How Did I Fall in Love With Y...

By bigtimerushdreams

12.1K 213 25

When a famous singer/actor falls in love with a single young mother, will they be able to make it? When she r... More

Ch. 11-20
Ch. 21-30
Ch. 31-40
Ch. 41-50
Ch. 51-60
Ch. 61-70

How Did I Fall in Love With You? (James Maslow Fanfiction)

3.8K 37 4
By bigtimerushdreams

Ch. 1

"Mommy!" Your daughter, Isabelle, pointed at a box of cereal she wanted. "Not today, honey." You replied trying to hide your sadness. You wanted to give your daughter everything she wanted, but you were a poor single mother and couldn't afford much. Grocery shopping was a painstakingly planned out and detailed event. You had to budget and figure out exactly how much you could buy and how long you could make that last before the next possibility of a grocery trip. Isabelle sighed sadly and turned back around in the shopping cart. "I'm sorry, Belle. Maybe next time, ok?" You said stroking her hair. She didn't respond which only made you feel more guilty. You got the rest of what you needed and headed to the check-out. Isabelle eyed the candy at the check-out aisle while you mentally ran through your list and the prices making sure you had everything and had enough money. "That'll be 45.95, ma'am." The cashier said, obviously bored out of his mind. You reached into your wallet and started counting out the money. After counting twice you realized somehow you were $10 short. You began to panic. "Ma'am, if you don't have enough money, I'm going to have to ask you to get out of line and put this back." The cashier said monotonously as he rolled his eyes. "I'm- I'm sorry." You stuttered. How could have you been that off when making the list? "Excuse me miss?" Someone behind you tapped your shoulder. You turned around embarrassed. "There's a $10 bill that about to fall out of your pant pocket." The man said smilingly kindly at you. You quickly felt your back pockets and pulled out the bill. You looked at the man confused, knowing that it couldn't possibly your money. He smiled at you still and nodded towards the impatient cashier. "Sorry." You mumbled as you handed over the money. The cashier just finished ringing you up and then you were on your way. As you put your groceries in the car and buckled up Belle, you saw the man who had pointed out the money in your pocket. He had parked next to you. "Um, sir? Hi?" You asked as you closed your trunk. "Hello again." He smiled as he opened his trunk and put his groceries in. "Look, I really appreciate what you did but I know that wasn't my money." You said. The man just continued putting his groceries in his trunk. "I can't take your money. I have to pay you back." You continued. "No, you don't. It was your money." The man replied. "I know it wasn't. I realized as soon as you mentioned the money that I had spent that money this morning at the gas station. I can't take your money." You said again. "Just consider it an act of kindness then. Pay it forward." The man replied closing his trunk. "I don't feel right about it." You said. The man just shrugged. You started the speak again but didn't know what to say. This man was so stubborn. "Look, I saw you had a kid and I couldn't bare to let her go without something if I could prevent it." The man finally said leaning against his car. You softened a little. "I don't want her to go without anything either but sometimes things don't go how they should." You replied quietly. "But I don't want that to happen. My name's James. If you really want to pay me back $10, I'll give you my phone number and you can call me whenever you have the money. I know $10 may seem like a lot but it's not that much to me, ok? I'm just trying to help." The man said. You bit your lip and sighed. "I do really appreciate it, James. I just feel bad that you spent your money on me." You replied. "I'm Amanda, by the way. And my daughter is Isabelle." You added. "Lovely names for lovely girls." James smiled. He wrote down his phone number and handed it to you. "Do you mind texting me right now so I know your number?" James asked. "Sure. Thanks again." You said. You quickly texted your name to him just to make sure he knew it. "Thanks. See you around." James said. He waved goodbye to Isabelle inside the car. She smiled and happily waved back. You smiled at her happiness. You often felt like you weren't doing a very good job of making sure Belle was a happy little girl. 

