
By MycahReed

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Crevania "Prologue"
Crevania Chapter one
Crevania Chapter Two
Crevania Chapter Three
Crevania Chapter Four
Crevania Chapter Five
Crevania Chapter Six
Crevania Chapter Eight
Crevania Chapter Nine
Crevania Chapter Ten
Crevania Chapter Eleven
Crevania Chapter Twelve
Crevania Chapter Thirteen
Crevania Chapter Fourteen
Crevania Chapter Fifteen
Crevania Chapter Sixteen
Crevania Chapter Seventeen
Crevania Chapter Eighteen
Crevania Chapter Nineteen
Crevania Chapter Twenty "final chapter"

Crevania Chapter Seven

51 3 0
By MycahReed

Chapter Seven

The water, it was going to spill at Lady Alexandra! I had no choice but to act and control the water inside the glass or else it will hit her head.

I raised my hand up and it all flew away. The maid tripped and fell down on the floor. Lady Alexandra threw away the book she was reading and then walked towards me. She slapped me twice on the face and then frowned. “There is really no point with trying to reason with you!”

“But my lady, the glass would’ve hit you!” I reasoned.

“I don’t care.” She grabbed me by the hair and then dragged me all the way up to a tower. “This is where you’ll live now. You won’t get out nor talk to anyone.”

I cried and cried for hours after that. I kept saying over and over again that it wasn’t my fault. And so I stood on the balcony of the tower when night came and then I jumped down, wanting to end my own life.

I didn’t care anymore. I just wanted to die. I waited for it. I waited for the pain, the anguish and the end but nothing came. Rather it feels so peaceful, and soft.

I opened my eyes and saw the big full moon and it made me smile. “Heaven,” I mumbled.

I heard loud, rapid thuds approaching my way. I forced myself to sit up and I saw a young man running my way.

“Are you alright?” He asked when he reached me. I couldn’t make out his face for some reason.

“I was supposed to die.” I looked around and realized that thick layers of snow caught me before I fell. This boy must’ve done it in order to save me.

“Why did you jump?”

“How did you do all this?” I asked as I stared at the snow I was sitting at.

“I train.” He answered briefly.

“That’s amazing.” I praised and I couldn’t help but smile.

“If you want I can teach you. I don’t have anyone to play with anyway.” He pulled me by the arm so I can stand up.

“I’m not allowed to leave my tower.” I sighed, looking back up.

“So that explains this." He said sarcastically. "Jump again tomorrow night and I’ll catch you. We can train in the woods.” He seems so enthusiastic.

“Who are you?” He was about to leave but I grabbed hold of his shoulders.

“I’ve always wanted to meet you. My prayer has been heard. Please, see me tomorrow.” He held my hand and then shook it before he ran off.


I gasped for air when I woke up. “Slept well?” Joshua mumbled who was in front of me.

“Yeah,” I straightened up and then placed my hand on my heart. It was beating really fast.

“You had a nightmare didn’t you?” He supported his chin with his palm and then looked at me in fascination.

“No, it wasn’t. It was just a bad memory. It’s odd though because I remember it quite differently.” I stretched up my arms with my right going up and my left going right and then yawned. Joshua was looking at me in a weird way and I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

“Hey, don’t you know it’s rude to stare?” I frowned at him.

“Nah, I’m not staring. I’m observing. You’ll be late for class if you don’t hurry. Simon is coming here in less than a few minutes to take over with getting security on Melody. I’ll drop by at your school around eight.” Joshua explained.

“Alright,” I stood up and then went on my way. I dropped by Richard’s room that had five guards patrolling in front of his door.

“Hey, are you coming to school?” I asked.

“No, tell them I’m sick.” He mumbled as he covered himself with a blanket.

“Alright,” I sighed. “Just so you know she’s in a comatose now. I did that to protect her. She was only blackmailed to do it because the Yin Yang has taken hostage her parents. I think Melody has feelings for you. She was just caught between a rock and a hard place.”

“It doesn’t matter. She has committed a crime wherein the price to pay is public execution.” He answered.

“Not unless we tell them that she was only controlled by her leader. Think about it.” I left him and then went away. I only said that because I didn’t want him to mope around but if it was for me, I’d kill that woman the first chance I get.

I went to my room, took a bath and then got dressed in my uniform. I fixed a new set of clothes in a suitcase that I will need for a disguise. Also, I can’t make big commotions so I’ll need other gadgets.

