Fuckboy || k.th

By sugaustD

387K 11.8K 7.3K

"Anything you hate?" "Thirsty bītches" "Anything you like?" "Your panties" "Excuse me?!" "That's Jimin's lin... More

• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Four •
• Five •
• Six •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Eleven •
• Twelve •
• Thirteen •
• Fourteen •
• Fifteen •
• Sixteen •
• Seventeen•
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen•
• Twenty •
• Twenty One•
• Twenty three •
• Twenty four •
• Twenty five •
• Twenty six •
• Twenty seven •
• Twenty eight •
• Twenty nine •
• Thirty •
• Thirty one •
• Thirty Two •

• Twenty Two •

10.9K 286 218
By sugaustD

My mental health is in absolute tatters but I know you guys are waiting for an update... I wrote this while off my rocker on diazepam bc you know ya girl is fûcked¿

Also, I've been working on my jhope ff so my apologies for slow updates.

Read authors note at the bottom


Warmth spreads across half of my barely awake face, light punishing my eyes as they strain open. Essence of alcohol prominent on my tongue and a hangover sweeping its way over my body. As my eyes fully adjust to the blinding light, a peaceful and still sleeping Taehyung appears in front of me. Flashbacks from last night spring into my brain.
"I'm okay baby" I smile and stare at his features lovingly. His eyes go wide from the pet name, he reaches out and brushes my hair out my face to check where I bumped the table. Gently, he places a kiss on the sore spot, my eyes flutter closed.

"Silly girl" He chuckles, still holding my face softly.

"I know, I know" I giggle. "You still love me right?" I ask and smile broadly. He returns the same smile but his in the shape of a rectangle, eyes shrinking.

"Of course sweetheart, always" He smushes my face against his chest and ruffles my hair playfully. "What am I going to do with you? You're so clumsy"

"I like you, but sober me doesn't so he said block out sober me because it's my pride thats- what did you say it was?" I swing my head to Jimin as he places another cigarette between his lip, he mumbles 'fûcked'. "Ah yes, my pride is fücked" I giggle freely.

"Baby." Taehyung looks me dead in the eyes. "You just swore? You never swear, are we influencing you that much" His gravely chuckle vibrates my ears.

"I like it, I feel free and relaxed" I throw my arms into the air then put them on Taehyung's shoulders.

"You should hang out with us more often" Jimin says between drags. "Looking at this," he gestures to me and Taehyung, "I guess you already will" He grins.
"I love you" He mumbles softly.

"I love you too" I murmur quietly.

Well, I'm well and truly screwed. Groaning, I brush my fingers through my hair. The boy next to me stirs slightly, groaning himself before rolling onto his other side, facing away from me. An overwhelming urge to play with the back of his hair consumes me.

After a long internal battle, I give into the irresistible urge, allowing my fingers to freely wander his silky hair.

"Good morning beautiful" He mumbles.

"Good morning Tae" A smile evident as I speak quietly.

"I love when you call me Tae" He says, rolling back over to face me, hand cupping my cheek.

"Better than Kim Taehyung huh?" I chuckle and he nods. "Do you remember much of last night?" I ask as my embarrassment gets the better of me, pink splays across my cheeks.

"I remember all of it, do you?" His thumbs moves soothingly along my skin, trying to push away the blush that's taken over.

"I remember parts of it, like talking to Jimin and drinking with Hoseok"

He shifts closer to me and brings me into his chest, head resting atop of mine. "Do you remember anything else?"

Snuggling closer into him, relishing the warmth and smell of his cologne, "I spoke to you a lot". He hums as if asking me to continue. "I remember swearing and being weird"

"You were free and relaxed, if I remember correctly" Taehyung laughs lightheartedly. "You should take Jimin up on his offer to hang out with us more. You're not the nerd we all thought you were"

Gently, I slap his chest and attempt to push away from him, his arms brace and bring me back to being flush against him. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, Namjoon is the nerd"

This time it's my turn to hum but in agreement. We relax in each other's embrace, content with a hint of unspoken words drifting in the air.

"Nari, baby," He speaks up after five minutes of silence, "do you want to do something today?"

"I have an article to write"

"Spend the day with me and the boys, then write your article, please" He begs.

I sigh and move away from him, a small gap between us now, "I don't know, I've not even made a start on it"

"Please" He tries again.





"Stop interrupting me dammit!" I snap and push him a little harder than originally anticipated.

