Linstead: Undercover Mission

Par chicagopdbabes

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Your favorite Detectives take their Undercover skills to Hawaii! Jay and Erin have to portray as newlyweds, w... Plus

Two Weeks With You
Playing The Part
Not As Beautiful As You
It's The Beginning
He Could Finally Sleep Peacefully
You Were Gone in the Blink of an Eye
She Begged for Him not to Leave Her Side
Whatever You Want, We Will Make It Happen
It Would Become An Everday Tradition
She Needs You
Slowly, it was all Returning to Normal
You Are My Miracle
Our Love is Invincible
Cheers to Milestones
I Am the Dreamer and You Are My Dream
Nature is Even Better Than it Seems
I Am a Better Person Because of You
The Gifts Love Can Give You
These Are The Days We Live For
And So The Adventure Begins
It's Been Too Long, My Dear
When I Met You, Everything Changed.
We Rise By Lifting Others
I Have Loved You Since Day One
The Past Can Be Our Worst Demon
Thankful For The Family We Have
One Minute You Were Here and Now You're Gone
Our Family is a Circle of Strength
In The End, You'll Always Be Here
The Best Gift is Family Wrapped In Love
A Grand Adventure is About to Begin
The Year's Shadow
Sunday Mornings
Dreams Do Come True
The Presents Life Gives You
Living A Two Sided Life
Life Can Go Two Ways
We All Have Our Own Coping Mechanisms

Today Was Long Overdue

1.5K 32 7
Par chicagopdbabes

"Halstead, let's go," He nodded and followed his boss up. "Put your hand on here. It's a scanner so from now on it will know who you are and you can buzz yourself up automatically," Jay did as he was told and watched as the machine turned different colors under his sweaty palm.

He hoped his combat boots, jeans, and a blue short sleeve Henley shirt was acceptable on his first day. The machine beeped and he lifted his hand back into his jean pockets. "So do we always come in at seven thirty?"

The man shook his head. He had a blank expression on his face, a serious one. "No. If I don't call you in the middle of the night or let you know the pervious day, then it's eight a.m. sharp. I brought you in early," He motioned for Jay to follow him up the stairs, "Because I thought we could go over guidelines and how I work my unit. Everyone will be in around eight."

They reached the top of the stairs and Jay surveyed the room. There was eight desks, only four of them looking occupied. The sky blue walls were decorated with flags, pictures and Cubs, Bears, and Blackhawks wall art. Hank pointed to the desk near another door. "This is your's, Jay. The others will come later, and you can introduce yourself," Jay continued to follow his boss through the room. "Down that hallway, there are two interrogation rooms, both on your left, and the locker room is on your right. We are the only ones who use it, so just find a locker later today," He stopped in front of another room. "This, is the break room. Bring a coffee mug, that's a rule they have. There is a couch but usually people don't use it because they have work to do."

Jay nodded as he took all of it in, remembering a few key notes his boss told him. He nodded and closed the door as he sat in one of the chairs in his boss' office. The office was decorated with photo frames and awards he had plastered on the walls. He looked at one of the pictures hanging on the wall and couldn't help but smile.

His boss had a family. A wife and two kids. That was a good sign. His boss must have some type of empathy since he has a wife and two children. "You know I'm Sergeant Hank Voight," He took a seat behind his desk, looking at a few files. "Jay, it says you were a Rangers?"

Jay nodded. His Ranger days brought back good and bad memories, but he was very prideful of his service. "Yes, sir. I served a few tours. I got an honorable discharge when I was shot in the chest."

Hank nodded. "Thank you for your service, Jay," he looked down at the papers and back to his new detective. "And then you moved back here and got a gig with the Undercover Unit?"

"Yes. I'm from here. My brother is a doctor at Chicago Med. My dad and I don't talk often, long story, and my mother died of cancer in between my two tours." He sat up straight, pushing the grieving memories of his mother's death to the back of his head.

