Guzma x reader

By AnAmpora

35.7K 779 208

You were just sent to alola to study Pokémon, and you meet this strange guy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11! :]
Not chapter 12
What? Im Posting??

Chapter 5

2.2K 66 3
By AnAmpora

     I look around, noticing a warm familiar feeling working its way into my mind, filling me with happiness. Shelves, a bookcase, a dresser and a small TV greet me as I look at my room. The wonderful smell of home cooked waffles wafts through the air, forcing me to drag myself out of bed. My house is warm and inviting. something i, for some reason, haven't felt in a while. "Hullo mom!" I say as I'm halfway down the stairs, spotting her in the kitchen. She turns to my direction and smiles, but not speaking. 'Huh... that's odd' I think to myself. She always at least hums to let me know she hears me, and she definitely never just smiles in the morning.
     A loud knock comes from somewhere behind me, which is odd, being that nobody else but me was upstair. It comes again, and mom seems unphased. "Uhh- mom?" I begin, but the knock becomes clearer and soon the warmth of my home vanishes, and I am greeted with the regular cold feeling of the mansion.
     You shudder a little before opening the door to the aggressive knocker. "Sup." Your white haired captor is there, leaning against the door. You step back, hand still on the door. "I'm comin' in, is that alright?" He asks, shoving his hands into his sweatpants pockets. You nod, moving out of the way for him. "Sorry fer yellin' at ya."
     "Mmmm.... 's ok." You try to hide the tears that had made their ways out of your eyes from your dream. He notices them anyway, however.
     "Woah, woah. What's wrong?" He looks concerned and you avoid his searching eyes. "It's not me, is it? Cause I can go-" you shake your head and sigh. "Okay then... c'mere. You're gonna tell me what's up." He sits on your bed and pats the space next to him.
     "No, it's fine. It was just.... it was nothing, don't worry." One of his signature grins works its way up his face.
     "Now I know somethings up," he crosses his arms. You look at him and see a smug expression on his face, and your cheeks heat up a little. "Plums tells me the same shit, but it's never fine. Now come here, or I'm gonna make you." You give him a look, but comply.
     He puts an arm around you shoulders and looks at you expectantly. Your face heats up even more as you explain your dream about your home in Johto. As you finish, you voice shakes and new tears form in your eyes. He holds you tighter and a ball on your belt wriggles a little. "I'm gonna make a call... Is that okay with you?" You ask, looking up at him.
     "Yeah, go ahead, I don' mind. Make one whenever ya want" you whisper a thank you and stand, making your way over to your bag.

Guzma's POV

    (Y/n) hesitates a little before clicking a name and holding the pokegear to her ear. She waits as it rings before her eyes light up when someone picks up. She smiles and her voice shakes.
      "H-hello? Mom?" She whispers into the gear, gripping the edge of her shirt tightly. She smiles and begins talking in French, great, now I can't understand anything. She looks so happy talking to her mother, and I can't help but smile as well. A small knock on the door takes me out of the trance (y/n)'s expressions have put me in, and I get up to answer it. Grunt A stands in front of me, looking at some papers in his hands. When he looks up and sees me, his whole body language changes. He seems more rigid and afraid compared to his relaxed, calm one shown just seconds before.
     "U-uh boss! Did I accidentally knock on your door?" He looks around, then looks confused. "Wait- whaa??" He looks up at me, cocking a brow. I chuckle and he seems even more scared.
     "I'm hangin' out wit 'er t'day. Whaddya need?"
     "Uhhh... she's teaching me some stuff I missed at trainer school....yo."
     "Huh.... well she's callin' someone right now. Maybe later, bud." A's shoulders fall a little in disappointment.
     "B-but.... I'm supposed ta be messin' with the kid's trials later... Can ya at least ask sis when she'll be done? I gotta see if I'll be able to make it..." sis? When did they start callin' (y/n) sis?
     "Yeah, whatever. What's up with the whole 'sis' thing, eh?" A's shoulders become tense again as he realizes what he said.
     "Oh! Uhh well... she's like... kinda apart of team skull now? She jus' doesn't go messin around and stuff... and J calls her mom and stuff like that! And we're like... I dunno, it just kinda felt natural, yo. Y'know?" Interesting... wait-
     "J calls 'er mom?" I can feel a little bit of anger welling up in the pit of my stomach. Why in the hell would he call someone he hardly knows 'mom'?
     A realizes his mistake again "ah crap... er- don't get mad at him, please. He'll cry for hours after you do, 'n we all got jobs plum assigns us and all... we hardly get sleep, y'know?" I cross my arms and huff.
      "Fine, whatever. But don't you older grunts start callin' er mom too, ya hear?"
      "Yes sir! I'll make sure it gets around!" He tries to peer around me, then looks at his watch, grumbling something.
      "I got it," I say waving a hand lazily. Turning around I see (y/n)'s face pink, her eyes a little stuffy and a huge smile plastered across her face. She's looking at the ground, still messing with the hem of her shirt.
     "Tu me manques aussi, maman. Je serai sûr de visiter dès que je peux, d'accord?*" she nods as if the person on the other side can see her. "bien sur! de toute façon, je dois y aller maintenant. Je t'aime, et j'essaierai d'appeler plus souvent. au revoir, passez une bonne nuit. Repose-toi bien!*" she hangs up and sighs. "Who's at the door?" She asks, wiping the tears from her face with the back of her hand.
    "It's A. He's sayin' he's got a lesson, or whatever." She nods and walks over to my side, looking at A.
    "Hey dude! I know you have something to do soon, so why don't you come over here when you're done? Guzma seems to want to talk to me a bit, and I know a rushed lesson won't do you any good." A nods, smiling.
     "Oh! I finished the papers though! Here, I wanna see how well I did on 'em!" He seems enthusiastic about his 'schoolwork' and excitedly hands them to (y/n).
     "I'll be sure to look over these while you're gone! Call me if you need anything." She smiles as he walks away, waving. She sight and turns back to me. "So. Why'd you come here this morning?"


*Tu me manques aussi, maman. Je serai sûr de visiter dès que je peux, d'accord- I miss you too, mom. I will be sure to visit as soon as I can, ok?

*bien sur! de toute façon, je dois y aller maintenant. Je t'aime, et j'essaierai d'appeler plus souvent. au revoir, passez une bonne nuit. Repose-toi bien! - of course! Anyway, I have to go now. I love you, and I will try to call more often. goodbye, have a good night. Rest well!

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