The Storm Inside Me

By the-silent-siren

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Sasuke tries to adjust to normal life after deserting Konoha and going through hell. His boyfriend, Naruto, a... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Hiden Pain
Chapter 3: Confidence Boost
Chapter 4: More Than Nakama
Chapter 5: Relationships
Chapter 6: It's Hard to Move On
Chapter 7: Sleepless Night
Chapter 8: The Bond of Family
Chapter 9: Facing Fears
Chapter 11: Healing is Slow
Chapter 12: Blast From the Past

Chapter 10: Reality Check

110 3 0
By the-silent-siren


It's been three days since I've seen Mom. I broke down and almost attacked some nurse guy who was just doing his job. I haven't eaten or slept much because of the reality of my mom's condition; that and because Hana has had nightmares about Mom--about me that cause her to wake up screaming and crying. I, however, find myself angry and rather sad all the time, though not at the same time. I sometimes feel like I'm losing my sanity. I've been avoiding my friends and even got mad at Naruto. I'm such an ass...


I look up and see Hana standing in my doorway. "What is it, Nee-chan?"

She shrugs and sits next to me on the bed. "It's been three days..."

I nod absentmindedly. I don't want to talk about Mom anymore; it's too painful. "It has."

She lays her head on my shoulder. "The hospital called."

Shit... "And?"

"They...they asked if we wanted to...take Mom off life support."

My blood boils at the thought. How could they ask that?! But I realize that it was only a matter of time before this situation came up. "What...what did you say?"

She sighs. "I said that we'd get back to them...They want an answer within the next two-ish weeks."

I nod. I don't want to take my mom off life support, because then it would be like they were killing her--like I let them kill her. But, that's the sad reality, isn't it? There's no way Mom would be back to her old self if/when she woke up--it's the best and only option.

"I guess we'll have to say yes." I say after a few moments of silence.

She nods and I feel something wet fall on my shirt. Dammit, she's crying--I hate it when she cries.

"Please, Nee-chan, don't cry. It hurts me when you cry," I plead. My own eyes begin to well up with tears as well (don't laugh).

She sniffs. "Yeah, I know...I'm sorry, I just can't help it."

I kiss the top of her head. "I know, I know. It's ok, just don't cry anymore."

She takes my hand in hers, which is trembling slightly. I give her hand a reassuring squeeze. I wish there was something I could do to make her feel better...The familiar pang of sadness hits me like a fist. I let a few tears fall down my cheeks, but I quickly wipe them away. I've cried enough over Mom--she wouldn't want me to still be crying.

"How are you holding up?" I ask, changing the subject in order to distract Hana.

"Ok, I guess..." she replies. "What about you?"

I sigh. "I've been better."

"Maybe you should spend some time with Hinata-chan."

I frown. "Why?"

"She is your girlfriend," she says like it's obvious (which it is, I know). "I'm sure she misses you."

It's true, I haven't seen her in three days--the three days that I haven't seen Mom. I know she won't be mad, but, I usually don't randomly stop seeing her like this.

"But, what about you? Are you gonna be ok?" I ask.

"I'll manage." she says.

I sigh, not wanting to leave her alone. Hana and I are really close, and, I would hate it if something happened to her and I wasn't there. However, I do want to see Hinata. Maybe talking to her will take my mind off Mom.

"I don't wanna leave you here by yourself, though." I say.

Hana chuckles. "You worry too much. I'll be fine, Kiba. Promise."

"Fine, fine. I'll go later, ok?"

"Ok." She smiles and hugs me tightly.

Frankly, I just want to stay here with Hana and make sure she's ok, even though I know she isn't; I want to be here for her. (Ok, so I'm being selfish by spending more time with Hana instead of Hinata. Sue me.)

"I just wanna stay here a little longer." I say.

"How sweet of you," she says sarcastically. "I'm overflowing with happiness."

I roll my eyes. "Well, if that's how you really feel about it--"

She sighs and slaps my shoulder. "Urusai, baka--you know I love you and your sweet self. Just go to her! I'll still be here when you get back."

