The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)

By stefymay

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I always thought that when you die that would be the end and you would see a bright light and the pearly gate... More

Authors note...
The deads love Poem
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chpater 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 16

11.6K 250 24
By stefymay

Hi Everyone,

Hope you enjoy this chapter, i had a lot of fun writing it. Let me know what you think, i always look forward to your comments.




See ya

Steph ;)



“Are you okay Ethan?”

“I’m fine… I need to … I need to get out. I’m sorry Violet but I can’t do this.” He said and I nodded. It was obvious he was terrified of the water.

I held onto his hand and pulled him out with me, as soon as we were out of the water he relaxed, breathing a sigh of relieve.

I quickly put my clothes back on and watched as Ethan put his clothes back on. Then we made our way back to the car. We drove in silence as we neared the town and my stomach growled and I looked over to Ethan hoping he didn’t hear that, but of course he did as he smiled and asked, “Hungry?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe.”



Chapter 16

We pulled up to a café close to the edge of town and went inside and sat down waiting for a waitress to take our order. The waitress came over with two menus and as soon as she spotted Ethan she went into automatic flirt mode.

She practically threw my menu at me, while she leaned over Ethan with her breasts nearly falling out of her uniform into his face. I glared at her attempt to seduce the guy while he was with me. She was a really pretty, strawberry blond hair, blue eyes and it was obvious that she wanted Ethan.

“Hi, I’m Brook, I’m your waitress for today. So what can I get you sugar?” She asked Ethan seductively. Throughout that whole speech she faced Ethan her back turned slightly towards me.

Ewe I just threw up in my mouth. Ethan never even noticed her as he scanned his menu and asked for a coke, then he turned to me and smiled,

“What are you getting Ducky?”

“Erm… I’ll have a coke as well”

“Anything to eat?”

“Erm…” I quickly glanced over the menu for something to get this chick away, “And a bowl of french fries please.” I said closing the menu and handing it rudely over to Brook.

“And for you sugar? You going to eat anything?” She asked Ethan as she stroked his arm. I glared at her hand on Ethan’s bicep.

Can you believe this chick? I swear by the way she was acting right now, that this was a whore house and she was putting in the extra shift.

“Nothing for me thanks.” Ethan said, shifting away from her. She didn’t seem to notice and added,

“Okay sugar, if you change your mind just let me know.” Then she turned around and swung her ass seductively away as she made her way to the kitchen.

Then mimicking her in a whiny whore voice I said, “If you change your mind just let me know.”  Then in my normal voice I said, “Pfft stupid slut.” Ethan chuckled and said,

“You jealous Ducky?”

“Psst… no… why would I be? I just didn’t like her attitude that’s all.”


“Whatever…” I mumbled while I waited for my coke.

The waitress came back and handed over our drinks. Once the whore of a waitress left we were quiet for a while. I wonder what dinner is going to be like at his place, I wonder what his place is like. And how strange is his family? He said that his family was a bit strange but the Scott and Jonathan seemed normal enough to me, is it just his uncle that’s a bit weird?

“You must think less of me now, after what happened at the pool.” Ethan said, I was a bit confused at first, but then what he said sunk in and I said,

“I don’t think less of you Ethan, everyone is afraid of something. Like take me for example, I’m afraid of rats.“ I said and gave a slight shiver just thinking about rats.

“Thanks but still, I’m not proud of what you saw back there.”

“What made you so scared of water in the first place anyway?” I couldn’t help it, it kind of slipped out.

He didn’t answer, he snag a napkin and started ripping it. He seemed uncomfortable with the question. Maybe I over stepped my bound.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. You don’t have to answer.”

“It’s okay Ducky, it was a long time ago.”

“What happened? Did you nearly drown or something?”

“Something like that.” He whispered.

“Tell me.” I urged and he looked a little uncomfortable as he continued to tear away at the napkin.

“It was a stormy night in November, close to Thanksgiving and my parents went into town leaving me in charge of my sister’s care. They were running late and I thought that maybe they stayed in town, so I put my sister to bed while I waited for them, but I fell asleep. I was woken up by er… something and I thought that maybe my parents returned but when I looked outside I saw my sister’s favored toy. I remembered putting her to be with it. So I ran to her room but she wasn’t there, that only meant that she was outside, in the storm. I ran outside to where I had seen her toy but she wasn’t with it. I turned around and saw her in the river. I ran to save her, jumping in the water; the river that was once a peaceful stream was too strong and my sister was getting swept further away by the current. I swam for her and managed to reach her and drag her to safety, but before I could pull myself to safety I was knocked back into the river and pinned to the bottom…” he trailed off and I gasped and reached over for his hand. No wonder he was terrified of the water.

