Facts to DIE for: CANON CREEP...

By DystopicReality

112K 1.7K 2.3K

Have you ever wondered about the origins of the infamous characters of various Creepypasta stories, or perhap... More

Shout-outs to people who helped or are helping with this facts book 😀👏👍
Jeff the Killer
Ticci Toby
Jane the Killer
Bloody Painter
The Puppeteer
The Doll Maker
Sally Williams
Lazari Swann
Lily Kennett
Lost Silver
Suicide Sadie
Eyeless Jack
Laughing Jack
Jason the Toymaker
The Slender Man
Kate the Chaser
Nina the Killer
Homicidal Liu
Laughing Jill
Judge Angels
Killing Kate
Dr. Smiley
Glitchy Red
The Rake
Hobo Heart
Candy Pop
The Seed Eater
Papa Grande
Squidward's Suicide (r.i.p. Squidward)
Nurse Ann
Nina the Killer (2021)
Smile Dog
The Slender Man... "Brothers"

BEN Drowned

8.7K 128 244
By DystopicReality

Art above drawn by, Jordan Persegati, one of my favourite artists.

(Also, ahem, warning! I've gathered new facts as of 07/04/2021 that kind of contradict a lot of things I've written. Sooooo.... I had to rewrite this chapter (and it turned out wordy too, sorry 😔), and a lot of the previous comments before 07/04/2021 on this chapter probably will not make sense. So, precede with caution when reading the comments, I suppose. Also, head's up for any readers returning and wondering why this chapter seems different).    

Benjamin Lawman

1. It is implied that the real name of Ben is, Benjamin Lawman (still not quite sure where this has come from though, but whatever).

Never mind, I know where the last name came from. It's because he has a relative named Tyler Lawman (Jadusable's friend, coincidentally), which is why it's implied that's his last name. (Oh, hold on, also just found out his possible mother's name, which seems to be Sarah Lawman based on an article on a murder-suicide found somewhere in arc 2. So, there's also that). Not sure about the first name though. Oh, and Tyler commits suicide somewhere between arcs two and three (sometime in 2019, I believe), who Jadus finds. Sooooo, there's that (Rest in Peace Tyler 😔) (this fact is also mentioned again somewhere in the end of the chapter just because).

2. It was confirmed by Jadusable (not as in the character, but the actual author of the story) himself that Ben was only twelve when he died (I wonder, did Ben live long enough to experience puberty? 😔)

3. On the date of Benjamin's death (4/23/02), he became a spirit trapped inside a game (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask), and as of now (2018), BEN, the entity, would be 16 years old. Benjamin Lawman would be chronologically 28 years old since he was born on the year 1990. However, Ben is forever stuck as a twelve year old.

4. Benjamin Lawman was born on April 23, 1990. Yes, he died on his birthday.

"Happy birthday, Benjamin! Guess what your present is!... DEATH!"

5. Ben's possible surname, Lawman, is a Northern Irish/Scottish surname, so he might have an English heritage... just maybe.

6. It is unknown to who killed Ben, but is rumoured to be his own drunk father who drowned him, not confirmed though. (Where'd ya think drowned came from to be put in his name, so he probably drowned.)

(2/07/2020: Never mind, I know how he died. He was in a ritual (which he partook in willingly) called ascension (I'm on to you, Kayne Quest!) by the cult, The Moon Children on April 23, 2002. The actual person who is directly responsible for his death is, however, unknown. It was a successful attempt at ascension, and the method of the ritual was drowning. What was left of his consciousness was transferred inside of his (I think) copy of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, which was left in the old man's care).

So, basically, the rumour of his father drowning him is not true, but he did drown, obviously.

(06/27/2023): And to all the people saying "The Father" (aka, the head of the cult) was the person directly responsible for Ben's death — I didn't write that as a fact since "The Father" actually died and ascended a few years before Ben's death, which is mentioned in fact #20. (Also, someone did mention that the cult leader's name may be the reason why people think Ben's father is the one who drowned him). Because of this, I'm not quite sure if "The Father" would be the one directly responsible.

