The Way We Feel

Par laura_writes

294K 12.8K 5.3K

The SEQUEL to Out of the Ordinary and A Love Like Ours We shouldn't have met. That much was obvious right f... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 10

7.4K 302 99
Par laura_writes

"Thank you," she said, a wide smile on her face as she accepted the menu from the host.

"Thank you," I said as well, smiling because she was smiling.

"You're very welcome," the host said, "Your waiter will be over shortly."

We thanked him once more then looked at each other from across the table.

Madelyn's sparkling blue eyes went wide as her eyebrows shot up. But she was still smiling as she leaned forward. "This place is fancy."

I cracked open my menu, still grinning back. "I know."

It wasn't where we typically would've gone. An upscale restaurant in Beverly Hills wasn't exactly our scene. Especially now that we were parents.

But that was exactly why I'd made the reservation here. Get out of our comfort zone. Try something new—something that might make us feel like more than just Mom and Dad again.

Something that might help us feel like husband and wife again.

"We didn't have to come somewhere so fancy. I would've been happy with anything," she said quietly. Still, she was looking down at her menu with what appeared to be a permanent smile on her beautiful lips.

"I know, but it's our first proper date since Lila was born. I wanted it to be special. Give us both a chance to dress up and enjoy our time together."

She was wearing a dress. It was one I'd seen her in before—a maroon color with a high neck and flowy fabric that pinched in at the waist—but looking at her now, the way her dark, wavy hair spilled over one shoulder, the way the candlelight from the table cast a warm glow over her skin, the way her dark makeup made her eyes seem even brighter...

It was hard not to feel nervous. Harder and harder to ignore the butterflies zooming around in my stomach as I stared at the beautiful woman across from me and once again realized how much I loved her. How much she loved me.

It was written all over her face now.

Mads set her menu down and leaned forward.

"It doesn't matter where we are or what we do or what we wear, Harry. Any amount of time I spend with you is special," she said, very seriously. Then, she smirked. "But I will admit it's nice to feel like more than a mommy for once."

I chuckled a little as she sat back and picked up her menu again. "I'm glad."

It was jarring, being this nervous. It hadn't occurred to me that I might be when planning this evening together. I'd just wanted to get her out of the house. After a full month of work, I was exhausted, and she was exhausted. We missed each other. We missed our time alone together. So, since I had a bit of a long weekend, I'd decided yesterday that a date night was in order.

Mads and I had spent the last two days together with Lila. We went on our first real family outing yesterday—to the beach. Not for long because it was windy and Lila was fussy, but still. It was nice to be out together, even just for a little while. And at the very least, I'd managed to get a new background photo on my phone out of it—Mads holding Lila and pointing out at the water while she spoke in Lila's ear. Lila was wearing a little white bucket hat and a little peach sweater over her pants and shirt. Mads was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and a smile so big, I couldn't stop staring at the pair of them. She was completely engrossed in the baby's reactions to the great big world around us, and I was completely engrossed in watching her.

I'd felt closer to her already after our bit of a spat the day before, and there was such relief in that, I only wanted to feel closer.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" I'd blurted once we were back in the car heading home. Lila had been fussy on the beach, but something had set her off wailing in those last few minutes, so we'd decided leaving was probably our best option. Only once she'd revved up, it wasn't easy cajoling her down again. The screams had been deafening in the confined space of our car, and she had only just quieted down as we started moving.

Mads had looked at me like I was crazy then, still totally frazzled from the last ten minutes.

"What?" she'd asked as we stopped at a light.

I glanced in the rearview, hoping the lack of movement wouldn't set the baby off again, and hurried to say. "You. Me. A date, what do you say?"

It hadn't take long for Mads to smile, then. And luckily, Lila stayed quiet. "When?"

"Tomorrow night?" I'd looked sideways at her, then. Smirked. Her eyes were bright with surprise and excitement. "Unless you have other plans..."

"Well, I did have a date planned with my other husband, but I like you better than him, so..." Mads leaned her head back against the headrest and grinned at me until I was laughing. "Where did you have in mind?" she'd asked then.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of everything."


I pressed on the gas as the light turned green. "I've got it handled."

I didn't have to be looking to know she'd probably rolled her eyes in response to that—I knew how much she hated surprises—but I didn't let that stop me from grinning widely and reaching over to give her knee a squeeze.

"Pick you up at seven, then?" I'd asked.

She had still been smiling. "Okay."

I'd felt so confident since then. So sure of the plans I'd made and the way things were going to go.

That had all changed when she'd walked down the stairs at home half an hour ago.

"Are Glenne and Jeff here?" she'd asked, leaning down at the bottom of the stairs to adjust the strap on her shoe.

Oblivious to what was going on inside my body. Oblivious to the way my heart was pounding at the sight of her. The way nerves had started fluttering in my stomach. The way words were escaping me. The way all I could seem to do was take in every inch of her.

The beautiful maroon dress, the way it hugged her hips, the lines of muscle in her legs when she straightened again, the way she tossed her long, wavy hair over her shoulder and fixed her gaze on me.

"What?" she'd asked, still all business. Still looking like she had a million things on her mind.

"Beautiful," was all I'd managed to say, but it was enough. She froze, and her mind seemed to still—focus on me, too.

Her gaze went soft.

"Shit," Glenne had said, piercing the moment, Lila in her arms as she walked into the hallway. She was staring straight at Madelyn. "You are one hot momma!"

Jeff had followed her in, chomping on some popcorn and reaching into his cupped hand for more. But he still managed to blow out a low whistle as he gave Mads the once-over, too.

Mads giggled a little then, and a blush colored her cheeks—which gave me even more reason to stare at her and only her.

"Thanks," she'd said, a little breathless as she took the last step down into the foyer. She glanced down at herself then up at me. "It's not too much?"

I hadn't told her where we were going, just that she should dress nicely. But I couldn't find the words to respond to her question.

"Definitely not," Glenne said, her eyes still moving over Madelyn's body. "You look sexy as hell."

Mads had blown out another breath, and gave Glenne another shaky smile. It felt like my insides were quivering just as much, if not more than that smile. Then, Mads went abruptly serious as she looked at Lila in Glenne's arms. Lila was staring right back at her.

"Hey, baby girl," Mads said, nearing Lila and reaching up to run her fingers over Lila's soft head. "You gonna be okay?"

"Think so," said Glenne. "I babysat a ton when I was younger, so I'm pretty used to—"

"I was talking to Lila," Mads said with a smirk as she stared up at Glenne.

Glenne grinned back. "I was just hoping to get you smiling again. You seem a little flustered."

Mads took a breath that time and didn't seem to let it out. Only stared down at our baby. "I know I shouldn't be worried, but I can't help it. I don't want to leave her."

Realizing I hadn't said more than a word since she'd come down, I touched my hand to her back and repeated the words I'd been saying to her all day once more. "We'll only be gone a few hours. She's in good hands." I gave Glenne a wink before sending Jeff a warning glare to ensure he woudn't say anything stupid.

"And besides," I'd added with a smirk for my best friend's benefit. "It'll be good practice for them."

Jeff's eyes widened and he stopped chomping on his popcorn as Glenne and Madelyn laughed.

Still chuckling myself, I reached for Madelyn's hand. "Ready?"

"Uh..." Mads' brow furrowed as she glanced around before squeezing her eyes shut. "Yeah. Okay. Uh, I left some bottles in the fridge for her, and I set out a ton of fresh diapers just in case."

"In case of what?" Jeff asked, his eyes growing slightly fearful.

Madelyn ignored him as she reached for her clutch on the hall table, and Glenne rolled her eyes. Mads' gaze was fixed on Lila again. "She's already in her pajamas, so you can just put her to bed like that. And if she doesn't sleep right away you can read to her for a little while. She likes to be held right against your chest, though, so make sure you do that. That should work, but if it doesn't, singing quietly usually does. And—"

"Okay, Maddie? You already told me all of this," Glenne said gently.

"I know, but—"

"Babe, we're gonna be late," I murmured softly. I could tell it was hard for her to leave—I knew it would be hard for her to leave—but it would only be more difficult the longer we drew it out.

"Okay, I know, I'm sorry, I—" She was staring at Lila, who was staring intently back at her mother, and I felt terrible to see tears filling Madelyn's eyes. "Let me just..."

Mads took a couple steps forward and kissed Lila's head, staring at her still as she backed away.

"Everything's gonna be fine, Maddie," Glenne said, very seriously. " I promise. We'll call you if anything happens."

Madelyn's eyes went wide and she froze.

"But nothing will!" Glenne added emphatically, noticing the fear on Madelyn's face.

"Right. Yeah. Okay," Mads said as I guided her to the door, staring over her shoulder at Glenne like she was a lifeline. "Okay, yeah, call me if you need anything, alright? We'll both have our phones ready, right?"

She'd looked up at me then for reassurance.

"Of course," I'd said, nervous for another reason entirely now as we opened the front door.

Getting out had seemed like a wonderful idea up until right in that moment—right when we stepped outside and the door closed behind us. I'd made sure to give Lila one last kiss, too, because in that final moment before she disappeared into the safety of our friends' care, I remembered what it was like for me to leave her for the first time, and was overwhelmed by missing her as well. Not as keenly as Mads clearly was, but I understood completely what she was feeling.

And I had been just as nervous as we'd gotten into the car because those emotions were clearly about to brim over.

"It's okay," I'd said as Mads had tugged her seatbelt on, breathing deeply, trying not to cry, staring at the house all the while. "Everything's going to be fine."

"You don't think it's too soon?"

"I don't," I'd said.

"I mean, what if she—what if she has one of her freak-outs, and I'm not there, and they don't know what to do, and—"

I'd touched her face to quiet her, then. "They'll call. We're only going to be ten minutes away."

Mads had stared at me with tears in her eyes, and she dabbed at them quickly, but carefully so as not to ruin her makeup.

"I know. You're right," she'd muttered, and she'd tried to smile for my benefit. "I know."

The tears had subsided since. The car ride over had been a little difficult... quiet, and weighted with emotions. I'd held her hand the whole time, but I'd given it an extra squeeze when we'd arrived at the restaurant, pressed a kiss to it as we'd walked inside, and her emotions were all overshadowed by pleasant surprise once we'd sat down.

She was smiling now, but my nerves were still there. No longer because I was worried for her, but because I was sitting across from her, watching her read over the menu with her lips pursed in consideration, wondering how it could feel like we'd never done this before, like I was the luckiest guy in the world to be sitting across a table from the most beautiful woman in the world.

A woman who just so happened to be my wife.

We managed to order our food before she said it, her hands tangled together on the table now that the menus were gone.

"Do you think they're okay?"

I smiled and reached for one of her hands. She gripped mine harder than I anticipated. I'd been expecting a variation of this particular question. I knew that the shock and awe upon seeing the restaurant wouldn't last. "I'm sure they're fine."

Mads nodded emphatically, like she was trying to convince herself that I was right.

"Are you okay?" I asked then, searching her expression for any sign that those tears were about to fall again.

She sucked in a breath and pressed the corners of her lips up as she nodded. "Feeling a little anxious, but yes."

I nodded. "S'normal. I read about it earlier today."

Mads quirked a brow, and her smile became amused. "Oh, you did?"

"Mhm," I said, pressing my lips together to try to retain some semblance of seriousness. "Separation anxiety is a thing all parents and babies deal with. Though I think Lila's still a bit too young to know the difference."

Madelyn's smile had eased somewhat—wasn't so strained by stress or anxiety as she leaned forward and crossed her arms on the table. "Really? What else did you read?"

Nerves kicked in again with the way she was looking at me, and my smile was getting harder and harder to contain. I cleared my throat. "Well... just that. And I asked Jeff and Glenne to come over early for that very reason. So, that Lila could get used to Glenne holding her rather than one of us. And it's why it was a good thing you were upstairs getting ready when they got there."

"Why's that?" The look in her eyes was changing by the moment, and a zing of something like anticipation shot through me as I noted it.

"Well, because it got her used to not seeing you. And I tried my best to watch them from the kitchen while I waited for you so she would get used to not seeing me either."

Madelyn propped her chin up in one hand and gave me a smile that made me slightly nervous again, but more excited than anything else.

"What?" I had to ask.

"Nothing," she said with a small shrug and that sweet smile.

I grinned. "Not nothing, tell me. Why're you looking at me like that?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

She seemed shy now.

"I think so, but I want you to say it."

She blushed. She actually blushed. And hid her face in her hands.

We hadn't had sex in a week, but we hadn't flirted, let alone had a conversation that didn't revolve around the baby or work in some way, in even longer. So, this... feeling those butterflies flutter their wings again, staring across the table at my wife who seemed just as frazzled as I was, just as excited as I was—my heart felt like it was going to thump it's way out of my chest.

"Why am I nervous?" she asked then, holding both hands away from her face now and looking at me with the same light in her eyes but a confused tilt to her brow.

I laughed, glad it wasn't just me. "You're not alone."

"Why are we nervous, then?"

"I don't know," I said with more of a chuckle. "But you didn't answer my question."

"You already know the answer," she said, her cheeks still pink, her smile still broad, her eyes down on the table as she straightened her knife and fork.

And I understood her fidgeting. I felt like I could barely sit still myself. This was the first time we were alone, feeling like just a husband and wife again, in ages. Part of me felt like I didn't know how to be just her husband anymore—not with our baby girl at home depending on the both of us. Depending on me.

But the other part of me was so excited to be a husband to this new woman sitting across from me, and knew I had to do everything I could to rise up to the challenge, starting with tonight.

Starting right now.

"Y'know... these last few weeks have been... insane," I said, and she met my eye again, her shyness waning a bit. "If I could go back and do it all again, I would definitely say no to this project right now."

I said it with a laugh, but Mads seemed to take it as a personal affront.

"Have I made you feel that way? Because I—"

"Absolutely not. Let me finish before you start jumping to conclusions, yeah?" I said with a grin.

Mads rolled her eyes at herself, and shook her head a bit, but waited.

"What I'm trying to say is that... I would never be able to do this without you. Any of it. Obviously, I wouldn't have Lila if it wasn't for you, but I wouldn't be able to do this movie if it wasn't for you either. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for you, and that's not an exaggeration in the slightest."

She was smiling again, her cheeks were almost back to their normal color, and she was giving me that look again. But I wasn't finished yet.

"I love you, Mads. More than I could explain properly, but words, this evening—it's all I have to try and show you an ounce of how much I love you. So... thank you. For being such an incredible wife and mum and friend and lover and companion and—" I let out a breath, surprised a bit by the weight of my own emotions. I didn't realize I was so close to crying. "And I'm sorry that I haven't been around to help more, but I want you to know that I appreciate everything you're doing for Lila, and I understand how hard it is, and I—"

"Wine for the lovely couple?" the waiter, who had appeared from out of nowhere, was looking between us with the wine bottle held aloft.

I stared at him, shocked that he was interrupting—couldn't he see that I was in the middle of an impassioned monologue?—and hoping to communicate my annoyance at being interrupted.

"Could you just—could you hold on for a second?" I asked as politely as I could.

The waiter only stared at me for a beat. "Oh, apologies, sir. Of course. Shall I leave the wine?"

"Er, sure."

He almost set it down, but stopped himself. "It's not open. Would you like me to open it first, or—"

The sound of snickering coming from the opposite side of the table capped my anger off before it could overflow. I glanced Madelyn's way to see her stifling giggles into her palm, a sight I hadn't seen in ages, and it made me so happy, I looked at the waiter and said with a grin of my own. "Why not?"

He set about opening the bottle of wine, and I watched him with a put-on intensity for Madelyn's benefit. She was still giggling like mad, and I couldn't help but widen my eyes as the cork popped and keep her laughing still.

I wrinkled my nose a bit when the waiter let me taste the first sip, and his entire face dropped in horror before I said, "That's lovely, thank you."

Mads shook her head as she laughed now, and even the waiter cracked a smile when he realized that I was just messing with him.

"So, as I was saying," I said emphatically once he'd walked away, and Mads giggled a little bit more. I could only find it in myself to smile at her a bit longer, as the train of my earlier thoughts came back to me. I could only take in the graceful way she tucked her hair behind her ear. The way the candlelight caught the slight hollow beneath her cheekbones and lit up her piercing blue eyes. The way she was looking at me—more seriously than she had been before. Without that bit of playfulness. Like what I was about to say was just as important to her as it was to me.

I held up my glass after several moments of staring at her. And after a moment more, she did the same.

"To you, my beautiful girl," I said. "I don't know what I'd do without you, and I know things between us have changed these last several weeks and gotten a bit tense and even a bit distant, which is why I wanted to make sure that tonight, you understand without any doubts, that no matter how things continue to change going forward, my love for you, my respect for you, and my appreciation for all that you do and all that you are, never will."

The candlelight between us made the tears in her eyes glisten, but I clinked my glass against hers and took a sip of wine. She sniffled a little as she did the same.

"Harry?" she said as she set her glass down.


