Chapter 20

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*** TRIGGER WARNING: Descriptions of physical and sexual assault

  "All this time I thought there was something special about you. I chose to wine and dine you, but whores don't deserve to be treated nicely. Whores deserved to be treated as WHORES!!" he said while shoving his hand up my dress. At this point I was struggling to breathe. I felt my eyes close for a second. "No, Ty, stay up and fight!" I began to push his face with my hands and attempted to claw out his eyes with my nails. His hold on my neck didn't loosen up. He was just too strong. " That's okay, I'm going to send you back to Ambrosia as used goods!" he said angrily as he pulled down my panties. Please, don't this do to me. I don't deserve this at all. I felt a tear slip out of my eye and onto my face. There was no point in fighting, he was just too strong. So I stopped struggling and dropped my arms to the table. My eyes slowly began to drop. Then, at the last moment, I saw a heavy wine glass next to my left hand on the table. I picked it up and smashed it over Lei's head. His body slid off of mine and fell onto the floor. I didn't have the time to process what happened. I had to get out of there. I hurried to pick up my purse and Ni Ni's passport from the floor. Thankfully, I packed a pair of flats in my purse. After I changed my shoes, I ran out of the restuarant. I ran until my lungs were on fire. Once I felt as though I was far enough away from the restuarant, I hailed a cab to take me back to the apartment.

  "What the hell happened to you?!" Day asked as she opened the door. I didn't answer the question. "Ty, are you okay??" Ni Ni asked, worried, as she appeared behind Day. Again, I didn't respond. I didn't even notice I was standing outside of the apartment until Day pulled me inside. "Ty, what happened?" Ni Ni asked while staring me in my eyes. I remembered that I left Lei knocked out at the restuarant. He could be awake by now and making his way over here. Shit. "Listen! We're in trouble! Lei tried to kill me. I'm not going into details right now, but we need to pack up our shit and leave right now before he comes over here!" I said in a shakily. "WHAT?!" Day said, surprised. "Ty...we don't leave until late tomorrow morning. We can't just leave, we have nowhere to go!" Ni Ni said. She was right. I was stumped. Suddenly a person came to mind that could help us. "Day, text Kevin and ask him if we could spend tonight at his place. Lei explained to me that Bo and him just became his friend after hanging out with us which means he doesn't have a clue about any of this." I spat out. "Okay..." Day said quietly as she pulled out her phone:

Day: Kevin, I need a favor.

Kevin: What can I do for you, my love?

Day: The girls and I need a place to crash tonight.

Kevin: Is it something wrong with the apartment?

Day: No, Ty just came back from her date with Lei and she said we were in danger. Lei tried to kill her.

Kevin: Pack up all of your stuff and lock the doors, I'll be there in 30 minutes.

After Day read Kevin's last message aloud, I went to my bedroom and began to throw all of my stuff inside of my suitcase. Twenty five minutes later, the girls and I was standing by the front door waiting for Kevin to message that he was outside. "Ty, your neck is turning a bright red. Oh my god, are those hand prints on your neck?!" Ni Ni asked. I didn't answer her question. I was too embarass to. How could I explain to her that Lei almost strangled me to death?? How could I explain to her that I was not strong enough to fight him off of me?? Black women are strong, but in this moment I felt incredibly weak. All I could do was stare at the ground to avoid making eye contact with Day and Ni Ni. After a minute or two, Day told us that Kevin was downstairs. As we were leaving out the apartment building, Ni Ni stopped at the front desk and gave the attendant the key to our apartment.

  The ride to Kevin's apartment was a quiet one. I wasn't ready to talk to the others about what happened to me and they weren't going to talk because they didn't know what happened between Lei and me. Once we made it to the front door of Kevin's apartment there were two big burly men standing outside of it. Kevin nodded to both of them before entering the apartment. "Hey, the living room room is that way. How about you ladies go make yourself comfortable?" Kevin suggested in a friendly tone. The first thing I noticed as we walked into his living room was that everything was black. The chairs, the carpet, the tables, and walls were all black. Roughly fifteen minutes later, Kevin came into the living room with a steaming pot of green tea, some honey, and four cups. After Kevin made everyone's cup of tea, all eyes were on me. I took a deep breath. I had to tell them. "So...Lei and I were at dinner having a great time. Then Bo suddenly called him. Lei picked up and told Bo he was busy with me and hung up. Bo kept on calling him and whatnot. I told Lei he should respond because it could be important. Bo must've texted Lei something important because he called him right back. Then, after the phone call, everything changed. I couldn't understand the whole coversation, but I could make out something about a spy and Greek people." Kevin froze up when I said this part. "After he got off the phone he was pissed. Lei then admitted to me that he stole Ni Ni's passport out of Day's purse when I dropped it on the floor at Unwanted. I was upset and felt betrayed, so I slapped the shit out of him. He snapped and started choking me. He called me a whore and whatnot for someguy named Theo and the Greek mafia. I didn't know what the hell he was talking about. When I denied it, it only enraged him more. He said  'Whores deserve to be treated as whores' and that he would make sure to send me back to this Theo guy as 'used goods'. Then he put his hand up my dress and um..." by this point I could speak anymore. I guess the adrenaline was wearing off and the severity of the situation started crashing down on me. I started to cry. I was crying so hard I couldn't see Day, Kevin, nor Ni Ni. I cried so hard that my throat became raw and burned. I don't know how long I was crying before Kevin asked "Ty...did Lei rape you?" As I looked up at Kevin, I saw an unreadable emotion in his eyes. Day and Ni Ni looked at me with unshed tears in their eyes. " Nah, FUCK this! Let's go find Lei, I'mma kill him!" Day said while standing up. I knew she was only saying this to distract herself from crying for me. "No...he didn't rape me...,but I've never felt so dirty in my life..." I said quietly. Everyone was quiet for a few minutes. "Is Lei really involved with the mafia? I mean that would explain the money and secrecy behind him and Bo..." Ni Ni said, pained. "Do you know anything Kevin?" Day said with a distrusful look on his face. "You have to understand, in my culture we do NOT speak on the 'Mafia' or anything as such. People are killed everyday in Shanghai for even mentioning it." Kevin said. " So, you know something, but you can't/won't tell us." I concluded. He nodded, "I can't tell you about Lei or the Chinese mafia directly, but there is a story about how Shanghai came to be that you ladies might find interesting." he responded. "Long ago, there were a Chinese God named Bái (white) and he was married to a Chinese Goddess named Hēi (black)..." I listened carefully, not knowing that hearing this story would change the rest of my life.

Unwanted (AMBW love interest story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum