Dhammapada Handbook

By HallettGerman

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A new and unique look at the sayings of the Buddha as portrayed in the Dhammapada. This is done through inclu... More

Front Matter
Chapter 0: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Wise Being
Chapter 3: The Thousands
Chapter 4: Harming
Chapter 5: Our Actions and Their Consequences
Chapter 6: Our Transitory World and Bodies
Chapter 7: Teachings and Practices
Chapter 8: Contentment and Difficult Situations
Chapter 9: Our Changing Mind States
Chapter 10: A Life Without Rage
Chapter 11: Learned Practioners
Chapter 12: The Path to Skillful Understanding
Chapter 13: Craving
Chapter 15: Final Words
Chapter 14: A Mind in Stillness
Chapter 16: The Path of Customer Service
Chapter 17: Right Occupation
Chapter 18: References/About the Author

Chapter 1: The Twin Verses

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By HallettGerman

Chapter 1: The Twin Verses

This is the start of the Dhammapada. As done throughout the book, only selected verses from each chapter are provided.

Müller version

1 All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage.

2 All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.

3 "He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me,"--in those who harbour such thoughts hatred will never cease.

4 "He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me,"--in those who do not harbour such thoughts hatred will cease.

5 For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love, this is an old rule.

6 The world does not know that we must all come to an end here;--but those who know it, their quarrels cease at once.

Wikisource version

The mind is the basis for everything.
Everything is created by my mind, and is ruled by my mind.
When I speak or act with impure thoughts, suffering1 follows me
As the wheel of the cart follows the hoof of the ox.

The mind is the basis for everything.
Everything is created by my mind, and is ruled by my mind.
When I speak or act with a clear awareness, happiness stays with me.
Like my own shadow, it is unshakeable.

"I was wronged! I was hurt! I was defeated! I was robbed!"
If I cultivate such thought, I will not be free from hatred.

"I was wronged! I was hurt! I was defeated! I was robbed!"
If I turn away from such thoughts, I may find peace.

In this world, hatred has never been defeated by hatred.
Only love can overcome hatred.
This is an ancient and eternal law.

Everything will end.
When I understand this, all quarrels fade away.

My 'paraphrased' version

Even though we have our senses to help organize things outside us, most of our interactions occur inside our minds. Mind is the star and director in our ongoing play starring our thoughts. If I come from a place free from egoistic and judgmental thoughts, then satisfaction will be my lot. If I come from a place clouded in misguided views, then suffering is sure to follow me. 'I am a victim and was hurt by others.' Following this mental trap of 'poor me' will ensure being stuck in a life of continuous self-loathing and hatred. Refraining from this thought pattern brings us ever closer to peace. Each day we see that a fresh dose of hatred will not solve any perceived wounds and scars. Each day we see examples of unconditional love overcoming hate. Once we know that hatred must end, then our internal and external battles will ebb away and cease.


Reading these words, I feel the Buddha's warm presence very much alive and surrounding me. Acting through the eyes of compassion, he serves like a good doctor seeking to heal his patient. To those afflicted souls seeking his advice, he discusses methodically their various symptoms and the resulting mental manifestations. From killers to kings, those from all walks of life came to him looking for answers and any sort of relief. Because one guarantee for this life is that some form of suffering and anguish will visit us all. Maybe for a short time. Maybe throughout our lives. And after getting their attention, the Buddha proceeded to calmly offer a cure, a real salve to the pains of their life journey. On hearing these words of salvation as if for the first time, they acknowledge the knowledge gained and typically remain vowed to follow his teaching as followers.

We are creatures captivated by our thoughts, emotions, and judgments. Reoccurring thoughts about the past and what we should have done better. Persistent thoughts about the future and the world that we want to see created where "if only" some condition was fulfilled, then we would be happy. Too often, we feel wronged, or shamed, or hurt. Petty injustices, threatened selves resulting in unhappy beings. And the cycle repeats 24 by 7.

We cannot control when and how often a thought will appear. Sometimes thoughts are so fleeting, that we are not cognizant of their arrival, departure, and power. And there are a million different types of mental formations. Silly thoughts. Song fragments. Movie scenes. Our most secret thoughts and desires. Regrets. Feelings of resistance. Feelings of hopelessness and despair. The desire to be loved and respected. And then minutes or hours later, we awake, released from their grasp. Or they keep coming back to haunt us without any immediate relief.