Ch. 2

You couldn't get James out of your head. You got home and put the groceries away and put on a movie for Belle. Then you made dinner and got Belle into bed. As you kissed her goodnight, she sat back up. "I liked him." She said smiling. "Who?" You asked wondering who she was talking about. "That man. At the store. He was nice. When so I get to see him again?" Belle replied happily. "Oh, I don't know. Probably not ever again. He was just a nice stranger." You replied tucking Belle back into bed. "But I want to see him again. He was nice." Belle repeated. "We'll see." You said absently. Belle didn't seem very pleased with your answer but snuggled into her bed and closed her eyes. You got up and slowly closed her door and went to the table to do some work. As hard as you tried, you couldn't get James out of your head. It just seemed too weird that he was so nice. You couldn't help but question his motive. Was he really that nice or was he somehow planing to do something to you or Belle? You checked your phone to see if he had texted you. Did you want him to? You shook your head trying to not think anymore about James. Eventually you got the work you needed to done. You turned out the lights and crept into the bedroom, hoping not to wake up Belle. You two shared a room because it was a one bedroom, tiny apartment. Even as you fell asleep, you kept thinking of James. You became angry with yourself. Why couldn't you just forget this guy? You decided that the sooner you paid him back, the sooner you'd be able to forget about him. A week later you got paid and had the money to give back to James. You texted him and asked where he wanted to meet you. You debated about whether or not to bring Belle. She seemed to really like James for some reason but you still weren't sure if you trusted James. Before James texted back you decided to bring Belle because you knew she'd get upset if she found out she didn't get to see James. James texted back that he could meet you the next night. 

Ch. 3

The next night you and Belle met James at McNally Park. You got there early so Belle could play on the playground for a little while. You sat on the bench to make business calls and watch Belle while she ran around. As you were talking you felt a tap on your shoulder which caused you to jump. You looked up and saw James. You motioned that you'd end the call in a second and got up and walked a few feet away. "Hey." James smiled at you as you walked back over. "Hi." You smiled. "Hi!" Belle shrieked as she ran over to you and James. "Hey! How are you?" James asked kneeling down. "Good." Belle beamed. You still couldn't figure out why she was so interested in James. "Belle, we're going to leave soon so go play for a little longer." You said. Belle nodded and ran back to where she had been. "Here's the money." You said reaching into your pocket and pulling out the money. "Thanks." James replied. Both of you stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to say next. "Do you-" "I just-" You both began to speak. "Ladies first." James smiled. "I was just going to say thank you, again. It was really kind of you and I really appreciate it." You said. "Yeah, it's no problem. I just thought I'd do something nice for someone. Um, I was just wondering if maybe you'd ever like to hang out? We could get something to eat or see a movie. Whatever you want." James said shifting around nervously. "Maybe." You replied vaguely. You worked two jobs and needed to work as much as possible to get as much income as possible. You didn't get much free time and when you did, you tried not to spend any money on whatever you did. "Mommy, I'm hungry." Belle yelled from one of the platforms on the playground above you. You looked up. "We'll go home in a second." You replied. "Maybe we could go out to eat?" James suggested a little loudly so Belle heard it. "Yeah!" She said excitedly. "We have food at home." You replied to Belle. What was James doing? "But Mommy!" Belle whined a little. You gave her one of those mommy-looks. She frowned and pouted. "It's my treat." James offered. "And then I'll really be in debt to you." You replied shaking your head. "Come on, think of it as a gift or something." James said. "James, I can't. I can't keep asking you for money or pretending that this is ok." You replied starting to walk away. James grabbed your shoulder. "Amanda, let me do something nice. Don't you want Belle to be happy?" James said, playing the guilt card. "Wow, you're going to guilt me into this?" You replied raising an eyebrow. "Think of it as a gift to Belle. She deserves a little night out, doesn't she?" James said gently. You sighed and looked at Belle. You wanted to give her much more than you ever could thanks to your situation. "I guess we can go out for a little while." You caved in, a little sad. James smiled at you. "Awesome." He said rubbing your shoulder. Belle came running over. "Guess what?" James asked, kneeling down to Belle's height. "What?" She asked intrigued. "We're going out to dinner!" James exclaimed. Belle's eyes widened and she looked up to you. You nodded and gave her a smile. "Where do you want to eat? You get to choose." James told her. Belle beamed from ear to ear and thought for a second. "Pizza Hut!" She said happily. "Alright, Pizza Hut it is!" James smiled and stood up. Everyone got in their cars and drove to the Pizza Hut down the road. 