I smile and once more kiss her forehead. "Ok, Nee-chan, I'll go."

"Don't be stupid!" she calls as I walk out of the house.

"I won't!" I call back, hoping I don't jinx anything.


"So, you're not upset?" I nervously ask Hinata as we walk around Konoha hand in hand.

She shakes her head. "Of course not, Kiba-kun. I knew you'd be with your mom." She smiles and my heart melts.

How did I ever get so lucky? I sigh in relief. "You're too nice, Hinata."

She blushes, which I find adorable. "And you're too mean," she replies.

I chuckle, already feeling better. "Yeah, I know. I'm working on it."

"You keep saying that, but I think you're trying to please me." She gives me a stern look, but then flashes a smile.

"Ok, you got me," I say. "Guilty as charged."

She laughs. "I knew it! I'm hurt, Kiba-kun!" She fakes a pout, which I also find adorable.

I kiss her cheek, which causes her to blush uncontrollably. She's so damn cute.

"Oi, Kiba, you better stop embarrassing her or she'll faint," says a voice that can only belong to Shikamaru.

Hinata blushes even more but says nothing. She turns and looks at him.

I turn around and smirk. "Urusai, you lazy bum."

He chuckles and pulls out a cigarette. He lights it and puts it in his mouth. "Gomen, Hinata. I just enjoy annoying Kiba, here."

She nods. "It's fine, Shikamaru-kun."

I roll my eyes. "So, what're you up to?"

He shrugs and blows out a puff of smoke. "I'm gonna see Ino; she's sick and under house arrest."

I frown. "What did you do?"

I glance at Hinata and see her blush. She's so innocent--it's adorable.

Shikamaru glares at me, though I know he isn't actually mad. "I didn't do shit--I'm not that kind of guy. She's under house arrest because she's sick."

Hinata slaps my shoulder. "You see? That's why Ino-chan is at home--stop jumping to conclusions, Kiba-kun!"

Both Shikamaru and I chuckle.

"Ok, ok, gomen, Hinata." I say and quickly kiss her again. Her face turns bright red.

"K-Kiba-kun! What was that for?!" Her tone is mostly embarrassed rather than upset.

Shikamaru laughs. "He's just messing with you, Hinata."

I smirk and put my arm around her waist. "Exactly!"

She turns red again. "Kiba-kun...enough, please."

I let go of her, slightly concerned at the seriousness of her tone. "Ok, I'm sorry."

I look at Shikamaru but he just shrugs.

"Now, if you two don't mind, I gotta get going." Shikamaru says.

I nod. "Of course."

With that, he walks away. Hinata and I continue walking and are now in the woods, a seclude area.

I turn to Hinata. "Did I upset you that much?"

She shakes her head. "No, I was just, um, taken by surprise, that's all."

I take her hand and kiss it (she doesn't blush this time). "Gomen."

"It's ok." She pauses. "How's your mom? I haven't seen you for three days, so, I figured something happened."

I sigh heavily. "She...she, uh, had seizures 'cause of bleeding in her brain..." I pause, trying to contain myself. "The hospital asked if we...if we wanted to take her off life support..."

Hinata gasps and squeezes my hand. "So, she won't wake up?"

My vision blurs from tears. "Even if she did, nothing would be the same...She'd h-have t-to stay home and--"

I fall to my knees and bawl like a small child. I can't stand it anymore! I'm tired of pretending--I'm tired of being angry--I'm tired of being depressed! I've tried to be strong; I thought I'd grieved already...So why does my heart still ache every time I think of Mom? Why am I still feeling this way? My sister is a wreck, Dad is practically non-existent, Mom is gonna die, and I can't go throughout the day without crying. Am I that weak--that broken to the point of never being whole?

Hinata wraps her arms around me. She rubs my back gently and kisses the top of my head. My head rests on her shoulder.

"I'm so pathetic," I say, "crying like this..."

"No, Kiba-kun, you're not. You can't be strong forever. You're one of the strongest people I know. Don't beat yourself up, ok? I don't think you're pathetic."

