The Girl Next Door

By danilynn87

218K 7.2K 2.1K

Emma and Regina have grown up living next door to each other since the day they were born. They have always b... More

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
I'm Gonna Stick By You
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
I Don't Want To Make The Same Mistake Regina
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Epilogue: I Believe In You

But Maybe I Need You

21.1K 384 111
By danilynn87

"Miss Swan, Miss Mills," the judge coldly calls out with his eyes narrowing pointedly.

Emma swallows the enormous boulder of nerves that has just strategically lodged itself in the back of her throat, effectively cutting off her oxygen supply. She's trembling, every fiber that makes her Emma Swan is involuntarily spasming as she stands on her Bambi like legs. Suddenly, the world falls silent as she watches her lawyer stand beside her and for some reason she's transfixed on the way his fingers button up his blazer.

Green eyes slowly crawl toward the brunette who is paying very close attention to the older gentleman that's about to decide their fate. She holds her breath, terrified of how this one man holds the power of her future in the palm of his hand. And in that split second, she honestly doesn't even want to know the verdict. She inhales sharply, the kind of breath that stings her lungs and prickles through her blood and in that moment, all she can truly think about is how every step along the broken path of her life has lead to this very moment.

And she's mentally transported back to where it all began...with the girl next door...


The majority of time growing up is curiosity. Curious how life works around the hustle and bustle of a busy, day to day life, that parents drag their children through. Something as simple as, how a stop light changes colors? Or if the country is broke, why don't they just print more money?

But more importantly, who is the person Emma is destined to be in the future? Why are her parents always so tired? Why does she want to spend every waking moment with the girl next door?

Fifteen, a dreadful age, teeter-tottering on the edge of becoming a young adult and still being a child. The age where a person can drive, practically tasting the glorious lick of freedom, but still chained to their parents like they are on an embarrassing short leash. An age where hormones decide to take control over what any teen might say or do. Sometimes a teen wants to fight against those raging hormones, but they've already planted themselves so deep inside, that they are just a ticking time bomb and nobody has a clue as to when they will explode.

The clock ticks into the night, matching each tick of her hormonal time bomb. This uncomfortable, anxious feeling has been clawing at her skin for the past three hours as she stares, frustrated at the ceiling above. She finally rips away the comforter and leaps from her bed in a haste. She doesn't bother changing out of her yoga pants and tank top, instead she simply tosses on a zip-up and slips into her running shoes.

She's always been a good girl, with straight A's, who participates in most school activities. So, her parents trust her wholeheartedly and never question her actions. That's exactly how she knows Mary Margret and David will not be checking on her tonight. They never do.

She presses her sweaty palms flat against the cool glass and pushes the bedroom window up quietly. She slides one foot onto the roof, her heart hammering with adrenaline even though she knows she won't be caught, and then comes the other foot. She carefully shuts the window behind her and begins her journey.

She takes each step with caution, hoping not a sound will be heard into the cool evening air that would inevitably sell her out. She walks to the edge of the roof, toward the backyard and gently steps down onto the roof of the shed below. Emma slowly glides on her bottom to the edge and jumps down to the dewy grass below. She lands perfectly on her feet, just as she always does and tiptoes to the fence.

As slow as she can possibly move, she slides the lock over to the right and cracks the door just enough for her slim frame to squeeze through. She closes the fence behind her and locks it back up before she heads next door.

She repeats her previous actions with the fence and slips into the neighbor's backyard undetected. Emma stands on the deck with her hands shoved deep into her sweatshirt's pockets while her head falls back to stare into her window. Of course her light is on, she usually works on her homework late into the night. Emma drops her gaze to the ground below and shakes her head with a heavy sigh.

Cora Mills is going to drive her friend to a nervous breakdown with all her crazy strict rules and overbearing motherly traits before the girl is eighteen.

Emma shuffles around the deck until she finds a nice size rock. Not too heavy or jagged to cause any real damage, she notes as she tests the weight in her palm. She arches her arm back and launches the rock just below her window, careful not to break the glass. God forbid. A heavy thump echoes into the pitched black world around her and she immediately winces from the small thump causing her body to flush immensely with heat. Fear courses through her veins, fear that Cora might find her lurking on the porch and drag her back to her parents by her ear.

