Reunion // Dan Avidan X Reader

By Tripp3W1tch

5.6K 148 64

High school is where it all started; now being a grown woman with a music career ahead of you in the making... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Part 6

517 17 9
By Tripp3W1tch

"DUUUUUDE, WHAT!" Dan shouts, frozen in fear and shock. Arin and Ross set up Dan to watch Arin play Doki Doki Literature Club. At this part, the MC "FriendArin" found Sayori hanging herself Arin was content and secretly snickering while Dan curled up in a ball next to Arin.

"Oh damn, dude." Arin, with a monotone and unphased voice replies. Dan looks up at Arin, noticing he was smiling to himself.

"How could you be smiling at a time like this! Did you know this was going to happen! DAMMIT ROSS, HE SAID IT WOULD GET GOOD. I THOUGHT HE MEANT A HOT SEX SESS, BUT NOPE. THANKS, DAN SALVATO, YOU'VE LOST ONE J.O CUSTOMER!" Arin breaks out into laughter. After a moment of Dan collecting his thoughts, he closes out the episode.

Dan gets up as soon as Arin is done recording; he walks into the lounge room where Ross and Holly were sitting and talking. Dan begins to shout, "I HATE YOU ROSS!" Ross giggles; Holly looks quizzically at Ross while Dan flips him off.

"What did you do?" Holly calmly asks him. "I got him and Arin to play Doki Doki Literature Club." His smirk says it all. Holly tried hiding a smile, but couldn't. Barry walks into the mess of Dan yelling at Ross while Ross and Holly are laughing. Barry, holding a plate of pizza sits down on the other side of Ross.


Work was like any other day; college students and teens usually came in with the exception of parents walking in with their small children to attend the children's section. A big plus about working at the library, there was a Starbucks next door and everyday you got a free coffee or tea and you had no fees for turning in something late. WIth a cup of coffee in one hand and a pen in the other, you did your work for the next few hours: taking new orders of books or games and managing the prices of them to be sold or bought for.

"Hey Y/n!" You look up to see Barry and Ross walk up to the counter.

"Oh- hey guys." You reply, looking back down at the messy handwriting on yellow paper. You take a quick sip of coffee, "Need any help?" Ross shakes his head. Barry leans on the counter- Ross joins in on it. They both shoot you a smirk, "We may or may not have a proposition for you." By the look on their faces, it wasn't going to be good or pleasant.

You sigh, "How about on my break, we can talk about it. Break is in twenty minutes if you guys can wait that long." Barry and Ross nod in unison. "We'll be looking at the games then." They both walk off, leaving you to your work again.

Twenty minutes later, they come up to the counter and wait for you to walk with them to an empty table. Sitting down next to a window seat: Barry and Ross sit next to each other while you're sitting across from them both. They both look at each other before talking to you. "Would you be willing to do a GrumpCade with Barry and I?" The name GrumpCade sounded familiar, but you can't put a finger on it. "We're going to be playing Gang Beasts since Barry has a lot of comments suggesting to play it."

"God, the way you both looked at me gave me anxiety- all you wanted was me to play a game with you two." You nervously chuckle to yourself. Ross still wore a smirk on his pale face; Barry wore an adorable smile.

"Well, good talk- we gotta go!" Ross nudges Barry to stand up. Barry waves goodbye as the two boys walk off. You go back to your seat behind the counter, tending back to your work you were handed when you first walked in.


Time passes and lunch break is here. You hurry to the fridge and see two balloons and a purple lunch box with a piece of paper attached to the box. In sloppy cursive read, "Y/n here's some lunch I bought. Hope you enjoy, Danny :)"

You smile, folding the paper and shoving it in your pocket. A short lanky male walks in named Craig greets you; you and Craig were great coworkers who enjoyed talking bad about rude teenagers and drinking coffee. Craig looks over at the balloons, "Who got this?" He asks you.

"I did. A friend of mine must've secretly stopped by." Craig chuckles, "A friend, hm?" He grins; you blush and take your lunch to the front desk. For someone who you haven't known long, he seemed to pack your favorite food. Arin must've told him.