Her tears were mostly gone, and a smile was coming back to her lips. She licked them before speaking again, and my gaze lingered on her mouth longer than it should have. She cleared her throat as she considered her words. "I, uh... I didn't answer your question before."

I smirked, though I was still pretty sure I knew the answer. And now I was even more excited to hear it. "No, you didn't."

"No," she said with a shake of her head, something shifting in her eyes and in her grin. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but it was nothing as eloquent as that."

I chuckled. "Something told me it was much more brief anyway."

"It is," she said, smiling a little more herself as she leaned forward again. "But I'll add to it now. Y'know... give it a little more padding."

"Okay," I said through more laughter, trying to control my fidgeting. First I had my hands in my lap. Then I held them up to my mouth. Then I curled them together and set them down on the table, trying to keep them still.

"I love you more than I love coffee," she said first. "You know how much I love coffee."

"I do," I said, still laughing.

"I love you so much sometimes that it causes me physical pain."

I couldn't control it anymore. I had to move. So, I hung my head and continued chuckling.

Mads stilled. Grew very serious. "I love you like I've never loved anyone else. With a love I never knew I was capable of. With a love that goes far beyond my understanding, and I don't even care that I'll never fully comprehend it because it's the most wonderful, most precious thing in the world to me."

She had reached forward and touched my hand somewhere in the midst of that, and now, I was clutching her like I'd never let go. My heart was beating somewhere outside of my body and in every inch of my body all at once.

"I love Lila like I've never loved anyone or anything else, too," she said then. "And she's a part of you. A part of me. The biggest, best parts of us, and I wouldn't have her if I didn't have you, and... I know that things are different now, and I know that most of time I must seem like a crazy person. But that love? The love you've given me through her, the love you gave me the day we met—that won't ever change."

Heat touched the backs of my eyes, and I let out a shaky breath to try and control it.

Mads let out a breath, too, and impossibly, somehow, grew even more serious as she looked from me back down to the table. "But none of that is what I was thinking before when you asked me."

Before I could fully comprehend that statement, before I could even think to ask what she had meant, her foot was against my leg beneath the table—running up and down my calf.

I laughed out loud when I noted her smirk, the shift in her eyes. The blue had gone from serious to lustful in a matter of seconds.

"Because what I was thinking before," she said, her voice a little lower as she leaned a little closer, "was that a father and husband who cares that much about his wife and daughter is such a turn on, I wouldn't mind skipping this fancy meal completely and heading back home to bed."

Chuckling wasn't the word. Because even though I was laughing, I was also breathless and excited and desperate to have her.

"Or the car," she said next, smiling wider herself. "Whichever works, really."

"Mads," I warned and scolded—neither very seriously—when her foot slid up my leg a little more. The word came out more like a whine.

She laughed a little before her foot disappeared, and I was torn between relief and desperation as I met her eye again.

"I know, I know," she said. "You're looking forward to your steak. That's okay." She winked. "I don't mind drawing out the tension."

I shook my head, feeling like she'd just spun me around a dozen or so times only to stop me in the exact same place I'd been before she'd started. "Madelyn, you..." I ran my hands over my eyes and rounded my frustrated, excited, ecstatic smile on her again, "you are going to be the death of me."

She giggled a little more and reached for my hand, studied my fingers. Hers were warm. "I've missed this," she said, all signs of amusement and teasing gone.

Abruptly, my heart ached for her. With her. I leaned down and lifted her hand to my lips. I missed this, too. I missed her. I missed us.

Before I could say anything to try to diffuse the sorrow, the waiter came back over with a complimentary appetizer—some kind of octopus dish—and we dug in.

We talked more than we had in weeks. Real conversations. Not exhausted ones or logistical ones or hurried ones—conversations with depth. At first they revolved around Lila, but then they moved onto her family, and what they were up to, then mine, then work and what it might be like for her to go back come the fall and how she might feel to go back, then back to Lila and—and it was perfect.

We took our time. We savored the wine, our food, we got dessert... It reached a point where I wasn't sure what I wanted more—to keep talking to her like this, or to get her home and make love to her as many times as I could before morning.

It was the intimacy we'd been missing since I'd started work on the film. The intimacy and friendship I'd been missing and craving. There we were, in that fancy Beverly Hills restaurant with people all around us and a waiter who constantly interrupted us in his desire to be helpful, and—I wouldn't have changed a thing. Because in those glorious couple of hours, I felt like I was getting to know the woman I loved all over again, in a way that I hadn't had the chance to since I started working again.

