Sex Camp (18+)

By kittykat44

7M 102K 26.8K

•For Mature Audiences Only• Welcome to Lakeview's Summer Camp for the Undecider's, Ladies and Gentlemen! Hope... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1- Blaize | Welcome to Lakeview's Summer Camp For The Undeciders
Chapter 2- Faye | The Residents of Lodge Number 19
Chapter 3- Myra | The Campbell Siblings
Chapter 4- Alexander | Facing The Hard Things in Life
Chapter 5- Clifton | The Dirty Version of Clean
Chapter 6- Faye | Proof That Heaven is Real
Chapter 7- Myra | If Plan A Doesn't Work...
Chapter 8- Blaize | The Yummy Things You Can Find in a Dining Hall
Chapter 9- Alexander | Grabbing A Hold of Things
Chapter 10- Clifton | Weed Look Good Together
Chapter 11- Myra | The Five Senses
Chapter 12- Faye | The Bonfire Wasn't The Only Thing Giving Off Sparks
Chapter 13- Alexander | The Proximity of Desire
Chapter 14- Blaize | King and Queen of Hearts
Chapter 15- Clifton | The Affair of Seconds
Chapter 16- Faye | Cognizance
Chapter 17- Myra | 69 Shades Of Warmth
Chapter 18- Alexander | Oeuvre
Chapter 19- Clifton | Responsibility
Chapter 20- Blaize | The Storm Before The Storm
Chapter 21- Faye | Fragile
Chapter 22- Alexander | Honey, I Lost The Kids!
Chapter 23- Myra | Previously on Lakeview....
Chapter 24- Blaize | Where The Wet Things Are
Chapter 25- Clifton | Multimedia
Chapter 26- Faye | Wood(en Floors)
Chapter 27- Myra | Sense and Sensi...tive
Chapter 28- Alexander | Showers, Shoulders and Spite
Chapter 29- Blaize | Cardiac Monitor
Chapter 30- Faye | Rouge
Chapter 31- Alexander | Du jour au lendemain
Chapter 32- Clifton | Book of Genesis
Chapter 33- Myra | Playground Fights and Knockout Nights
Chapter 34- Blaize | Don't Look Behind You
Chapter 35- Alexander | Never Let A Kiss Fool You, Never Let A Fool Kiss You
Chapter 36- Blaize | I Run A Tight Ship
Chapter 37- Faye | Houston, We Have A Problem
Chapter 38- Clifton | In The Event Of An Emergency, Assume The Bracing Position
Chapter 39- Myra | Mile High Club
Chapter 40- Faye | Teenage Dream
Chapter 41- Blaize | Girls Like Girls
Chapter 42- Alexander | Invincibility
✖︎ 2M Extra- AU | Faye | Readers Choice | "Clair de Lune" ✖︎
Chapter 43- Clifton | Straight On Till Morning
Chapter 44- Myra | Ablaze
Chapter 45- Blaize | In-hell-itance

✖︎ 1M Extra- AU | Alexander | Readers Choice | "Role Reversal" ✖︎

85.1K 1.3K 319
By kittykat44

1 Million Extra Story: ✖︎ AU ✖︎ Role Reversal

✖︎ Readers Choice: "A scene where Faye is the outgoing one and Alex the shy one, where she comes onto him and they rock each others world"

✖︎ Note: This is not in any way or shape part of the original story line. This is set in a 'alternative universe' involving the characters Alexander and Faye. Furthermore, this has no link nor connection to the original and main plotline, it is a thank you extra for reaching 1 million reads!


Alex looked at the clock and watched as the second hand ticked away the time. Every Tuesday, she would come after her afternoon lecture session and  check out her old books and take a couple more new ones.

He had been working at the campus library part time for the past 3 months, and for the past three months he would take every chance he could to work on a Tuesday all because of Faye Watson. He saw her name on her library card the second week she came in and her face hadn't left his thoughts ever since.