I grabbed my bag and then ran off to the front gate. The service was already there. I got in the car as swiftly as I could. “To the school sir,”

“Where is the Prince, my lady?”

“He’s sick. I’m late so can you please step on it?” I hissed. The driver did as I said and in less than ten minutes, I arrived at the school. I dropped the suitcase I brought in the bush outside the gate of the school. I covered it with ice so no one would notice it. This whole country is covered in snow after all.

I ran inside and went up the stairs. I arrived just in time and sat beside Will. “Hey, you look flushed. Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just thought I was late.” I smiled.

“Where is Richard?”

“Oh, he got sick all of the sudden. I had to go to school. It doesn’t feel right missing class.” I lied. I haven’t gotten my ring back from Richard yet so I can freely use my powers. I made myself become warm up to at least 40 degree Celsius. That’s probably enough to convince them I’m sick so I can be dismissed.

“What was his sickness?”

“I don’t know actually but I think I got it too.” I pretended to look fainted. William reached out his hand to feel my forehead and he gasped out loud afterwards.

“You’re burning hot!” He declared ever so loudly. Our other classmates are starting to get attention.

“Hush, I don’t want people to know.” I pretended to look vulnerable and timid. I’m pretty good at acting this way. That’s why I get to trick men so easily.

The door slammed open and Nathan went in holding a book. “What don’t you want people to know?”

I am very curious and frustrated at the same time as to how he can hear so sharply. I’m going to ask him next time.

“Lady Angelica Hove here is sick. Her temperature is really high.” Nathan frowned when Will answered. He walked towards me and then pressed his lips against my forehead. That got everyone really shocked.

“Teachers aren’t supposed to do that to students.” I spoke in a voice that can be heard within a two meter radius. He backed away and then sighed.

“I didn’t do that as your professor. I am your cousin after all.” He folded his arms across his chest and then sighed again. “I’ll take you home.”

“No, please proceed with the class. I’ll call someone from the castle to come pick me up. I can stay at the infirmary at the moment.” I answered, smiling.

“I can’t let that happen. Come, I’ll take you home.” He grabbed my bag and then helped me up. “Class, we’ll have a quiz about the government history of Zostir next meeting.”

“But Sir, you can’t be that strict. You should be performing your duty here as their teacher but you have to leave because of me. My conscience won’t be able to take it.” I said in a soft voice.

“You have got to be kidding me.” He whispered.

“Let’s talk outside.” I breathed. We walked out and then went to the infirmary. There was no one there.

“What is this whole gig Angelica? I know you’re not sick.” He scowled at me.

“Have you heard about what happened last night?”

“Of course I did. I am the Jack of Diamonds after all.” Nathan looked stressed. I bet he hasn’t gotten any sleep last night.

“Joshua’s sister got kidnapped. We’re going to rescue her but no one must know about it. I need you to get back in your class and tell them you just took me here and someone would pick me up later. No one must know about this. I made the palace believe I’m at school and the school must think I’m at home. I am entrusting you with this. This is highly confidential.” I know I can trust him. I just do and my instinct is all that I could follow right now. Besides, if this mission fails because someone got informed that we were coming, then Nathan is a traitor. This is a test I am willing to conduct. Now I will know if my brother is loyal to me or not.

“Alright... Be careful.” He hugged me and then sighed. “Here take this.” He took out a crystal ball out to me. I grabbed it and examined it. The crystal looks exactly like the one Simon had.

“That is the latest invention of the Livian’s mining company. They discovered the Lora Crystal but it is very rare and expensive. Only a few people are given by the King of diamonds for special communication purposes. You can borrow mine for the mean time.” Nathan rolled it around my palm. “Do that three times and then think of the person you want to talk to. The rest will follow.”

“Why do I need this if I can’t talk to you?”

“Joshua has one. You can call him. I’ll better be going now. Keep acting sick, I think the nurse is heading back. I can hear her footsteps.”

“How can you hear so well?”

“I have a special ability. I discovered it a few years ago. I underwent an intense training wherein my hearing abilities were awakened.” He answered and then smiled. “Go get them Angel.”

“Thanks,” I climbed up the bed and then lied down. I pulled the blanket over me. Nathan placed my bag on my feet and then left.