"I'm sorry to hear that," There was a moment of silence before Voight asked him another question. "And you got shot while undercover. My detective, Antonio Dawson, is the one who got you hired."

Jay nodded once more. "Correct. I got shot in the shoulder and abdomen. He told me I could pick a unit and I told him Intelligence."

"I have a lot of respect for Detective Dawson. He has great judgement, so when I looked at your resume, I was stunned. A retired war veteran and injured detective. I hope you are who he says you are," Hank looked down at his watch.

8:15 a.m.

He opened his desk drawer and looked down at the shiny object in his palm. "Here is your badge, Jay. Wear that with great honor and respective. Not only are you representing the CPD, but you're also representing Intelligence, me, and your colleagues. I assume you have a gun?"

Jay's lips rolled into a smile as he patted his holster. "Always. This guy has been with me since Rangers."

"Phenomenal. Let's go meet your new unit," Hank replied. Jay felt his palms start to sweat and a sense of nervousness shoot through his body. He had to have a good first impression. "Everybody," Hank gruffly announced, stepping to the side. "This is the newest member of IU, Detective Jay Halstead. He served a few tours for the Rangers, and was in Undercover before he got shot and moved up here."

Everyone nodded. "That is Alvin. If I'm not here, he's in charge," Jay waved to the man. He wouldn't admit it, but he looked like a guy off the streets. "You know Antonio," They both laughed. "This is Adam, he is, Adam." Adam rolled back from his chair and waved.

"These are our two patrol guys, Burgess and Atwater. We need something, we call them. They'll be joining Intelligence in a few months," Jay waved at the two patrol officers.

"And this is Lindsay, you're partner. Treat her with respect." Hank left the room and closed the door to his office.

Jay walked around the room, introducing himself formally to each one of his new friends. He stopped at Erin's desk, and he was sure he was going to fall to his knees. Her dirty blonde hair fell to her shoulders and the shirt she was wearing sculpted her body. The light makeup she applied set well with her outfit. Jay was sure this woman was more beautiful than anyone else he has ever set eyes on. "Jay." He stuck out his hand.

She looked up from her paperwork and smiled. Her bright smile made his whole body weak. It was the most gorgeous smile he has ever seen. "Erin." Her voice sounded like angels. He knew this girl would be the end of him.

"Nice to meet you, partner," He couldn't take his eyes off of hers. And the moment her hazel eyes connected with his, his breathe was stuck in his throat.

Erin seemed to notice. Jay could sense the red tint on her cheeks. She was obviously attracted to him as well. "I look forward to working and get to know you," Her dimples popped out. "I drive, though."

Jay smiled nervously, his hand still lingering on hers. "I definitely look forward to getting to know you."

That was almost three years ago. And they were both right. The other would be the death of the other one. Life has a funny way of connecting two people.

The partners formed a special bond from day one, and had been through hell and back. Shootings, close calls, the boundary of being only friends, cries and laughter, pleasure and anger, love and heartbreak. But yet; that didn't stop them. Here they were now, January twenty seventh, 2018.

The day had rapidly approached the family. Between work, the new house, Jax's high school life, and twins on the way, it had been hectic to say the least. Erin and Jay were relieved they hired Bailey to wedding plan, and of course Camille couldn't stay away. She went with Bailey to get supplies and set up. This was her little girl's wedding! She would as was there every step of the way.

"Erin, darling, don't cry now! It's your wedding day! You should be happy!" Camille reassured her daughter and rubbed her arm as she looked into the mirror. Erin had been hormonal all week and she couldn't control it. This was her dream day. A day she always dreamed of since she met Jay. And it was here! And their son was in the other room, getting ready to be the best man to his father.

Erin wiped away her tears and smiled into the mirror. "I know, I know. I don't know why I'm getting so worked up," She knew exactly why. She was carrying two kids. "And it's Jay. I get to marry my best friend. I'm excited, but so nervous."