Ch. 4

When you got inside, James asked for a table for three. "Mmm!" Belle said as she looked at the other people's food. "A large cheese pizza sound good or do you want something on it?" James asked. "Cheese is fine." You agreed. "Cheese, cheese, cheese." Belle sang happily. You and James giggled at her happiness. "Mommy can I get soda? This is a special occasion, right?" Belle asked. "Um, I guess, but you have to promise no shenanigans at bedtime." You replied. "Okey dokey!" Belle agreed. "So how long have you guys been living here?" James asked as everyone ate. "Uh, about five years now. I came out soon before Belle was born." You replied. "Cool. Where'd you come from?" James asked. "Texas." You replied vaguely. "Oh, really? I have a friend from Texas." James asked. "So where are you from?" You asked James, trying to avoid further questions. "I've lived in Cali pretty much my whole life." James replied. "That's nice." You said. "Where do you work?" Belle asked. "Well I kind of work in a lot of places. I work on a tv show and at a recording studio and stadiums and I'm in a band so I'm all over the place." James replied. "Why?" Belle asked. "Because bands have to preform in lots of places so everyone can see them. And to be in a band you have to make music so that why I work in a recording studio." James answered. "How far has your band made it?" You asked becoming a little interested. "Well we're on a tv show named after on our band on Nickelodeon and we've sold quite a few albums. And we've been on your across America and Europe." James said. "Really? What's your band name?" You asked wondering if you had ever heard of them. "Big Time Rush." He replied taking another bite. "I think my friend's niece is a big fan of yours. Y'all sound familiar so maybe I've heard something or seen y'all somewhere." You said trying to remember. When you all were finished, James paid. You made sure that Belle said thank you to James. As you were walking out of the restaurant, Belle grabbed James' hand. He jerked his hand away for a second but then realized what she was doing and held her hand all the way to the car. Belle insisted that James buckle her in. He had a like trouble for a second but figured it out. "Mommy, can he come over?" Belle asked as James finished clicking her in. You froze. "Maybe some day." You replied slowly. "No, tonight, Mommy." Belle said. You thought about it and finally agreed. "It must be my lucky night. You're agreeing to everything." James joked. "Don't push your luck, mister." You replied, sort of joking. James laughed as he got into his car. He followed you back to your apartment. 

Ch. 5

On the way home, you began to feel really nervous about James coming over. He'd learn where you lived and if he wanted to rob you, he'd easily overpower you. You worried all the way to the front door. As you and James walked up the stairs with Belle, you realized that James had been nothing but good to so there really was no reason to worry. Belle chattered all the way up the stairs to the apartment about what she was going to show James. As soon as you opened the front door, Belle took James' hand and led him to the bedroom. She excitedly showed him her few toys and stuffed animals. James nodded along and asked her lots of questions, much to her delight. You watched from the doorway, smiling and leaning against the doorframe. For a split second you wondered if this is what it'd be like if there was a dad in your little family. When Belle was done showing James her toys, she took him into the living room to show him all of her movies. "This is my favorite-est movie ever!" She said pulling out 'Beauty and the Beast'. "Is that why Mommy calls you 'Belle'?" James joked. "That was her idea." You replied from behind James. He turned to you and smiled. "She loved that movie and wanted to be called Belle. Her name is Isabelle so wasn't much of a stretch." You explained. James nodded. "I want to be her when I grow up." Belle added. "Oh, really?" James said. Belle nodded. You looked at the clock. "Belle, it's bedtime." You said. "But Mommy-" Belle started to complain. "You promised no shenanigans at the restaurant." You interrupted. Belle frowned but went to her room to change into her pajamas. "I guess I should head out." James said, getting up. "Will you read my story?" Belle asked James as she came out of the bedroom. "Uh, sure." James replied uncertainly as he looked at you. "Short book tonight. It's getting late." You said to Belle. She ran back into her room to get a book. She came back out and crawled up onto the couch and handed James the book. She sat in his lap as if she had known him her whole life. James read the book and then said good night. You tucked Belle in and then came back out to talk to James. 

