Unwanted (AMBW love interest...

By tyaira16

159K 6.7K 591

All Ty ever wanted was to make it in life while having a strong, Black educated man beside her to support her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
To Be Wanted!

Chapter 10

5.3K 279 12
By tyaira16

  "What the fuck you mean by my passport is not inside of your purse?!" Ni Ni hollered at Day. As soon as we entered the private room, Day decided to do a purse spot check to make sure all of our belongings were still there. "I don't see it Ni Ni. I swear I remember it being in the purse last night when we were at Unwanted. It was definitely in my purse before I handed it to Ty." Day said while facing me. Fuck, now its going to look like I lost Ni Ni's passport. "Honestly, I don't remember opening up Day's purse at all last night." I said. "It's Friday and we leave next Thursday! WE LEAVE IN SIX DAYS! I can't board a plane without my passport!" Ni Ni angrily said while crying. Day looked away at some of the paintings in the room. I knew she felt guilty about the situation because she was avoiding eye contact with Ni Ni. "Everybody calm down. One, Ni Ni we wouldn't board the plane back to the States without you. Two, its Friday night and we are miles away from Shanghai. We can't physically do anything about it right now. Three, it could still be in the apartment or dropped inside of Unwanted and someone turned it in to lost and found." I said soothingly. "You're right..." Ni Ni hiccupped. I prayed that I was right or we would all be screwed and stuck in Shanghai until who knows when. At that moment, one of the employees decided to come in with a tray filled with chocolate covered fruit and a bottle of champagne. "The Misters told me to bring this to you ladies. They said it's going to take a little while longer and hopefully you all will accept this as an apologetic gesture for them being bad hosts." the teenage boy said while smiling. "Thank you so much. Can you tell Bo and Lei we appreciate the kind gesture?" Day said to him. He nodded and walked out of the room. I pour each of us a glass of champagne with the hopes it would calm our nerves.

  As we were drinking, I looked around the room and observed the interior design. The room was intensely colored. The walls were carpeted a bright red color. The floors consisted of gold colored tiles. There were a few oversized couches scattered in the room that ranged in different shades of gold and red. There was a gold Buddha statue in one corner of the room and a thirty gallon aquarium in the other corner.  Then I remembered red and gold are colors of luck and wealth in the Chinese culture. "What do Bo and Lei do for a living? Like, look at all this! This lush room, that gold Buddha and a $400 bottle champagne. I hope they don't think we are gold diggers..." I said loudly. "Ty, for once just enjoy life! Before you know it, we're going to be back home and back on the struggle bus. The better question is, what you think of Lei?" Ni Ni asked while looking me straight in the eyes. "He's, ummm, interesting...ya know, for an Asian guy..." I finished up lamely. "Girl, you wrong and you know it. Lei is cute and you're too hell bent on ONLY dating Black men to see it." Day said while her eyes were stuck to the screen of her phone. "Agreed, but, to be honest Ty, I used to be like that until I met Bo. Granted, it's only been a day, but I will admit he is FOINE, not 'fine', but FOINE." Ni Ni said while blushing. "Day what you doing?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "Well there's free wifi here, so I decided to message Kevin." she said unashamedly. Day and Ni Ni are really starting to feel these guys. We all made a pact to not use our cellphones unless there was free wifi or if it was an emergency. My phone company was going to charge me $3.69 per every incoming and outgoing text message and minute. "He said he should be here in about forty five minutes." Day continued to talk about Kevin for the next couple of minutes while I kept on filling our cups up with champagne.

  Before I knew it the bottle of champagne was empty and we were all pleasantly drunk. "Okay, maybe lowkey I find Lei sexy. Y'all know tattoos and short men are my weaknesses. However, I still don't know if Asian men find Black women attractive, or if  we're just viewed as a sexual conquest. So on that note, I told Lei I'm not his cup of tea because I'm not." I said loudly as I noticed my words were slurring. Great, I was tipsy for sure. "Don't you think you should let Lei decide..." Day said but her sentence was interrupted by Bo's voice. "Should let Lei decide what?" Bo said inquisitively. "Were you ladies talking about me?" Lei said in a flirting manner while looking at me. "No." I said quickly. Ni Ni stood up and stumbled towards the guys. "We were wondering if Lei had a taste for chocolate." Ni Ni said while smirking. "I've always had a sweet tooth, but lately I've been craving caramel." Lei said while licking his lips, winking at me before walking out of the room. For the second time tonight, Lei left me and my hormones a hot ass mess.

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