"Darling, you shouldn't be," She promised as she helped Erin up from the chair. Camille admired her daughter's dress. It fit her perfectly. It was simple and elegant. Something Erin loved. The white material was covered in lace on her upper body, and the sleeves went three fourths down her arms. It flared out at the waist, and her veil was covering her face. The material felt like silk against her soft skin. The dress made Erin feel like a princess. And today she was one.

She was thankful the dress could still fit her body, a hint of a bump sticking out, but nobody noticed. It wasn't too tight. The bridal shop stretched it to assure her her secret wouldn't be blown. "I know. I just never thought I'd be getting married."

Camille smiled seeing the glow in her daughter's eyes. "Sweet girl, I always knew this day would come. And with Jay," She looked down at her watch. "Now, let's go. It's showtime." Camille turned to Erin's three bridesmaids. Kim, Gaby, Natalie, and Sylvie all turned in their champagne colored bridesmaid dresses.

"Showtime!" Kim chimed. "I'm so proud of you, Erin." Kim hugged her best friend. "Now you'll know what it's like to be married."

Erin nodded ecstatically. "I can't believe the day is here," She replied, tears welling her eyes. She dabbed them away with the back of her hand delicately. "It's a dream come true."


"Jay, man, let's go!" Ruzek stood behind him in the floor mirror as Jay was fixing his bow tie. "I still think we should have had ties."

Jay turned around, rolling his eyes. "Can you not criticize me on my wedding day, please? Erin wanted bow ties so we did bow ties. I don't mind." He looked at himself in the mirror and felt a ping of anxiety roll throughout his body. Today was the day. The day he has been waiting for for almost three years. The day he'd marry his best friend.

"Dad, you ready?" Jaxton came through the room, munching on a bag of chips.

"Jaxton! I told you no eating," Jay laughed. "Go brush your teeth," He took the bag of chips as Jaxton did as he was told, and looked at his four groomsmen in the room. Plus Jaxton. Without the love and support of them, he would have been lost. He had the best family and friends a guy could have. "Is it go time?" Jay questioned.

"Yes, brother, it is," Will patted his shoulders. "You go on up." Will left the room.

Jay walked through the hallway, entering the room where all of the guests were. Jay smiled, a hundred and fifty waving back to him. He was not prepared, but he was more than ready to finally call her Erin Halstead.


"You sure you want to do this? We can make a run for it." Voight joked. He looked over Erin and smiled. He was so proud of her. From the scrawny teenager she was when he picked her up off the streets, here she was now, getting married.

Camille frowned at him and turned back to Jaxton, who was her escort down the aisle. "Your Grandpa is crazy." Jaxton laughed and shrugged his shoulders as the doors opened as it was their time to head on down.

Jaxton and Camille walked down the aisle, the guests smiling at the family. They took their respectful seats. Camille took the front row and Jaxton stood next to his father. "Ready pops?" He asked, patting Jay on the back.

"Ready as I'll ever be," He whispered nervously. The suspense of seeing his future wife was killing him. Kim and Adam walked down, Gaby and Antonio, Will and Natalie, Kevin and Sylvie concluding the walk. All eleven of the wedding members stood anxiously, waiting for the bride.

Soon, the rhythm of "Here Comes the Bride" on the piano filled the venue, and the doors swung open as the guests stood. Hank smiled at his daughter and she took his arm in hers as they stepped onto the aisle. Erin looked up through her veil, and tears sprung to her eyes as a grin crept onto her face. Both of their eyes were watery as they looked into each other's eyes, ready to reach each other.

Hank purposely took his time in torturing the two who longed to join hands. Hank wasn't ready to let go, but Jay was the perfect man for his daughter. The look he saw Erin and Jay share was the same look he and Camille shared. Still do share. It was the gaze where nobody was in the room but the two of them. Jay's smile and his eyes watering almost killed Erin. She wanted to run into his embrace, but that would come soon.