“I’m so sorry you went through that Ethan. How did you get out? Did your uncle D save you?”

“You can say that.” He stared off as a blank look took over his expression.

“What happened to your sister after you saved her? Did she get your uncle to help you?”

“She died, not long after that she got very sick after that and then died, D just happened to be there to save me.” He said clenching his jaw shut and tearing the remainder of the napkin to bits. He said save with such venom, like he hated the fact that his uncle saved him.

“I’m so sorry for your loss Ethan.” I didn’t comment on his uncle saving him. Maybe he was sad at the fact that he lived, while his sister died. I knew that I have felt that way before when my dad died and I couldn’t blame him, it was only natural.

We were quiet for a while and then the whore of a waitress came back with our order and said in tone dripping with sex,

“You need anything else sugar?”

“No you can go away now.” I said sounding like a bitch but I didn't care. She just glared at me and turned to Ethan.

“Just call me and I’ll be able to get you anything, and i mean anything you need or… want.” Then she left. 

Urgh what is wrong with her, did she have an O.D. in one of those female sex pills that increased her libido. God if she’s going to keep at it, I’m going to have to kick her ass in a good ol’ fashion hoe down.

“You okay?” Ethan whispered because I was pretty sure I was glaring daggers at that waitress and mumbling curses at her.

“Ya, just freaking peachy.” I said as I drenched my fries in tomatoe sauce and stabbed a fry with my fork as I pictured the whores face instead of the fry.

“She’s really bothering you isn’t she?” He asked sounding genuinely upset.

I shrugged and said, “Its okay.”

“Come on, eat up and let’s get out of here. I need to get you home so that you can get ready for dinner with me.” He smiled and I must have breathed the rest of my food in because in no time I was done and that whorish waitress came back with the bill and I noticed her number on it.

He looked up at me and took my hand and walked over to the waitress. I wasn’t sure what he was up too and wasn’t sure if I should just pull my hand out of his grasped and escape.  He walked over to our waitress and I noticed her fixing her hair as we approached. Great he was most probably going to ask her out or something, this was just great, maybe I can get out of here before I get totally humiliated. I tried pulling my hand out of his, but he just tightened his grip on my hand and pulled me closer to him.

“Ethan?” I whispered but he never answered as we stopped in front of our waitress.

“Here’s your money for our meal.”

“Oh sugar you get my-“

“You have made this a very unpleasant meal, flirting and throwing yourself at me like you where working a whore house. I would have you apologies to my date for your disgusting behavior.”

“I didn’t-“

“Where’s your manager?”

“Ethan, there’s no need.”I said trying to defuse the matter before it got out of hand.

“No, she has upset you and we came here to eat, not to have some floozy make you uncomfortable and underhand your presence.”

“I never flirted with you?” Brook said trying to regain her dignity as we were starting to attract attention.

“Oh so you give every patron your number?”

He was making a scene and every person in the restaurant was watching us. I think my face was so red I resembled a tomato.


“Has anyone else gotten Brooks number?” Ethan shouted at the restaurant’s patrons and everybody shook their heads or said no.

“What’s going on here?” A man’s voice asked from behind us and we turned to see what I would guess was the manager.

“Are you the manager sir?”Ethan asked turning towards the new guy, he seemed confused and glanced confusedly at Brook.

“Yes, yes I am. Is there a problem here?”He asked as he glanced between Brook and Ethan.

“Yes there is. This waitress has been flirting with me and increasingly making my date feel uncomfortable. We came here to eat, not to be made a fool of.”

“I am so sorry sir.”

“I don’t want you to apologies; I want her to apologies… to my date.”

“Of course, Brook.” The manager turned to our waitress and made a gesture to get on with it. 

“I-I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable.” She said reluctantly.

“It’s okay.” I said a little taken aback by what Ethan just did.

“Great, now if you don’t mind, we’ll be leaving.”

“Of course sir. I apologies once again, please let this incident not dampen your experience with our establishment. Please except these vouchers.”

“That’s very kind of you.” Ethan took it and turned to leave. The manager kept saying he was sorry and I was sure as soon as we left that Brook chick was going to get it.

