The Attainment of Evangeline

Від MeggAdams

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As a young woman, Evangeline falls hopelessly in love with her father's young friend, Jack Sparrow. One of hi... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 24

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Від MeggAdams

Evangeline led Jack; she held his pistol to his back as he walked. When they emerged from the jails, they were lost in a sea of His Majesty's Royal Navy. Jack kept an eye out and Evangeline kept her head down, which lead to her bumping into a large man.

"Oh, 'amen', sorry," she said in her best manly voice.

"Where are you taking Sparrow, sailor?" the man asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

"Um, Mr. Sparrow's hanging has been switched to tonight, sir. All the town folk want to see this blackguard hang for his misdeeds. He's a very popular...erm...outlaw, sir."

"What's your name, officer?"

"Oh, um, it's Le...Bennet, sir. Bennet," she said, clearing her throat.

"Alright, Bennet, why wasn't I informed of this switch in the plan?" the man asked, his arms folded over his chest.

She quickly looked to Jack who seemed to be formulating a plan B in his mind.

"Well, you see sir, I...perhaps if you ask Alexander..I mean"


"Mmhmm! Commodore Rawlings, I'm sure Rawlings will tell you," she said, becoming so nervous that she pushed the barrel of the gun deeper into Jack's back, causing him to yelp.

"We don't currently have a Rawlings stationed here, Mr. Bennet," the man said.

"Oh shit," she heard Jack mumble.

"Sparrow has escaped! Sparrow and the girl have escaped! Close the gates!" someone called out.

The man lunged for Jack who side stepped and averted being caught.

"Geline! The key!" he yelped.

They were coming towards her from all directions, pistols and swords pointed.

"Geline!" he yelled.

Her shaking hands rummaged deep in her pockets, trying to locate the key. Whose brilliant idea was it to actually lock the blasted things? She felt the small piece of metal and clutched it in her hand, racing towards Jack.

"Key?" he screeched, head butting an officer in the face.

She ran up behind him and stuck the key in the hole, but before she could turn it, she was grabbed from behind. She was pulled away, screaming.

"Let me go!"

She began kicking her legs until she heard the man groan and double over, his hand over his package. She ran towards Jack again, who was fighting three men with his hands behind his back.

"Bloody key, Geline!" he growled, she ran up and turned it, freeing one of his hands just as someone came toward him. He swung the fist still containing the irons and the metal swiped the man across the face.

"Hmm, handy!" Jack said, grabbing Evangeline and running behind a wall that was nearby.

"Pistol?" he asked, unlocking his other wrist.

She shook her head

"I dropped it."

He rolled his eyes, pushed her against the wall and grabbed hold of her jacket.

"What are you doing?" she yelled.

Jack ripped the jacket off and discarded it. He then wrapped his arms around her middle and loosened the belt she was wearing around her waist.

"I need this," he purred.

He grabbed his sword that he had belted to her body, unsheathed it, and ran around to the other side of the wall. Not two seconds later, he ran back to where she was.

"Sorry about the jacket!" he said, fighting off a couple men.

"Also, you dropped me pistol? That was me favorite gun, Geline! Duck!" he yelled, as she obeyed and he blocked a blow meant for her.

"What do I do? I've nothing to fight with!" she cried hiding behind him.

"Find a gun! Preferably a loaded one! Preferably mine!" he said, the sound of clanking swords drowning out some of his words.

"But I don't know how to use one!"

"Ya cock, point, and shoot, luv! Cock, point, and shoot!" he yelled, pushing her out of the way as he was attacked from behind.

Evangeline began to wildly search for a weapon, preferably a gun. When she tripped over a fallen man, she scrambled off the ground and rolled him over; grabbing the pistol he was laying on top of. She stood up, trying how to figure out how to cock the gun. What did that even mean? She was turning it over in her hands when she was knocked off her feet, a sword tip pointed at her neck. She looked up, blocked the sun from her eyes, and found she was staring at Alexander. She looked for Jack, but could not see him. Even if she could, he would have been busy fighting off an army.

"Stand up," Alexander said, using the tip of his sword to tap her under the chin.