7. When Benjamin died, BEN was created not so long after as a possible result of his (and others) ascension. However, Ben is not a part of BEN, and they are not the same person.

8. Ben was a member in the cult, The Moon Children (if you didn't know already).

9. Ben, as previously mentioned, was a member of the cult Moon Children alongside his friend, Matt. Ben, being his naïve 12-year-old self, didn't seem to view the cult as anything dangerous, and believed that, if he ascended, he would turn into his favorite video character, Link (little did he know, he was given the form of the Elegy of Emptiness statute instead, which removed his ability of being able to interact with the world around him, both in game and out of the game 😔).

10. Though Ben is unable to interact with the world in the game (or others confined in it) because of being trapped in the statue, he was able to gain the ability to appear at will due to Jadusable's Fourth Day glitch.

11. This should be a known fact by now, whether or not you've watched/read the story (refer to fact #9), but, whenever you see the Elegy of Emptiness statue, that is always Ben not BEN.

12. Not much was really known about Ben before he died, just that he idolized Link and wished to be just like him (hence why he wanted to turn into Link/requested to be digitalized into the game after his ascension, and the reason he wanted to be ascended in the first place/joined the Moon Children, at least what I think anyways). His page on methodsofrevolution.com also shows that he enjoyed (with -ed 😔) playing games with others, such as hide-and-seek (I see, Ben has great taste in childhood games. Better than tag, unless it's freeze tag, or oh, oh! Hide-and-seek tag! Yesss, anything better than just running away continuously from someone you know who you pretend is tryna murder you, then switch roles once you've been tag. At least with the other two, you're given mercy from side stitches).

13. Ben, throughout the story, was actually never trying to hurt Jadusable, but wanted to help him and others trapped inside the game instead (and possibly revenge on The Father as well).

14. More about his death: Ben was coerced (well, more like persuaded) by the Moon Children to join them under the promise of having friends and being like his childhood hero: Link (so yeah, that's what I thought happened/why he even ended up in the cult in the first place. Dammit Link).

Also, to quote his friend Matt in verbatim, who I've previously mentioned, ahem: "He didn't have many friends. All he wanted was to be his favorite hero from his favorite videogame. They knew full well what they were doing to him - he was their first test." — Matt, The Last Hero.wmv

Behind the Moon Children Cult and BEN

15. The people responsible for the Moon Children, BEN, and Ben's death/ascension is an organization called the Eternity Project. The organization was created/dedicated "to overcoming humanity's greatest obstacle", which they believed was death.

16. And then the people behind the Eternity Project is a corporation known as Xavius Solutions (yes, 'cause killing children and putting their consciousness into a game is certainly the solution for death 👍). Whilst the Eternity Project is the driving force behind the Moon Children Cult, in reality, it is actually all just a front for the company (Xavius Solutions) to let them be able to do research on ascension ("the act of digitalizing one's consciousness to preserve life after the death of the physical body" or "a means of transcending mortal bodies of flesh in favour of immortality as digital beings" at least that's what they thought anyways). They probably made the cult so that it was easier to obtain test subjects, and so the company won't directly get in trouble/gain a bad reputation (because of the research they're doing, and the fact they're literally drowning children and adolescents for it), but the cult instead. But who said people wouldn't find out that the company made the cult as a front 🤷‍♀️.

17. More info on the Moon Children (fake as hell) cult: the company created the the Moon Children as a doomsday cult that worshipped the moon (who they called Luna, and was seen as a goddess) by means of sacrifice, or as they call it, ascension. They also had their own prophecy of end times (which they called à la Majora's Mask) revolving around the moon destroying the earth (which was provided to them by their deceased prophet, Kelbris, in 1998). This front also somewhat worked to cover up the company's research, and most deaths were blamed on the fake cult. I have no idea if the company got in trouble though, or if they were found out.