I rolled the Lora crystal three times in my hand and then thought real hard about Joshua. “What do you want Nathaniel?”

I held it up in front of me and then raised an eyebrow. “Where are you Joshua?”

“Why do you have his transmitter?”

“How do you know it’s his?”

“The energy residue matches his. I’m almost there. Get out in the front gate within ten minutes.” He instructed.

“Fine,” I sighed. “Wait, I have a suitcase that I really need. It’s in behind a bush in front of the gate. I’ll melt the ice now. Take it.”

“Why are you so bossy?”

“Just do it, okay? By the way, how do you turn off this thing?”

“You borrowed it, learn how to use it.” He sounded very grouchy and it was starting to tick me off. I heard the nurse coming so out of panic I shoved it inside my shirt.

“What the hell are you doing?” He hissed.

“Be quiet, the nurse is coming.” I hissed back. The door opened and the nurse came in.

“Oh, I see we have a patient. What’s wrong with you dear?” She was very beautiful and she looked so sexy in her nurse dress. She was so curvaceous and her white hair brings out the green color of her eyes.

“Professor Von Crest brought me here because I have a fever. I think it’s because I’m not used to the climate here since I come from Zostir. I’m only staying here for awhile. Someone from the castle is coming to pick me up to bring me home.” I briefly explained.

“Oh, that’s fine by me if it’s Professor Nathan who decided.” She smiled. Wow, with her mentioning my brother’s name, I can see the blush in her cheeks. That was a dead giveaway that she has a crush on him. Well she looks decent enough.

“I didn’t want to look like a snotty VIP so I had the one who will come pick me up stay in front of the gate. I’ll walk there.”

“I’ll accompany you then.” She smiled at me.

“The car is probably here. Can we go now Ma’am?” I sat up and smiled faintly.

“Oh, you can call me Irina. Here, let me help you.” She helped me get down and she got my bag for me. We walked down the stairs and then finally we reached the front gate. A guard opened the door for me and then I went in. The nurse handed me my bag and then she closed the door for me.

I saw the suitcase beside me on the seat and it made me smile. “Why did you have to sit over there and make me look like your freaking driver?” Joshua asked arrogantly as we drove away. My smile turned into a hard frown.

“I’m changing into new clothes. Don’t look okay?” I opened my suitcase and then pulled my dress out. It was something Lucas packed for me. I took out the Lora Crystal from my cleavage and then placed it in the suitcase.

“We’re going to the Livian mansion first. I figured it would eat up a lot of time if I go there first before I picked you up.” He spoke through his teeth. It felt scary having to see the Von Crest mansion right beside the Livian mansion again but it was alright. It was for the mission after all. We have to go to that place so if the Yin Yang spy has any mole in the Livian mansion, they’ll see that Joshua is actually there.

“Fine,” I spoke as I took off my clothes and then slipped into the dress. I folded my uniform properly and then placed it in the suitcase. I changed my shoes from black into my closed emerald shoes that matched my mint green colored dress. I took out a gel like potion that I made from various flowers. I rubbed it generously on my hair until everything turned black. It is washable so it won’t ruin my hair.

I placed two holsters on my legs and then placed a knife on the other one and then a few bottles of different poisons on the other.

Once I was finished, I closed my suitcase and then went to the front seat. “What the hell did you do to your hair?”

“Didn’t you say you wanted me to color it and cut it or whatever?” I wondered. The real purpose of this is because my hair is an eye catcher because seldom red haired people come here to Corona. Most of them are in Monte Vista.

“Yeah, I did.” His voice suddenly softened.

“What is your deal anyway? Why are you so cranky all of the sudden?” I asked as I braided my hair so it wouldn’t get in my way later.

“It’s nothing.” He answered.

“If we’re going to be partners you better tell me the truth always. Here I am risking your life to save your sister. It’s the least you can do.” I looked out the window so I wouldn’t feel guilty with blackmailing him.

“I didn’t ask for it.”

“I know.” I mumbled. A few moments passed and it felt rather awkward with the silence between us.

“I don’t want to go home. I don’t want to see my father.” I was very surprised when he spoke but I didn’t show it. I just continued my poker face and looked at the trees we’re passing by.

“Simon did mention that you have a rough childhood.”

