Would You Rather Remember?

By Demonic_Dragon123

56.1K 1.6K 837

Sequel to Atem X Reader ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ After 5000 years of floating around the dark, (name) has seen a mysterious do... More

Awake and Reincarnation
Happy Hmong New Years
I Think...
Deal Pt. 1
Deal Pt. 2
A Problem


1.5K 46 23
By Demonic_Dragon123

Yugi's POV
I started to sweat when (name) told me it was weird when she saw Yami floating beside me. I didn't expect her to see him.

"Yugi? Are you alright?"

Yami asked me. I realized how sweaty my palms were and wiped the sweat on my pants. I looked in front of me seeing Joey and Tristan throwing their arms around (name)'s neck as they kicked their legs up proving to Tea that they could dance.

"Yami... I think (name) saw you."

I said with a sigh. Yami's eyes widen "what?"  Yami questioned out. I explained to Yami what (name) said to me which resulted in Yami sighing frustratingly "this might be a problem. Yugi, we might have to tell her"  Yami closed his eyes leaning back into the air.

A hum of understanding left my lips "ok, we'll tell her when we go home" I decided. Yami nodded his head agreeing with me "that is alright with me" Yami smiled.

I smiled and soon the class had soon start with (name) introducing herself. So far everyone in class liked her- a good first impression on her first day. I hope she gets along with everyone after today.

[Time Skip and normal POV]

School had ended for the day and all the students either went home or went to their clubs. Yugi, (name), Tea, Joey, and Tristan walked together away from the school until they had separate ways "bye guys!" Tea waves "don't forget to do the homework" Tristan mentioned "don't act you won't forget!" Joey shouted causing the two to quarrel.

Yugi and (name) laughed in amusement seeing the two fight until Tea broke it up. "Well we'll be off then" Yugi smiles making the group smile back "it was amazing meeting you guys today!" (Name) beemed.

Joey threw his arms over her shoulders "aye, it was nice meetin' ya too! You're pretty cool, (name)!" Joey complimented "yeah! Everyone else seemed to like you too- not a like of foreigners are from Egypt!" Tristan grinned throwing his arms around (name)'s shoulders as well.

It took a while before Tea pulled the duo away from you. The process was complicated but enjoyable at the same time. With a wave, (name) shouted goodbye and began to walk home with Yugi.

(Name) looked at the stunning sky that ombreyed of red, pink, orange and yellow 'Joey, in a sense, reminds me of Jono from long ago. They're opposites but I do recall Jono telling me one day that he wanted to be outgoing and cheerful in his next life.' (Name) thought to herself.

When the duo got home Yugi invited (name) to his room to do homework. Looking at the problems, they reminded (name) of the ones the Yugi once showed her. Not the same numbers- but the same format.

"There's another reason why you invited me to your room isn't there?"

(Name) asked without looking at Yugi. Nodding his head, Yugi looked at (name) "remember when I asked you about Egypt?" Yugi asked. The memory wasn't so long ago so (name) remembered well "and remember how I once told you that Yami spent a night at Joey's place?" That was also something (name) remembered well.

"Well, the-the thing is... Y-Yami and I ar-are a-a s-single pers-person."

(Name)'s eyes widened with confusion and wonder. How would that be possible? Yugi noticed this and decided he had the show proof "YU-GI-OH!!" Yugi shouted and within a minute Yami stood where Yugi sat.

"Believe is now, (name)?"

Yami asked. His eyes showed worry as Yugi floated beside him which (name) saw this time with ease. "How is this possible?" (Name) asked with bewilderment. Yami then explained how he was a Pharaoh of long ago and how she use to be his queen. He then added the information of how there was an evil whom he had to fight off and how he needed his memories back in order to go back to his time.

(Name)'s heart hurt when Yami told her that she was his queen 'I know. I know it all. I know who you are and what you are to me. Please, remember me soon.' (Name) mentally pleaded. To have her lover not remember her identity made her fustrated and angry. She wanted him to remember. To know. But that wasn't possible in this state.

Yami's explanation wasn't a dull one. True, it had plenty of holes but that was due to his lack of memory. It certainly gave (name) many flashbacks.

When Yami mentioned going to the museum to see Ishizu, (name)'s eyes widened 'that's it!' She thought before jumping off the floor and running off leaving a confued Yami behind. Yami questioned himself whether to follow her or not but decided against it.

Judging by her facial expression, she seemed to have an idea "she has something to do with my past... But I feel as if our relationship was deeper than that" Yami spoke to himself.

Yami's heart fluttered whenever (name) was around. His face would warm and he would feel as if she was his happy place. Imagining himself and (name) together made him want to make it reality. Whether they were lovers or not long ago, he still loved her now. That was his conclusion.


Done with a new chapter!!

Guess who just joined the single train again lol.

When breaking up, I feel as if you should learn from it. Like: what did I do wrong? What did I not do? How should I change myself when I date someone else? Stuff like that.

Also when you break up, I learned that you should give yourself attention until you can let that person go fully.

Either way I suck at dating lol.

I'm not that much of a greedy person and I have no opinion. That's something I change about myself.

I need to voice my opinion- don't call anyone fat or stupid!!

I also feel as if I have to be more greedy and protective as well if I date. I think that the fact that I don't give any fucks to annoying people at school and on the streets affect me in that field.

Also... poor ex boyfriend keeps molesting me. He won't stop saying nasty shit to me like "I like you ass"/"if I hugged you I would grab your ass".

He even went as far enough to buy condoms and brought it out saying "let's fuck."

.......I'm sorry but he's being a little bitch. He voiced his own opinions that he never voiced when we dated (although I'm partially at fault too for not noticing).

He insults me an calls me a bitch... I'm ok with that, I give no fuck.


HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO CALL US BOTH "MOM" AND "DAD" TO THIS ASIAN (I'm Asian too so it's not like I'm insulting the guy) GUY IN THE CLASS (he's also pretty cool) ACTING LIKE WE'RE JUST ARGUING.


If he's reading this then I hope he knows to stop his shit. I will change because I learned what the change, not because of him.

Sorry about the rant...


I will give you guys a month before I post the questions and answers.

Reason being to give you guys time to think about some questions and giving them to me.

That's all today. I'll see you next time. BYE BYE!!

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