My mate.....The Alpha ✅

By arabella_tomlinson

388K 4.4K 377

READ BOOK ONE : "MY MATE.....IS A NERD?" FIRST Book 4 of the "My Mate......" series Ryker Storm is the alpha... More

1. Preston
2. Ryker
3. Preston
4. Ryker
5. Preston

6. Ryker

13.8K 634 82
By arabella_tomlinson


I sat in my office going over the finances of the month and I haven't scented my mate in the house. It would be all over the place and yet, the House smelt like the pack.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. Why wasn't he here? Did he get into a fight with my siblings? I won't be surprised if they said something to upset him considering they are always opening their mouths when they have to keep it shut.

What if he was thinking of ways to reject us? Zeus whimpered in my head and I doubt that would be the reason for him to be away. He would've rejected me two weeks ago yet he didn't. He just stood there with his mouth wide and eyes that looked like they were about to fall out of their sockets.

Don't jump to conclusions, Zeus I murmured before turning back to the task at hand. The clock on the wall read 4:30 pm. The boy, what was his name? What did the twins call him again? PJ? Was that short for something? Anyway, the twins and their friends would be over working on a school project around this time and yet I haven't seen Luna or Benson around. I scrubbed my face giving up on work and pushed out of my seat before waking around the desk and leaving the office.

Some training would do me good.

"Hi Ryker" a seductive voice greeted making me look over to see Ava making her way down the hall in a skin tight black little dress, her breasts pushed up and I felt my dick strain in my pants making me smirk. I blocked Zeus commands to walk away and pulled the brunette against my chest before slamming my lips down on hers and lifting her up making her wrap her legs around my waist as her hands went to my hair as her fingers gripped the strands making me groan. I rocked my hips against hers making her moan, her head hit the wall and my lips attacked her skin.

I was so into my actions that I didn't smell the intoxicating scent of roses and rain water before it was too late.

"I'll see you tomorrow guys" the familiar voice of PJ drifted into my ears making my head snap from its place between Ava's neck and shoulder. I watched him practically run down the hall leaving the twins behind to look after his retreating form before their eyes locked into me and they glared.

"You're a fucking asshole" Benson snarled before turning on his heels and running in the direction his friend had gone in while Luna glared daggers at me making me growl by she scoffed

"You think your growls and snarls and glares scare me? But news-fucking-flash Ryker, they don't. And what the fuck are you waiting?Leave!" She snarled at Ava who jumped out of my arms and sprinted down the hall towards her room, "You have crossed the line brother. To think that you were a better person then Zeb but you've proved me wrong. You're just like him" I clenched my jaw at the disrespect she was showing but Zeus's didn't react to her words instead he sat back and watched my sister chew me a new one

You brought this upon yourself Ryker was his simple comment and I rolled my eyes

"To think I looked up to you once. I'm disappointed in you brother. You don't deserve the title of alpha, you don't deserve to have Preston, who is one hell of a person with the biggest hearts I've ever known, as your mate. God, why is life so cruel?" She asked shaking her head as she glanced at me, "Go back to fucking your whore, Ryker, because that's what you were about to do had we not shown up" then she was walking away down the same direction her twin and Preston had gone in. I stood back as her words replayed in my head. The last thing I ever wanted was to disappoint any of my siblings and yet Luna clearly stated that I did.

I clenched my jaw and walked in the direction that my siblings and Preston went in. The pack stared at me in question but ignored them linking Madison to watch the pack for me while I was gone. She asked where I was going but I ignored her and shifted into my gray wolf and dashed into the trees following their scents. They were heading to SavageKing lands and I growl lowly in my throat as I chased after them. I fucked up and I know it'll take a long time for them to forgive me but hopefully me going after them will be a start. After running for a good twenty minutes, I slowed down to a jog before stopping at the border line where I was met by the boarder patrol

"What are you doing here?" One of them asked once they shifted to their human form and I snarled as I shifted to my human form

"My siblings and their friend ran in this direction and I wanted to speak with them" I said and the asshole scoffed

"Not happening. The Alpha doesn't want you near his cousin" he replied making me bite my tongue to keep from lashing out at the bastard. We both looked up when the sound of approaching wolves echoed in the trees. Five wolves stood back with their eyes glaring daggers my way before the one at the front shifted. He had arms covered in tattoos with graying hair. His eyes were a piercing blue that turned cold as they locked onto.

"I'll take it from here Billy" the man said. He looked like an older version of Preston. And fuck me. This was his father.

I may be the alpha but one thing I knew was to never mess with a wolf's pups and I have a feeling that he knew what happened and why I was here.

"So your the fucker that hurt my son" he said and fuck his voice was rough and filled with hatred as he looked me up and down as if judging me and I clenched my jaw as my hands balled into fists at my sides at his actions, "I don't want you near my son. He's been through enough as it is to have to deal with a whore of a mate like you"

I don't know what possessed me, but one second I was standing feet away from him and the next I was laying on my back with his arm around my throat making me struggle to get out of his grip. He snarled down at me, his eyes flashing showing his wolf was on the surface.

"Get your hands off me" I snarled

"Papa?" a soft voice called and we both looked over to see Preston, Luna and Benson standing in the border, "Let him go," those three words were enough to have the older man letting me go. Preston looked over at me before turning on his heals with the twins following suit only stopping a few feet away before looking over his shoulder back at me, "why don't you back to your house and finish what you were doing? I don't want a man that fucks around as a mate."

"You heard my son, get out of our lands or my nephew will have his men attack you for trespassing without caring that you're an alpha," Preston's father said before he shifted to his wolf and running in the direction of the pack house with the other four wolves following suit.

"You heard Beta Princeton. Leave," the man, Billy, said as he stood at the boarder line glaring daggers at me his comrades were standing behind him growling. I could feel my chest burning and Zeus whimpered in my head.

Fuck, was this his rejection? Was that what Preston did? I never meant for this to happen. Fuck.

an here's a new update sorry for the sucky ending but oh well, and as always leave a vote/fan and your thoughts on what you think of the chapter and what should happen next



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