John X Reader ~Listen To The...

By heir_of_windsock413

883 12 15

Musicstuck AU, You are a girl who just wants to play her violin, when some guy steals it as a prank? You find... More

Lets begin
C major
D minor
E minor
E major
F sharp
G flat
B flat (HAHAHAH this isn't a real chapter)

A sharp

64 1 0
By heir_of_windsock413

John's POV.

as (y/n) left the bakery, you could almost, feel her saltyness


Jane just stared at you for a moment with a smug look

"Whaaaat" you whined

"John, of all the girls in your school you chose to crush on, you just had to choose one who will probably be the hardest to get ever." she said," like, she's super independent okay. You better never tell her what to do, and treat her like a queen" she emphasized

"WE ARENT EVEN DATING!!! We are NOT a thing and never will be! There isn't even an us because she doesn't respond to flirting, when I'm nice to her she is mean to me, and when I'm angry she's nice?? She's so confusing! And it makes me so mad because she's so damn cute Jane but I always feel like she hates me! She looks at me sometimes and that seems to be the only time she's calm other than when she's playing her violin and she's almost like a goddess when she plays, she's good at like everything  and I swear to you when she smiles it brightens up the entire room." You said pouring out your emotions and sitting down stressed out

Jane rubbed her hand on your back a bit,"aw, John don't be sad. I'm sure she has some feelings for you too. You're cute, what girl wouldn't like you?" she said trying to cheer you up, which kinda worked

You grinned unwillingly,"Jane shut up, I'm not cute!" you blushed

"Yes you are! I have faith in you John, now the worst thing you could do to a girl is keep her waiting, so you had better get going" Jane said pulling you up, you standing taller than her which wasn't new to you, as it had been about 5 years of this already

She pushed you toward the entrance, "go to her!!" she said

"Okay! okay! Goodness" you said leaving and looking around for (y/n) and finding her sitting on the ground

Wow you felt like an awful person

You walked over to her as she quickly clenched her fists and grabbed two bags

You squatted down beside her and grabbed a bag, but then noticed her suck in through her teeth,"hey, are you okay?" you asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine hahah" she said in attempt to convince you, it was rather weird, but you didn't question it.

She stood up and so did you, you both began to walk

Your eyes glanced over to her looking down at the ground, basically anywhere but at your face, though you soon started to feel bad that she was carrying two bags

"Hey I can carry one of those for you if you want.." you offered

"No, I'm fine and I'm fully able to do things on my own! Jeez I'm not done helpless damsel in distress so would you and your family stop treating me like one!!" she yelled at you, you widening your eyes when she mentioned your family

She doesn't even know about half of your family.

"Okay well I'm just trying to be nice, you if you would stop trying to do everything by yourself and having a stick up your ass then maybe youd understand what you just said right now, and all that was wrong about it" You barked back

"EXCUSE ME FOR BEING INDEPENDENT! Now I bet your mom never taught you about respecting people, but PERHAPS you should try it out dimwit!!" she yelled back through your head as it filled with rage


This time making her flinch back a little

"oh yeah?! You dont know me either Egbert!" she shot at you

"Maybe because you WONT LET ME!!" you said angrily

"MAYBE I DONT WANT TO LET YOU!!!" she yelled, nearly screaming(damn this girl has a temper) before She dropped the bags in her hands

"AHH!" she said obviously trying to hold back the pain she was in, she looked at her hands and tried to shake them out

"Are you okay???" you said now worried, you stopped and stood in front of her, grabbing her hands into your own

"I'm fine! Let go of me!!" she tugged. But you held her wrists

"(y/n) You need to stop! It was you who told me to take care of my portable instruments so why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" You said, grabbing her bags and tugging her by her wrist to a nearby bench, luckily you guys were about halfway to her house, sadly that was too long a walk for the pain she must be in.

"I...i-i" she said with a loss of words as you saw a drop of water fall onto her wrist, followed by a few more, then some pitter pattering of drops

You looked around you as you felt them too, you thought she was crying but it was just rain? Talk about convenient rain, what is with this state's bipolar weather?

You looked from her hand back up to her face, well you weren't wrong, she was crying.

She reached her hand up to rub her eye, but you restricted her from doing so, "don't do that, you'll hurt yourself" You cautioned

You reached your own hand up to her face and wiped away her tears with your thumb, "it's okay." You shooshed her

"Wh-why are you helping me, even after I yelled at you?" she asked.

You took your bag of food and found some water in the bag, pouring the water into the palms of her hands and taking a napkin, dabbing at the bleeding blisters a bit, and then wrapping them, one by one.

You began to wrap one

"Well, despite what you may believe..." you started, then sighed,"my mom taught me that even when people say rude things to me, when someone is in need it's always good to help." you said with a warm smile, starting on the next hand

"Really?" she asked with a sniff afterward

"Yeah," you laughed a bit, trying not to cry yourself, you tried to stay strong,"she helped a lot of people before she passed...she helped me a lot by teaching me how to convey my emotions into the piano..." you said with a smile

"I-um..I'm sorry...I had no idea.." she apologized as you finished wrapping her hand,"Its fine, dont worry about it." You tried to reassure her

She was silent, your soon looked from down at her hands to her face scanning all of her features...she was more beautiful than you had ever imagined. From her glossy (eye color[s]) eyes to her jaw line

Your eyes flicked down to her lips on accident, aw heck.

