Puppy Love : Tyler Seguin Fa...

By ihearthoodies

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Dog park love connection (This started as a one shot but has turned into a story) More

He loves cuddling. Also like his dad.
The Perfect Date With The Perfect Guy
My First Hockey Game
Darts, Pool, Gelato
FaceTime Will Have to Do
Can you watch the dogs?
Labrador Mafia
The boy is claiming you
I told my dad about you
Tell your dad not to buy a turkey
I want you. Us. Me and you.
Boyfriend duty at big Chuck's game
Meeting Tyler's Friends
Lunch, Skating, Top Golf
I'm glad we found each other.
Family Skate
Our Christmas Eve
Our First Christmas
I can't wait to kiss you at midnight
The First and Last Time
Welcome home
Tyler's Birthday
Valentine's Day
Jade's Princess Party
Tyler's ball hockey court
Quality Family Time
Drunk Chuck
A surprise and the dog park
Round 1 of the Playoffs
Stanley Cup Final
Celebrating Summer
Canada Day Weekend
Exactly What We Need
Action and Adventure
Leaving Paradise
Back in Texas
Back in Canada
Spikeball King
Tyler's Day Off
I've been kidnapped
The Perfect Haircut
Boots and Hearts
Rocks for brains
You're Glowing
I brought you soup
Happy birthday to me
The future is looking so bright
Yay, We Still Like Each Other
Is that ok for a baby?
We Have Some News
Night of Firsts
Halloween Party
Room Three
We're having a ...
Everything ok?
So Much to be Thankful For
I know you're not sleeping
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Did we just name our daughter?
Happy Birthday Ty
Baby Shower
We Are Ready
She's Perfect
Bella Comes Home : The End

Try to stay on your feet, Bambi

4.5K 40 2
By ihearthoodies

It's been a little over a week since I last saw Tyler. Training camp started and he's been in Cedar Park. It may be corny but I've missed him. He wanted to hang out before his games start up so he is taking me out today. I can't wait to see him. We've FaceTimed a few times while he was down there but it's not the same. I need his arms around me again.

"I get to see Tyler today, Gracie." Her head perks up at the mention of his name and her tail starts wagging a mile a minute. "Oh, you like him too? Smart dog." It's no surprise that Grace is familiar with Tyler's name at this point. Most of the time when I FaceTime with him she's right there with me and he talks to her.

He told me to dress warm, which is weird considering it's sweltering outside. I decide to go with some leggings and a light long sleeved top. I don't want to melt as soon as I step outside. He's going to be picking me up. I'm a little nervous. My house could probably fit inside of his. I know he isn't going to judge me for it, it's not like everyone can live in a castle like he does, but I just want to make a good impression. I spent all morning making sure everything is perfect. I'm sure it was overkill considering I doubt we are actually going to be spending any time here. It's always good to be prepared, though.

The doorbell rings and Grace and I both get up from the couch. My heart's pounding, her tail is wagging. She can't possibly know it's him already. I can't get to the door soon enough. I've been waiting for over a week to see his smiling face again. I open the door and he immediately smiles. There it is, the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my life. "Hey," he says. He doesn't waste any time and he pulls me in for a hug. I squeeze him tightly. I get my hug. Finally. He kisses my cheek and squeezes me once more before letting me go.

"Come on in, it's way too hot out there." He steps inside and I close the door. I can see him looking around, taking it all in. "Beware of my vicious attack dog."

He squats down in front of her. "She missed me. Didn't you, Grace?" She licks him all over his face.

"We're still working on the vicious part."

He laughs as pets her, then squishes her face in his hands. "You could never be vicious. You're a good girl."

He stands up. "Ready to go?"

Grace starts jumping up on him, something I have taught her not to do. "Grace, you know we don't jump on people." I can't believe how much of an attention whore she is being.

"You can if you want. Just me, though." He smiles so wide, so proud of himself.