"Nari!" He shouts whilst falling off the bed, landing with a bang.

"Oops" I wince and crawl to the edge of the bed to see if he's okay. "Tae?" My eyes and the tip of my nose peak over the bed. His limbs are a tangled mess but he says nothing. His eyes doing all the talking. He's furious, all I do is injure him, I swear.

"Nari," he begins sternly, "you're spending the day with us. If you say no, I'm tying you to the fûcking bed"

"Kinky" As if that just slipped out of my mouth.

"I'll make sure it is" He smirks and then sits up, adjusting his disheveled hair, while subtly rubbing the bump on his head.

"My head hurts" I whimper.

"How do you think I feel!?" He shouts and I grimace. A migraine banging around my skull.

"Please don't shou-" Im stopped when the bedroom door smacks the wall, Jimin barging in. My eyes trail the water droplets streaming down his torso, soaking his towel that hangs barely around his thin waist. 

"What happened?!" Why is everyone shouting this morning? I groan. "Tae why are you on the floor? Are you okay?" He diverts his attention to me. "And good morning baby, have a nice sleep?"

"Jimin" Taehyung stands, jaw visibly flexing.

"Yeah yeah shut up, Im talking to Nari" He wafts Taehyung off like a minuscule fly, buzzing around, an irritation. Ah finally, someone who sees Kim Taehyung in the same light as me. "How did you sleep?" He asks me, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Not too bad, you?"

"Would've been better if I had you next to me but you were otherwise engaged" He winks and motions over to the agitated boy.

"You're crossing a line Jimin" Taehyung grits.

"Yeah yeah shut up, I'm talking to Nari" He repeats and I stifle a laugh at Taehyung's exasperated face.

"Jimin?" I ask softly.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Don't make him mad, he's only just woke up and I did push him out of bed" I chuckle and shake my head, he looks at me confused, following my laughter.

"You're so whipped Nari" He states and pats my shoulder, water dripping down his face, rolling down his cheek. "Welp, I leave you to it, use protection" He winks and walks out. Jimin are you related to Taehyung's dad? They've both said 'use protection' while walking out a room.


"Yoongi?" Jungkook asks the tired and grouchy boy as he lays across the couch, an arm resting over his face.

"What?" He snaps, "can I fücking help you?"

"Dâmn I was only gonna ask if you wanted a drink" Jungkook mumbles under his breath, turning his back to Yoongi. "You're not getting one now âsshat"

"So, Nari," Namjoon plops down on the floor next to me. "Have you wrote this article yet? I'd love to proofread it" He pushes his circle glasses higher up on the bridge of his nose. Unamused, I look over to Taehyung who's watching our interaction intently. He shrugs.

"Look Mr. 140 IQ, I've not even started it and I have microsoft word to proofread it for me" I smirk at his shocked expression. I hear a low chuckle from the couch, Yoongi.

"Are we actually going to do anything today? I'm bored as fück" Jimin groans and throws the tv remote at Jungkook, having a small tantrum.

Seokjin shakes his head, judging Jimin's childish behaviour, "Yeah. Lets go somewhere, it's too claustrophobic"


As I gaze out the window, I take in the scenery which moves at a rapid speed.

"Kook slow down, it's not a race!" Namjoon shouts from the passenger seat. Currently, in Jungkook's mind, it's a race between him and Jimin. Me, Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung, who wouldn't leave my side, are sat in Jungkook's range rover - clinging on for dear life as he reaches break neck speed.

Jimin seems to be catching up in his expensive Auldi (these boys are loaded I swear, am I the only slightly poor one here?). As they pass us Yoongi gives Jungkook the middle finger, classic Min Yoongi.

"Jungkook we can't fücking lose!" Taehyung shouts over the loud music, he grabs the back of Namjoon's seat and shakes it out of adrenaline and competitiveness. Gently, I place my hand on his shoulder and he shifts back into his seat. If we crash you're not dying, I've only just started to get along with you.

It's now neck to neck between the competitive boys - both needing something to inflate their egos a little more... Not that they need it. How did I end up in this situation?

In the end Jungkook lost but that's okay because I'm still alive and breathing. Thank you lord, I owe you one. We all get out the expensive vehicle and come face to face with the cocky winners.

"You always lose Kookie" Jimin grins and pats the younger boys shoulder.