We silently got into his car and drove. I stared at him still slightly in shock and awed at what just happened. No-one and I mean no-one has ever done that for me. Most guys would have left that alone or taken that waitress up on her offer, but no-one has ever stood up for me like that, especially so publicly.

“What?” Ethan asked while giving me a sideways glance.

I shook my head at him, pretty sure my mouth was hanging open. “You are something else Ethan Leeds.”

“You have no idea Ducky.” He turned towards me and winked with a dazzling smile, then turned back to face the road.

I just continued to stare at him in amazement. Definitely something else.

We were at my house in no time and I noticed my car in the driveway. I wonder if Vicky’s still here … what am I saying the Scott is still here, obviously she’s going to be. Please lord let them not have brain damaged my little sister.

“So see you soon.” I said while getting out of the passengers side.

“Wait let me walk you to your door at least, besides I need to get Connor.”

“Okay.” I smiled at him, while I reached out for his hand and we walked the short distance to my door, but before I opened I knocked really loud and shouted,


“Why are you shouting?” Vicky asked while she stepped out into the hallway.

“You never know with you two.” I turned to Ethan and said,  “You know they slept together that night at my homecoming party?”

“So that’s where he was-“

“For the last time we didn’t sleep together… per se. We er… just happen to fall asleep next to each other.” Vicky cut him off before Ethan could finish

“Ya like he happen to be half naked.”
“We already explained what happened there lass.” Connor said

“Ah-ha, that you two slept together and you where half naked.” I said pointing at them.

 “Urgh, I give up.” I smiled at my frustrated friend as she threw her hands into the air.

“Where’s Lily?” I asked looking around.

“She’s watching TV.” Vicky replied.

“Not brain damaged I hope.” I mumbled as I walked towards the TV room to check in on my sister.

She was sitting on the couch watching care bears and singing along to some song that was on. She was also doing the dances, step for step and I found the corner of my mouth creeping upwards. She turned around and saw me.

“Violet!” She ran towards me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

“How was your date?”

“Erm… it wasn’t a date it was a … erm… get together with er two normal people.”

“Psst… Normal? Is that what ye two are calling yer-selves?” Connor said from behind me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Come on Vi, the best parts on.” She pulled me towards the TV to dance with her and I glanced back at Ethan. He had an amused look on his face with his one eyebrow raised as if he couldn’t wait to see this.

We stood in front of the TV then I started to clap and dance with the song, just like I did time and time again with Lily.

"If you happy and you know it clap your hands…" We sang along and clapped.

It wasn’t long when Vicky joined in and started singing and dancing with us.

Ethan and the Scott where practically rolling on the ground when we were at the end. Let’s just say that we were jumping on one leg, clapping our hands, practically doing the hokey pokey. It was rather fun. At the end Vicky and I were out of breath but Lily wanted to do another one.

“Please no more… can't breath. Too tired.” Vicky said from her spot slumped over the couch.

“She right kido, I need to get ready to go to Ethan’s place.”

“Oh ya Vicky and her boyfriend told me about that, we gonna get pizza and watch movies.”

“Awesome… I wish I could stay here. Yours sounds way better than mine.” I said pulling a face.

“It is.” She beamed back.

“Right time to get ready for your date.” Vicky announced as she dragged me towards my bed room.

“You two can wait here or scoot.” Vicky called over her shoulders to the guys

“Right see ye ladies in a wee bit, we’ll be leaving yer to ye womenly business.”

Then the door closed. That left Vicky and myself to get ready.

“Are you sure you don’t mind looking after her? I can’t pay you right now, but I will I promise.” I asked while I dug around in my cupboard for an outfit.

“Vi for the last time, don’t worry about it and you don’t have to pay me. Your little sister is no bother to baby sit. Here wear this.” Vicky said handing me my black stiletto’s.

“Are you sure, it’s just dinner at his house, I was thinking something more casual.”

“Am I sure… psst, does Paris Hilton shit in the woods?”

“Erm… I would say no but I’m not sure because I don’t know her. For all I know she already did shit in the woods. Are you saying you’re not sure?”

“Have I ever told you, you have this tendency to over analyze things. It’s rather annoying.”

“Yes only everyday of my life. Look just say you’re not sure.”

“Not sure about what?” crap what were we talking about again? I can’t remember what we where arguing over. She managed to make me forget what I was going on about.

“crap I can’t remember… Ooo…you’re good.” I said point at here and playfully glaring.