But all of those fears wash away when Regina's figure comes into view and through a small smirk, Emma watches as the brunette slowly opens her window. Even though she's on the second floor, Emma can still see the way she's rolling her eyes at her. So, Emma shrugs her shoulders as she peers up at her friend with a goofy, lopsided grin and just like that Regina is smiling back and waves her hand, silently offering her permission to come up.

This isn't Emma's first time sneaking over in the middle of the night. No, she knows the path by heart, which will lead her directly to Regina's room. Emma bites down on her bottom lip as she climbs onto the patio furniture before pushing herself onto the extravagant railing the wraps around the deck. With sturdy hands, she places both palms on the roof and utilizes her upper body strength to pull herself up. Her body drags against the rough sandpaper texture below before she stands tall and smiles proudly at herself. She wipes away the dirt clinging to her hands and clothing as she struts over to the window.

Warm, inviting, heat surrounds her cool body as she slips through the window, persuading her to sigh in relief. The soft lavender painted walls along with the familiar scent of warm apple pie instantly calms her nerves that have been torturing her all evening. She's been in this room too many times to count by now, it's her second home and she always feels nothing, but comfort in this room.

"What are you doing, dork?" Regina taunts as she continues typing away against her laptop.

She doesn't bother glancing up from her homework to properly greet her. No, Regina has the corky blonde from next door memorized by now, just as Emma has with her as well.

Emma kicks off her shoes and skips to the over sized bed on the opposite wall, recklessly falling on top as if it were her own bed.

"I'm bored!" She groans, snatching up one of Regina's pillows and holding it firmly against her chest. She folds her long legs like a pretzel, in the middle of her bed and fiddles with a loose strand dangling from the pillow.

"Emma, it's midnight. You shouldn't be bored, you should be sleeping," the brunette retorts and even though Emma can only see the back of her head, she knows Regina is rolling those stubborn eyes.

"I can't sleep."

"You never sleep," she quickly quips as her fingers abuse the keyboard below. "You're worse than a giraffe." Emma chuckles at her best friend and tosses a pillow at the back of her head. "Emma! I'm working here!"

Regina quickly fumbles for the pillow on the ground and whips it right back at Emma, with just as much determination.

"You're always're worse than Cora Mills," she teases earning herself a death glare in return, but it does the trick because Regina softly closes her laptop and stalks her way toward the bed.

"I hate you!" Regina claims, roughly shoving Emma's shoulder, but the blonde just laughs and shakes her head because she knows the truth. She knows Regina adores her. "Your arm is getting pretty good, you're going to kill it in softball this year," Regina sweetly praises as she climbs into the bed.

Emma simply nods in return though, because she never knew how to accept a compliment. They fall silent for a brief moment and Emma finds herself lost as Regina tugs on her hair tie, allowing all her thick raven locks to sway freely around her shoulders. Green eyes immediately drop to the pillow below because dammit, there's that nagging itch just below her skin again.

She feels the bed dip down closer toward her as Regina snuggles her tiny frame into the the mattress, just as she always does right before bed.

"Are you sleeping over again?"

"Mmmm, maybe?" she shrugs noncommittally before she reaches across Regina's warm body to turn off the light on the nightstand.

Regina always hated the dark, ever since they were little, Emma always had to turn off the light for her during sleepovers. Whenever Emma would ask her about the fear, Regina always claimed that she didn't know what Emma was talking about. And in return, Emma would always drop the subject, because she is Regina's friend and she knows how much the brunette hates to appear weak in front of others, especially her.

"Why don't you ask my mother if you can start renting the spare room?" Regina teases lightly as their eyes strain to adjust to the dark.

Emma shakes her head as she slips beneath the comforter and fluffs her pillow before falling into the warmth. She hates sleeping alone. She always has. Ever since she turned six, it become some irrational fear and truthfully she doesn't recall what happened to make her feel such a way.

"No way! I don't need your crazy mom forcing more activities down my throat."

They both laugh knowing all too well of Cora's controlling ways, but it's so much easier to make fun of the situation than acknowledge the true heartache it brings for Regina.

"So, what are you going to do about Daniel?" Emma timidly questions, desperately attempting to change the sore subject.

