The Storm Inside Me

By the-silent-siren

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Sasuke tries to adjust to normal life after deserting Konoha and going through hell. His boyfriend, Naruto, a... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Hiden Pain
Chapter 3: Confidence Boost
Chapter 4: More Than Nakama
Chapter 5: Relationships
Chapter 6: It's Hard to Move On
Chapter 7: Sleepless Night
Chapter 8: The Bond of Family
Chapter 10: Reality Check
Chapter 11: Healing is Slow
Chapter 12: Blast From the Past

Chapter 9: Facing Fears

99 4 0
By the-silent-siren


After much persuasion from Naruto, I finally agreed to see a psychologist. I disdain asking for help, and since this is personal, that makes it even worse. Why would I tell a stranger about my problems? It's not like they even care--they just want to make money off people. Well, that's my impression, anyway.

"Oi, Sasuke," comes Naruto's annoyed voice, "stop hogging the bathroom, you selfish bastard."

I chuckle because, to me, an annoyed Naruto is just as attractive as a shirtless Naruto. However, due to the sleepless night I--well, we--had, my fuse is rather short, so his comment annoys me. I open the bathroom door and it slams against the wall. Naruto doesn't even blink in reaction.

"Ok, princess," I say sarcastically, "the bathroom is all yours."

He rolls his eyes and shoves me out of the way, which tells me that he is not in a kidding mood. "About damn time. What were you doing in there, putting on your makeup?"

I ignore his comment and head to my room to change. It's gonna be a long day...As I look for some clothes to wear, I think about my inevitable appointment today. I dread going, even though I can do more damage to the shrink than he (or she) can do to me. However, I'm relieved that Naruto is going with me, because I know I wouldn't do it on my own.

Naruto knocks on my door. "May I come in?"

I roll my eyes at his politeness. "Of course, baka."

He walks in and closes the door. "Are you sure you're ready?"

I sigh in disgust. "Who are you, my mother? You don't need to worry, Naruto. I'm ready."

Naruto's facial expression looks unamused by my smartass comment. "Fine. I need to report to Tsunade and attend some dumbass meeting, so I'll be back around lunch time. Wanna go afterwards?"

I shrug. "Sure, sounds good."

He raises an eyebrow skeptically. "Fine. But if you have another attack, I won't be here to--"

I hold up my hand. "I'll be ok. Stop worrying."

He smiles sadly and kisses me. "Never."

With that, he leaves.


Once again, I find myself roaming Konoha with no destination in mind. Some places trigger past memories, and I also see a few vaguely familiar faces. However, I don't run into anyone that I really know, which is a relief. Most of my "schoolmates" still treat me like an outcast, celebrity, or an endangered animal, all of which disgust me to no end. I want people to treat me like a regular person, not some disease or object. This is how Naruto felt all those years ago, isn't it? I angrily kick a rock at the thought of Naruto having to endure feeling this way for his entire life, whereas I've only endured it for a few short years.

I don't watch where I'm going, so I accidentally bump into someone. I need to stop doing that. I look up and see an angry Kiba rubbing his forehead and cursing under his breath. I didn't know him too well when we were younger, but I always regarded the Inuzuka clan with caution because of their tempers, claws, and fangs. I'm not a huge fan of canines, especially human ones of the Inuzuka Clan.

"Ah, gomen, Kiba. I wasn't paying attention," I say as nicely as I can. I offer my hand.

He scowls and stands, not acknowledging my hand. "Obviously not."

I frown, wondering what he could be so cross about. "You're not injured, are you?"

"So what if I am?" He retorts. "You never gave a shit about me--now you're wondering if I'm ok?"

I sigh, not in the mood to be reminded of my mistakes; I already do that to myself on a regular basis. "Ok, I apologize for even asking. I'll just leave, then."


I roll my eyes at his obvious attitude and leave before he decides to challenge me to a duel or something. The hell was his problem, anyway? I walk quickly, watching carefully to make sure I don't bump into anyone else. Thankfully, I don't. However, I spot Sakura and some guy walking together through our old training ground. She seems to be enjoying herself, but the guy seems to be awkward and unsure of himself, which is an unattractive quality to have, regardless of someone's sex. I continue to watch them for a few seconds, but then I realize that, if I'm caught staring, trouble will arise, so I continue walking and pretend to be oblivious to everything.


It's close to noon and my stomach is talking to me in rather foul language, which means it's time to eat. I look around for something appealing, but I find nothing. I do, however, see Naruto's favorite restaurant: Ichiraku Ramen. The last time I ate there was over three years ago. Aw, what the hell? I'll eat some ramen. I walk over and take a seat, only to find Shikamaru also sitting there. I can only hope he isn't mad at me, even though I didn't do anything.

He looks at me with an unreadable expression. "Sasuke."

I nod. "Shikamaru."

The lady asks for my order, and I tell her what I want. As the food is being prepared, Shikamaru and I sit in an awkward silence. I look at him and see that he now has a lit cigarette in his mouth.

