One Less Lonely Girl (A Justi...

By fcbarcelcna

4.5K 155 35

This is a fan fiction how I supposed to meet Justin. This is a really good story comment please of how to mak... More

The Beginning
Getting Ready
A sad story
Finding Justin
Going to the hospital
I thought you were died
I love you
I am sorry
I am sorry but I hate you
I went to hospital again because I love you
The Tour
The Date
Bantos or Sieber Part 1
Harcus or Maley Part 1
Caddy or Monner Part 1
Bantos or Sieber Part 2
Harcus or Maley Part 2
Caddy or Monner Part 2
Selena and Justin hanging together
Author Note :(
The ex-boyfriends are back
Hanging out with are ex-boyfriends
Good news :)
I still love her
The kidnapper
Mad and gone
What REALLY happened
I am done with you
Are they REALLY died
The Funeral
Am I going crazy?
They AREN'T really dead
Will you be my girlfriend (Hames or Jaley)
Can I please talk to her
I NEVER want to see him
First day out
Jacky has gone missing
Interviews to find where to search Jacky
Watch the Confident video by Justin
Found Jacky
Throw all your stuff away and doing something I don't want to do
Talking to him was a mistake
Fights, break-ups, and car crashes
I think we should not talk for a while
Leaving and beach day
Evil Plan
What Happened?
Not telling you, compines, and questions?
Leaving to Georgia
Starting a company
Mystery Person
Author's Note
The End (last chapter)
Author's Note for Sequel

Can I get the job? and seeing him

19 2 0
By fcbarcelcna

                                                                                   Jacky's Profile 

So we were eating breakfeast and I was wondering when Zendaya's friends were going to call me maybe I should ask Zendaya. We finshed eating and we paid. 

Me: So what do you want to do

Zendaya: I really don't know

Me: Niether do I 

Zendaya: Lets think 

Me: Ok umm. 

Zendaya&Me: Lets go to six flags (laughing) 

Me: Ya lets go

Zendaya: Ok 

So we got in the car and we turned on the radio and the song Fancy by Iggy Azalea. I think this song is cathcy. I started to rap her part with Zendaya. It was fun. We arrived at six flags. First we took a selfie and I captioned it: Here with @zendaya at six flags going to be fun :). We paid so we could get on whatever ride we want however many times we want. 

Fan: OMG your Zendaya I have watched your youtube videos since you posted the first video I always wonder why don't you get signed your my idol 

Zendaya: Aw thank you 

Fan: Can I take a picture with you

Zendaya: Ya sure why not 

Fan: Thank you (crying and jumping up and down) 

Me: Wow first fan I see go up to you 

Zendaya: Not me they are only come every once in a while 

Me: O is it cool

Zendaya: Yes it is 

Me: Now lets ride some rides 

Zendaya: Ya lets do it

Me: Ok

After six flags 

So it was 2 and I had an awsome time at six flags. I never been there before and it was so much fun I wish I could come back some other time. 

Zendaya: Hey Jacky lets go get some lunch because some people want to get job interviews 

Me: Lets go the apartment 

Zendaya: Ya that is the best idea 

At the aprarment 

Me: So the first person on our list is Bella Thorne 

Zendaya: Yep I will go get her 

Me: Ok 

Zendaya: (gets up and calls Bella) 

Bella: (goes inside with Zendaya and sits down) 

Me: Hi I am Jacky and of course you know Zendaya 

Bella: I am Bella its nice to meet you (shakes Jacky's hand) 

Me: Nice to meet you 

Zendaya: So we are going to ask you a couple of questions and you just have to answer it 

Bella: Ok

Me: So first why do you want the job

Bella: Well I want to get the job because I want to help other women that get abused I don't want them to go through that I think it is sad that girls sometimes get abused for the dumbest things. 

Zendaya: Ok so have you ever expierence this or seen it 

Bella: Well I have seen it when I was younger one time my mom didn't come home till like eleven and my dad was drinking because he was worried about her and when she got home they started fighting so I was curious and I went to the living room and my dad was starting to hit my mom and I heard that he was coming towards my way so I hurried up and went to my room because I thought he would do the same thing to me and since then I regert not doing anything to help my mom 

Me: O sorry

Bella: Its ok is that all the questions 

Zendaya: Yes I think 

Bella: Can I get the job? 