“Yeah, well I don’t ever want to see him again after I found out what he did to my mother. And when I finally thought I have an escape route, I came along with Gilbert to join the Olympians. After a year of training, a spell broke. He sealed my memories away of Angelica and then when I remembered it, people thought I had gone crazy and my father and Gilbert placed me in an asylum for two years.”

“So that’s why you hate Gilbert so much. You even thought he is manipulating you by sending me here.” It was finally falling into pieces.

“Wait, don’t you think this Angelica girl was just placed in your head? What if your memories were just placed by Gilbert to get you to the asylum?”

“He said she died that’s why he erased my memory of her and no one must know she existed or else the Von Crest family would be in danger.” He was stepping on the gas even more and we were accelerating.

“Need I remind you that we are running in an ice covered street? Slow down.” I looked at him and he stepped off the gas pedal a little bit. “So she is real. Tell me more about her.”

“I saved her when she was about to commit suicide jumping off from a tower. I enjoyed roaming around the forest between the Livian and Von Crest mansion back then. I always see a woman at the top of the tower making beautiful looking lights in the middle of the night and I always come there to see it. I finally got the chance to meet her and it became constant ever since. She was only eleven then and I was sixteen. We’ve been friends for three years.”

“And if you count that, you were sixteen and you’ve been friends for three years that adds up to nineteen. And then she died then. How old are you now?”

“Twenty nine,”

“So it has been ten years and yet she affected you this much. She must have been a real darling.” I looked up, beginning to feel confused. His time frame, and the dream I had... It matched his story. I’m the only red haired girl in the Von Crest mansion. Why isn’t he included in my memories then?

“I never believed Gilbert when he said Angelica died. He was lying. I can tell when someone is telling the truth or not remember?” He looked very frustrated.

“Ok, your grudge against Gilbert is now established. What about your father?” I wanted to shift the topic now.

“He pushed my mother away and he wouldn’t let me come with her. I was about fifteen then. He was such a womanizer and there were times I witnessed it firsthand.”

“Where is she now? Your mom…”

“I have no idea. I don’t know where to find her even when I tried so hard. All I know is that her name is Laura. It’s kind of insulting that now my dad named the communication device invented by our company after her. Lora Sphere.” I coughed again and again when he said the name of my late master. “Hey are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” My heart was beating so fast right now. Could it be that Laura had a son? Is it the reason why they both have the ability to read people’s soul?

“I want to know who she is. I want to know why she left. I need to talk to her but I guess it’s a long shot. My mom left. The girl I promised I’d run away with vanished too. I feel hopeless.”

“Can you show me a picture of your mom?” I whispered.

“We have a painting of her back home, why?”

“Because I think the woman who trained me was your mom.” He stepped on the break suddenly and I almost hit my head.

“What did you say?”

“I think I know who your mom is. Laura Sphere. The man who adopted me is named Lucas Sphere. She is his twin sister. Technically, I’m Angelica Sphere.” I explained. “Step on it Joshua, we’re burning daylight. We’re saving your little sister.” I reminded him.

That’s about the time he got sense back into him and we started racing across the streets again. “Where is she?”

“She’s dead Joshua. She died five years ago.” I felt a lump forming in my throat as I remember the woman I cherished so much. It shouldn't feel this way. If only the spell worked on me fully then i wouldn't feel any emotions by now. 

“We still aren’t sure we’re talking about the same person.” He said in a positive manner.

We reached the Livian mansion and I could see the Von Crest mansion. Even from a low ground I can see my tower. It still looked the same ten years ago.

“Let’s go.” He got out of the car when we entered in the huge gates. We went in and a woman wearing fancy looking clothes came towards us.

“Joshua, you came.” She cried.

“Risa, this is my friend Elle. Elle, this is Anya’s mother, Risa.” He introduced us briefly. “Where is Jonathan?”

Could he seriously be addressing his father like that? It feels so cold and harsh. Well I can’t blame him. I kind of hate the man as well if it turns out that Aunt Laura really was driven away by him!

“I’m here.” A man who slightly resembled Joshua walked down the huge staircase.

We all went to a private room as soon as we can. “No one can rescue your daughter. No one knows where she is in that harbor. The palace didn’t allow the trade for Melody and Anya.” Joshua mumbled.

Risa started crying very loudly. “That can’t be true!” Jonathan yelled.

“No, it isn’t.” I was the one who spoke out.

“Elle,” Joshua grabbed my arm.