18. One of the first versions of the project was the Moon Children "cult" by someone with the "moniker" of Kelbris on 1998. The fact that it's one of the first versions implies that something similar to the project existed before the Moon Children, but nothing else is known about it until 1998. Same with Xavius Solutions and whether it was created before or after 1998.

19. At the time, the company thought that only children and adolescents could achieve ascension, and that it could only be achieved through a fantastic death. So, I suppose, the cult also acted as a conduit or instigator/catalyst (I dunno, one of those three; words are hard) for that.

20. However, Kelbris, the same year the project/Moon Children was founded, died by electrocution, and, whether intentional or not, had ascended, though not entirely (guess this proved the whole "only children can ascend theory wrong", sort of). This achievement earned him his apotheosis within his "cult" as a figure eventually known as (okay, get ready for this) 'The Father' (dun, dunnnn, DUNNN). Outside the cult, the Eternity Project used Kelbris' example as their framework for future operations (okay, but who's in charge of the Moon Children now?).

21. After that, between 1998-2020, barely anything is known about them, and what is known about them is fragmented. We know that research on ascension continued (okay, but seriously, who runnin' the Moon Children? Jim Jones' ghost?), and by 2003, a second individual, a child named Ben (who we all know), was successfully ascended. He was digitalized (as we all know) into his favorite game (Majora's Mask) per his request. Kelbris, at some point, was also added into the game to serve as some sort-of overseer.

22. The Eternity Project also pursued projects in computer programming seeing as how they eventually made a complex artificial intelligence (this will be important later; keep it in mind).

23. Throughout multiple years since Ben's ascension, the Moon Children continue to attract new members. However, by 2009, the way they obtain these members began to get nefarious. The project had begun kidnapping prospective ascendees/members, one of these members being Rosa (Ben wasn't kidnapped, just persuaded to join, and was naïve about what they were actually going to do to him, but also willingly partook in the ritual).

24. As more and more people were ascended, even more people were digitalized into the Majora's Mask cartilage. Many of these people were angry at their circumstances (which is understandable) and eventually amalgamated into the AI the Eternity Project had previously created (and possibly inputted into the game cartilage). This created a hive-mind that was hellbent on wrecking havoc and possibly revenge.

BEN (the part of the chapter you've all been waiting for)

25. Now, I know what you're all thinking, or maybe not, who knows, but the name of the AI the Eternity Project created is BEN, which was named after Ben in honour/tribute of him and his death. The acronym stands for Behavioral Event Network.

26. Now, I actually know what you're all thinking this time "bu-but, didn't you say that the people who ascended and had their consciousnesses' digitalized into the game all combined with the AI a.k.a. BEN afterwards?" Yes, yes I did. You know what this means: yup, BEN isn't just one person, it's a group of spirits (why did that autocorrect to Apricots?). WoW! Basically, at first, Jadusable used to think BEN was a single person (like the rest of us did), until recently, where it was revealed (in iseeyou) that BEN is more than one spirit/contained more than one spirit, separating the whole idea of BEN from, well, Ben (Benjamin Lawman). In fact, Ben was never part of BEN in the first place, like I mentioned before. But heyyyyy! The fact that the gender was unconfirmed makes so much sense now!

27. People think that BEN is a pervert and all, but that ain't the case. No, no, it's very much sadistic, and is shown to be rather cocky towards Jadusable in their cleverbot conversation. It also seems to be very good at manipulating people (seeing as how it was able to manipulate many, possibly thousands, of people to download the file that contained it, which allowed him to escape and spread all over the internet). It is also seen as oppressive and controlling, constantly forcing Jadusable to play the game whenever he takes a break and doesn't allow him to rest until he finished what he had started.

28. BEN was also called Jadusable's roommate once, though only used as a guise so that people would actually download the file it was contained in. It was also called Cleverbot for while since that was the website it used to communicate with Jadusable.

29. While being haunted (in my opinion stalked) you will face nightmares related to either BEN, or his glitches (or maybe something entirely unrelated depending on BEN's mood, I guess).