"How's Ino?" I ask as casually as possible.

He looks at me with a hint of anger in his eyes. "She's fine. Why?"

I shrug. "She seemed upset yesterday."

He raises an eyebrow. "Well, aren't you the intuitive one?"

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask, rather annoyed at his attitude.

He sighs. "Nothing, nothing. Sorry for mentioning it."

I frown, still confused by his obviously aggressive comments. I don't push it, though. "Don't worry about it."

Our bowls are set in front of us, but neither of us touch our food.

"Look, Sasuke," Shikamaru says, "there's something I wanna talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"It's about Ino." His tone is serious.

I nod and wait for him to continue.

He takes a deep breath. "She's my girlfriend, and, well, I don't feel comfortable with you and her being alone together."

"Understandable," I say. But what he doesn't know is that I have no interest in Ino because I'm with Naruto.

"So," he continues, "if you don't mind, I'd like to...get to know you better. Then I'll feel more comfortable with you two being together."

Why would he do that? (I mean, I know why, it just takes me by surprise.) Frankly, I thought he hated me. "I...uh...ok, then."

He nods, not seeing how strange this conversation is. "Sorry that this is so, you know, out of the blue."

"It's fine...But there's something you should know."

He leans forward with a frown on his face. "What's that?"

"I'm not interested in Ino--I have someone else."

For a few seconds he has a shocked expression, but it quickly fades. "That someone it Naruto?"

I nod.

"I see..."

"Ino is just a friend--you know, nakama." I hope he'll drop the subject now. This conversation is strange enough already.

He nods and quickly finishes his ramen. "Yeah, ok. See you around, then, Sasuke."

"Of course."

With that, he leaves in a hurry, not bothering to ask when we should hang out next. Not that I care, I just was thinking that he'd follow through with "getting to know me better," as he put it. He must really care about Ino since he confronted me like that.


After my "excursion" into town, I head back to Naruto's apartment that we share. I can't distract myself in town because people will want to talk to me, which is what I really don't want to do. Instead, I pace in the living room, waiting for Naruto to return. My mind drifts off to thoughts of my upcoming appointment. My pulse escalates, and my palms are sweaty. I take deep breaths before I have another panic attack. It's gonna be fine, you moron, I tell myself, stop being such a baby. After ten minutes, the door opens and Naruto walks in.

"Ok, Sasuke," says Naruto wearily, "are you ready?"

I look at him and see the tiredness in his eyes. I walk over to him and hug him, not bothering to say anything. He sighs and gratefully accepts the hug and lays his head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm just tired..."

I'm tempted to suggest a rescheduling, but I know he won't allow it. "Do you want anything?"

He lets go and shakes his head. "No, no, that's ok."

I nod and kiss his cheek. "I'm ready when you are."

He smiles tiredly. "Gimme ten minutes to shower."

I frown. "Alone?"

He smirks. "I guess we'll see, won't we?"

He heads to the bathroom without looking back. While I am indeed tempted to join him in the shower, I leave Naruto alone and wait on the couch. How could a mere meeting tire him to such a degree? Surely there's more to it than he's letting on.

Unfortunately, my mind wanders and reminds me of all that I've done and all the pain I've caused--like I don't know already. Guilt weighs down on me like a boulder. My chest feels tight, which makes breathing difficult. I remember when Sakura tried to get me to stay in Konoha all those years ago. Her pained face is forever engrained in my mind: her tears streaming down her face, and her sad, sad eyes. Even though a large part of me didn't care then, another part of me cared a whole damn lot, but that part didn't resurface until later. I cover my face with my arm, letting some tears fall.

"Hey, what's wrong? I was only gone for fifteen minutes," comes Naruto's voice.

I quickly wipe my face and sit up. "Nothing."

He sits next to me and puts his hand over mine. "It's not nothing." He pauses. "You'll have to open up eventually."

I nod. "Yeah, I know. It's hard."

His lips meet my cheek. "How can I make it easier?"

"Just...just don't leave me."

"I'll never leave you, Sasuke."

I look him in the eye and kiss his mouth. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He stands. "Come on, we have to go now."

I hesitantly stand and reach for his hand, firmly holding it. I take a deep breath. "Drag me if you have to."

Naruto chuckles. "I think I can persuade you." He kisses me deeply once more. "There's more where that came from if you go through with this."

Getting excited, my fear and hesitancy subside. "There better be more of that."

"Alright, enough. Let's go."

"Y-yeah. Let's go."

-At The Psychologist's Office-

As I stand in front of the door, my pulse escalates and my legs feel paralyzed. It feels like I'm under one of Shikamaru's justus. I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but, damn this is hard! Naruto's hand laces with mine and his head rests on my shoulder.

"I'm right here." He says.

I nod. "Yeah, I know."

"Get your ass in there." He shoves me through the door.

Now I'm face to face with an older man with glasses and a beard.

"Hello, Sasuke-kun. I've been waiting to see you." He says calmly.


Author's Note: So sorry that I haven't updated! I've been busy with school and other stuff. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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