A shiver ran down his spine whenever he thought about the confident poise she held, and every novel she checked out gave him a little more idea to figuring out the story of her in his head. He had wanted to talk to her for quite a while now, but he could never grow the courage to approach a topic other than telling her when her book's were due next.

He groaned and slumped back into his chair. He heard the door to the library squeak open and he felt the growing blush crawl up his neck and up to heat his cheeks. He knew. He always knew when it was her, there was an electrical shift in the library. There he sat, in the front desk hiding behind his shaggy blonde hair not even growing the balls to look up.

He guessed she was a Lit. student from the books she always checked out, but he wasn't too sure. You would know if you asked her, you dumbass he thought. He looked up through his eyelashes and saw that she was looking straight at him. Standing right in front of the desk.

He jumped out of his skin and shifted his body to look at her completely. He opened his mouth but couldn't find the words to greet her. "Uh - uh uhm Can I.. Can I uhm help you?" he coughed. He saw the slight smirk pull at the corner of her lips, and the things he wanted to do with those lips could be considered unhealthy. He swallowed a groan and looked up at her eyes.

She placed a pile of books in front of him and smiled down at them. "I won't be checking out any today, I'm afraid. I have a really bad essay I have to write coming up so no time." She waded through her bag and found her library card, handing it to Alex.

Alex blinked as he took her library card. He nodded, swiping the card on the side of his monitor. Immediately, a catalog of all the books that Faye had ever checked out popped up on the screen and he went to reach for the books that she previously took.

Come on, Alex. Get your shit together

"A- an essay? Uhm do you take English Lit?" he asked looking down at the screen. He bit his lip when a breeze blew through the door and allowed him to get her scent. She smelled of a meadow and everything soft in life.

"Yeah... What gave it away?" the corner of her lips twitched up into a smirk and Alex felt all the heat travel down into his cock. He shuddered with the thought of everything he wanted to do with those lips.

Alex could see her look down at his name tag and then back up to his hands moving the books around, in order to scan them.

"Your catalog is very forthcoming with your tastes" Alex managed to say smoothly, he started to scan the barcodes behind every book she was giving back and tapped the screen each time. He paused at the title of one book as the notification popped up on the screen.

He licked his lips and turned the book over to see that it was an erotic novel. He gulped and briefly skimmed his eyes over to her only to catch her looking at him. She was biting her lip and her smirk was not hiding at all "All my tastes?"


It had been another three weeks before Alex saw Faye again, and a constant reminder of her voice weighed down his thoughts. He thought if anyone knew that he masterbated to the thought of her nearly daily, they would look at him like he was a creep. The past two Tuesday's was an ache to his chest when she didn't come through those double doors to the library, but he was late to his shift today. Telling himself it didn't matter and she probably didn't come today either, he entered the campus library.

If it weren't for the needed CAS hours on his transcript, he wouldn't even be here. If only there was a trip he could go on or something that got rid of all of that, and freed up his schedule. But for now, he was stuck scanning books, killing hours and pining for a girl way out of his league.

He nodded his head towards the kid that was on the previous shift. His name was Jonathan Roux and Alex could swear he wore a constant resting bitch face.

"You're late" Jonathan deadpanned. "Fetch asked me to tell you that the books in Sci Fi need sorting and a drunk chick puked in the Religious Studies aisle. Mop's in the backroom and I'll be taking my lunch if you need me... Which you won't mate, because it's nothing you can't handle."

If Alex had one self assured bone in his body, he would stand up for himself. But at times like these... Fuck, at all times, it was always easier to just shut up and nod.

He nodded.

Jonathan took off his name tag and put it in the drawer underneath the counter, the door opened behind Alex and he turned to see that it was Jonathan's boyfriend coming to collect him like he always did after his shift. Alex raised a hand to wave at him but the guy looked straight at the counter to where Jonathan stood.

"Jo, I've got a dentist appointment in a half hour, let's go, baby" he said soft enough not to disturb the readers nearby. Sometimes, Alex thought his super power was invisibility. Then he always knocked himself back because he was too lame to even have a super power.