30. Speaking of these nightmares, they also show more of BEN's sadistic personality with BEN taking pleasure from toying with Jadusable throughout these dreams. I imagine it'd do this with other victims as well by warping their dreams into hellish nightmares where it would torture them through extreme and distasteful means (Mmmmm.... no thanks. I wish to not be tortured in my sleep by knock-off Freddy Krueger, especially after having to rewrite this chapter).

31. Based off of the story itself, BEN is also able to, obviously, manipulate and control devices that he comes in contact with. He can also cause visual and auditory hallucinations and paranoia.

32. BEN is revenge thirsty and sees beauty among people suffering (Your so cruel BEN....😭). But then again, this makes sense since it is seen as a pure sadist, and is literally made up of people's spirits who were mostly forced or unwittingly drowned for some organization's research on "ascension".

33. It doesn't have an actual, physical form and is merely an entity that is able to possess other entities inside it. Though this is the case, it took on the appearance of a green-haired girl during the Awakening Arc, which may be a reference to Saria (a character in Ocarina of Time). This is further proven by one of the Patreon polls, which showed that if players chose to play Saria's Song to Ben, they would have played the Reversed Song of Healing instead. Here's BEN as that green-haired girl, by the way:

What the hell is this weird Oompa Loompa lookin' thing

It's literally staring into my soul

34. To those who are returning readers (if there's any), you would remember (or not) that I said, in verbatim "BEN, in fact, does not have a confirmed gender, but has a masculine form and personality, so is assumed male. (Insert, "Are you assuming my gender?" meme)" Ahem, welp, as we all know now, BEN is made up of multiple spirits, which makes sense why it was unconfirmed before (as mentioned earlier), and would now make sense if BEN's gender was mentioned as N/A instead. Oh how we were so wrong. Anyways, though BEN doesn't particularly have a specific gender, or any at all, Ben does, which is male (of course) 👍.

35. My man BEN here seems to be pretty powerful (hence why it could be seen as an omnipotent entity). It can change the game Majora's Mask, the game it's trapped in, into Ocarina of Time, another Legend of Zelda game. It can also alter the video game enough to look like OoT, when in reality, it's just plain ol' Majora's Mask.

36. More on BEN's personality (literally have about three facts on its personality already): Though initially perceived as possessing the consciousness of a child, it is extremely malevolent (clearly). It deceives its targets (as mentioned earlier), and shows signs of psychosis (it refers to its activity with Jadusable as a game played for its entertainment). Despite BEN's psychopathic disposition and evident sadism, it has been noted that it can be quite emotional in situations where it seemingly lacks control or authority. It also seems to demonstrate genuine fear in THE FATHER.wmv when it begs Jadusable to stop playing the game as he risks awakening the entity mentioned in the video title's name. Although this could have been an attempt to provoke Jadusable even further with reverse-psychology based on its previous antics and its atrocious personality (or maybe BEN really does, in fact, fear The Father and only torments Jadusable on behalf of The Father, and is merely a tool to him 🤷‍♀️). BEN has also appeared rather short-tempered on the Methods of Revolution website where it had replaced large portions of the website with a mantra of "PLAY BY MY RULES" (damn BEN, maybe you should take a few sessions of anger management, and maybe some group therapy).

37. As of the video, free.wmv (9-15-2010), BEN has escaped the game that he has been trapped in since Ben died, and is now roaming free on the internet (probably explains why your guys' devices seem to also be acting up between 2010-2020). Though, if you're devices have calmed down a bit, it's because (at least, I think), it has returned into the game in 2020 after Sarah came into the picture with The Father erasing those spirits memories to calm them. Though, shortly after, the Eternity Project seems to have gained the cartilage once again and buried it, the cartilage and what they've done as research being a secret from the rest of the world (hmmmm... interviews must be funnn, especially when they're questioned on how they honed the process of ascension).