"I don't know," Regina mumbles under her breath and never has she ever sounded so exhausted. "He's cute and all, but I don't know, he's a little annoying. He thinks he's God's greatest gift to football," she grumbles and Emma can practically hear those eyes rolling in her friend's head.

"So, you rather slum it with the nerds?" she teases, winning yet again, another shove to her shoulder and eye roll.

"Yes, especially you, Swan. You're my favorite nerd."

"I am not a nerd!" She hastily defends, taking offense to the accusation, because even though her and Regina have always been inseparable, they've always had a large group of friends. "Just because I wear glasses?"

Regina laughs lightly and nods her head in a playful manner provoking Emma's freckled nose to scrunch up in distaste and now it's her turn to push the brunette. However, this only causes her friend to laugh harder in return.

Once Regina's laughter subsides, she carefully reaches over and gently pulls Emma's glasses from her face, effectively kick starting Emma's rapid heart. The brunette blindly places them onto the nightstand next to her bed, then immediately cuddles back into her warm spot.

She's close enough that Emma can make out every detail on her face, even through the dark room. And god, she's really pretty now that Emma's studying her and it's not that she hasn't known this all along, everyone always talks about the, "Hot Regina Mills". Yet, for some reason, tonight, she's noticing just how beautiful she really is.

The glow of the moonlight shines down against her olive skin, expressing every dominant feature upon her face. From her prominent jawline to her cheekbones, the deep scar upon her lip...she swallows thickly, realizing that she's staring at her best friend and starting to feel extremely uncomfortable.

However, those rich, chestnut orbs seem to have disappeared a few moments ago. Emma knows her best friend is exhausted, she is most nights. Thin, pale lips twists as she contemplates her decision to stay over or sneak back home. Except, her thoughts come to a screeching halt when she feels the warmth emitting from Regina as she scoots closer in the night. Scorching heat erupts through Emma's veins, causing her entire body to flush. Her hands tingle with excitement, but her mind cannot process why?

Why is she silently begging for her best friend to accidentally bump into her?

When her and Regina were younger, she'll admit that they would practice the art of kissing on one they were prepared...for the future. There might have been a few times where they may have rolled around inappropriately at sleepovers as well, but as they grew older they stopped all of that. They never discussed what actually occurred between them, but Emma's fairly certain they both thought it was wrong the older they became.

Green eyes intently inspect the peaceful face in front of her as her mind debates back and forth of what they did was so wrong. That's when she feels Regina's leg bump into hers, instantly evaporating her thoughts from existence. She knows Regina's not sleeping, she knows her friend is biting the inside of her lip and struggling just as much as she is. Emma's eyes shift all around her face hoping that some clue will just magically appear, preferably written across Regina's forehead for her next move.

Emma decides her safest bet is to move her hand slowly into the space between them and bump into her hand. Yet, Regina's eyes remained screwed shut and Emma's heart free falls, that is until Regina's head scoots a tad closer. Emma's heart races with every inch that her best friend takes closer to her. A hot, familiar, tug between her legs explodes and suddenly she can't stop where her mind wanders to. She desperately needs this nagging itch to go away that she's been experiencing all night.

Maybe Regina feels the same way?

She closes her eyes and slowly shuffles closer toward the warmth, provoking her heart to pound brutally against her sternum. A familiar scent invades her nostrils and sneaks up toward her brain to help calm her anxious nerves. She squeezes her eyes closed and allows her nose to bump against Regina's, but that's as far as she takes her move. She will wait to see if her neighbor continues or stops all movement.

The sound of Regina's audible gulp sounds amplified between their silence, but Emma remains as still as possible and hopes Regina will take the lead. That's when she feels the softest set of lips mesh gently against hers, persuading her entire body to burst with an immense heat that rushes through her blood, but again she still doesn't move. The only thing she grants permission to move are her lips. Slowly, she drags her lips against Regina's and relishes in the feel of that plump flesh against her own. Something deep inside twitches and she knows her need for Regina is only growing.

So, they continue kissing as delicately as possible without ever deepening the kiss to anything more. Emma's positive that they are both too nervous to push forward and scared that the other might not approve of anything more than a stolen kiss. The soft sounds of their lips connecting and breaking apart are slowly driving her body a little mad. So, she digs down deep for some courage to try for a little more.