She put her shaking hands up, slowly rising. Her eyes searching for the pistol. There! About a foot from Alexander's feet. He kept his sword concentrated on her throat, shaking his head.

"Such a mistake you have made, miss McKenna. How foolish of you to think you could escape; no, this will not do," he said, circling her with one had behind his back, his powered wig slightly askew.

"Alexander, please, we're friends," she whispered following him with her eyes.

"No, my dear! You are mistaken yet again! I do not befriend vagrants, my dear girl," he replied, moving in closer to her.

She shuddered as he looked her in the eyes, the tip of his sword puncturing skin, causing a small trickle of blood to run down her neck. She looked at the gun again, quickly so that he did not see her.  Suddenly she saw Jack, running. More specifically, running away. If you wanted the details, he was running away from a pack of sailors. He may have been screaming. He was most certainly busy at the moment.

"If I surrender..?" she asked.

"You shall be pardoned from death, although you shall still be tried to the fullest extent of the law. Perhaps a life in jail or banishment."

"And Jack? What would his fate be?"

"He will hang. He will. I've been chasing him for four years, and I finally have him in my grasp. You will not take that from me," he said, smirking.

Seconds later Alexander was pushed to the ground by Jack who had not seen him. He fell with an "oof" and Jack looked back.

"Excuse me, mate!" he yelled.

Evangeline saw her chance and ran for the pistol only to be tripped by Alexander as he grabbed her by the ankle. She reached as far as she could, stretching her fingers out. She could feel it with the tips of her fingers as Alexander stood up. Then the gun was kicked closer to her as someone ran by. She grabbed it, turned on her back, pointed it at Alexander, and pulled the trigger.

He laughed as nothing happened and reached for her throat. She felt his hands crushing her windpipe, life was choking her once again, this time in the form of a power hungry Commodore. She saw the rage in his eyes as he continued to hold onto her, his wig completely off his head. She clawed at his fingers as things began to turn black. She saw his lips moving but was not aware of what he was saying.

Then she saw Jack, his pistol in hand, smashing Alexander over the head with the butt. Then the Commodore was on top of her, out cold. She took deep shaky breaths as Jack took her hand and helped her up.

"Ye alright?" he asked, handing her the pistol she had found.

"Ya forgot to cock it, luv," he said as she took it, still relishing the sweet air entering her lungs.

"Duck!" he said, as she did and a man was socked in the face with Jack's bare hand.

"Oh that hurt! That was absolutely the worst decision!" he grumbled. "We need to go!"

He grabbed her hand and they made a run for it. The gate had been closed, so their only way out was over the wall. They took the stairs leading to the lookout posts, men came at them, but Jack just started pushing them off the stairs, he didn't even bother unsheathing his sword.

Once they reached the lookout tower, they were trapped from all sides. Jack looked over the side, they were maybe twenty feet from the ground, and they wouldn't be able to make the jump without hurting something. Or dying.

"You're trapped, Sparrow!" someone said.

Jack looked over at Evangeline and winked. He was about to put on a show, complete with hand gestures.

"My dear gents, it appears that you are all correct. You all have fought so valiantly, and to your fallen comrades, I am sorry for their untimely demises! Such young men, fighting for King and Country," he said, patting a guy on the back whose face was twisted with confusion.

"I suppose all that's left is for us to surrender...but truthfully, that isn't going to happen. So instead, I will say this to you in place of a surrender," he started, taking Evangeline's hand.


He turned and leaped over the side with Evangeline who was not too excited about what had just happened. They fell into the bushes but Jack rolled down the grass and quickly got up, dodging bullets.

"Geline!" he hissed, searching the bushes.

He found her tangled in them a few feet away.

"Got to go!" Jack said, taking her hand and running.

"Got to find me ship," he said, under his breath as they ran for the hills.

"Where are we going?" she asked as she ran alongside him with a slight limp. She had injured herself due to the fall.

"The caves."

They heard the men behind them, bullets whizzing past their ears and nearly missing them. They ran past the hills until they came to the bay, resting and panting for breath.