Ch. 6

"She really likes you." You commented to James as you sat down on the couch. "Oh really? She's very sweet." James replied. "She wouldn't even talk to her babysitter for the first few times but as soon as we left the grocery store she wanted to see you again." You admitted. James chuckled. "Well, I don't know what I did right, but I'm glad I met you two." He said sweetly. "I don't know what you did either." You joked. James laughed. "So, not to be nosy, but is her dad in the picture?" James asked slowly. "No. That's part of the reason I moved out here, to get away. Back home was just not a good place and I didn't think staying there was going to be any good, for me or for her." You answered honestly. James nodded silently. "I'm sorry that happened." James said. "It's fine. I've moved past it." You said shrugging. "Did you actually name her Isabelle so you could call her 'Belle'?" James asked, changing the subject. You smirked. "It crossed my mind. Too many names I liked reminded me of people I didn't want to be reminded of. You'd judge me if you knew her middle name." You giggled. "What is it?" James asked intrigued. You just smiled and shook your head. "Is it a princess?" James asked giving you a funny look. "Belle and Ariel were my favorite princesses. I didn't know if I'd ever get the chance to have another kid so I gave it to Belle too." You laughed shaking your head at how weird that sounded. "Isabelle Ariel." James said out loud, seeing how it sounded together. "It's got a flow to it." He smiled. "Well I'm so glad I got your approval for it." You joked. You realized this was the most you had laughed and smiled in a long time. "Maybe you should come over for dinner one night." You said. "That'd be nice." James agreed. He looked at his watch. "I gotta get going. I have to pack." He sighed. "Where are you going?" You asked. "New York City. My band has a performance and a bunch of interviews to promote ourselves." James explained. You just nodded. You actually were surprised at how disappointed you were that James wouldn't be around for awhile. "I'll be gone for like three days but I don't know when the interviews will actually air. I can text you when I know. If you want." James offered. "Yeah. That sounds great. I'm sure Belle would love to see you tv." You smiled. You and James stood up and walked over to the door. "Thanks again for tonight. I haven't seen Belle so happy in a long time. I really appreciate everything you've done." You said. "Anytime. Call me whenever you need to. I'll be there." James smiled. He gave you a quick hug and left. 

Ch. 7

The next week went by like your life before meeting James, except you couldn't stop thinking about him. It didn't matter if you were at work, cooking dinner or watching tv; you couldn't stop thinking about him. James texted you a few days later that he was back in town and asked if you were free. You weren't sure if he meant just you or if he meant you and Belle. Unsure, you felt a little awkward texting back "Just me or Belle too?" James replied "I'd love to get to know you better but if you can't find a babysitter and need to bring Belle, that's cool." You thought about. If you brought Belle, she could help prevent any kind of awkwardness but if you didn't bring her you and James could talk more freely. Still not 100% sure about your decision, you told James that you'd find a babysitter for Belle. You called up the babysitter who lived in the same apartment building as you. She agreed to babysit Belle so you were all set. The only thing you had to figure out what to wear (you didn't have much to choose from). You decided on a dress that was nice. If it seemed too fancy you could always lie that you had come from work and didn't have time to change. It wouldn't be completely false. You asked James to call or text when he got to the apartment because you didn't want Belle to see him and get jealous. When the night finally came and he texted, you kissed Belle goodnight and said goodbye to the babysitter. As you went down the stairs, you wondered where James was planing on taking you. "Hey. You look great." James greeted you when you got outside. "Thank you." You blushed. You and James got into his car and he began to drive. "So is there a limit to how far away we go or what we do?" He asked pulling out onto the street. "Uh, I need to be back by midnight and I can't do anything that might get me fired." You replied. James nodded. "I can follow those guidelines. So I guess flying to New York is out of the question." James said. "New York?" You repeated, shocked. "I'm kidding. We aren't going that far." James laughed. You smiled and relaxed a little. "So do you and Belle go to the beach much?" James asked. "No. I haven't been since before she was born. Oh, no. That's a lie; we went when she was two, I think. We didn't stay long and it was ungodly hot that day. We were both miserable. I decided that it was so bad that we just wouldn't go back." You replied. "Really? You think she'd like it now?" James asked. "I don't know. She hasn't really asked about it. Sometimes I'm not sure if she knows what a beach is. I think now that she's almost five she'd like it. I don't even know where the closest beach is or how to get there." You answered. You and James talked for another 30 minutes before arriving at your destination. 