Tentatively, she parts her lips, gently guiding Regina's apart as well. Maybe it's because they know each other so well or maybe it's just pure dumb luck, but Regina follows suit and slips her tongue into her mouth. The faint taste of mint still lingers from both of their warm tongues as they fumble at first to find that perfect rhythm once again.

It's been four years since they last kissed. They were eleven and didn't want to be unprepared if a boy ever kissed them unexpectedly...most likely at a game of spin the bottle in a basement at someone's birthday party, so they practiced on each other. Since then, there has been a lot of boys between them, but they quickly found their old comfort with one another.

Now that she thinks about it, Regina is a damn good kisser and dear god she hopes Regina thinks the same about her.

As if on cue, they both squirm closer to one another like their bodies are being drawn together by some powerful magnet. Emma knows both their hormones are clouding their judgement, but it just feels too good to stop. And now Regina is pressing her body firmly against hers with determination and it takes everything in Emma to stay silent. She has no idea know how Regina would react if she said or made any kind of noise.

With a shaky hand, she cautiously rest her palm upon the brunette's hip as they both continue to deepen the kiss. Regina sneakily snakes her leg between Emma's, her warm thigh pressing firmly at the apex of her legs, eliciting an overwhelming sensation of satisfaction. A whimper stirs in Emma's chest and that's when Regina pounces, rolling effortlessly on top of the sleek physique.

She rolls her eyes behind her eyelids, Regina has always been a top.

It isn't long before Regina is gently rocking on top of her as their kiss becomes deeper and more intimate. Emma's so lost in their tiny bubble that her mind is melting and blurring everything logical. The only sound she hears are their lips, meshing and molding together. The only thing she feels, is the euphoric tidal wave that keeps rippling through her blood like an aggressive ocean during a hurricane.

Her fingers clench the back of Regina's tank top as she feels the pleasure growing, bubbling up deep inside her rapidly. She's so unsure if Regina feels the same thing she does, but she know it feels absolutely amazing. A few more movements and she knows she will crumble.

Regina's tongue and mouth seem to disappear as a small groan escapes her plump lips. She picks up her speed against Emma's center just before her forehead falls to rest against hers. Emma's fingers curl even tighter into the shirt, cutting off all circulation as as she feels her body ignite with heat and then the overwhelming sensation of satisfactory bursts through her veins. Regina stiffens on top of her before they both become awkwardly shy and she falls to her side.

Both teens are struggling to breathe without inhaling too heavily and Emma's heart actually hurts from how hard it's pounding against her chest in this moment. She keeps her eyes screwed tight because she doesn't know what is to come next. All she knows, is it's way too hot and she somehow needs more of her best friend.

Blindly, she reaches next to her and finds a sharp hip bone popping out of those skimpy pajama shorts. Timidly, she drags her index finger along the hem of the shorts and carefully dips one finger inside as if she's silently asking permission. Regina holds her next breath, causing Emma to still her actions because she hasn't a clue if she wants her to continue or not.

Finally, Regina wordlessly grants her permission by slowly rolling her hips forward. The air in those shorts feels thick and damp as Emma slithers her way down the soft underwear. She awkwardly moves her hand around as Regina bucks her hips forward, silently pleading for so much more. So, Emma retracts her hand and slowly slides the shorts down Regina's smooth legs.

There's no way her legs feel as soft as hers, but she pushes that thought aside, swallows her insecurities and somehow finds the strength to continue.

She's hardly breathing at this point while her shaky hand reaches for the tiny body beside her. With one trembling finger, she gently swipes up, eliciting a soft moan in return as Regina rolls her body closer. Yet, the doesn't give Emma the confidence she needs, she's still so nervous and just a bumbling, shaking mess right now. Because she knows they are both virgins and truthfully, she has no idea if either of them are ready to take this leap, but she knows one thing is for sure, in her heart, she wants Regina more than anyone else.

At a snail like pace, Emma gently dips her finger inside those tight walls, causing Regina to stiffen instantaneously. Regina's hand shoots out and quickly locks around Emma's wrist. So, Emma instantly retracts in fear that she did in fact push too far.

"Wait," Regina heavily breathes out as her eyes flutter open and all Emma can see in those beautiful eyes is fear. Her heart sinks with regret and guilt.