I swallow. "Yeah, I know...Arigato, Hinata. You're so kind..."

"That's because I love you."

Due to my fragile state, more tears fall. I feel so pathetic and vulnerable; Hinata shouldn't have to see me like this...should she? I mean, doesn't it make her think I'm overly emotional or something?

I don't say anything--I don't respond; I can't. What do you say to something like that?

"You don't have to go through this alone." Hinata says. "I'm always here to listen."

I let go of her and wipe my face. "Yeah, I know. It's just that, ever since my dad left, my mom had to be self sufficient--my sister had to work, and I had to deal with my problems alone. I didn't want to burden anyone."

She puts her soft hand on my cheek. "Habits are hard to change, I know."

I nod and put my hand on hers. "Yeah, they are."

She leans forward and kisses me on the mouth. "I'll always be here for you."

I kiss her back. "As will I."


After spending two hours with Hinata, I finally decide to head home. I take the back roads home to avoid talking to people. Most people regard me with pity or fear. I despise being regarded by either, but there's nothing I can do about it. I sigh and stuff my hands in my pockets, wanting to forget everything. I feel better, of course, but I also feel empty--hollow and emotionless.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" comes a rather husky female voice.

I look up and see Temari leaning against a tree. "What are you doing here?"

She smirks and walks toward me. "Always so polite."

I roll my eyes.

She stands in front of me, looking gorgeous as usual. "I'm here on business, but I'm also here to see someone."

I frown, wondering if she's referring to me.

She sighs in disgust and rolls her eyes. "Oh, don't get your panties in a twist, it's not you!"

"Ok, then who is it? The suspense is killing me." I don't actually care, but I don't want to aggravate her and start a fight.

"Of course it is." She folds her arms cross her chest. "I'm here to see Sakura."

Why the hell would she want to see Sakura of all people?

"She's probably with Tsunade, but if she's not, I'd find Naruto and ask him." I say.

Her smile widens slightly. "Awesome. Thanks, Dog Boy."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

She walks past me and slaps my ass. I turn around and see her wave flirtatiously at me while grinning. Dude, what the hell? Does she not have boundaries? I continue walking home, pretending that never happened.

I open the door and hear crying from upstairs. I run to Hana's room and she's laying on the bed with her face in her pillow. I don't see any blood, so I assume she isn't hurt or anything. I kneel down next to the bed and put my hand on her back.

"Nee-chan, what's wrong? Are you ok?" I ask gently.

She looks up at me with bloodshot, tearstained eyes. "Kiba..."

I get up and sit next to her. I rub her back. "What's wrong?"

She, too, sits up. "I, uh, I got a call..."

I nod and move some hair behind her ear. I patiently wait for her to continue.

She takes a deep breath. "It was Dad. He's...he's coming back to Konoha."

My entire body freezes. My anger reaches it's boiling point "That...that son of a bitch--no good--motherfucking bastard is what?!"

She nods. "And, uh, the hospital called too."

"Please, Nee-chan, I can't take anymore bad news," I plead, on the verge of tears for the third time today.

She leans forward and puts her head on my chest. She grips my shirt tightly. I gently stroke her hair as my vision blurs from the tears. A few tears fall, but I quickly brush them away, not wanting to cry anymore; I need to be here for Hana--I've cried enough today.

I rock her back and forth. "Sh, sh. That's enough negativity for today."

"They...they said that we have five days to decide--Mom has gotten worse."

I bite my lip so hard that I taste blood. "Well, shit."

"I can't take it anymore, Kiba. I feel so broken..."

"I know, Nee-chan, I know. I feel the same way...But, when that bastard comes back, we can't be broken--we have to be strong. Mom would want us to be strong." I feel so cliché right now...bleh.

"You're right...Damn, I feel so pathetic right now." She sits up. "I usually don't cry this much."

"I know. I told that to Hinata...I broke down like a baby in front of her."

We are silent for a minute.

Hana nods. "Ok, no more crying."

I nod and kiss her forehead. "No more crying."

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