“I know. Now put these on.” She smiled and handed me a short skirt and a tight low v-neck top.

“Vicky, I’m meeting his uncle, I don’t want to come on as the slut of the year.”

“Oh I thought you met his uncle already.”

“Erm… not exactly. He kind of walked in on Ethan and me in a heavy make out session.”

“What? Wait, wait, wait… you and Ethan had a heavy make out session. Ooo… do telll, wait, we need Van here for this hang on.”

Then she dug out her phone and started dialing a number.

“Hey Van, Vi had a heavy make out session with Ethan.” She was quiet for a bit listening to whatever Van said and then said,

“I know right, but wait here’s the best part. His uncle walked in on them.” Silence again, then she giggled. I rolled my eyes at their one sided conversation and then Vicky said,

“Totally, that’s why I called, I’m putting you on speaker, hang on a sec.”

She pressed a few more buttons then called out, “Okay Van you’re on.”

“Can you hear me?”

“Ya, did you not just hear me say you’re on?” Vicky said rolling her eyes at the phone.

“Gezz sor-ry I was just checking… so Vi, tell me about this make out session. How hot was it? Is Ethan a good kisser? Tell me eeverything, don't leave out a single detail.”

So I sat there telling them about what Ethan told me and how he had feelings for me all along but he was embarrassed about his family to make a move on me, then I told them about the kiss and how I just melted in his arms. Then his uncle came and everything went tense, I told them how creepy his uncle was, totally hot, but creepy none the less. I also told them about the other times we kissed and what happened at the restaurant.

“Oh…my…word. He is totally a keeper. What guy would make a scene like that for his date, especially when it involves free sex. Ethan just gained some serious brownie points.”Vicky said  practically jumping up and down on the bed.

“Totally, I hope you’re working on getting a title for him. You need to stake your claim, loud and clear girlfriend. You know the sausage chasers are after that man meat.” Van said from the phones speaker.

“Seriously Van, that is just gross. Sausage chasers… where do you come up with these things? And what title? You're talking about us going public as a couple?”

“I agree with Van. No way can you let him get away, you’ll regret it. You got to hook that fish before that boat flies.”

“Seriously Vicky, your metaphors make’s no sense.” Van said sounding a little annoyed.

“It makes sense to me.” Vicky mumbled while crossing her arms over her chest.

“Look Vi, get a title then go public. It will only be harder for you, if nobody knows he’s taken. There are a lot of girls interested in him. Get a title.”

“fine, fine, I get it. I’ll somehow get him to give me girlfriend status, but right now I have to get ready to meet the rest of his family.”
”Right, good luck girl. Mwah bye.”

“Bye Van.” I shouted.

“See ya Van.” Then she hung up.

Vicky and I argued for a half an hour what I was to wear, I had begin to realize Vicky liked her slutty clothes and leopard prints and that just wasn’t me. In the end we settled on a skinny blue jeans and a black sweater, with a blue denim jacket. Now that just left my hair and make up which we further argued about the color and the amount, so we settled on a natural look, with my hair in a high ponytail with a slight beehive.

I grabbed my bag and walked down with a disgruntled Vicky, complaining about a neon pink sweater that would have looked better that the black one. I just rolled my eyes at her. This was a normal thing, Vicky always went way over board with the helping. It usually ended up with her taking over completely.

Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs, the doorbell rang and I went to open the door. It was Ethan and he was wearing black jeans with a black shirt that had a few of the top buttons undone, and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hands were in his pocket and his hair had it’s usual bed head mess to it. He looked… breathtakingly beautiful, like an angel made flesh.

“Could you two quit ogling each other and get out of here. I want to get the pizza and movie started with my little buddy over here.” Vicky yelled from behind us, snapping me out of my trance. It seemed Ethan went into the same admiration state, because he was still checking me out.

“You look… amazing.” He whispered as he took my hand and pressed his lips to my knuckles, fanning his warm breath over my cool skin, sending a slight shiver through my entire body.

“You don’t look too bad yourself.” He smiled at my reply before he let my hand go.

“I got you something.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace with some pendant of some sort at the end.

“Awe Ethan you shouldn’t have.”

“Here please allow me.” He indicated for me to turn around so that he could put it on for me.

When the pendant touched my skin it was freezing cold, it was so cold it felt like it was actually burning my skin.

“Gezz it’s cold.” I said picking it off my bare skin.