The two finally reached one another. Hank looked to Halstead. "Take care of her, Jay." He kissed Erin's cheek and wiped her tears away. "I love you kid."

Jay nodded firmly, finally taking Erin's hands in his. Her hands felt like silk. "You look breathe taking." He grinned. And breathe taking was an understatement for how Erin Lindsay looked. Jay didn't know how to say it. But she was the most beautiful woman in the world as far as he was concerned.

The preacher began, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today as witnesses to celebrate this man and woman in Holy Matrimony in the presence God. Matrimony commends to be entered solemnly, passionately, lovingly, and honorably. If any person has a reason these two should not be joined together, speak now or forever hold your peace," The room was silent aside from the giggling of young infants. "Who gives this woman to be wed?"

Hank nodded. "I do." He took his respectful seat next to Camille and placed his hand around her shoulders. Their little girl was all grown up.

The preacher continued, "I would like to explain a Bible verse Jay and Erin picked out for this occasion; First Corinthians 13: 1-13, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails."

He looked at Jay and Erin, and then to the crowd. "That quote is the first time that I've ever used it in ten years of joining to people into marriage. But, it is one of my favorite verses. Marriage is not self- seeking, or rude. Marriage is an accomplishment. You decide to share your life with one person, for the rest of eternity. You choose that one person to love and cherish, to hold and trust. You lean on each other and persevere. Marriage is a step when you trust one another with your lives, and it rejoices the truth everyday," The preacher looked down to Erin and Jay, their eyes watching distinctively. "Let us begin,"

Jay took a deep breathe as the preacher continued. "Jay, do you take Erin Eloise Lindsay to be your faithfully wedded wife? To cherish and to hold, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"I do." Jay smiled as he squeezed Erin's hands.

The preacher nodded. "Erin, do you take Jay Alexander Halstead to be your faithfully wedded husband? To cherish and to hold, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part?"

"I do." Erin smiled as the words left her mouth. The words she had been waiting to say for two, almost three years, were finally here.

"Jay and Erin have chosen to say their own vows," He motioned to Jay, "When you're ready."

Jay took a deep breathe and cleared his throat as he gripped Erin's small hands in his big ones. "Three years ago, I walked into Intelligence. And I never once thought that you, as my partner, would lead to this day. There was always something between us, but held for too long thanks to a certain boss," The guests who understood the comment laughed. "But, as I spent more and more time with you, I didn't realize it, but I was falling more in love with you each day. And almost a year ago, I almost lost you forever. I knew I couldn't let you leave me, and I had to act. Our feelings collided, and I don't regret a day. I never thought, all those nights looking up at the stars in Afghanistan, that I would be here. That I would be here with an amazing son, a great family, and the most gorgeous, kind, breathe taking wife who was carrying our twins." Jay and Erin grinned as the gasps of surprise filled the venue. "But, here I am. With you, with Jax, our twins, our family and friends. It's my wildest dream, and it all came true. I promise to love you for all eternity, through the good times and bad. I love you." By now, both Jay and Erin were in tears. He took the wedding ring from a ready eyed Jaxton and slid it onto his wife's finger.

Erin didn't bother to wipe away her tears. Her heart was bursting with unconditional love for this man who stood in front of her. "I first met you three years ago. And I thought you were going to be another partner that comes and goes. But, you always seem to surprise me and here we are three years later. I never thought I'd be getting married to you, or have a teenager and twins on the way. Never. I always thought we'd be stuck in that friend zone. But, lead it to one case to change it all. And that case was the best year of my life despite what happened. It led me to you, to Jax, to the twins. I'm here today because of you. And I'll forever be grateful you didn't give up on me. The idea of us, was impossible at a time, but we worked through it. We've been through so much, nothing can and will ever break the love I have for you. I honestly can't even portray how much I love you. I know I love you unconditionally, and I always will, Jay." She took the ring from Kim and slid the silver band onto her husband's finger as tears splattered against her cheeks.