"Yeah fück off Jimin, you always have your boyfriend for moral support" The sulking boy points over to an oblivious Yoongi, who is gloating to an uninterested Namjoon. I chuckle at the childish comeback, hesitantly moving over to rub Jungkook's shoulders, grabbing him at the back of his neck, causing him to duck down. Ah the joys of pressure points.

"If you ever do that again, I'll personally take pride in your death" I grin as I bend down to his level.

"Seesh Nari, when did you get so heartless?"

"Since I started interacting with you so much." At my reply he sighs before standing up, putting me in a headlock, forcefully rubbing my head.

"Hey! Get off! Aish that hurts! Jungkook!" I scream, attracting the attention of Taehyung. He runs over and grabs the playful boy's arm, ripping it away from me.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned. I roll my eyes, tapping his cheek. "I'm fine" I reply casually, finally looking around. It took us a while to get here, wherever here is? The sky is starting to dim, rays of red and pink slowly disappearing under dark clouds - night falls like autumn leaves.

"where are we?" I question Hoseok as we all walk forwards inside an abandoned building.

He links his arm with mine, making sure I don't trip, "we always come here when we're bored. Toto we're not in Kansas anymore" He laughs, smile brightening the dim building.

"Where is here though?" I push, I need answers, if this is going to be my death, I'd at least like to know where it's taking place.

"You'll see" He smirks and ignores all my further questioning. We continue to walk for a couple minutes, my anxiety grows, so does my grip on Hoesok's arm. After a little bit longer, we get to a fence that we have to all climb over.

Jungkook clasps his hands together to give Jimin, Namjoon and Soekjin a boost. He then allows Hoseok to run up to it and practically throw himself over in the least elegant way I've ever seen. Taehyung leaps over next, using his height to his advantage. His way of overcoming this obstacle was a hundred times more graceful than Hoseok's. Once again, Jungkook links his hands and bends down, telling me how to get over the fence. I do as instructed and climb over, Jungkook following shortly.

Suddenly, all the boys take off running, beckoning me and Jungkook to join in. Fear quickly leaves my body as we both sprint after them. I've never once seen them in this light at school and I'm not just saying that because it's dark. What I mean is, they're having fun, being completely relaxed in each other's company. Was my judgement on them so wrong?

All this time, I never realised Jungkook was jogging with his backpack from earlier, I didn't even see him get it out the car. Has he had this planned the entire time? Everyone else left their belongings at Namjoons.

"What's in the back pack?" I counteract.

"Wouldn't you like to know"

The interaction from yesterday comes springing to mind. He did have this planned. He knew all along I was going to go to Namjoon's get together. Or, all of this was what was planned for today, even without me in the equation. I don't even know anymore, I'll ask Namjoon, he's basically a walking encyclopaedia.

Running until we're all panting, we finally reach a clearing. It's an abandoned warehouse, but with some weird side entrance that has tunnels and ugh my brain hurts.

Yoongi pulls out his phone, flipping on the torch. The large space illuminates and some beat up car seats are now visible. I guess the boys come here often, taking note of the burnt out sticks and papers in the middle, cans of assorted alcohol spread around, a variety of blankets sat upon the chairs, an incredibly out of place piano and not to mention a random small trampoline. What a strange array of items.

"You really do come here often?" I whisper flabbergasted.

Jungkook slings his backpack onto a seat letting out a small 'yep'. His hand sneaks into his bag before pulling it out holding a box of matches and some papers. Is that the geography homework? He tosses the papers onto the fire, setting them alight after flicking a match onto them. Taehyung appears holding some sticks and Seokjin follows, grasping a plank of wood. Where did he get that? I decide I'm too hungover to care and just allow them to continue.

"Did you bring everything?" Jimin asks Jungkook who is searching through his bag. The boy replies excitedly and throws the smaller some flares and sparklers.

"Joon, did you bring the speaker?"

"Does it look like I carried a speaker over that fence?" He replies sassily.

Jungkook groans, rooting back through his bag, "Good job I brought a spare then"

The fire flickers, shadows changing shapes on the grey walls that encompass us. Everyone looks in place even next to all the out of place things. They look happy. They look completely in their element. At home. As Taehyung wraps his arm around my waist, inching me to him, I feel at home too.

Can you guess which MV this is based off of?? Kinda gave you a massive hint.
This update made me slightly emo ngl. I may be releasing the first couple chapters of Makeup Artist (Park Jimin) or Neuron (Jung Hoseok) soon! I'd appreciate if you'd comment for which you'd like to see first!

- SugastD x

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