“Give it a sec, let it heat up to your body heat, it won’t hurt you I promise.” I dropped it and allowed it to become accustomed to my body temp. The cold slowly started to ebb away until it was the same temperature as my body.

I picked it up again and looked at the pendant; it was a sort of black silver hollow heart shaped pendant with what looked like vines or it could have been veins, criss crossing each other to form a sort of a heart shaped cage with funny symbols rtched all over it. It was sort of a cross between Hieroglyphics and something else, but what was interesting was what was in the center. On the inside was this three spiraled thing wedged inside the heart and inside that was like this reddish liquid. It looked almost like liquid red mercury, the way it moved around in it’s container made it seem like it was alive. It kind of reminded me of a lava lamp, but without the light.

“It beautiful Ethan, but what’s this red stuff in the center?” I asked picking up the pendant to peer at the red liquid again.

“Oh it’s er… liquid mercury. It moves around the spirals when it heats up see.”

I looked down at the pendant in my hand and saw that the liquid was moving into the spirals, slowly filling them, just like blood through a vein.

“Whoa, this is really awesome. Thank you Ethan.” I said tucking it under my top so that it stayed heated and hugged him and he hugged me back.

“Just promise me you’ll never take it off.”

“I promise.” I smiled into his chest.

“Come on Ducky, we’re going to be late if we keep standing here.”

He grabbed my hand and led me to the car. He still seemed a bit tense with the whole dinner with his uncle and everything and we never spoke much on our way to his house. I watched as the houses slowly went from normal average size family homes to massive mansions and then what was somewhere between castle and hotel size places.

Ethan finally started to slow down by this huge gate. The gate was solid black iron with what looked like some Latin writing on it as well as some nice patterns. Nothing like I have seen before, it had swirls with some hard edges as well. It kind of looked like the same symbols I had on my pendant that Ethan gave me along with the same triple spiral in the center of the gate. Maybe this is where he got the design from.

“It’s beautiful… but what does those weird shapes mean?”

“It’s just designs that a guy inAsiadid for my family. They don’t really mean anything.”

I was about to ask him about the Latin but then the gates swung wide open and I was stunned by the beauty of the place. Well manicured lawns, a beautiful balcony that over looked the front yard. The only things that stood out and freaked me out beyond anything I have ever experienced  was the odd or rather the scary designs of the sculptures and hedges on the property. As we passed the hedges that lined the driveway on either side, there were sculptures of people dying, being killed, and some even looked to be shouting in pain, and the main attraction was the fountain. The fountain was of the Grim Reaper with his scythe standing over a decapitated body that was spurting out water from where the head used to be. The body was kneeling, while his head was lying on the floor, the face of the headless man looked to be in shock with it’s mouth wide open, eyes rolled to the back of his head. The reaper was looking straight down the drive way with its hood covering his head completely, and in one hand was his scythe and the other another body, and this one was a woman. She seemed to be spurting water from a slit throat, slit wrists and various other wounds. At the foot of the reaper there were bodies, upon bodies, that he was just… standing on. And you want to know what the worst part about that fountain was? The water was dyed red… or at least I hope it was dye. There were spotlights on the ground to illuminate the fountain and it sort of added to the sinister look, casting shadows upon the faces of the fountain making it look and feel real.  That creeped me out far beyond anything else that was on display in the front yard, and let me tell you there was a lot that would creep you out.

I looked around at the massive amount of people just milling about. They were all dressed differently, some wore army uniforms and some wore armor, like knights and some looked like they were in pretty bad shape. I mean a few guys were even carrying their heads, like a basketball and some of them looked dressed up to the tee with ballroom gowns and this one lady actually had on a wedding dress.

“Is there some sort of dress up party going on or something? Should I have worn a costume?” I looked down at my simple plain clothes and at a man dressed like some royal court jester. It had to be a dress up party because it certainly wasn’t Halloween, Halloween was six months ago so this had to be a dress up party, but what’s the special occasion?

“Er…Ya you can say that. There is a sort of party going on.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? I could have worn a costume. What’s the occasion?”

“You’re perfect just how you are. You don’t see me in a costume do you?” He smiled at me and I smiled back, “And besides my uncle is… different like I told you he throws parties whenever he wants.”

“Ya I guess, but wow some of these people went all out. Their injuries look so real and your uncle went all out too with the evil looking fountain and creepy hedges. This is amazing.” I said glancing at the creepy fountain again. I gave an involuntary shiver and said in a whisper

“and the fountain… it looks so… real.”

