Vacation Of Celebration Or He...

By AngelStar100781

2.4K 12 5

Catherine & Steve invited everyone to come on vacation to celebrate them all being an ohana, but Gabriel Wain... More

Chapter 1: Prologue: Part A:
Chapter 2: One: Part B:
Chapter 3: Two: Part C:
Chapter 4: Three: Part D:
Chapter 5: Four: Part E:
Chapter 6: Five: Part F:
Chapter 7: Six: Part G:
Chapter 8: Seven: Part H:
Chapter 10: Nine: Part J:
Chapter 11: Ten: Part K: Last Part: Epilogue:
Chapter 12: Eleven: Part L: Special Dedication To:

Chapter 9: Eight: Part I:

727 0 1
By AngelStar100781

As they came to an abandoned campground, They found that they were hot from their journey, Steve noticed a Common Area, & it had a picnic table, & benches, Steve said, "Spread out, I think we should rest for awhile, It's getting hot, & there is a lake for us to cool off in, Plus, I want Catherine to rest for a bit", Catherine was gonna protest, but Steve knew her, & said holding a finger up, stopping her, "No arguments", Melissa & Abby said with a smile in unison, "I will stay with her", Steve kissed her on the cheek, "You are a princess, You know that ?", She blushed, & everyone else got into the water.

Melissa said with a smile, "How are you doing, Cat ?", Abby said. "Yeah, The truth, Tell us what hurts you", The Naval Beauty said with a smile, "I am good, Finally, I got the happiness that I deserved", The Beautiful Blond understood, & said, "Yeah, I know what you mean", & Catherine said, as she knew what her friend was thinking, "That part of your life is over with, You are with your ohana now", Melissa smiled, saying, "Thank you", They hugged, & watched the others have fun. Catherine had a feeling that something is off with Steve. She decided not to push it.

Steve was having a ball throwing the kids to the water, except for Charlie, who was slowly getting over his fear, & was swimming with ease, as Danny was at his side, He took a look at his waterproof watch, & said to Steve, "Steve, Don't forget, We have to meet our guide for the rest of the tour, Jared Hanson, He is gonna explain to us how to do this expedition, that the kids want to do", Steve said, "Okay, Danno", & he signaled everyone, & let them know what the rest of the day will consist of. Then, He went back to the fun, that he is having with the kids.

Peter Baker was determined to make something out of himself, He hates the Deputy Sheriff position that he is in, & can't wait to leave. He is hoping that no one & anything will stand in his way, But he has a feeling that Five-O will get in the way, He was filled in by Gabriel Waincroft, & paid handsomely for his services. Anderson, Gabriel's Top Goon, was waiting for him in his office, & said, "Deputy Sheriff, I am here to discuss some more business with you". Peter nodded to a chair, "Sit down, Bud, Let's take a meeting", & Anderson took his seat, & explained what the deputy sheriff needs to do.

Charlie spotted a dolphin, & exclaimed excitingly to his sister, & cousins, "Will, Sam, Grace, Look !", They were amazed by it, & Grace stood near her brother, & said near his ear, "Guess, What ?, There is a special place that they swim to, Uncle Steve showed me, It's beautiful, We can take you there if you want, when we aren't busy ?", "I would love that, Thanks, Gracie", & Steve said calling out to them, as he gets out of the water, "Come on, Guys, We got to meet our guide for this tour", & the kids quickly dried off, & they all were on their way, Steve kept checking on Catherine, making sure that she was doing okay in this heat, & also making sure that the baby is doing okay too.

Jared was at his HQ, & making sure that he had all of the necessary supplies, just in case of an emergency, & his boss, also good friend, Grant Show, said, "Be aware of that one of the clients are pregnant, & that she is being monitored, Make sure that you guys have rest points, & also plenty of water to keep hydrated", "Grant, This isn't my first rodeo, I have done this before", Jared said with a roll of his eyes. "I know, Kiddo, I just want you to be back in one piece, & very careful", The Older Man said with a smile, He loves Jared like a son, & it would devastate him, if he loses him.

Anderson said, "Understand, What we need you to do, Deputy ?", Baker nodded, & said, "I think so, I take the two most important things to them, & I should wait til they get to the site, & dig it up, Then have them hand it to me, If not, I toss them over the waterfall, & then shoot them one by one, or have of my pals, that I will have with me do the deed", Anderson said with a smile, "See ?, I was right, You are a quick study, I told Mr. Waincroft you were", Peter smiled at the compliment, & asked, "When I can meet the bossman ?", Anderson said with a smile of his own, "Soon, Very soon", & left the station quicker, than he came in.

Jared found the Five-O Ohana with no problems at all, & he thought to himself, as they see them with the kids, "These are a very group of people", & he went over to introduce himself to them, & explained what they are gonna be doing, & emergency procedures. Catherine looked very nervous, & said, "I am pregnant, Should I even be here ?", she was full of concern for herself, & the baby. Steve was a bit worried too, & Jared said to her, as a way to calm her, before they start the hike, & have their fun.

"You should be okay, Lieutenant Rollins, I think some fresh air would do your & your little one some good, If you get to tired, I can radio my partner, & he can come, & get you, Then bring you to our HQ", That reassured the expecting couple, & Catherine said with a smile, "Come on, What are we waiting for ?, We promised the kids some fun", & they were all off in high spirits, & really enjoying themselves, despite what has happened in the past couple of days, & the terror that struck their ohana, but they didn't let it get them down, & were enjoying being together.

Baker arranged for a sharp shooter to be in the trees, He depends on the best, & that is what he got in the man in front of him, "You do this right, Bane, You will be richer than Donald Trump", The Young Former Recruit said with a smile, & saluted him. Baker saluted back, & said, "Get into your position", Bane got up the tree with his gun, & had it aimed at the guide, to kill & get him out of the way, Baker knows that Five-O is vulnerable in the woods, & rather be at home. Bane was ready to take the shot, Baker whispered, "Fire", Bane fired his weapon.

Everyone had stopped for a break, Jared too was getting tired, & he told them that he has waters in his packs for them, He will get them, As soon as he was near the spot, that they were before, A bullet was fired from a gun, & he grunted, & fell to the floor, bleeding on the beach, Steve went to see what was taking so long, He found Jared on the sand bleeding to death. He yelled for help, They came running, cause they knew that he knew, They would be all coming to help, & protect him, Melissa, Adam, & Renee made sure that the kids stayed away, while they are working, They are hoping to catch Gabriel in the act, soon or later, & everything will go back to normal for once in their lives.

They had a fun day, & it was the best way to spend time together, Til it was interrupted. The Five-O Team are gonna do everything to survive, & keep their family safe.

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