Me: We will call you and tell you 

Bella: O ok thank you (shakes Jacky's and Zendaya's hand and walks out) 

Zendaya: So Harry Styles is next 

Me: What 

Zendaya: I said Harry Styles is next 

Me: O ya (fake simlies) I will get him 

Zendaya: Ok whatever you want 

Me: Ok (walks out) 

I can't believe Harry wants to try to get a job here when he abused me> He is not going to get the job heck to the no. I walked and I saw Harry I mointed him to follow me and he did. Then we got close to the door he grabbed my arm. 

Me: What do you want

Harry: I wanted to talk to you 

Me: About what I don't even know why you are trying to sign up for the job if you abused me your an abuser 

Harry: I know I regert that everyday

Me: Sure whatever

Harry: I do (kisses Jacky) 

Me: WHAT THE HECK (slaps Harry) 

Harry: (holds his cheeck) You are going to regert that 

Me: What do you mean 

Harry: (slaps Jacky and hits her) This is what you get 

Me: (crying) I thought you changed 

Harry: SHUT UP 

Me: What if I don't want (crying) 

Harry: I will make you (knocks Jacky out) 

                                                                                       Zendaya's Profile 

Few hours later

So since Jacky never came back in I just interviewed everyone and since Jacky didn't come I just recored them I was really worried because Jacky wasn't here. I might need to stay here for a little so I turned on the TV. I took a picture and posted it on instgram and captioned it: So worried for Jacky right now I wonder where she is and she hasn't called. I posted and Justin commented on it. His comment: what is wrong @zendaya. I commented back: @justinbieber she has been gone for a couple of hours and she was just going to call someone and now she never returned what could have happened? Then Justin commented back: I am on my way @zendaya. I commented again: You don't have to @justinbieber. Justi commented: @zendaya I want to bye. Wow I can't believe Justin is coming here just because of Jacky. He really dose love her. Then I went on Instgram again and Austin commented: @zendaya I just now got on and read the comments with you and Justin so I am going to go there too. I commented back: @austinmahone ok see you. So Austin is coming too. I was worried so I decied to put on some more comfortable clothes so I could look for Jacky.I finshed dressing in more comfartabe clothes and I looked like this I had t text Spencer and Bella. 

To Spencer: 

Can you come to the hotel

From Spencer:

Ok on my way 

To Spencer: 

Ok see you 

To Bella: 

Can you come to the hotel 

From Bella: 

No I can't sorry love you thought 

To Bella: 

It's ok love you too bye 

I waitied for Spencer to get. I wonder where Jacky was. I hope she is ok. I thought where can she be. Then I heard a knock on the hotel room and it was Spencer. I hugged Spencer and he hugged me back. I told him to sit down and he did. 

Spencer: So why did you want me to come

Me: I need help looking for Jacky 

Spencer: Why 

Me: That is why she wasn't here for the interviews after she called Harry

Spencer: O ok 

Me: Hold on let me check something 

Spencer: Ok 

I went on instgram to see if Justin was going to meet somewhere or what and same with Austin. Justin posted a picture and tagged me in it. He captioned it: @zendaya just landed and on my way to your hotel. I went to check if Austin has said anything I looked thourgh the comments and Austin commented a few seconds ago and said: @zendaya Justin and I are near your hotel. 

Me: Hey Spencer we need to wait for a few people 

Spencer: Ok 

Me: So

Spencer: I hope your friend is alright 

Me: Ya so do I 

Spencer: Daya

Me: Ya

Spencer: I missed you so much and when I figured out you were here I was so happy you mean a lot to me 

Me: Aw thanks (hugs Spencer) 

We kept hugging and the truth is I felt butterflies. I think I am falling for Spencer. I wonder if he likes me. Then I heard a knock so I got up I wished no on had to come and knock because I felt safe in his arms. I opened the door and saw Austin and Justin. 

Me: Hi guys 

Justin: Hi Zendaya (hugs Zendaya) 

Austin: Hi Zendaya (hugs Zendaya) 

Me: Guys this is Spencer and Spencer this is Austin and Justin (points to Austin and Justin) 

Spencer: Nice to meet you guys big fan (shakes their hand) 

Justin: Nice to meet you 

Austin" Nice to meet you too

All of a sudden we heard hospital sierns, fighter fighters sirens, and police sirens. We were curious so all of us went where it was and then I saw......

Who do you think Zendaya saw? What dose Austin think when he saw Spencer? Did Austin get jealous because he thought they were dating? Will they find Jacky? Sorry took long to update I have been busy all week. I hope you liked this chapter. 





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