Jonathan made his way to the door but stopped short as Alex went behind the counter to put his tag on his side pocket. "Oh by the way, this brunette came by this morning and she left her phone, she called in and gave a dorm address asking if I could drop it on my way out... Be a champ, would you? It's in the bottom left cabinet... Thanks, Allan!"

With that, Jonathan left the library in a hurry, not even waiting to hear what Alex had to say and not once looking back. Alex sighed and sat in his chair looking at the clock one more time to see how many hours he had left and how he was going to divide up his time to get all the work done that Jonathan left him.


It was half past seven when he finished all his work and the library shut an hour ago, but Fetch -his manager and the campus' local candle enthusiast - gave him a list of things he could do after hours for more community and service.

He got his bag and dropped his name tag in the drawer, and just as he was about to go and lock up, he remembered he had to drop off that damn phone. He opened the cabinet that Jonathan told him about and reached for a blue encased iPhone. There was a post it note with an address that was about a 10 minute walk away from here and on his way to his own dorm that he could leave at the reception.

He slipped the phone in his pocket and stuck the post it note on his forehead as he made his way to the door and locked up the library. Heading out, he reached in his hoodie pocket and got his earphones out but felt a vibration in his pocket that made him falter. He reached in to silent the phone but everything around his shook to a stop when he saw why the phone pinged.

It was a message notification.

Blaize: "Faye, I'm at the cinema and this guy will not stop talking about my feet. Fucking get me out of wackoland!! Can you please call and pretend you're sick or something?"

This was Faye Watson's phone.

Alex had Faye's phone sitting in the library the whole time he was working and did not know until just now. He could have slapped himself.

He knew it was wrong but he swiped up to see the list of notifications she got. It was a bunch of messages from different people and some social medial notifications. None of them had any linkage to a relationship and his heart swelled with relief. He swiped the notification bar up to see her phone background. It was a picture of her sharing an ice cream cone with two other girls. She had her hair in space buns and there was glitter highlighting her cheekbones.

She looked like she was having the time of her life, and the smile on her face was something that Alex thought he wouldn't mind seeing for the rest of his life. It hit him then, that he was going to her dormitory. To return her phone. He pulled the post it from off his forehead and told his heart to stop fucking about.

Holy Shitting Fucking Balls.


Once he reached her building, he saw that there was no one at reception. The desk was empty save for a sign that said the person will be back in five minutes. Looking around, it looked to be a co ed building. He read the post it one more time and saw that there was an apartment number written down, but he didn't know if that was meant for him or for clarification with the receptionist who would take the phone.

He groaned and knew he was overthinking this, he walked to the elevator and pressed the 19th floor. As he made his way up, he shook his arms and told himself not to be....

Don't be yourself, Alex. Be anything but Alexander Banks.

The elevator dinged and he let out a breath as he walked out, he walked down the hallway to where her door was supposed to be and didn't hear anything for a long while until he actually did hear something. But that something made him want to crawl out of his own skin and rewind the whole fucking day.

From inside the door, he could hear soft whimpers and moans resonate through the wood. He looked down at the post it to make sure that it was her door and of course, it was.

"Oh, Oh...Oh fuck" he could hear her murmur. It was blurred through the door but it was definitely there. It was a female voice and Alex was almost 99% sure it was Faye's. She was having sex. Fucking of course she was, she was beautiful and any guy or girl would be lucky to have her. Why the hell would she not be having sex?

He could feel his body go lax as everything felt tired. God, he wished for that super power right about now. He looked down at her phone and frowned. He left her phone, alongside the post it note on the ground of her door and then knocked softly. He turned around as fast as he could and speed walked his way to the elevator.

He pressed the button to go down, but with his luck, the elevator was on the ground floor making its way up with its own sweet time. He stared down the screen on top of the metal doors that made it's way up each floor.

"Come on, come on, come on" Alex muttered various different swear words underneath his breath. He closed his eyes and repeated the chant urging the floor to swallow him whole.

"Alex?" a voice as soft as butter came from across him.