"I'll keep that in mind." I can't stop myself from blushing. He's such a flirt and I love it.

Tyler sits down on the couch and Grace stands up in between his legs, propping herself up on the edge of the cushion. He rubs the sides of her neck. "I'm going to be taking your mommy out for a bit, but I promise I won't have her back too late." She jumps up on the couch and rests her head in his lap.

"Well, I guess we are staying here. She's claimed you." As much as I want to go out with him, I can't help swooning over the fact that she has taken a liking to him. He's so cute with her.

"As much as I'd love to stay I have a lot of stuff planned for us today. Sorry, Grace." He stands up. "Oh that reminds me, go grab your bathing suit."

"My bathing suit? I thought i was supposed to dress warm."

"You are."

"Ok. I'll be right back." I have a million thoughts running through my head as I walk to my bedroom to get my bathing suit. He obviously plans to bring me back to his place to go swimming. I wasn't really expecting that. I should probably pack something else to wear besides what I'm wearing right now. I grab a bag from my closet and put my bathing suit in it along with some shorts and a tank top.

Once I get back into the living room both Tyler and I say goodbye to Grace before leaving. I spot a pair of skates in the back seat. They're definitely not Tyler's, they're too small. Tyler notices that I've spotted them. "Looks like the surprise is ruined. Oops."

I put my bag down next to the skates. "That explains why you asked me for my shoe size."

He smiles. "Sorry if you thought if you were getting shoes."

"I wasn't sure what to expect."

"I would have brought you to Top Golf but we know how that would have gone."

"Ha, ha, so funny."

"I'm really looking forward to what I have planned. I think you're going to like it."

"If it's spending time with you then of course I'm going to like it."

He smiles. "Awesome."

We sing along to the radio the whole ride there. I dance terribly in my seat, which makes him laugh. I have no rhythm whatsoever. I cannot dance but I always have fun being silly and he seems to love it. We pull up to a building that has the Stars logo on it and I'm excited. "This is where we practice," he explains as he pulls into a parking garage. A gate rises and he pulls under and parks. "There shouldn't be anyone here but front office staff. I made sure of it."

"Ok good, so I'll only bust my ass in front of you and not a lot of people."

"I'm going to try to not let you bust your ass. Skating isn't that hard anyway."

"Says the guy who's been skating since he was 3."

"You'll be fine. Don't worry."

Tyler grabs my skates from the back seat and we get out of the car. I follow him through a door that leads us into a hallway that has pictures all over the walls. There are photos and murals of past and present Stars. There are a few of Tyler. It makes me proud to know him. As we walk down the hallway he tells how his mornings start out here for practice and explains what each room is for.

"I'm going to bring you into the dressing room then we can go out to the ice." He opens the door and lets me go in ahead of him. "They just redid it for this season, they did an amazing job. It feels more like our actual dressing room at the AAC than a practice facility dressing room."

I look around the room at the different lockers with equipment in the stalls, ready for tomorrow's practice. "It's nicer than I thought it would be."

"They take good care of us." He walks over to his stall. "Here's mine. Go ahead, sit."

I sit down and he puts my skates on the bench next to me. He smiles. "You look good there." He takes his helmet off of the shelf and places it on my head. It's big on me, almost covering my eyes. "Perfect. I'm taking a picture."

I lift the helmet up so it rests on my forehead and I can see. "You are?"

"Put it back on." I just look at him. "Please?" I sigh and put the helmet back on the way he had it. I can hear him giggling. "My newest teammate trying to steal my spot."

"Are you filming me?" I ask as I lift the helmet up once more.

"Say hi." I timidly wave. He fiddles around on his phone then puts it in his pocket. "It's only Snapchat. Don't worry. It's private." I hand him the helmet and he puts it back where it was. He sits down next to me and takes his phone out. "I'll text this to you. I couldn't resist, though, you looked really cute." He shows me the picture before sending it to me.