So, what can we do? Is any freedom possible from the mental straitjacket in this lifetime? Thankfully, the answer is yes. We can recognize the power of being held in a thought stream and say simply "no, I see what you are doing mind and I'm not playing today." Or just observe when a notion is born and quietly passes away. Only to be replaced by the next one. And in the watching, the grasping lessens, the mind gets a little quieter and less reactive. We then realize everything including our mind is subject to change and will eventually end. This makes our "thought parades" seem just a little less important. And when we realize the impermanent nature of our thoughts. In time, we learn not to get so attached to the current mind storm. Because another one is following shortly.

A moment may come where we seek a change of pace and follow a new set of rules. This could start by thinking "How may I serve others" and placing them first in our lives.

In the end, these words are nothing that you have not heard before. Maybe you had acted on them and stopped following after a few days. Or, usually we are so entranced "in my mind-only world," there is little time to pause or reflect on how to do things better. But each day, we can start with a series of small but growing number of choices to secure our unsteady raft called our lives. And with a growing sense of spaciousness and a life of less reactivity, it is a new world. There is no time like the present to begin our practice to freedom. So, take the first first steps starting now and be kind to yourself and others along the way.

Story: Contracted Mind

Sigh it is another Monday. All day. And that means spending most of it recording new content for my interplanetary video show. This is a laborious task which gives me no joy in doing every two weeks. In the previous days, my administrative assistant and staff have been busy arranging for guests to appear and be interviewed today. I could not do this gig without them. And often let them know it.

Let me take a gander at the first topics. Hmm. Will need a lot of coffee and other helpers to get me through this.

Several Hours Later

"And welcome to show #1238. Yes, my friends, time for another rendition of Tales from the Hinter Worlds. Each week, we delve into those unusual stories from the edges of the universe that you won't hear anywhere else."

"Xkbaur. A desolate planet hosting thirty-three hardy souls. Each long day there is greeted with darkness and cold. This would not be a welcome scenario for most of us. But today's guest, Mr. Del Torrance has lived there for twenty-two years and has grown a business out of his home. And not just any business. He is a mind mechanic."

"Greetings of the Day to you Del. Welcome to TftHW. How are you doing today? What is the weather like in Xkbaur?"

"Thank you, Thomas. Our weather is a little on the cold side if we were on the surface. 200 degrees Celsius below zero. Out here there is not much to do at nights. So, I watch your show and replay past episodes. You are always at the top of your game. Every episode is a masterpiece. I try to never miss it if I can."

"Great to hear Del and appreciate the kind words of praise. So, what is a mind mechanic and did get involved in becoming one?"

"Let me take the second question first. It is a fairly long answer, so please bear me as we go though this."

"Great. And do not forget that the complete videocast will be available just our special patron watchers. Go ahead Del."

"For a while I was living on a more populous planet. I'd rather not say which one since I left under pretty mysterious circumstances that those involved may have not yet forgiven me."

"I was still quiet a young man. I was full of ambition but not direction. Just looking for something to get me ahead. Then one day, I made it to the edge of the city and met a teacher that I will call Castia. She was an elderly woman that was mentally sharp and gave very direct replies. But under that frightening exterior was a kind soul that challenged one to become a better person. And just on seeing me, she knew my life story. Afterwards, she asked me to become her apprentice for at least five years. With no other possibilities looming on the horizon, I accepted."

"And that's how I learned the skills of being a mind mechanic. You see, minds are such fragile things. A single doubt or depressing thought can render an otherwise capable person helpless for days on end. It is sad to watch how people self-sabotage themselves. And that is where I come in. I tune people's minds to run smoothly. "

"I am captivated by your tale. How is your job performed?"

"People in great need ask for my help. Using my patented remote brain interface, I clean out all the negative thoughts that someone may have. It is just a question of knowing the right memory addresses in the brain. I replace it with self-affirming and reassuring thoughts. And never take advantage of being in their minds. Just do the job and nothing more. And my record speaks for itself."

"And what happens if those thoughts aren't removed?"

"Well, I will tell you one thing. It is not pretty. The person stays stuck in one place weighed down by their thoughts. And in that cloud of self-imposed shadows and darkness, the light of clarity is unable to shine forth."

"That's interesting. What are the self-affirming and reassuring thoughts that you are adding?"

"I try to rebuild the ground under them. Things are never as bad as they seem. If you have faith and persistence, eventually life will get better. No situation stays the same way forever. Conditions and their corresponding causes are always in a state of transition."

"This sounds all very well and good, Mr. Torrance. But aren't you and your mentor Castia, simply doing something that people can do easily on their own?"

"I wish it was that easy. Then people could pick up a magic wand and heal themselves. But that takes willpower and follow-up. So many of us are too easily swayed by our thoughts and feelings. They never get started or give up in the middle of some real progress."