Grats, no really. He thought to himself.

He opened one eye and turned to see Faye was in a robe leaning outside her door looking out to him. His shoulders dropped and he sighed regretfully.

The elevator dinged.

Of fucking course.

"U-uh Hi.. S-sorry... I was just. Merde, I was just dropping y-your phone off. You uhm you left it at the library" he nodded down and pointed to the phone on the floor. Faye looked down at her feet and picked up the phone. Smiling slightly, she turned to him "Merci"

She spoke French. It was Alex's favorite language in the whole cosmos and she fucking understood it. He nodded awkwardly and brought his hand behind his neck not knowing what to do. He motioned to the elevator open and said "Uhm well.. I should be going.. but uhm enjoy" he coughed "enjoy yourself"

Faye blinked twice at him, and they both stared at each other for what seemed like too long. The elevator doors were about to close, but Alex shook himself out the trance and stretched his hand out to stop it from shutting. He smiled sadly at the ground and waved his fingers in a final goodbye before entering the elevator.

"Alex! Wait!" he heard from beyond the doors. He stepped out the doors and looked at Faye who had a blush creeping up her pale skin and her breathing was slightly faster. "Why don't you... why don't you come in?"

Confusion ebbed and flowed through every cell in his body as he looked at her and then back at her door. He could have sworn she was moaning just a while ago, and he was not interested in meeting the guy or girl that induced those sounds out of her mouth.

"What?" he asked, but before he could question anything else - she saw him walk out of her room clutching her satin robe tight to her body and walked down the hallway to grab his hand. Pulling him behind her, Alex's thoughts derailed to the soft material that was just about acting as second skin, and hugging every inch and curve of her perfect figure.

He could see the material slightly ride up the crack of her ass and Alex groaned inwardly. Her legs were endless and he closed his eyes to the fantasy of worshipping her thighs and dropping to his knees kissing every inch of her.

He opened his eyes, and he was inside her dorm. The door clicked behind him as Faye leant over to shut it. She moved back and let him take in his surroundings. There was a bed that lay in the middle of the room with shelves lining the walls with books and more books. Each shelf had a string of fairy lights that strung up and acted as a lighting for the titles.  There didn't seem to be anyone except the two of them in the room. He scanned the entire front and came short. Huh? Then why was she moaning?

Alex looked back to Faye and she was biting her lip and looking down at Alex's pants. Alex followed her eyesight to the bulge in his pants and groaned out loud. He wrenched his hand away from Faye's grip and covered the erection that he so transparently sported. "I'm... Shit, I'm sorry" he murmured turning around and facing the door.

He felt Faye's fingers gently turn him from his shoulder and both her hands reached down to move his palm away from his hard on. Alex could swear on everything and anything that he was as red as a lobster and nothing could stop the cold sweat that he was in.

His breathing increased as he let her move his hands away. Alex was well endowed in the southern department, his ex had made sure to tell him everytime they were together. But there was only so much some fabric and boxers could hide, especially when there was a brown haired, green eyed fucking goddess standing in front of you. Wrapped in nothing but satin.

Faye then looked up at Alex and he saw her smirk slightly. "Do you want me, Alex?"

His eyes widened at her upfront question and he swallowed down the moan that was making it's way out. He looked at her looking at him with fascination and he wondered what she saw. He had blonde scruffy hair and with the lack of sleep he so often kept, the bags under his eyes probably made him look anything but fuckable. Her confidence emitted in rays and all he could do was nod at her with lust in his eyes and fire in his veins. Because at that point, with nothing else to lose except his sanity. Alex didn't want to be invisible. He wanted her to see him.

Faye reached for the knot that held her robe together, and ever so slowly she pulled the string away to let the material slip through. The satin fell apart from the middle to showcase flawless skin underneath. She really was wearing nothing. She pulled apart the robe and let it pool at her feet. Stepping away, she took one step towards Alex and pulled his chin down slightly to look at her.