"It's even bigger on me than I thought."

"Are you saying I have a big head?"

"Not at all."

"I usually don't talk too much about all of the hockey stuff with girls. I don't want that to be what they like me for, but I want to show you this side of me. I know you don't really know anything about it and it is a big part of who I am. I definitely want you to know everything."

"You have nothing to worry about. I liked you before I knew you play hockey."

He smiles. "I know I don't." He picks up the skates from next to me. "Take your shoes off. I'll help you put these on."

I kick my shoes off and Tyler kneels down in front of me, taking my foot and resting it on his knee. He slides the skate on. "Fits perfectly."

"Ok, good, I was worried." He pulls my laces tight and ties them. "Ok, other foot."

I put my other foot up on his knee and he repeats the same process as before. "I probably could have done this myself," I say as he ties the laces.

He finishes tying and looks up at me. "Where's the romance in that?"

"I thought there wasn't romance in sports."

"I'm trying something new."

"It's working." He smiles.

He stands up and sits next to me and puts his skates on. I'm nervous. I've never ice skated before in my life. I've never even roller skated, I never had an interest, I was more of a bike girl. I rode my bike everywhere. Tyler finishes tying his skates and he stands up. He reaches out for my hand and I stand up and follow him out of the dressing room to the rink. Walking in the skates feels awkward but it's easier than I expected.

Once we get to the rink Tyler opens the door to the ice and skates out. He makes it look so effortless, probably because it is for him. It's not so effortless for me. I take a while to even muster up the courage to step out onto the ice and my legs immediately wobble underneath me. I grab onto the wall as if my life depends on it. I take a few deep breaths before slowly trying to walk along the wall, still holding on for dear life. I don't get very far before Tyler realizes that I haven't joined him yet. He skates over to me and looks at me sympathetically. "You're not going to get very far holding onto the wall like that," he says. He holds his hands out. "Take my hands."

"I don't feel like I will be able to do it without falling yet."

"I won't let you fall. The only way to do it is to just do it. Let go of the wall." I let go with one hand while still holding on with the other and grab Tyler's hand, then I do the same with the other. "We are going to go slowly, ok? Nothing to worry about." He starts skating backwards, holding onto my hands tightly, and I glide along the ice. "Amy, you have to actually move your legs."

"I know. I know." I start to move my legs along with him but I can't really get my footing under me. I'm a mess. Thankfully Tyler has a good hold on me and is strong enough to keep me from losing my balance. I can't believe how bad at this I am. I feel like an idiot.

"You're getting there. You just need to get used to how you need to move your legs. I'm going to let go of you so I can show you."

"No, Tyler, don't."

"You'll be fine. Just stand there and watch." He lets go of me and skates around a bit. I hate how easy it is for him. A chill runs down my spine and I cross my arms over my chest. I should have dressed a little warmer than I did. I didn't realize this is where we would be going. This shirt is doing nothing for me. He skates back over to me. "Are you cold?"

"Yeah, a little. I didn't want to dress too warmly because of how hot it is outside. That was a mistake."

He takes his hoodie off and hands it to me. "Put this on, it'll keep you warm." I put the hoodie on and zip it up. "Or I could keep you warm." He wraps his arms around me, hugging me tight.

"I like this a lot better than skating."

He lets go. "You haven't even given it a real chance."

"Ok. Yeah. You're right."

"You're thinking about it too much and psyching yourself out. Relax and have fun. And remember that It's ok to fall. I'll pick you back up."

"Thanks, Tyler."

He stands back with his arms crossed over his chest and watches me skate, well, attempt to skate. My legs don't seem to want to cooperate with me. At least I haven't fallen yet.

"Is there anything you're actually good at?" Tyler teases.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I retort.

"Well yeah, of course I would." He smiles and raises his eyebrows up and down. I laugh then lose my footing and slip and fall right on my ass. "Try to stay on your feet, Bambi." He grabs my hands and pulls me up.