And damn it, she was every bit as beautiful and wonderful and sexy as I'd always known her to be.

"Just take it off," she whispered once we were back in our bedroom later on. I was standing behind her with my hands at the zipper of her dress, and I'd been planning to lower it slowly— follow the trail of it with my lips on her spine as far as the zipper would go. But I was just as happy to unzip the damn thing and let it fall to the floor at her feet in one fell swoop.

Lila was asleep in her crib just a few feet away, so we knew we'd have to be as quiet as possible. But we were used to that at this point anyway. Jeff and Glenne had been pretty pleased with themselves when they'd told us she'd been no trouble, just a little fussy for the last half hour before she fell asleep. And they'd also enjoyed it way too much when they'd teased us about enjoying the rest of our night as they headed out the front door, taking their waggling brows with them. Mads and I hadn't cared much though. We were too eager to do just that.

Now, I wrapped my arms around her bare waist, kissed her neck, listened to each of her staggered breaths as my hands dipped into her panties.

She turned around abruptly and laid a hand on my chest, stopping me. "No teasing. We can drag things out later, but for now," her hands were already undoing my buckle, unbuttoning my pants... she looked into my eyes as she slid the zipper down, "I just want you inside me."

I smirked as desire warmed every inch of me, then leaned forward and captured her lips with mine as my hands worked to unhook her bra, and hers slipped into my boxers.

A hiss slid between my clenched teeth when her warm hand wrapped around me, but I got her bra off and played with her nipples a bit, still kissing her, before she sat down on the bed and leaned back. I slid my boxers off and watched her inch her panties down her legs before climbing over her.

She yanked me down by the neck to kiss me again, and the heat of her washed over me as I settled between her legs. She still tasted like the chocolate mousse we'd shared for dessert, and it was driving me wild.

Her hand was around me again before I could think to move, and once she'd positioned me, one quick thrust had me inside her.

So familiar—the heat, the wetness, the bite of her fingernails in my arms, the clench of her legs around me—and I knew she wanted this to be fast, but I pulled back to look at her before moving. Pulled back to look at her to savor the moment, because I knew this particular round would be over quickly.

Mads was staring up at me, her brow wrinkled a little at the bridge of her nose, her mouth slightly parted. There was relief in her eyes, and I knew exactly how she was feeling. Knew what it was to finally feel the heat of connection and realize just how much it meant, and how much it was missed when we didn't have it.

Legs still clamped around me, Madelyn slowed, too. Traced my lips with her index finger, her eyes coming back to mine slowly, taking their time on my face.

I kissed the tip of her finger when she met my gaze, and nuzzled my cheek into her palm when she spread those fingers out on my jaw.

She smiled gently.

I smiled back.

Then, leaned down to kiss her, and enjoyed the way she gasped into my mouth when my hips gave a firm, hard thrust. And another. And another.

This, I thought to myself. As her hands went around my back, as the circle of her legs tightened to keep me in place, as our breathing quickened and our hearts raced and our hips met each other thrust for thrust until release found us both—no matter what changed, no matter how we changed, as long as we had this, I knew we could make it through anything. 


Author's Note:

Some much-needed alone time for the new parents ;)

Ten chapters in and well over 20K reads, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'm also happy to say I (finally) caught up on comments on these last few chapters, and I'm just so grateful to you all. Thank you for being so invested in these characters, I can't tell you how much it means to me! *cries* I'd love nothing more than to hear what you think of this one as well, and maybe even where you think the story's headed :) I really hope you're enjoying it so far. So vote and/or comment if you feel so inclined! I love reading your thoughts SO much!

I know I probably sound like a broken record, but this is some cool NEW news about Trace the Edges, promise! Amazon is actually running a promotion for it this week, so if you haven't already gotten yourselves a copy, you can get the e-book for only 99 cents until this Thursday Feb. 8!! I mean... !!!! Grab it while it's hot!!!

I don't think I have anything else to share this week, so I'll keep this a short one today. I hope everyone's well, and that the start of February has been good to you. Lots and lots of love to each and every one of you! I'll meet ya back here in two weeks. xxxx

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I cupped her face in my hands, rubbing my thumbs in circles over her cheeks. She was having trouble finding words to describe what she felt, and I co...