After work, you head home to change your clothes. Ross swings by to pick you up and take you to the Grump office. Barry was setting the recording up for the three of you; Dan walks into the room where you three were going to be. He notices you laughing at Barry- Dan opens the door, "Hey Y/n, what're you doing here?" Your eyes lit up, hearing the soothing tone of Danny.

"Oh- a GrumpCade thing. By the way, thank you for lunch! The balloons and the lunch were great." Dan's face flushes red, "Oh- you're welcome. You were kinda upset last night, so I thought that would cheer you up." Dan walks into the room, sitting on the couch next to Ross. Ross rests his head on Danny's shoulder.

Dan shoots him a confused glare, "That's sweet! You bought her lunch and balloons. Sounds like something a boyfriend would do-" Dan covers Ross's mouth, "N-Not necessarily. I wanted to make her smile and happy today is all." Barry giggles, "I ship it." He mumbles to himself. You sit down next to Dan, also resting your head on his shoulder. Both Ross and you were laying on Dan's shoulders while Barry sets everything up. Once he was done setting everything up, Ross perked his head up and pushes Dan off of the couch. As he shoo's Dan out of the room, you three begin to sit down and record.


"Ah, fuck- no!" You shout, watching as your character falls off the truck. Barry and Ross were knocking each other out and trying to hold onto the side of the truck, hoping the other person would think they were dead and jumping off. So far, Ross was winning by two stars- Barry with one star and you with one. Your character was a blue panda, Ross was a pink luchador, and Barry was a yellow chicken.

"Can we gang up on Ross?" Barry stops hitting you next round; you agree to make a truce. In this level, there were boxes hung in the air by two cranes. Ross jumps into the box while you and Barry try smacking the wires. You strategically jump to the other box while Barry smacks two of the four wires. The wires then begin to snap, sending Ross and Barry to their death. You laugh maniacally, throwing your character's hands up triumphantly.

Ross laughs, "Wow, such betrayal." Barry couldn't help but laugh along, even though you betrayed him in the game.

"I'm sorry! One of us needed to win." You try to defend your standpoint. "You could've told me to move!" Barry whines; you giggle, "Well, you died. It's not like I killed you!" You and Barry began to argue over if you broke the truce. Starting the next level, Ross sneaks up behind you and Barry and knocks you both out.

"Ross!" You both shout in unison as he giggles and pushes you both off the edge.


Once you were done recording with Barry and Ross, Dan was hanging out in the other room with Brian. Brian was on the desktop on the Game Grumps Twitter making pointless tweets about random things. You make your way towards Dan; your face was red from the heat of the recording room.

"How was the recording?" He asks, "Super fun actually. We mostly argued about if I betrayed Barry or not." You giggle; Barry and Ross walk passed you and Dan sitting down, giving Dan a smirk- causing Dan's face to flush slightly. Dan stays quiet for a second before jumping up with a bug-eyed expression.

"Y/n, come here for a second!" Surprised, you get up and follow Dan to a small office area that wasn't being used currently. Dan shuts the door behind you two- you felt hot from the small room that Dan crowded you into.

Dan was about an inch from your body, facing towards you. "I wanted to ask you something." You could feel his warm breath close to you. He looks into your e/c eyes, then looking at your lips. Your heart skips a beat, but manage to stutter out some words. "Yeah, what's the question?" Dan rests his hand on your jawline, slowly leaning in before responding.

"Do you like Thai food? I ordered some Thai, if you want some." His deadpan expression changed into him trying not to giggle. You become super embarrassed, pushing him away from you.

"DAN WHY WOULD YOU PUT ME IN THIS SITUATION TO ASK ME THIS!" You laugh but was kinda angry with him internally. Dan hysterically laughs, "I'M SORRY Y/N, I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY!" Dan was holding onto the wall, laughing over himself while you shout and laugh at Dan.

"I like Thai, but goddammit Dan." 

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