Ch. 8

James pulled up in front of a beach. "Before we get out, are you vegetarian or anything?" James asked looking a little worried. "Nope." You replied smiling. James looked relieved as you two got out of the car. He lead you down a little boardwalk where there were some gift-shops and restaurants. You two went into a burger place. "Do you want to eat inside or outside?" James asked, opening the door for you. "Um, it's really nice outside. Why don't we eat out there?" You replied. James nodded and told the waiter. You and James went up to the counter and told another waiter your order. As soon as it was ready you and James headed back outside. There were some little metal picnic tables and you sat down at one. "These are amazing." You said as you took another bit. "Yeah. They're my favorite in all of Cali." James agreed. You and James caught up with each other as you ate. Again, you laughed more than you had in a long time. "You have such a gorgeous smile and a fantastic laugh. I feel like not too many people get to hear or see them." James commented after awhile. "I guess I just don't always have a lot to smile or laugh at. I mean Belle can be pretty funny but it's not the same as when I'm with you." You said and then blushed realizing how that last part sounded. James just smiled. "Well, I'm glad that I can make you happy. You deserve to be happy." James replied. You and James threw away your trash and walked onto the beach. You walked close to the water, realizing how much you had missed the feeling of a beach. You realized James had stopped walking so you turned to see why he wasn't walking. He had his phone up and was aiming it towards you. "You looking perfect. I just had to capture it." James smiled showing you the two pictures he had taken. "Oh wow." You said looking at them. They looked like a magazine photo shoot with the scene and lighting. "I'll send them to you later." James said. "Great. Thanks." You smiled. James put his phone back in his pocket and began to walk into the water. "How far are you going in?" You asked. You hoped that James wasn't planning on actually swimming. "Just a foot. I don't want to get too wet." He replied. He reached his hand towards you. Hesitantly, you took it and allowed James to pull you in towards him. You pulled up your dress a little to prevent it from getting wet. You and James stood there, hand-in-hand, looking out towards the horizon. The sun was setting and it looked perfect, like it was out of a movie. "I think the tide's coming in." James said. "Why do you think that?" You asked. "The water is getting deeper and we aren't moving." He replied. "I think we're sinking." You laughed. "Oh, maybe it's that." James laughed too. You smiled up at him. 

Ch. 9

You two started to walk a little closer to the shore, splashing through the waves, down the beach. After awhile James looked at his watch. "Do you want to get ice cream? There's an awesome little place right there and we have a little time before it closes." James said pointing up the beach. "Sure." You replied. Ice cream tended to be on the expensive side so you didn't buy it much. You and James got different ice cream creations. You got a brownie sundae and he got a banana split. You two sat on the sand and ate as you watched the end of the sunset. "It's so nice to chill out and watch the sunset. Nothing to rush you or it; feels like it could go on forever." James said poetically. You looked at him and smiled. James saw the beauty in everything. He was very different and you loved that. You and James got up and headed back to his car. For the most part James talked about his band and his life. When James pulled into the apartment parking lot, he turned off the car and got out with you. "I'm sure Belle must be asleep by now. May I walk you up?" James asked glancing at his watch. You nodded and James gently took your hand. You two walked up the stairs in silence. When you reached the door, you turned to James and said simply "Thank you." "For what?" James asked. "Everything. For tonight, the grocery store, being such an amazing guy to Belle and me." You replied. "You two deserve it. I'd do anything for you." James said looking into your eyes. "I can't thank you enough. I haven't had so much fun or relaxation in years. I didn't realize how depressed I seemed until I was laughing at everything with you. I just want to thank you for bringing happiness back into my life." You said, pouring your heart out a little. James pulled you in and kissed you. "I'd do anything to see you smile." He replied pulling away. You looked into his eyes and then kissed him again. After you kissed for a second time, James hugged you goodnight and kissed your forehead. "Good night, Amanda." He said leaving you at your door. 

Ch. 10

That night you fell asleep to thoughts of James. You weren't able to see him for another two weeks because of work but James asked if you could come to his house for dinner one Saturday night to meet some of his friends. You agreed but couldn't find a babysitter so you gave James a heads up that you'd have to bring Belle. When Saturday came, you packed some of Belle's games and books into a bag for her to play with at James'. James had given you his house address so you and Belle could get there. It was in a fancy, rich-looking neighborhood. You pulled up in your crappy, old, falling-apart car and began to feel very out of place. Belle looked out the window from her car seat and said "Woah, Mommy! He's rich." "Belle." You said in a warning voice. You prayed she wouldn't say anything like that inside the house. You knocked on the door and it was quickly answered. James smiled and let you two in. "I brought my toys!" Belle showed James. James laughed. "Very cool. You can play right there." He said pointing into a living room. Belle went and sat on the floor, dumping out her bag. "My bandmates are here so I'll finally get to introduce you." James said. He checked to see if Belle was looking then quickly kissed you. Two guys came in the hall where you and James were. "This is Kendall and that's Carlos." James pointing to the blonde one then the short one. "Amanda." You said shaking their hands. "Oh, we know. James won't shut up about you." They replied laughing. James blushed and glared at them. "Logan!" James hollered. Another guy came into the hall, wiping his hands on his pants. "Amanda?" Logan said as soon as he saw you. "Logan?" You replied, feeling your heart race. "You two know each other?" James asked awkwardly. Logan saw Belle in the next room. "Please tell me you're babysitting her." Logan said giving you a shocked look. You began to shake your head but Logan grabbed your arm and pulled you into the bathroom. "Be out in a second." He told the other guys a little sarcastically. 

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