"I grew up in Texas and my dad wanted a son. All I know is football."

"Always full of excuses."

He holds my hands and skates with me, this time I actually move my legs. I'm beginning to get a little more comfortable being on the skates. "I'm going to let go, ok?" he asks. "You can do this on your own."

"Um, ok," I reply, a little unsure if it really is ok with me. He lets go and continues skating backwards as I attempt to skate towards him. "You're showing off!"

"I'm just skating backwards."

"I can't even skate forwards yet," I whine.

"You just need practice."

"One day we will find something I'm better at than you."

"Doubt it." He laughs.

"Oh, you're gonna get it."

"You'll have to catch me first." He turns and starts skating away.

"You know I won't be able to!" I call out to him.

"What? I can't hear you from all the way over here." I start skating and actually start to pick up a bit of speed. It's not the most graceful skating ever but I'm doing it. He looks back over his shoulder at me. "You're getting there." I wobble and fall. He rushes over and stands over me. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good." He holds his hand out to lift me up and I grab it with both of my hands and pull him down to the ice with me.

He sits next to me with his arm around my back. "Now we both are going to have wet butts." I laugh. He leans in and kisses me. He is so soft and gentle with his kisses. I get to savor them moment by moment. They take my breath away. "Have you had enough? We can get going."

"I don't think I could ever get enough of this." I put my hand on his cheek and kiss him. He smiles in the kiss as he kisses me back. I don't think he was expecting me to kiss him.

He's still smiling as we pull away. "You're so fucking corny, you know that?."

"Yeah, but you like that shit."

He laughs. "Maybe I do." He stands up. "Come on, let's go." He helps me up from the ice and we make our way back to the locker room where our things are.

After we change back into our shoes we make sure everything is where it was when we came in and walk out to Tyler's car. "I had a great time. Thank you so much for taking me," I say as I buckle my seatbelt.

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "You did?"

"Yeah. One day I'll be able to stay on my feet the whole time."

"We will have to get you up to speed by Christmas."

"Why's that?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "No reason. I mean, that should be plenty of time for you to get used to it, right?"

"I would hope so, yeah."

He smiles. "See. We'll get you there." He takes a deep breath and turns the car on. "So, where do you want to go for dinner?"

"I wouldn't mind getting some Chipotle."

"Really? Because I could take you anywhere."

"It's a good thing Chipotle is considered a part of anywhere."

"Just making sure. I'm not going to argue. I do love Chipotle."

"Ok good, then it's settled."

We drive to Chipotle, order our food, and decide to get it to go so we can go back to Tyler's house and eat there. Chipotle is a bit packed tonight and eating alone is much more intimate anyway. I think Tyler was expecting to go out and eat at a nice restaurant today but I honestly prefer this to that. We can go out and be fancy another night. Besides, I'm wearing leggings and this sorry excuse for a sweater, not exactly nice restaurant material.

Once we get to back to Tyler's I set the food down on the table while he grabs us some drinks. He opens the door to the backyard so the dogs can run outside if they want to. He pours the dogs food and my ringtone goes off. I look at who it is, it's my dad, I can't ignore my dad. I answer the call. "Hey, I can't talk long." Tyler sits down at the table across from me and watches me.

"Oh, busy?"

"Yeah, about to sit down for dinner."

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to come over." He sounds a little disappointed. I feel bad but there's nothing I can do about it.

"I'm sorry, but I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes, that's true. I won't keep you. Have fun." Tyler starts making silly faces at me. I can't stop myself from laughing. "I see you already are."

"Yeah." I smile at Tyler. "I'll see you tomorrow. Sorry I couldn't come over tonight."

"It's ok. It was last minute. See you tomorrow, sweetie, love you."

"I love you too." Tyler furrows his brow and purses his lips together as he sits up straight to look at me. I hang up the phone and put it down on the table. "What's wrong?"

