl nodded an okay, Ámbar lost no time in pushing Nina towards the stairs that led for the terrace, throwing him a wink before disappearing.

As soon as they were out of sight, he spoke. "What a nice surprise, no?" Luna smiled.

"Not really. Nina told me she invited you when I was out with Tamara."

"Yikes. I'm sorry, I just... I wanted to make it right between us again."

"I think this is becoming a habit of sorts. You, apologizing every time we see each other."

"Well, that's what one does when they feel bad about something." He tried to joke, but Luna frowned. "What?"

"Matteo, do you- I mean, why do you- crap." She fumbled over her words, her frown deepening more after each word was said. "This is a conversation I need to have with food in my stomach because I'm not making much sense right now."

"Are you okay, Luna?" he worried over her, to which she nodded.

"Yes, sorry. I think we should go meet the others now. I'm guessing you want to have our talk later today?" He smiled.

"I would like that." She nodded.

"Then let's go."  


bonus of this part will come sometime this week, and it's gonna be (fingers crossed) funny. i think some of you might already know what it'll be about, but we shall seeee. as always, thanks so much for reading x

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