The Missing Ones

By Mystic_Serenity

51 3 3

In the small, boring town of Ravens Hollow things aren't always as they seem as strange happenings begin to r... More

Chapter 2- Unfinished Business

Chapter 1- The Nightmare

30 2 2
By Mystic_Serenity

The lingering light outside was obliterated by the rapidly unsettled, falling night. A canopy of luminous stars materialized amongst the ocean of blackness that was the sky. Some were dull, merely flickering into existence every now and then, but there was just an adequate amount of shimmering stars to illuminate the dark, moonless night. The small lake outside glistened, mirroring the dazzling assemblage of glittering stars briefly and the luminescence from the nearby street lamps and approaching lightning off in the distance followed by soft, hungry rumbles of thunder that was beginning to close in fast. The faint wind brushed against the lake water's surface, picking up slowly as the storm continued to approach sending ripples which disturbed the stillness of the surface and shattered the reflection of the disappearing stars above as they were swallowed up by the hungry storm clouds that settled above. Meanwhile on the grassy ground below, the slightly overgrown backyard belonging to a large, red bricked house from all sides caused a rather isolated feeling for the occupant inside, especially on a night like this where a storm was fast approaching and violent. 

The house looked quite old and rustic out in the dimly lit light reflecting off of what little of the pale moon there was left as the greedy, thick clouds began to take over the skies. It has been built with dusty red bricks and had complimentary white wood and stone accents and decorations. Tall, rounded windows which allowed enough light to enter the home during the daytime and had been added to the house in a mostly asymmetric way. The house on the inside seemed to be equipped with one large kitchen and two bathrooms that each connect to the bedrooms, it also consists of a cosy medium sized living room, two bedrooms, a small dining area, a small study which has been converted in to a bedroom for Georgia's brother and a roomy, old basement. The buildings structure is shaped like a large square. The two extensions extended into a patio on each side. The second floor is the same size as the first, which has been built exactly on top of the floor below it. The roof is low and slanted to one side and is covered with black roof tiles. One small chimney pokes out the center of the roof and Large, skylight windows let in plenty of light to the rooms below the roof. The house itself is surrounded by a mostly overgrown and wild garden, covered mostly in grass, vines, trees, wild flowers and weeds with a few vegetable patches here and there along with a small lake at the very back of the property. Behind the lake lay a vast valley of forestry and woodland. 

A bright flash of lightning struck in the distance through the window of Georgia Barne's bedroom, casting a moment of bright blue and white light to flash through the glass, illuminating the room for a couple of seconds before darkness came back once more. The loud, hungry growls of thunder outside caused  the young teen to stir slightly from within the depths of her layered covers "mmmm" she mumbled before opening her tired eyes ever so slowly. 


Just at that very moment her phone buzzed loudly from her night stand, the screen lighting up immediately which revealed the text ID. Georgia groaned as the bright light from her phone blinded her eyes 'who the hell is texting me at this time of the night!?' she thought to herself crankily before picking the phone up.

*11 unread messages from Mason*


(I know that we haven't talked in a while and this might seem a little weird or whatever)

(and it's pretty late right now)

(but I needed to talk to you.... )

(you're the only one who still cares, I can tell)

(I miss her y'know)

(I miss Sarah....)

(she was our best friend and ever since we put her in the ground everyone has just forgotten about her)

(but I haven't)

(I could never forget her)

(and I know that you cant either)

Georgia stared blankly at the bright screen for a couple of seconds as her brain processed what her old friend was saying. It had been five years since they last talked.... why would he be texting her now? As her eyes slowly adjusted to her surroundings she found herself texting Mason back with slow taps.

((Where are you?))


(I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk)

(I'm in the woods I don't know why but tonight I just felt drawn to it)

(I need to know what really happened to her... nothing about her death was natural)

Suddenly her heart seemed to free-fall to the bottom of her stomach as the words pierced through her mind, she broke out in a cold sweat and swallowed while a lump began to form in the back of her throat. Nervousness and fear replacing all emotion she had before.

'Why is he in the forest?! does he not remember what happened?' Georgia thought to herself rapidly before her thoughts were interrupted by another loud buzz from her phone 'huh?'

(um....don't freak out but I think I'm lost)

Another blinding flash of lightning struck outside her window followed by a loud rumble which caused her to jump slightly as she stared down at her phone in disbelief and shock. Just then another notification popped up on the screen, WARNING BATTERY RUNNING LOW.

 'What? but I charged it!'

(something doesn't feel right here)


Georgia instantly began dialing his phone, every tap rapid as shivers began to cascade down her spine, she held her phone close to her ear and listened carefully to the familiar sounds of ringing until Mason finally picked up after what seemed to be an eternity of tense waiting.

"Mason? what are you doing?! you can't be in the woods on your own!"

She practically shouted. 

..........all she could hear was static, the loud buzzing making her ears grow sore.

"Mason?" she murmured, her heart dropping like a fly as she became tense with nervousness.

"He-y!  the-re's a bad connec-tion" his voice crackled through the phone, choppy and almost unintelligible due to what seemed like a faulty WiFi connection, not uncommon in this town.

"Oh my God Mason you scared me! you need to come know that it's not safe out there...." she sighed.

"Listen Geo-rgia, It's Sarah! she-s not-...." the line cut out momentarily.

"We hav- to sto- it! it's co- back!" his voice sounded sincerely scared, causing Georgia to tremble slightly at his cut up words.