Alex was going to cum right there. He let out a whimper at the sight of her naked body in front of him, she had rose stained nipples and a bare pussy that all but called for his mouth. He wanted to lick every inch of her petite body and then repeat it all over again. He stared and she let him. He couldn't help himself, but he adjusted his hard-on over his pants and he heard Faye gasp at the length now that it was placed so that she could see the full length.

"Take off your top" she directed, backing away from him and turning around. Alex saw the teardrop shaped ass cheeks and once again let out a raw groan of pleasure. It could have been a sound of torture to anyone who was hearing, though. She had freckles that trailed down, slightly splattered in different places, so faint that he was sure only someone who was looking could find them.

"Now, Alex" she reprimanded, as she placed herself on the edge of her bed. Alex walked closer to her so that he was standing right in front of her, he didn't know what had gotten over both of them but the room felt heavy with an aphrodisiac that none of them had control over. He would walk into traffic if she wanted him to at this point of time.

It felt like he was always meant to be with her, he barely even knew this girl before him. Crushing on her from a distance for the past three months and not having the guts to say anything. Yet, something shifted inside him, almost electric. As if in any universe, in any world, any timeline - they were both meant to be.

He pulled his hoodie over his head and placed it on a nearby chair. He saw her reach behind a pillow and pull out a small metal black device that was shaped like.... Oh...

Oh dear god.

Faye brought the bullet vibrator to her lips and watching Alex with every intention of never letting her eye contact go, she licked a long line up the device and kissed the tip of it. Alex groaned and covered his eyes with the palm of his hands to stop himself from cumming in his pants. He needed to think of something else, he was dreaming... He had to be fucking dreaming.

"The other top too" her voice pulled him from his inner monologue and he looked down at her inching the vibrator closer and closer to her pussy. She slowly spread her knees to show him her pink pussy lips and just how wet they glistened. He whimpered and bit his knuckles.

He reached down to the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head, leaving him topless. He could hear a gasp at the sight of his body. He knew that sports would come in handy one day, but never in his wildest fucking dreams would it be with her.

"Now the pants, but leave the boxers" her voice sounded like everything out of his wet dreams. He heard the buzzing noise come alive and assumed she turned the vibrator on.

The realization dawned on him that she hadn't been fucking another guy, she was fucking herself on a battery operated device. The thought killed every system in his anatomy. The vision of her writhing on a vibrator would be the object of his dreams for the next how many ever lifetimes. He pulled down his pants and left his briefs on, showing Faye the tent that she caused. He looked up to see her back arched back as she let the vibrator touch the little bundle of nerves that Alex so badly wanted to suck on. Her hair was let back and her eyes were looking at him with nothing but raw pleasure. Her mouth curved into an O shape as she left out little breaths of rapture.

"Crawl, Alex" she whispered through her heavy breaths. Alex's eyes widened even more and he felt his dick twitch in his briefs. He looked down and saw his dick leak pre-cum in a wet spot, the sight made Faye moan out loud and cause her body to push down on the little metal object.

He went down on all fours and crawled to her. He stopped short when he could see her pussy in front of him clear as anything. It glistened with her arousal, her folds perfectly pink and her slit looked soft enough for Alex to let out a puff of air in frustration.

The air hit straight on her center and Faye let out a loud cry of ecstasy. Breathless, she begged "Closer", but Alex was confused, because any closer and his mouth and nose would be directly on her sex. He could smell her and hear the little wet sounds that was made with every movement of her vibrator.

Alex moved an inch and stopped again, not knowing what she wanted. He was so hard that he wanted to start rocking on the floor or on the side of the bed to alleviate some of the discomfort. He reached one of his palms down and cupped his cock through his briefs and let out a sigh of relief at the temporary lack of affliction. In a hurried moment, he lost his balance as Faye grabbed his hair and pulled him closer to her pussy.

His lips were on her sex, and he let out a groan with the sight that he had. Her fingers latched on to a bunch of his hair and she gently made him look up at her, her brown hair wild, sticking to her cheeks and her lips puckered. She looked like she could be worshipped by every male and female on earth.








Lots of love,


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