“It’s his prized work of art; he had a really, really good artist do that piece.”

“Really?” They must be uber rich to afford a specially made fountain. I looked at the fountain and noticed the finer details, everything was crafted to a tee, to give it that realistic effect. I wonder what it looks like during the day?

Ethan pulled into the garage and parked next to this nice black 19-something mustang. I don’t know a lot about cars but I could tell this thing was a thing of beauty. There were other cars in the garage, and all of them seemed expensive. Ethan switched the car off and he turned to me and he looked very serious, and a little stressed. To kind of think of it he was quiet and tense for most of the drive over here. He turned to the closing garage door like he wanted to turn around and drive right out.

“Ethan are you okay?”

“Violet this might sound weird but I need you to do something for me.”

“Okay…What?” I asked a little confused by his change.

“When you’re in there, don’t talk to anyone, not a single person, even if they talk to you first, don’t even look at them, just pretend they’re not even there, except the people I introduce you to. “

“Is this some sort of female oppression thing?  Am I supposed to play the obedient girlf- er… woman?” Wow I almost slipped there. I nearly called myself his girlfriend, talk about close call. Okay I’m a little pissed that he wants me to play meek and obedient like some dog and I’m all for girl power, those times when woman were forced to say yes sir, no sir, anything you want sir are so over.

He signed and ran his hand through his hair and said sounding a little exasperated,

“It’s not that Ducky, it’s just that these people aren’t what you think they are and it’s best to not have them notice you otherwise they might end up hurting you. The people I’ll introduce you to are more or less safe to be around and socialize with. Just please Vi, promise me you won’t talk to anyone except the people I introduce you to.”

“I promise.” Okay that’s just plain scary. What type of people are here that will want to hurt an eighteen year old teenager for just talking to them. What the hell is Ethan and his family into?

He breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed my head pulling me closer and kissed me hard, and hot, clutching me close to him, like he never wanted to let me go. He reluctantly pulled back and rested his forehead against mine.

“Thank you Vi, you have no idea how much this means to me. I wouldn’t have brought you here while there was so much danger around, but I had no choice. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you because of me.” He gently rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip as he spoke.

I didn’t know how to respond to that, mainly because I didn’t know what the situation was other than that if I spoke to anyone other than the people Ethan told me to I would be in danger and what did he mean he was forced to bring me here? Did his uncle force him?

We got out of the car and walked to the entrance close to the garage, bypassing the guests in the front. I felt numerous eyes on me but I ignored them. It was kind of eerie and odd. It felt like the temperature dropped at least ten degrees since I left my house. Something inside of me was telling me to run as fast and as far away from this place as humanly possible. I looked around at the countless people milling about and thought that this place was actually really beautiful if you took away the scary fountain and the dying hedge people and the hundreds of costumed people.

A guy that looked like he was Count Dracula’s butler answered the door before we even got a chance to touch it.

“Good evening Master Ethan and er… Miss.” Ooo… Master Ethan, fancy. He has a butler and everything, just how rich is this kid? We stepped into the foyer and it was like stepping into freezer, it was just as cold inside as it was outside. Ethan didn’t seem to notice the artic temperature, but then again he lived here so why would he? He's most probably used to it already.

“Good evening Hamington, this is Violet our guest for tonight’s dinner.” Hamington offered me a warm smile and bowed, ”Ah Miss Violet. Yes I remember you informing me of her arrival this evening. I have already instructed the servants to set an extra place at the table. Shall Master Tommy be joining us?” And servants damn talk about being treated like royalty.

“You know that he is here?”

“There is not much I do not know Master Ethan.” Ethan sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

“That is true, does D know about Tommy?”

“As far as I know, he hasn’t the faintest, and I’m in no mood to enlighten him to the information.” Ethan looked a bit relieved and nodded.

“Thank you Hamington.” Hamington just nodded and bowed again then shut the door and walked off.

I watched Hamington's retreating back with confusion. Who’s Tommy and why didn’t Ethan want D to know?

“I’m sorry for the cold, our air-conditioner is broken and it’s been like the north pole in here for a while.”

“That’s okay, just wished you warned me so I could have put on an extra top.” I shivered.

“How rude of me, here you go Ducky, don’t worry it’s mine.” He took a jacket out of the coat closet and draped it around my shoulders. I could smell him on the thick material, and I hugged it closer, slipping my arms into the sleeves.