"It'll kil- AHHHH!" his blood curdling scream was cut short as the call suddenly ended, her phone switching off as it's last remaining battery life diminished.

"WHAT? FUCK, NO! MASON?" Georgia yelled as she jumped up from her spot, her heart beating wildly in her chest, tears stinging her eyes.

Suddenly there was another loud crash of thunder outside which made Georgia whimper as she desperately scrambled around in the darkness, looking for her phone charger. Little did she know of A dark shadow figure looming outside of the window reflected in the corner of her eye "WHAT THE F-!" she fell backwards on to the hard, cold floor staring at her empty window where only odd flashes of lightning showed. Her breathing and heartbeat were going crazy as she slowly got to her knees, fearfully crawling over to the window and peaking out into the darkness that surrounded her home.  The woods were filled with an ominous brittle silence, the branches of trees twisting out like long limbs belonging to a horrific creature. There was a shriek from the trees that made Georgia duck her head, shutting her eyes sightly as the gut wrenching fear churned within her causing her hands and feet to go numb, hearing only the pounding of her own heart in her ears. 

"Geoooorrrgiiiiaaaa....." A faint, soft voice half whispered half hissed out of the darkness. It sounded muffled as if someone were saying it from a different room, their voice travelling through the thin walls. Georgia sniffled while her cold body trembled in fear on the spot. she was frozen with fear and on the very verge of having a panic attack.

"WHAT DO YOU WAN'T!? WHO ARE YOU?" Georgia screamed before covering her ears.

There was silence....only the tapping of rain sounding on her window pane....or was it something else? she couldn't tell because she was too afraid to open her eyes. An abrupt loud boom of thunder made her jump back in fear, her eyes snapping open only to be met with the roaring winds and harsh rain coming in through her window....It had opened.

"Shit!" she cried before running forward  to close the window before her floor and desk got saturated by the unforgiving storm.

The dark shadow loomed in the back of her room while she closed the window. The being drawing closer and closer with every heartbeat....slowly......slowly coming closer to her. Georgia suddenly felt the temperature in the room drop, butterflies going crazy in her stomach at the terrifying feeling of danger. She felt it before she heard it... slow, raspy breaths exhaling against the back of her neck causing the teen's heart to stop momentarily as she slowly turned to face whatever it was.

The moment she turned around would turn out to be the worst decision she had made in her life.... There stood the most horrific thing she had ever seen. It was tall, so tall in fact that it loomed over her with a hunched back, bent in an awkward way...and slender to the bone, literally every single bone in it's body visible for the eye to see....some of them were jutting out in inhumane ways and breaking through the milky white skin to reveal themselves as shiny and blood stained, trails of the thick crimson liquid leaking out through the gaping wounds and running down it's body. It's arms were so long that they reached down to it's knees....long, bony fingers outstretched revealing sharp claws coated with dried blood as they began to writhe and move around in ways that aren't normal. The thing had a horrifically mangled neck and face... staring at Georgia with pitch black eyes that cried streams of even more scarlet blood...only fresh and staining against it's porcelain cheeks. Where there had once been smooth skin was torn muscle and blood decorating it's chest, It's mangled lip and obviously broken nose were caked in dried blood, congealed and cracked. The now browning blood had drizzled down It's face like rain down a window pane as the monsters jaw opened widely, almost unhinging itself to reveal rows of razor sharp teeth and a long, narrow tongue before closing back up.

Georgia stared up at the monster before her with a newfound burst of horror and panic...She trembled and stumbled backwards, crawling away in a desperate attempt to escape before she backed up against her desk. Her breathing and heartbeat intensified before she opened her mouth and let out a shrill scream filled with every bit of terror she was feeling as she screamed and screamed, eventually her throat becoming too dry and sore for any more noise to come out. She continued to strain her vocals but nothing came out, still she screamed, hoping someone would hear her. Suddenly, her body wracked with raw sobs and she shook like a leaf. Fright consumed every cell in her body, swelling them with terror. With every second she practically felt the rise of her blood pressure, but she knew that this was the least of her worries.

"Georgia... it's me" the monster whispered, it's inhumane voice sounding as if two people were talking at the same time.

Georgia looked up with wide eyes of fear, her eyes glossy with tears as they slid down her soft cheeks. A look of recognition crossed her as she peered closer at the horrific being, trying her best not to be sick at it's mangled and gory appearance.

"We don't have much time Georgia... It's coming..... It's coming and we can't stop it this time.... He'll kill you.... he'll kill us all" The being's saddened tone almost whispered as it's head rolled back, causing even more streams of blood to trickle down it's neck and eyes.

"We can't stop it.....we can't stop it...... they deserve it..... they deserve it" it repeated the same two sentences, each time getting faster and more aggressive as it was soon screaming out the words.

Georgia covered her ears instinctively as the creatures shrill screams became unintelligible high pitched wails. She trembled in fear for her life as the monsters presence began to cause objects around her room to go flying, books and all being thrown about by an unseen presence.  Eventually it was all just too much to handle as one of her heavy reading books hurled itself at her head, making contact with her forehead with a loud Thump! After that everyone went black.... she was knocked unconscious as the creature still lurked within the darkness of her room.

//////// Hey guys! How was the first chapter? I'm still pretty new to this so I hope it was all to your liking, please don't forget to comment and vote! :) ///////

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