"You love who?" he questions suspiciously.

"My dad."

He sits back in the chair, relieved. "Oh." He looks down at the table and shakes his head at himself. His cheeks are flushed. He looks back up at me with his eyes. "Let's eat."

"You've gotten yourself all flustered," I tease.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." His cheeks turn even more pink, along with his ears. "I just. Ugh. I was seeing red."

"You have nothing to worry about," I assure him.

He smiles. "So, are you close with your dad?"

"Yes, very."

"A daddy's girl, eh?"

"Big time."

"I'm closer with my mom than with my dad."

"My mom left when I was really young. I don't even remember her."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Must have been rough."

"Not really. My dad was really amazing to me growing up. I never felt like I was missing out on anything by her not being there. I was more mad that she hurt him so much. He's a great guy and didn't deserve that."

"So it's just you and him. I bet he's protective of you."

"Yeah. Too protective."

"That just goes to show how much he loves you."

"Yeah I know. It can be too much sometimes, though."

"I'm pretty protective of my sisters, not like they listen to me. I understand where he's coming from. You have to look out for the women in your life. There are a lot of shitty guys out there. I should know, I'm one of them."

"You're not that bad, Tyler."

"But I can be."

"You've been more than amazing with me."

He smiles. "I'm glad you think so."

Gerry walks over to me and rests his head in my lap and looks up at me with his cute puppy dog eyes. "I don't share my food, sorry bud." I pet him a few times.

"Does Grace beg for food?"

"Not with me. She's learned I won't be giving her anything. When my friends are over, that's another story. They can't resist."

"These guys are pretty spoiled. Cash could stand to lose a few pounds."

"He's not that bad."

"If you say so." He looks down at Cash, who has made himself comfortable by Tyler's feet. "You're my chubby boy, aren't you Cash?" he coos in his cute puppy voice.

"That poor dog."

He looks up at me as he pets Cash. "He doesn't know what I'm saying. You can say just about anything in that voice and they'll be happy."


We continue eating. "Where did you get Grace?"

"From a breeder. If I ever get another dog it'll be from the shelter or a rescue."

"These guys are all from breeders. I'm done, though, three is enough."

"When I moved out I wanted a dog immediately, but I just didn't have the time. I got laid off and that gave me the time to be able to train her and get her housebroken before I went back to work."

"So it all worked out."

"Yeah. I couldn't imagine my life without her."

"These guys either. They're great to come home to, especially after a rough game or a road trip."

"The companionship is wonderful. Labs are great for that."

We continue talking about our dogs as we eat. It's nice to see that he considers them his children because that's how I see Grace. I wouldn't say I have a particular type of guy I look for but liking animals is important. It's so much of who I am. I don't think I would ever considering dating a guy who wasn't head over heels in love with animals. It being dogs is definitely a bonus.

"Have you told your friends about me?" he asks after a lull in the conversation.

"Yeah, I did. They want to meet you. They've looked at your Instagram and swear to me that you're not real."

"I'm as real as they get."

"I know. They'll find out soon enough."

"I'm up for it any time you're ready."

After we eat and clean up Tyler stands by the island with his hands in his pockets. "I can get the hot tub started if you want to go in."

"That sounds amazing."

"I'll change in my bedroom and you can change in the bathroom and meet me outside."

"Sounds good."

I pick up my bag and follow Tyler to his bedroom. I walk into the bathroom and close the door. I brought the bikini I had worn on my vacation to Hawaii. It has a floral pattern on it. I'm hoping it's not too much. I love how it looks.

"Heading out. I'll have a towel for you out there," he says from behind the door.

I change and look at myself in the mirror. I have to admit I look pretty good. I've been taking care of myself a lot better lately and it shows. I have nothing to worry about.

I make my way through the house and to the backyard. I'm surprised I didn't get lost on the way there. I'm still getting used to the massive size of the house. When I get outside Tyler is standing by the edge of the hot tub, about to get in. He turns around and smiles when he sees me. "Wow," he says as I walk towards him.

