Time || Solby

By You_will_never_know-

49.7K 1.6K 1.1K

Sequel to Real || Solby! "I know this isn't really a good place, or time, or plan, or... Hell, it isn't a goo... More

First and hopefully only author note!
Thing 2 is better than thing 1 because this chapter is 2!
Wherefour art thou, Romeo?!
Free high fives sold here for $5
Sixitysixtysiiiiiiii-oh wait
DAD JOKES ARE FUNNY sorry what number is this
Eight ate bait... And got a stomachache
Me: 7+2? Hitler: NINE
Guess who's a ten...^^^
Chapter Elven
If you're twelve you're not old enough to read half the stuff on Wattpad
I was tagged..twice
The number thirteen? Not on my watch!
I want to address an obvious subject
Hey, I'm fourte-oh wait you will never knoww!
Should i do it? se- ready? SE- no jk thats old news now
Chapter seventeen.
Remember the teens from the last chapter? They found another teen
Sorry I totally forgot what chapter this is and I'm too lazy to check
This book is now of legal age.... To drink apple juice duh
What an exciting opportunity for you guys
I have no idea what chapter number this would be
Ya know what's a better joke than 24? ........
This is the worst part about writing books

Fact of the day: 15 is a number. You're welcome.

1.2K 55 9
By You_will_never_know-

^i love this guy's songs. They're always so simple but deep, and they sound a little like he just started thinking out loud while recording (artist: Rusty Clanton, Song: Light Outside)

C  O  L  B  Y

I grabbed my phone and texted Bella. Before she'd left yesterday she put her number in my phone, which was nice cause now I could ask her to come teach us every week. And maybe we could hang out just to hang out, too! 

I really liked Bella. She was nice, chill, and sweet. Her, Sam, and I all get along well, and I think she should be accepted as part of the trap house. Sure, I know we just met her, but shes so familiar and easy to talk to. 

Colbear😜🐻: hey Bella! Care to hang out tomorrow?

Belley beans🍬: actually, im going to my friends house for sign language... 😢

Colbear😜🐻: awwwww... Wait are you able to come today then?

Belley beans🍬: yeah I'm down! What're we doing?

Colbear😜🐻: well, you said you didn't want to be in one of our videos?

Belley beans🍬: no, sorry Colby. I just would rather be off camera🙃

Colbear😜🐻: it's okay, we can just talk and eat stuff! 🙃

Belley beans🍬: define stuff... I don't want to eat any inedible objects on a dare or something 😬😷

Colbear😜🐻: chilllll by stuff I mean food

Belley beans🍬: in that case, I'll be there soon!😉

Colbear😜🐻: *high fives via text*

Belley beans🍬: *high fives Colbear's high five*

I smiled at the screen then stuck it in my pocket. I walked up the car (ahaha I meant stairs but my mom just said car and that's what I typed...) to my room and fell onto the bed next to Sam, who was editing.

"Hola!" I said.

"Hi." He stayed looking at the screen, focused.

"Earth to Sam, earth to Sam!" I said, covering my mouth to create a sound effect. The corners of his mouth lifted ever so slightly and I knew he was hiding a smile. "Beep beep beep beep beep." I poked him with each word and I saw him smile and try to cover it with a frown.

I sat behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, whispering in his ear. "How am I supposed to catch your attention? Like this?" I softly kissed his neck and I felt his grip on his computer tighten. "Or how about this," I said, running my hands under his shirt. He shivered under my cold fingers and he looked back at me.

"You're impossible." He smiled.

"I know, you've told me." I unwrapped myself from him and sat beside him, earning a pouty noise from Sam. "Sorry charlie, Bella will be here soon."

His face dropped, which wasn't what I was expecting at all. "What's wrong? I thought you liked Bella."

Sam's face lit up again. "Oh, I do... I was just thinking about something else. You know how my ADD is!" He elbowed me and I laughed.

"Yep, I do know." 

We heard the doorbell ring and I immediately hopped off the bed and ran downstairs.

S  A  M

I watch Colby run down like an excited puppy.He used to get that excited for me. 

Oh hush, you know he still does. You're just trying to live in a cliche movie where everything's dramatic.

So I rolled my eyes and smiled at his eagerness instead of frowning. I removed the laptop from my lap and followed him downstairs. He was already giving Bella a hug by the time I got to the door, and I smiled and greeted her.

"Hey Sam!" She hugged me.

"Hey!" We all walked in and her and Colby sat on the couch. "Want something to eat?"

"Sure." They both said.

I walked to the kitchen and looked through our cupboards. I found a couple boxes of egg whites and quickly put them back, not wanting to disturb Aaron's things. Finally I decided on some cheese, crackers, grapes, and salami in a snack platter of sorts. I assembled it and brought it back into the room, where I frowned ever so slightly to see Bella sitting close to Colby. Colby looked oblivious, talking away while she stared at him, smiling.

I quickly grinned as they looked up at me when I entered. "Here we are!" I intentionally walked into the small space between them so Colby scooted over so I could sit down. 

Bella looked momentarily confused and then Colby grabbed some food, causing her to smile and do the same.

I held the tray on my lap where it was accessible to all. We talked for a while and Colby managed to bring up Pikipee(Pikachu in Corey-speak) and jumped up to go find it. I was about to excuse myself to go to the bathroom but Bella stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Hey, why'd you sit between Colby and I? You know I like him..." The way she said 'Colby and I' gave me a weird feeling.

"I'm sorry Bella. Listen, I was just trying to save you from embarrassment cause... Well he's in a relationship." I avoided specifications, not sure if I was ready to tell her who that was with.

Her face fell. "Oh." She let go of my arm slowly. "Well, thanks Sam. That's nice of you to help me out like that." She smiled a little at me.

"Sure." I said awkwardly. "Uh, I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." 

When I came back Bella was making no attempts to be nearer to Colby, and I smiled to myself, relieved that I'd gotten it over with. Colby was holding Piki above his head and imitating Corey. I laughed, joining them on the couch. We talked for a while more, but it was clear to me that Bella wasn't her usual self. I almost felt bad now, and I didn't know how to cheer her up. Eventually she said she should probably get home so we escorted her to the door.

"As always, it was nice to see you, Bella!" Colby smiled, giving her a hug.

"It was nice to see you too, Colby! And you too Sam." She smiled and hugged us both. "See you sometime!" She got in her car and we watched her drive away.

"She seemed a little out of it today, she wasn't like that before she came. Did she say anything to you?" Colby said, looking at me.

I blinked. "No."

He shrugged slightly and went back inside while I followed. I felt guilty for not telling him, but so what if he doesn't know? It'll just avoid embarrassing Bella and creating awkwardness between her and Colby. It's not important anyways.

This book is slowly drawing to an end 😢 yes, slowly. Don't worry it's not ending yet! I guess I just think it's time to be done with this story and move on to another one. Sorry if thats sad to you, but hey all things have to end at some point! And don't be too sad, cause I have other books! Bro if you like my writing then why not read my other books too? Like ya stupid (jk ily)

Thanks for all your support! ❤❤


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