The preacher smiled and looked at the crowd, and back to Erin and Jay. "Jay and Erin have said there vows, and have given themselves to each other by their vows. And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love," He looked between Erin and Jay who were engulfed in each other's gazes. "With the joining of these two souls, I may now pronounce you husband and wife. Jay, you may kiss your bride."

Jay looked down at his wife and pulled her to him. He pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear before leaning down and matting their lips together silently as cheers from the crowed erupted.


Erin and Jay sat at the reception table, ready for their first helping of food, along with the rest of the party.

Jay and Erin had been at the reception for two hours now, dinner being served. As soon as they walked into the reception room, congratulations were thrown around the room for the newlyweds and the announcement of the twins. Everyone had something but Camille and Hank. They had went to go get a few things for the reception, and not a word was said. They both just returned and had sat down next the rest of the party.

"Erin!" She smiled at the delicate voice of her mother. Erin turned around and came face to face with Camille and Hank as they took their seats next to the newlyweds, each taking their side. "You're pregnant! How far along?" Erin smiled at the glow that radiated from her body as she spoke.

Tears sprang to Erin's eyes for the hundredth time of the night as her adoptive mother embraced her. Erin pulled back and Jay wrapped his hand around Erin as the two looked at Camille and Hank. "Eleven weeks," She smiled as Erin rested her free hand on top of her stomach.

"August second," Jay announced, "They're expected." He kissed Erin's head. The amount of happiness and love he had today was incredible. He's never been this happy before.

"I'm proud of you, kid," Hank congratulated her. "You both will make perfect parents. They're so lucky to have you." He patted Jay on the back.

"When do you find out the gender? Or are you?" Camille asked eagerly.

"We're going to find out." Erin clarified.

"Not for a few more weeks. We go in for the twelve week checkup next week, then we will be back for a fifteen week checkup. The doctor wanted to take extra precaution since she is carrying twins. But, everything looks perfect," Jay continued, "So when we go in for the eighteenth week checkup, we'll find out."

"You're on full desk duty, Erin," Hank pointed out. "Do not argue with me either. I think you're husband will agree," He looked to Jay who nodded, agreeing with Hank completely.

"Trust me, the doctors already put me on medical leave," She rolled her eyes at the doctors' order.

"I already like this doctor," Hank smiled. Will came up to him and whispered something in his ear, Hank nodding and taking the microphone.

He stood up and everyone quieted down as the Sergeant stood up. "Thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate Erin and Jay's big day. I wanted to give a toast to my daughter and son in law. I know for the first two years I was completely against the idea of the two of them," He laughed, "But, as usual, neither of them followed orders so here we are," The crowed erupted with laughter. "But, I soon came to realize there was no stopping this. My wife, Camille, even told me it would happen when she first met Jay. I never listened, but here we are. Jay is an amazing man. He didn't let me stand in the way of him and Erin. I respect him for that. I want you both to know how happy and how much I love you both."

Soon, it was time for the first dance as husband and wife. Everyone finished eating their dinner as Jay led his wife out onto the dance floor.

They had picked out a few different songs to their liking, and this one was the one that had begun the dance.

Oh, I can't believe it's true sometimes
Oh, I can't believe it's true

I get to love you
It's the best thing that I'll ever do
I get to love you
It's a promise I'm making to you
Whatever may come, your heart, I will choose
Forever I'm yours, forever I do
I get to love you, I get to love you

Jay wrapped his hands around his bride's waist, and she settled her hands around his neck. Today was perfect. That's the only thing that went through both of their minds. They stood there, twirling against the dance floor, Erin's heels long discarded. Jay smiled down at her as she rested her head on his chest.

"Hi," He whispered, kissing her forehead. "You look beautiful tonight."