38. Something I forgot to mention earlier, but after eight years of inactivity since the day BEN escaped, the document TheRealTruth.rtf appeared (though BEN escaped sometime in 2010, apparently he was active for two years before stopping (which makes sense since this is around the time the series was on hiatus). So, eight years later and it's 2020, where the third arc takes place and when the document appeared) and contained a new entry for CHILDREN.wmv, which revealed a new piece of information about BEN that was previously unknown, which that it contained separate entities that retain their free will and are able to interact with each other (Ben is sadly left out of their conversations, however 😔). Also, during the time between the upload and premiere of THE FATHER.wmv, the spirits contained in BEN argued with one another regarding the video's title and whether it should be seen by the public or not (basically the first day or two of any group project for school in a nutshell). Ifrit would later confirm that Ben was in fact a separate entity, which implies that the appearance of the Elegy statue during Jadusable's videos were Ben's desperate attempts to communicate with him rather than hurt him.

39. BEN's catchphrases (or famous lines/quotes) seem to be, "You've meet with a terrible fate, haven't you?" and, "You shouldn't have done that."


40. As you all know, plenty of people used to think (or maybe still think) BEN (now known as more than one spirit/person) is Sally William's (another creepypasta) brother. However, that isn't the case whether it's BEN (entity containing multiple spirits) or Ben (the first person to successfully ascend). This rumour has also been disproven by both Creepypasta's creators. Sorry y'all :/

41. The height for Ben is never mentioned (there wasn't really a need to do so in the first place), but seeing as how many people may be a bit obsessed with heights, he's rumoured to be around 5'4 - 5'5 (not true or confirmed though).

42. BEN's sexuality is unknown, in fact, I don't think it would even have a particular sexuality. Even so, a few people assume it's bisexual, though this isn't true. It's the same for Ben, but again, it isn't really necessary to mention it (hmmmm... though he seems to be a huge fan of games. Is he... gamesexual??????).

43. There is another name for this "Creepypasta", which is Haunted Majora's Mask.

44. You also may be wondering why the heck did I put Creepypasta in quotation marks on the fact above. Well, that's because during the course of BEN Drowned, it seemed to have evolved into more of an ARG rather than a Creepypasta somewhere around arcs 2 and 3 (oh, nope, I just found out it became more like an ARG by the end of arc 1, and seemed to have officially turned into an ARG on arc 2 known as Moon Children). Though it's still somewhat considered a Creepypasta as of now.

45. Arcs 1 and 3 are set across homes and locations with main characters being around college-age adults in unspecified locations in the United States (possibly somewhere in St. Louis, Missouri) and, of course, within the internet. Though Arc 2 is solely set within the internet.

46. The original story ends on a cliffhanger with the audience themselves inadvertently helping to unleash BEN into the internet (Ooooo, we're so inadvertently evil) through the sharing of files that were given to them by "Jadusable's Roomate" a.k.a. BEN (that sneaky bastard).

47. The Father/Kelbris also seems to take on the form of the Happy Mask Salesman. He also seems to be the bigger bad of the story rather than BEN.

48. Jadusable, by the end of arc 1 (Haunted Cartilage arc) is presumed dead. This is later confirmed in arc 3 (Awakening arc) with him being killed by Kelbris (a.k.a. The Father) who, shortly after, escapes the game in pursuit of BEN. Though, after his death, The Eternity Project seems to have obtained Jadusable's body, or at least his consciousness, somehow (or maybe he just naturally ascended, I dunno man). And what did they do with Jadusable? What they do best, of course, they ascended him and transferred his consciousness into the game, with Jadusable now working in service for The Father (how could you do this to us Jadusable, you traitor). He also murders Sarah 🥲. However, it is revealed he isn't particularly evil (and doesn't particularly like The Father either, I mean what rational person likes that guy anyways?), and that he was really trying to stop her from performing the glitch that the game's inhabitants told her to do ('cause they said it'd defeat The Father, but nooooo, it was to bring him back again after Sarah just reversed the game pre-Jadusable to seal him back again. Aye yai yai. First Jadusable accidentally unseals The Father because he can't apparently read, and because he has trust issues, then again it was BEN of all people who told him to stop playing. And then there's Sarah who literally undos her actions 'cause she doesn't have trust issues. Protagonist like protagonist and their accidentally causing situations to get worse trait, am I right?). Oh, and after Jadusable ascends, it is also assumed the Eternity Project took back the cartilage as well. Unfortunately though, BEN is no longer inside the cartilage when they obtain it.