“This way babe.” He held out his arm for me to take, and I hooked him in, keeping real close to him. He led me to a sort of lounging room, where a warm fire was lit and Connor and Jonathan were standing along with another two guys and a girl. They were chatting easily and when I walked in the chatting stopped. At least they weren’t wearing costumes as well, must have just been the guests… that was a bit weird, maybe they were so used to their uncle’s eccentricities that they didn’t even bother to dress up.

“Violet, this is Brandon, Tatiana and Marcus and of course you know Connor and Jonathan.” Ethan said gesturing to each of the new faces. Connor stepped forward with a friendly smile on his face and said, “I hope our haunted house didn’t scare ye?”

“Nope, I just wish you told me about the costume party though it was a bit of a freight when I saw all the people.” They all, but Ethan looked confused, Ethan looked panicked.

“What are you talking about Violet?” Jonathan said.

“Are you talking about-“ Tatiana started but got interrupted by Ethan.

“She’s just kidding. She's talking about the Statues and hedges.” Ethan said and started laughing. Now I was the one confused and then Connor and Jonathan looked at Ethan and their eyes went wide and then they started fake laughing too.

“Oh that’s our Violet, ever the jokester.” Jonathan said sounding like he was really amused.

I was about to comment that it wasn’t a joke when I noticed a woman walk in, wearing a white dress holding a butcher’s knife. No-one was paying her any attention, but I sure as hell was freaked out and I nearly screamed. I held on tight to Ethan, waiting for the introduction, but none came… so that means I don’t talk or look at her. Thank goodness, because that chick scared the hell out of me.

“So Violet, what can you tell us about yourself?”Brandonasked.Brandonwas really good-look, he was like a clone of James Dean… in fact they looked exactly the same. Weird, hey maybe they’re related somehow, cool.

“Well there’s not much to tell about me. I attend school with Connor, Jonathan and Ethan. I love taking pictures and hope to be a photographer one day and that’s about it.”

“Interesting, you seem rather normal. Why would D be interested in you?” The girl Tatiana asked seemingly interested, then she glanced at Ethan and saw how closely I was standing to him, “Or is his interest merely in the fact that Ethan is interested in you?” She said the last part more to herself than to anyone else. She had a tinge of an accent, it sounded Russian, but I couldn’t be certain, she hide it well and it was nearly impossible to pick it up. She was really pretty with her long glossy dark auburn hair and dark blue-gray eyes, with porcelain colored skin. She had red lips and a fine  chiseled   features, kind of like a disney princess.

I was about to open my mouth and tell her that I wasn’t sure, when a very naked guy walked in and everybody acted like they never noticed him. He sat down right in front of me, crossing his legs, ankle to knee and started reading the paper like it was the most natural thing on earth. I quickly turned away, looking everywhere except at the naked man, I looked towards the window but the crazy butcher knife lady was standing there staring outside, like some weirdo, then I just looked towards the fire thinking it would be safer. Ethan didn’t introduce me to naked man so that was my queue to not notice him.

“Why are you flushed? Are you hot?” Marcus asked looking at me like he was studying me or something.

“Dinner is ready.” Hamington said interrupting me before I could come up with a suitable reply.

“Thank you Hamington.” Ethan said, his face was expressionless and his fists were clenched.

We walked into the dining room and the first thing I noticed was the massive fire-place with a massive bonfire lit. It was some what normal with white marble lining the edges of the fire-place and a gigantic portrait of the four horsemen riding on their horses trough the ruined earth on a cloud of smoke. This room was rather warmer than the foyer maybe because of the bonfire, but I left Ethan’s jacket on, because it was comforting having his smell around me. The room was very large and with black curtains draping the windows and black and white marble tiled the floor. There was a huge chandler, draped in crystal; it was so beautiful, a total change from the blood fountain and dead people hedges at the entrance.

“Violet, we meet again.” I heard more than saw Ethan’s uncle, which was hidden by his massive high-back seat at the head of the table in front of a roaring fire, causing him to appear as a silhouetted figure, but when he lifted his face, the light of the flame caught his features and I saw his weirdly colored eyes. His eyes where rapt on me, with a sinister gleam shining in his eerie silver-blue mercury color eyes.

And as he smiled at me with his white teeth, I immediately felt like a very small fish in a very big pond filled with hungry sharks.

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