"I-I'm so sorry, Regina..." but she's immediately cut off with a tender kiss to her lips.

"I want to continue...I just..." the words die on her tongue as her eyes nervously shift away from Emma's gaze.

"Nervous?" Emma sheepishly supplies, inspiring her friend to nod slowly in response. "Me too. We can stop. It's okay. I don't..." and again Regina is stealing her words with another luscious kiss.

"I don't want to stop. I want to keep going," Regina whispers confidentially into the night that has now become theirs.

A night they would never forget. A night that would change their lives forever. A night where curiosity finally got the best of them.

Emma swallows hard as she stares deep into those warm, chestnut eyes, making sure that Regina doesn't have a single doubt in her mind. She leans forward and captures those full lips into a kiss that seems to be more frantic than they have ever experienced together before. Green eyes fall closed, and that's when she feels Regina tugging on her yoga pants. She happily lifts her hips from the bed so the brunette can finish pulling them off. In a rush, she quickly unzips her hoodie and tosses it over the edge of her bed.

Emma squirms so their bodies are flush against one another, before she tenderly cups Regina's warm cheek, tentatively pulling her into another heated kiss. She's painfully aware that her palms are sweating while her hands tremble with anticipation, but she ignores all that as they both inhale sharply through their noses and both their hands seem to slip away beneath the sheets.

Two of her fingers eagerly glide across Regina's entrance as she explores her body, picking up right where she left off and sliding one finger in as gently as possible. Regina stiffens instantly again, her lips desisting from all activity. She's frozen, her lips ghosting over Emma's, but she's not pulling away.

"Does it hurt?" Emma shyly inquires, causing Regina to exhale and nod slowly. "I'm sorry," she whispers, but again she's interrupted by Regina's perfect lips.

"Keeping going. Don't stop," her friend mutters into the searing kiss.

So, Emma scrounges up her courage and carefully wiggles her finger ever so slightly not wanting to hurt her most favorite person. She takes her time, carefully spinning her long digit deep inside and even though Regina visibly shudders, she can feel her growing more slick by each passing second.

Regina finally begins rocking against her finger as she kisses her with more force. A raspy moan breaks between them, prompting Emma's hips to grind against Regina's hand. Her friend takes that as her cue to proceed further, slipping one finger inside, but the pain forces Emma's mind to stop all her movements.

Regina's right, it hurts badly, but she thinks if they can just moved passed this pain they will both experience something phenomenal.

Regina makes sure she is just as slow and cautious as Emma was with her. Emma swears in that moment, she can hear their hearts beating as one. She slowly gyrates her hips to feel just a little more which only encourages Regina and now they are both grinding aggressively against one another as the pain starts to fade away.

The air is thick between them as their bodies begin to glisten with sweat. Curiosity gets the best of Emma, yet again, and she's already slowly slithering another finger deep inside of Regina. The brunette holds her breath again and mimics Emma's actions, adding another digit. That uncomfortable pain returns, but after a few slow thrusts Emma's body becomes familiar with the sensation.

They are two teenagers whose hormones have taken control. It doesn't take long before they are both fumbling messes, gasping for air as their orgasms build rapidly. Emma bites down on her lips, stifling any moan that threatens to escape because she's still so shy and petrified by what this all means. Regina is mirroring her image as their eyes lock onto one another and they are both too consumed by their pleasure to kiss any longer.

A new wave of glorious satisfaction spreads violently through her veins as she experiences the most amazing orgasm ever. Regina mutters something into her pillow, but Emma's too lost to understand what she had said.

They slowly extract their wet fingers from one another and tangle their legs together. The weight of the situation is building a palpable tension between them that Emma can't stomach, because they are never awkward with one another.

"This isn't going to ruin our friendship right?" Emma blurts out before she can actually decide what's best to say after something as amazing as that.

Regina sighs and Emma can just see the inner turmoil written all over her best friend's face.

"No Emma...but I have always felt something more for you. I don't know what it is, but I know I adore you and I feel this need to protect you."

Regina is not one to be shy in anyway, but now she's practically shaking next to her as she fumbles uncharacteristically on her words.

"I know, Regina. I see the way you look at me. It''s so much more." Timidly, Regina nudges her nose against hers and Emma smiles like an idiot at this gorgeous girl before her. "I like you, too."

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