"Some people go against the tide and get their lives in order. Typically, they come to this unwillingly. Usually, a series of events resulting in great personal suffering must first occur. Only then, do they realize that they need a way out. And they find it somehow through reading some words of peace, encountering a teacher of a contemplative practice, or learning on how own how to calm and watch their thoughts."

"But it is far easier to hire me to clean up 'your gunk' and set things in order. Quicker and less painful."

"Useful information Del. And you do all of this remotely from your home! Any idea on what Castia is doing today?"

"Before we parted, she said that she was going to live a life without any external distractions. So, I expect that she is too is deposited in one of the remote edges of some distant galaxy. I wish her nothing but peace and contentment and thank her for the all of the knowledge that she imparted with me."

"And before we wrap up, I will give you the opportunity for some parting advice for our viewers."

"Your thoughts and emotions are just passing phenomena. Do not get sucked into their enticing stories. Avoid the mental quicksand. Let them briefly stop by and then watch them leave. Then you won't need my services so soon."

"Thanks, Del Torrance, mind mechanic. Time for a short break and then we will return with someone that will share her predictions for the next twenty years. You won't want to miss this."

Story: Store Disasters

[Mahayana Buddhism has a concept called storehouse consciousness. A simplified way to look at it is where the various mental records of our life journey to date are stored. They only disappear when the associated karmic debt is "paid in full." However, that has nothing to do with this story.]

Dagnabbit, that's it. I'm throwing in the towel at the end of the day. Yes, I had enough so I am outta here by this evening. I quit. Gonesville. This time I REALLY mean it. I am good at doing my job. At the top of my game. It is just those dammed thoughts. If they only would behave, things would be SO much better. Why can't they do that?

You have to understand. Momma did not raise a complainer. But there are some things that are just too much for one honest soul to bear. Let me take a step back so you can understand where I am coming from.

For six hours a day, this 'mind store' is mine to watch over. And with zero breaks. And most days that is far from an easy thing to do. Right now, I am looking down from the manager's observation post shaking my head. Can there be really be that many disasters in one day? It does not help this is the holiday season and we are short-staffed. And I had just gotten back from a long, well deserved RESTFUL vacation. Now what good did it do? And on top of it all, it will be another nine months before I get another one!

For the next frantic thirty minutes, I was on pure adrenalin and multi-tasking like I have never done before. But that hard work paid off. The waters have calmed down. All problems are resolved. At least for now.

As I was saying before I dived into the madness, I manage each day what is called the "mind store" or "thought store".

There is one in each human. I am not at liberty to say which human that I am in. But I can say it is a male in their twenties. And they have all sort of roaming thoughts and unsaid desires. My location is where thoughts manifest in the brain. And it is my job to vet and contain them before they transition into a verbalization or a physical act. Given the sheer volume of thoughts that my staff and myself have to manage, our hands are full during the entire shift. This occupation has an incredibly high burn out rate. Before they are booted, these shell-shocked managers end up not caring and let any thought pass by. This is dangerous for the outside world since these will let a series of harmful behaviors transition into reality.

Our store is one of the newer models. Up to twenty aisles from the old fifteen. And in any one of them you may find one or more roving mental creations. And some of those ideas are troublesome, let me tell you. Nothing but pure havoc.

I will begin with those demon-driven souls filled with nothing but a thirst for vengeance and a desire of complete destruction. Like some gleeful ill-behaved children, they rush with their carts up and down each aisle. They laugh when a carefully stacked pile of food is attacked. The more destruction they cause, the cheerier that they are. For this being, we try to let only the least harmful ones "escape."

The worst ones are the "sad souls." You cannot even reason with them. They will stare at the cracker aisle for hours. Or simply block traffic by sitting down in the middle of things. And just sobbing and wailing away spouting nonsense such as "Oh poor me, I am so helpless." And they are oblivious as to the commotion that they cause and the mess that they leave behind.

Then there are the indifferent beliefs. They do not commit to anything and usually just stay in one corner of the store without any thought as to what they were doing. Takes us hours sometimes after the store closing to get them to move on.

And last, I have to deal with those romantic feelings. They think that they alone see the beauty in everything. Even if there is not any to be seen. They sigh and then create some sort of love offering. When completed, they admire it. Then walk way leaving it behind. This scene is repeated by the hundredfold. So, my long-suffering and overworked staff have to haul these 'masterpieces' into the trash daily.

And these dramas are played out with a thousand different variations. Each driving me and my crewq into conniptions and convulsions. Just for ten minutes, I would LOVE to be in a peaceful mind or a contemplative mind. Just to see what it is like. It must be nice.

Well I hope you enjoyed your visit. It is time to go. Rebellious and experimental thoughts have teamed together doing something that I have been told that I MUST see in person. Take care. And be kind to your mind and your own 'store manager'.