Erin smiled deeply against his chest. "You look handsome yourself," She looked up at her husband. She felt a flutter through her heart. The love she had for this man was unconditional. "Today has been perfect, Jay."

It truly has been. The amount of congratulations were shared, and many questions about the twins. They both loved it. Jay twirled her around before bringing Erin back into his embrace. "It has been. I'm so lucky to have you."

"Erin Halstead," He sighed. "It has a nice name." He kissed her lips looking down at his bride. The two don't remember how long they danced for, as various songs played, as the new husband and wife twirled each other, staring into each other's pupils.

Jay jumped as he turned around, Camille and Hank dancing next to them. "Care for a dance, Jay? Mother and son?" Camille's eyes were sparkling with pride for her daughter and new son in law.

"Most certainly," Jay smiled, kissing Erin on the cheek one last time before Hank and Jay switched positions.

Erin's smile brightened as her father brought her into his embrace as they began dancing. She glanced over his shoulder. Her heart bursted with love as Jay dipped Camille down. "Hi," She whispered. "Thank you for being here."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, kid," He replied as he looked down at his daughter. His eyes traveled down to her stomach, noticing the small bump finally. "And kid, you're pregnant. We are so happy for you. You're going to make the best of parents. And with twins."

Erin nodded as a grin crept up onto her face. "Yep, twins," Tears filled her eyes as the thought of her twins being here in six months.

"You and Halstead, I'm proud of you both. And I'm sorry for keeping you away from him for so long." There was always a pinch of him that regretted keeping them apart for so long.

"Hank, it's okay. We're here now, and honestly, I wouldn't have our story any other way. It's my own fairytale." She rested her head on his chest as they swayed to the music, sharing fond memories of everyone.


"Jay, I know you're mom has passed and your father is not in the picture, but I hope you know I see you as one of my own," Camille stated as she looked at her son in law. "You've made my little girl so happy. You saved her life, and gave her the greatest gift. And you're allowing me to be a grandmother again! What does Jax think?"

Jay's eyes lit up at her words. "Thank you, Camille. I appreciate it. And Jaxton, He was thrilled. I think he was onto us when Erin kept getting sick and stopped going on morning runs."

Camille laughed and shook her head. "Jax will make a great brother to the twins for sure. If you need anything, let me know," She looked over as her grandson was getting another serving of food. "Really, Jay, thank you. For making her happy. The day she came to live with us, I never thought she would be here. But, she changed her life around, joined CPD, and met you. I remember her first time mentioning you. It was evident you both wanted to be more than friends. Just know, I love you both dearly."

"I love you too, Camille. Thank you for raising my wife. You and Hank have been more than I ever dreamed of, having in laws."


"Jaxton, be good for Grandma and Grandpa, understood?" Jay asked as he and Erin walked out of the venue to the car that was destined to take them to O' Hare.

"I'm always good, ain't I?" He cocker his eyebrow as he watched his parents stand in front of them. They both looked like they came straight out of a Cinderella story.

"You are," Erin laughed. "We love you, Jax."

Jaxton wrapped his arms around his parents tightly, the last time he'd see them for a week. "And congrats on the twins. I can't wait to meet them, guys."

Erin kissed her son's head lovingly before she pulled back. "I love you, Jax. We will see you in one short week."

Jaxton nodded, looking over to his father. "Score a lot of points for us, Jax. And be thinking of paint color ideas for the twins." He winked.

"Already am," Jaxton replied. "Both of  you go have fun. I'll call you every night," His eyes skimmed his parents. "You both look amazing. I love you guys."

"We love you, too, Jax." They replied as the three embraced in one last family hug before they parted, and Erin and Jay Halstead took off on their honeymoon.

Erin and Jay Halstead.

Finally, together, forever.

I hope you guys loved this chapter! Please review! I apologize for being off the books, but I have received an assignment, and it's harder than I originally thought. It will be a few weeks before I'm back to updating normally. Best of wishes, Emme.

Continuer la Lecture

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