However she did the same, her fingers lightly touched yours as your faces grew nearer and nearer, but conveniently enough the rain just HAD to become more than a sprinkle.

She flinched back when some rain hit the top of her nose, "oh no..." she said, "we'd better hurry" she said as you picked up all three bags and awkwardly helped her up, the both of you beginning to walk very quickly

             Mini timeskip***

Eventually you two reached her neighborhood, and after the awkward silence youd been in, she finally decided to speak

"Um...John.." she started

"Hm?" you hummed in a low tone, softly

"Can what happened tonight stay between us?, it doesn't mean anything...right?"

"Yeah" You said, your heart nearly sinking, when that little bit of hope kept it from touching the surface.

"Thanks" she said as you two reached her front door, you both a little drenched by rain but not completely.

She opened the door and to her surprise, she found her mom pacing about the entrance and her dad at the phone rapidly dialing, with an awkward rose sitting in a chair by the steps

Her mom's eyes flicked over to her and hurriedly she ran over and hugged her, "(y/n)! You had us worried sick! Where were you?? And...who's this?" she said

Her dad hurried over to see you two and glared at you.

Rose noticed you two and didn't say a word. You were almost certain she was pissed.

"I'm sorry mom, we were just getting some lunch..what are you two doing home?" she said confused

"We tried to call you but you didn't pick up...there was a delay on the concert because of has weather so they said next week we will perform instead." her mom said, her eyes moving toward you

You were in awe, no wonder shes so talented and rich! Her parents are professional performers. What the hell would she hide that for??

Its no wonder they were never around either what with the kind of gigs they must have.

(y/n) looked over to you too, "oh, and this is my friend, John." She said

You awkwardly waved.

"Also that's Ro-" she was cut off

"We've met her." her dad said, "she told us that you all were practicing your instruments and you both left without a word while she was in the bathroom. Care to explain?" he asked

She sighed,"lunch. I already told you that, we were going to surprise her with some food"

Her mom hurriedly pulled her inside, you awkwardly followed behind

"what happened to your hands?!?!?!" she freaked out, grabbing her dad's attention

"I just practiced too much mom! I'm oka- ow!"

Her mom pulled off the makeshift bandage,"OH MY GOD!" she said covering her mouth

"Did you do this to her?!" Her dad yelled at you

"N-no I" you were interrupted.

"Dad, stop! He tried to help me! He is a pianist so he understands okay, jeez" she said trying to defend you

He continued to glare at you while you attempted to keep your eyes from meeting his

"At this rate, you won't be able to play for about a week tops..." her mom said disappointed.

Rose stood up and walked over to you, her violin in its case and in her hand

"It was very nice to meet you two but we really must be going" rose smiled bowing, you doing the same

She grabbed your hand and pulled you through the door and outside before closing the door behind her


"OW! What the hell?!!" you said as rose smacked your head

"I should be asking you the same John! You are supposed to call me when you leave to get US lunch. Key word: US "

"Sorry okay? It was supposed to be a prank and it kinda went wrong okay. If it helps," you held out a bag to her, "Jane made us food, (y/n)'s is in her house. But I didnt lie about that" you tried to convince her

"John there is an extent in which pranks should normally go and you don't seem to understand that. What happened to her hands" she said angrily

"They were blisters Rose, she practices more than we ever do, so yeah she had blisters okay? I helped her to be okay until she got home, and it's because of people being in disbelief like you that she didn't tell anyone in the first place" you said incredibly angrily.

"John, it's rare that you ever defend a person like you LIKE her?" she asked but not in a friendly or jealous way, in an astonished way

Your face quickly grew heated, you adjusted the glasses on the bridge of your nose, "That's none of your business Rose." you said quietly

"John I have been your friend since we were little, it's plenty my business" she said

"Whatever. I'm not entitled to tell you anything" you argued

You knew she would go to any lengths to find out

"Okay. Be that way, I guess it is none of my business then." She said as you had finally reached you two's neighborhood, you opened the door to your home.

Jane was still at work, Jake was reading something in the kitchen, Jade was watching TV, and your dad was on the phone

He hung up the phone and looked at you

"Hi dad" you smiled

"John, just the person I wanted to see" he said walking over to you and Rose

"I have some bad news John, it seems we are in need of money right now and it's rather dire.." he said with a frown, "we have to sell your mother's piano." he said

His words rung in your head about a million more times...


A/N: Heeeeeeeeey y'all, sorry for the cliffhanger again but eyy I updated two days in a row! That's a record. Also I'm almost out of notes because if you're into music you know that the scale only goes from A to G so like ima just start doing the bass and treble cleff lines and spaces, ill be re using letters but I mean I'll probably just make em sharp or flat.

Anyway here's the chapter and I hope you enjoyed, next chapter will be all in your perspective, sorry again hahahahahah you won't be hearing about what happened to John next. I know, I'm evil, hahahahahahahahah

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