Story: Us versus THEM

[A prose teaching based on real world experiences.]

I remember the first time I saw THEM.

I was taking a walk though our small town and THEY came into my view.

SOMETHING about THEM immediately drew my ire and aversion

It does not matter what it was.

All that mattered is that it brought up in me a strong sense of dislike.

And consumed my mind.

From that point forward, all I could do was think about THEM.

And the increasing number of injustices that THEY have brought into my world.

My mind was happily plotting countless different means of revenge.

Things were so good because of this.

My time for fulfillment was drawing near.

But as day of my payback drew near, there was an encounter of a different kind.

An elderly woman walked up to me and said,

"I have lived in your shoes and have been filled with nothing but hatred."

"It was against a person that had done nothing wrong to me or anyone else."

"One day after many years of strong dislike, I had a sudden realization."

"I was on the wrong path."

"The only one that was sensing anything wrong in my life was my own mind."

"It was providing a drama that I was completely sucked into."

"It was offering a supposed salve to my alleged wounds."

"But the satisfaction that it was trying to achieve was empty and false."

"The other person was barely aware, if at all of my existence."

"It was time to drop the mental anguish calories and leave it all behind."

"NOW is the time to do it."

"Don't let these feelings grow over the years."

"I promise the feeling of being unburdened is tremendous!"

She smiled, briefly gave a gentle squeeze to my hand,

And quietly walked away.

I paused to ponder over her words.

Had I been enacting mental overkill over a situation that was occurring only in my mind and nowhere else?

A quiet voice inside me said,

" Yes, that is exactly what you are doing."

And with that, I released my hatred, my daydreams of retribution.

And felt lighter than I have been in some time.

Years later, I looked in the mirror and realized the

woman that saved me was somehow my future self.

Was it a dream, my conscience speaking to me, or an alternate reality?

I never knew the answer to my dying days.

I never became close to Liza.

(My former THEM object).

But throughout the rest of my life,

I worked hard to send her thoughts of love and light her way.

And when she passed away.

I attended the funeral, genuinely sobbing and saying farewell.

May all beings be free from suffering.


A search for "how to be free from mental suffering Buddhism' returns millions of hits. Fortunately, there is much advice out there. So, what will work for you? It may take some time to eventually find some of the answers. But there are some simple general practices that can be done today. Below are ten that I have learned on my own or through various sources. Simply add or remove to your "practice tool chest" as needed. Each day and moment are an unfolding experiment to see what approaches will work for you.

1. In times of stress, deep calming breaths to soothe the mind. Joseph Goldstein in his talks mentions saying simple verbal phrases such as 'it is going to be okay' helps tremendously. In time, you can feel various muscles in your body release their tensions and relax.

2. Looking at someone especially another driver :-) and send them loving thoughts. Or think 'you are real to me.'

3. When dealing with mental affliction in some situation, think "Just as I am suffering, so are other beings. May all beings be free from suffering." Or just "May all beings be free from suffering." Repeat frequently as many times as needed until the anguish subsides. Or just think, "heal."

4. Find a way that works ever briefly or for a lifetime to get away from the mental distractions. It could be listening to contemplative music or mantras. Or a walk. Looking at nature. Or doing tai chi. Unfortunately, these are typically temporary remedies. Perhaps taking up a life of service to others and recharge as needed. There is an approach(es) out there just for you.

5. Be grateful for the riches and gifts that you already have. They are typically more than you know.

6. Truly accept what you are given. Coming from a sense of abundance rather than lack in time brings about in time real contentment.

7. Observe your thoughts without judgement or reactivity. Note when patterns are repeating. See if they are reoccurring because of a sense of lack, a perceived injustice, or some other reason. Calmly and patiently investigate. In time, these thoughts will lose their power and hold on you.

8. For many of us, it would be impossible to do this all on our own. It it makes sense for you, find one or few kindred beings or a spiritual community that resonates for you. It may take several encounters with the above to determine if they are right for you. This may be supplemented with online resources/communities with talks and documents.

9. Release the unwanted 'mental anguish calories' of ruminating the past, planning for the future, and thoughts of inadequacy, fear, anger, torment, and more. At some point, one comes to a crossroads. You either double down and hold on to these 'mental movies', or let go and move on. Just letting go is always an option. But too often, the obvious choice is forgotten or placed in the background. Don't buy into the drama and get sucked in.
10. Be kind to yourself and never stop growing your practice. Our lives are one ongoing experiment. Think of the long-term view and reflect on the mental progress that you have each day. Learn from recent emotional and mind-numbing setbacks. Our life journey is rarely a straight line. Then when the lessons have been found, forget dwelling on both any further and take the next steps.

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