I thought he was perfect before but I had no idea just how perfect. His body is out of this world. His skin looks so smooth. I have to consciously remind myself to keep my mouth from hanging open in awe. I want to touch every bit of him. "Yeah? You like?"

"Oh yeah, you look great."

"Thanks. So do you."

"Let's get in."

He holds onto my hand firmly as I take a step into the hot tub. Such a gentleman. I sit down and the hot water feels so good. I feel more relaxed already. He gets in and sits down next to me.

"What a perfect way to wind down the night. I don't use this as often as I should," he says as he leans his head back and looks up at the night sky.

"I'd be out here all of the time. It's so relaxing."

He looks at me. "It's much better with company."

"You have my number. Anytime you need company, let me know."

He smiles. "I will."

"I didn't realize skating was so painful. My legs and feet are killing me."

"You just have to get used to it. You're using muscles you're not used to using in a way they're not used to. Put your foot up on my knees. I'll rub them."

"Oh, I dunno."

"Don't get all shy on me now. Come on, foot up."

I reluctantly take one foot out of the water and rest it on his knee. I am immediately reminded that my toes were painted by a 6 year old and look terrible. Tyler notices them right away and inspects them. "Did you get your pedicure from a blind person?" he teases.

"Ugh, no. My best friend's six year old." I put my hand over my face. "Don't look at them."

I try to pull my foot away but he holds on tightly. I uncover my face and look at him. "Don't worry about it. It's nice that you let her do that. It's also cute that you kept it."

"She wanted us to match. Her mom did hers."

"That's sweet."

"She's a great kid. I love her like my own. She's got some mouth on her, though."

He laughs. "That's most kids. No filter. They will just say anything on their minds."

"Kinda like you." I smile proudly at my playful ribbing.

"Ha, funny," he dryly replies, "But true." A smirk appears on his face, along with his double dimples. He's going to be the death of me, I swear.

He begins to rub my foot and the worry about my terrible toes goes away. It feels incredible. His hands are magic. It makes me wonder what else he's good with his hands at. My mind wanders to a naughty place as I begin to imagine what else his hands can do.

"This feels amazing, Tyler, thank you."

"My pleasure. Ok, other foot." I don't hesitate giving him my other foot. I've learned my lesson.

He begins rubbing my other foot and I let out a deep breath. "If hockey doesn't work out for you, this could definitely be a backup profession."

"Oh, stop," he bashfully says.

"I'm serious. Those hands of yours..." My mind tapers off again to a dirty, dirty place.

"Were you going to finish that thought?"

"Mmmm, nope. I'm good where I left it."

"Hm. Ok." He moves his hands up from my foot to my ankle, then to my calf. "Are you sore here too?"

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Now that you mention it, yeah, it is pretty sore."

"We can't have that."

He massages my calf and I reach out and start to play with his hair. I twirl the curled end of it around my finger. He smiles, then leans in to kiss me. I kiss him back. He puts his hands on either side of my thighs and pulls me right up against him. My legs rest across his lap as we kiss more passionately. We start to get more and more into it and I start to think we may wind up having sex right out here in the hot tub. Next thing I know there is a huge dog head pushing his way in between us. We both open our eyes and Gerry is looking back at me. He kisses my face a few times before turning to Tyler to do the same.

"Gerry! Get out of here!" Tyler yells as he pushes him out of our faces. "You sure do know how to ruin a moment. Get inside!" Gerry runs away. Tyler and I exchange glances and we both laugh. "Sorry about that."

I look down. "Don't worry about it." My heart is pounding out of my chest. I sigh. "Well that was nice while it lasted."

"Definitely. We will have to explore that again." He grabs his watch and looks at it. "I should probably get you home anyway. It's getting late and I promised Grace I wouldn't keep you too late."