"There's a longboat in there," Jack said, his hands resting on his thighs as he sucked in large amounts of air.

" the...Pearl?" Evangeline asked.

Jack was going to answer when they heard the men again, coming around the bend of hills. He ran into the water and hopped up onto the rocks leading into the caves. He turned and motioned for her to follow. Luckily she was not wearing a dress, it would have been infinitely more difficult. Evangeline followed suit, scrambling up the rocks as he had, crying out in pain. The men were closer, almost to the bay. Jack grabbed her hand and pulled her into the cave. There, as he said, floated a longboat containing two oars.

"Get in," he ordered.

She obeyed and hopped into the boat as Jack pushed it away from the rocks and then hopped in himself. He took the oars, and began to row out of the cave. Once at the mouth, she could see the men splashing into the bay, pointing at them in the longboat. They raised their pistols and began firing.

"Get down!" he yelled, as Evangeline flattened herself against the bottom of the boat. Jack continued to row into open waters and they were passing the last of the hills when he was hit in the upper arm, exclaiming and dropping one of the oars.

"Bugger it all!" he shouted, putting his hand over the wound which was oozing blood. "Shit!"

"Oh God, Jack!" she cried, reaching for him.

"Stay down!" he replied, ducking his head.

"We're trapped."

"Nah, they have no way of getting to us right now. Besides, the Pearl is anchored just round that last hill. I hope. Now, do ya think you can reach out and grab that oar?" he asked, pointing to the water.

She peeked over the edge and saw the oar, floating a few feet from them. She took a deep breath, stretched her arms out into the water and grabbed it before she was shot or the boat tipped over.

"Good! Now, ya row with one and I'll row with the other."

They tried to row straight, for the first couple tries they were rowing in circles. It did not help that Jack had lost the use of one arm. Jack looked behind him, and saw that the men had located a boat of their own and they were filing into it.

"Blast it all!" he growled, "Geline, turn around and push the water behind ya on your right side, I'll do me left."

She obeyed and they pushed themselves forward, passing the last hill. He closed his eyes and prayed to whatever higher power there happened to be that Gibbs had followed his orders given the night before to not move the Pearl. He looked back again and saw that the officers were passing the cave. Jack growled for Geline to row faster and after a few more good pushes, they rounded the hill, a black sailed ship filling their eyes. Jack smiled and stood up, waving his good arm.

"Oi! Down here!" he screeched. "Mates!"

A crew member looked over the side, his eyes wide.

"Captain!" he called, other crew members looking over.

"Lower the ladder, lads, and hurry!"

The crew scrambled and lowered the rope ladder over the side as Jack and Geline rowed up beside the ship. He looked back again and didn't see the men.

"Ya go first," he said to Evangeline.

She nodded and stood up, wobbling a bit as she reached for the ladder. She started to climb up, not looking down, her leg throbbing as she did. Crew members held their hands over the side and they grabbed her when she reached the top, pulling her on deck. She sat there as they looked over the side again, helping a one able armed Jack up. Then they began pulling out their pistols and shooting out towards the water. She stood up and looked over the side where she saw the Navy men in their boat, some falling over into the water as they had been hit. Jack was helped over the side and began shouting orders.

"Pull anchor! Loosen the sails! Turn her about!" he barked.

The crew began scrambling around, obeying his orders. A short, plump man ran up to Jack, and pointed at his arm.

"Nay, I'm fine Gibbs, just get us out of here," Jack said, as he moved towards Evangeline.

"Ya alright?" he asked, still clutching his wound.

She was aware that she had hurt her leg but she hadn't seen it yet, she sat down and rolled the pant-leg up to reveal a large bruise on her lower thigh, already purple and swollen. Jack grimaced and called for the ship's apothecary, who came sprinting towards them. Evangeline felt a pang in her heart at the thought of the apothecary, for he reminded her of Nathaniel. He would be so worried and frantic. She didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.

"Yes, Captain?" the man asked.

"We have some wounds that need to be tended to; her leg and me arm," he said.

The man nodded and ushered Evangeline below deck while Jack gave orders to Gibbs before following.

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