49. I also forgot to mention this, but two days after BEN's escape, the Moon Children cult made itself public/revealed their existence to the world. An unnamed follower of Jadusable's story discovers a cipher on his YouTube channel that eventually led to the cult's official website, youshouldnthavedonethat.net. This is where arc 2 begins, and where we get multiple information on the cult and Ben's death.

50. The Moon Children cult also seemed to be under a loophole sometime after Ben ascended, which is seen/explained in arc 2, the arc taking place from 2005 to mid-2014. Though, I believe, they were out of it before arc 3, at least I hope so. That loophole was confusing as hell though. Everyone in the cult was resurrecting, then unaliving, and just... StAy DeAd.

51. Arc 3 takes place, as mentioned before, two years after an unknown societal collapse in 2018 and eight years after the 2012 phenomenon in the aftermath of the societal collapse, the first video being uploaded on March 2020 (why does everything happen on March?). The 2012 phenomenon is an as-of-yet unexplained event, though we do know it's somehow linked to the Moon Children cult. This event apparently had global repercussions, leading to a modern day Great Depression, which resulted in a total breakdown of American society by 2018. Jadus (a resurgent of both events, I assume, and who also takes over Jadusable's account) claims that a partial cause of the collapse is because of a mysterious ailment known as "HEROES", in which Jadus is a survivor of (Jadusable has taken some inspiration from COVID I see. One of the main differences, however, is everyone goes by code names now. How come we don't get to go by code names 🥲).

52. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask cartilage is believed to have belonged to Ben.

53. The only thing Sarah says throughout the entire goddamn series is "Fuck". That's literally all she says, "Fuck" (the video being Methods of Revolution [Day 11]).

54. Speaking of Sarah, she shares the name with the mother of the Lawman family (possible mother of Ben) mentioned in that one article in arc 2 about the murder-suicide. People seem to theorize, or like to play with the idea that she is Sarah Lawman, though it's unknown whether they're the same person or not (probably not, but who knows).

55. It is mentioned by Matt (in The Last Hero.wmv) that those loyal to The Father (probably/presumably Abel and/or The Eternity Project) were probably working to digitalize Sarah in order to stop her. However, it is also implied several videos later in The Showdown.wmv, that her in-game death committed by Jadusable apparently also killed her outside the game, which then also seemingly implies she had been digitized the entire time (well, shit, what a twist).

56. Wait, yo, remember the old man who previously owned the game cartilage? Well, shortly after he gave it to Jadusable, he moved away. Jadusable was looking for him (forget why; to lazy to find out again), but wasn't able to track him since he had no known relatives. Apparently though, shortly before Jadusable's death, he was lookin' through his fecking window. What the hell, that's so creepy. Not a fact, but I just found it creepy, okay.

57. Holy crap. Welp, remember when I said a few facts back that I don't know if the Eternity Project got in trouble or not? Well, it looks like they didn't, in fact, they seem to be accepted. Basically, some time in the next ten years after BEN escaped, the Eternity Project rebranded themselves as "The Family" (Dammit, even though the cult was merely a front, this new name is a bit cultish), and began building more "worlds" for ascendeds to inhabit, which were all built/based off the Majora's Mask cartilage, of course. The existence of the cartilage (now termed/known as "World Alpha"), however, was buried, and became a guarded secret of the project. Over time, the project honed the process of ascension and became a more amicable and voluntary procedure to persons of all ages (oh, so no more kidnapping of children and adolescents. Okay then). By 2020, the Eternity Project had become public, and offered services to anyone who wished to escape death through digitalization (did no one question how the hell they found all that out though?). The Moon Children cult had gone defunct by this time.

58. YOOOOooOooo, I keep finding new information I wasn't even looking for, not that mad, just want to get this rewrite over with. Anyways, Tyler Lawman is one of Ben's relatives and Jadusable's friend (coincidentally) who accompanies Jadusable to the old man's house after the first time he played the game (so that's where the last name came from, but what about Benjamin? Where'd that come from? Did he mention it? I don't remember 😔). Waittttt... NO, wHy?! He committed suicide after the 2018 societal collapse in The Awakening somewhere in 2019, I think) with Jadus finding him whilst trying to find "Berkeley" 🥲. Well, damn, Rest In Peace Tyler. Gonna add some of this to Ben's part of the chapter.

59. By the end of arc 3, The Father, due to the main protagonist's actions (Sarah) in this arc, decides to reset the world in the game, removing any anomalies that wish to harm the natural order of the world. He explains that any users interfacing with World Alpha's code will be removed, and to be able to pacify the inhabitants' mental trauma, he must reset their memories. He assures Sarah and Circle that World Alpha will continue, and that Ben will be given a real host body (look Ben, you'll be able to actually move and interact with the world around you!). He comments that Ben's imprisonment within the Elegy statue was an "oversight" made by dated A.I. (Mmhmmm... sureeeeee). Circle then asks what will become of Sarah once he 'removes' her. He says he doesn't know, and fades away along with Sarah soon after. The series then ends with a shot of Ben (now in the body of Child Link) and standing next to an unpossessed Elegy statue and waving to the audience (My god, what a beautiful ending, and Ben is actually Link this time. *Sniff* it's bootiful 🥲🥺).

60. The series went on hiatus somewhere in 2012, which was also when BEN became inactive.

61. Ben Drowned was originally published as Haunted Majora's Mask Cartridge.

62. Ben Drowned is known for creating many of the common tropes and themes of creepypasta that are used nowadays. It is also a major influence in helping to establish and legitimize creepypasta as a literary genre, as well as being known for subverting themes in The Legend of Zelda.

63. The series concluded on October 31, 2020 (of course it ended on the spoopy day on the spoopy month).

64. The Creepypasta and ARG of Ben Drowned is created by, Jadusable (Alexander "Alex" D. Hall).

Okay, okay, that took quite a while to rewrite. Now, not only is this the first chapter I've ever written, but it's also the longest (and has the most facts). I'm also sorry that these facts are a lot longer than other chapters. It's just that I feel like not a lot people have watched/read the actual story past the first arc, so I decided to add more information about the story, which ultimately made each individual "fact" longer. Whoops.

You could also kind of tell I kept finding new information about other stuff I haven't written about in the chapter or seen yet (or have already written about, but found some new info on it) each time I went to find new information about a certain topic in the story (you could especially tell this in the extras part of the chapter), which got annoying real quick since I had to keep going back and forth between facts/certain parts of the chapter, but it was also kind of fun to unravel this thread of info. It made the chapter kind of sloppy though. Also kind of admit that I was little confused halfway through writing this.

Anyways, the last time I read/watched this damn series/Creepypasta, ARG (whatever it is now) was when only the first arc existed (or when I thought there was only one arc). I didn't know that it had became such a complex and even more interesting story than what it was before. And it even started to involve the audience in the story. I always love myself a good ARG. Honestly, Ben Drowned might just be one of my favourite Creepypastas/ARGs to ever exist.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter if you even read all of it (again, very sorry for it being a bit too wordy), and thanks to nothankyouwufor correcting me on that one fact about BEN not being an aging spirit. If they hadn't done that, I wouldn't have discovered the extra info revealed on this series, and the fact there's more arcs and is a more complex story than what it appeared to be at first 😔.

I also want to die, please, let me ascend.

Ahem, sorry, just tired from rewriting so much.

Wait, yo, I just noticed 4.69k people viewed this chapter. We've done it guys, woooo!

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