"I guess it is getting late, isn't it?"


We both sound pretty disappointed that we are choosing to end the night instead of picking up where we left off, but maybe it's better this way. I'm trying to move slow, and I don't even know what this is between us yet. It's not the right time to take that next step. It sure did feel like it was, though.

We get out of the hot tub and Tyler wraps the towel around me before pulling me in for a hug. He rests his lips on my forehead, I close my eyes and savor this moment. He keeps telling me that he isn't one for a relationship or commitment, but everything he does with me contradicts that. I haven't been reading too much into it. I am enjoying the time we spend together and whatever this is, I am so happy with it. I don't think he realizes what he's doing sometimes. He's always quick to deny that he's a sweet guy, but he is.

The whole way to my house Tyler and I are laughing about Gerry getting in the middle of us out in the hot tub. It was unfortunate, but I love that it has given us something to joke about. I love hearing Tyler laugh. It's infectious. We have come to the conclusion that Gerry was telling us "if I can't get any, then neither can you."

Once we get to my house Tyler walks me to my door. I don't want the night to end but it's pretty late. I have plans with my dad tomorrow that I have to actually wake up for. Tyler looks at me with sad eyes. He doesn't want this to end either. It's been one of the most spectacular days I have ever had.

"I'd invite you in, but then we'd just be up all night and I really need to get to bed."

"I know. Next time."

"I realize how much of an old lady I sounded like just then. Forget I said it."

He giggles. "No, you're fine. It was my decision to take you home. Trying to do the right thing and all."

"Well, I had the best day with you. Thank you."

"Don't expect too much more of them. I don't have a lot up my sleeve."

"Oh I don't know. I think you'll surprise yourself."

"I hope so. You deserve every day to be the best day." He looks down with his cheeks growing pink, embarrassed. He doesn't say things like that often. I think I'm right, he keeps surprising himself. It's cute to watch. One day he won't be embarrassed when he says sweet things to me. Until then I'll continue to enjoy the pink cheeks.

I hug him. "Ever since I met you they have been."

He smiles so wide. "I want you to be there for opening night. I think you'll really like it. It'll also be nice knowing you'll be there cheering me on."

"Yeah, definitely. Just tell me when and I'll get a ticket."

"No, Amy, I will leave you a ticket." He shakes his head at me. "Silly."

"Oh. Right. I wasn't thinking."

"Well, I should get going before we stand out here all night trying to avoid leaving each other. We'll talk, probably once I get home."

"Yeah, probably."

"Tell Grace I said goodnight. If I see her I will really never want to leave."

"I will."

He runs his fingers through my hair and kisses me. "Goodnight." He hugs me one last time before turning away and walking to his car.

I unlock the door and step inside. Grace is right there waiting for me. She must have heard us on the other side of the door. I close the door behind me and she looks towards it, like she's expecting Tyler to walk in. "Not tonight, Gracie, sorry." I put my bag down on the floor and she starts to inspect it, sniffing all around it, sticking her head in, the usual when I bring anything home. "Tyler says goodnight." The mention of his name causes her to take her head out of the bag and look at me, her tail starts wagging. "You'll see him soon, I'm sure. I'll take you out, then we can go to bed."

I let Grace out into the backyard to let her do her business. I take my phone out and look at the pictures and videos Tyler took of me today. They make me smile. As I look through Instagram I get a text from him.

The boys are looking for you

Grace was looking for you too, I think she's mad I sent you away

I should have come in

As you said, next time

Yeah, well, get some sleep. Have fun with your dad tomorrow.

Thanks, always do

Once Grace and I get inside I start getting ready for bed. I always feel bad when I leave her for a long period of time. I didn't get much time with her today. She's a forgiving dog, though. She jumps up on the bed and waits for me as I get changed. I get into bed next to her and turn out the lights. I love sleeping next to her but there's a big part of me that wishes Tyler was next to me instead. Maybe next time. 

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