“If we’re going to rescue Anya, we need back up. No one must know about the plan we have so if you want to see your daughter alive, you will not speak a word about this to anyone. Joshua will lock himself up inside his room and I will get his car and drive off to the Von Crest mansion. I’ll stay there for quite awhile and visit some old friends. Joshua can escape through the window of his room and get into the car I took without suspicion. No one must know he left this house so if anyone asks, tell them Joshua is here.” I think it was high time I paid Lord Anton and Lady Alexandra a visit and right now, I couldn’t think up of another plan.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” Joshua looked worried.

“Yes, I do. They are great friends of mine and I kind of miss them.” I lied.

“What if they alert someone about your arrival there? Wouldn’t the plan be jeopardized?”

“They’d be too scared to tell anyone I actually came there. Let’s get the plan started okay?” I sighed.

Jonathan had me use another car and so I drove to the Von Crest mansion. The guards blocked me at first but when I told them I was the Master’s old relative they let me in without a fuss. When I entered in, unfamiliar servants welcomed me.

“Where are the masters?” I wondered after twenty minutes passed.

“Who dares to come here unannounced?” Lady Alexandra looked a lot older as she went out from her working room. She’s a fashion designer who owns a clothing line.

“Oh I’m sorry, did I bother you?” I said sarcastically.

“Who are you?” She raised her voice.

“How easily you forget me Lady Alexandra.” I bowed and then smirked.


“It’s like you’ve seen a ghost. Where is Lord Anton?” I wondered.

“He’s at work.” She answered, terrified.

“Let’s continue our catching up inside your office shall we?” I walked in her office and she followed after me. She locked the door and sighed.

“Why have you returned here?” Lady Alexandra frowned.

“I came home. Aren’t you happy? I am not a high ranking officer of the Olympians and I make a lot of money.” I bragged. “But I didn’t come here to ask about that. I came here to ask who Joshua Livian is.”

“He is our neighbor,”

“Cut the bullshit!” I hissed. “He keeps insisting that I am this Angelica girl from his childhood. How come I don’t remember him? I came here to ask just that.”

“There was another girl with red hair that you never met. She looked a bit like you did and we made Joshua believe it was her he saw. They became good friends but then she died. She was a daughter of one of the maids.” She was trembling as she spoke. Her story actually matched the puzzle so now it was cleared. I wasn’t the girl then. Maybe when Gilbert answered his question about me being dead or not, he must’ve wavered because the one imposing as me did die but I didn’t.

“It was nice seeing you again then. I’m leaving. Have a great life.” I rolled my eyes at her and then went out. Joshua should probably already be in the car. I parked it near the garden. There’s a passage way there from the forest.

“Are you here to take revenge on us?”

“I will take revenge on you. I’ll start taking away all the things you love until everything turn to ashes.” She fell down on her knees and started crying. “But if you tell no one I have returned, I won’t do it. I respect Nathan after all. Good bye.”

I walked out and went inside the car. Joshua was already there and so I drove off. We switched seats when we got far enough and he drove away.

“How did it go?”

“Nothing much happened. I just threatened Lady Alexandra Von Crest so she won’t spill the beans. You better not had anyone see you escape.” I said in a dark voice.

“You seem to be in a bad mood.”

“No, I’m not. I found out who your Angelica is.” I muttered. He almost stepped on the break again. “I asked about it.”

“I tried asking them before. They all answered that there was no one there by the name of Angelica.” He looked very mad and ice was starting to creep all over his body. I made it evaporate with my powers.

“Calm down would you? They did it to protect me. I used to live there. The girl you saw making weird lights, yes it was me but the girl who jumped off wasn’t me. It was another person who pretended to be me so my identity would be hidden. She was the one you remember. The Angelica you met and befriended is the fake me. That’s why I don’t remember you. It’s because I never really met you.” I was dead shocked when I saw tears falling from his eyes. He was quick to splash it off with his powers so I wouldn’t see it, but I did.

“So this is all the truth I need to suck in one day? My mother is already dead, my sister is kidnapped, and my childhood friend is dead too.”

“That’s why you thought Gilbert was lying. You were asking whether Angelica was dead. He said yes which was technically true and false. Because I still lived but the girl died.” I explained.

“Whatever” He muttered. Joshua looked very pissed off.


“At least now, all your questions have been answered.” I looked out the window again and sighed. 

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