The Other Salvatore

By miss_lavancha

1.6M 32K 12.6K

This is a story about the youngest Salvatore, Elizabeth. No one knows she's alive, not even Stefan and Damon... More

The Other Salvatore
A/N: New Cover!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - THE BALL! Part 1...
Chapter 21 - THE BALL! Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - SEASON 3 FINALE Part 1
Chapter 29 - SEASON 3 FINALE Part 2
Chapter 30 - Season 4 Opener
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 1
Chapter 46 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 2 - THE END!!
A/N: Bullies
Hybrid in Debt
"Falling for the Original Gentleman"
Fanfiction Awards
Just In Case

Chapter 18

32.3K 696 429
By miss_lavancha

A/N: Another filler, this one about the some of the Mikaelson brothers, and also the Salvatore brothers. This is going on at the same time Elizabeth and Rebekah are in NYC.

-Kol's POV-

After the showdown in Rebekahs' room, I went back to my own. I got in the shower, and got dressed.

I heard Lizzie and Bekah talking about going gown shopping .There was no way I was going along, so I stayed in my room until I heard Rebekahs' car leave.

Then I went to pick up Lizzie's car from the house where I had snapped her and her brothers – what was his name? Damien? Whatever. - necks. When I got there, however, it was gone. I figured the brother had taken it. At least it was safe at her house.

I went back home, and sat in the living room, pondering my conversation with Lizzie yesterday. Did she really think Klaus didn't love her? After all they had been through, could she really hate him? And what of him? Did he still feel the same about her? I was pretty sure he did. As I was thinking about this, Elijah walked into the room.

“Kol.” he greeted, nodding. I looked up and smirked.


“You look like you are in deep thought. What's troubling you, brother?” he asked. I sighed and explained.

“Lizzie is back in town...” I began. He interrupted.

“Elizabeth is here?” he asked, looking happy. They had always gotten along well – they had a bunch in common. I had never truly figured out why I was her best friend and not Elijah. Or Rebekah, for that matter.

“Yes, brother. She is out with Rebekah at the moment. She is staying with her brothers, who she found alive.”

“Ah, the Salvatore brothers. Yes, it was peculiar to find them here, when she thought them dead. But I am glad she could reunite with them after so long of missing them.”

“Yeah, I guess it is a good thing. Anyway, as I was saying...” I began again, but he again interrupted.

“I assume you have told the brothers where Elizabeth is.” he mentioned. I looked at him and shook my head.


He sighed, and pulled out his phone. “If you would excuse me, brother. I will be back after I inform the Salvatores of where the sister is.” With that he got up and left the room.

I sighed and went back to my thoughts.

-Damon's POV-

Where was she? I paced up and down the floor with a glass of bourbon in my hand. Stefan sat on the couch with his broody face on. Elena walked in and stopped, seeing the situation.

“What's going on?” she asked.

“Elizabeth is missing.” Stefan replied, glancing up at her.

“She didn't come home?” she pondered aloud. I turned and looked at her.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “Have you seen her?”

She gulped and looked away. I ran up and grabbed her shoulders.

“Elena, have you seen Elizabeth?” I yelled. She flinched back, and finally met my eyes.

“Yes. Last night. Around midnight.” she whispered. I stepped back stunned. Where was she now then?

Stefan stood. “Where did you see her? Did she look okay? What was she doing? Who was she with? Did she look okay?” he asked, shooting questions out. Elena glanced away, as if she was nervous to answer those questions.

“Elena?” I questioned. She took a deep breath, then looked at each off us.

“You guys might want to sit down. I have some news for you...” I looked at her, then at Stefan. We both sat down and Elena took another deep breath.

“As I was coming home from the Grille last night, I saw movement in the alleyway. I went to check it out...”

“Elena!” Stefan gasped. She looked at him, and sighed.

“I know it was dangerous, but I was curious.” she said.

“Can we get back to Elizabeth?!” I asked, annoyed at their lovers spat. They looked at me guiltily and nodded.

“Anyway, in the alleyway, was Elizabeth and the youngest Mikaelson, Kol.”

“I knew the Mikalesons were behind this!” I shouted.

“Damon, let me finish.” Elena said, and I quieted down. She took another deep breath and steeled herself for what she was about to say.

“There was a pile of bodies behind them, and more victims lined up. They were each draining someone when I saw them.” she said. Me and Stefan both sat back in shock. Our baby sister went on a murder spree with the youngest Mikaelson?! Why?

“It looked like they were old friends.” Elena whispered. I looked at her and remembered the time she said she had spent with the family. It was possible the two had gotten close.

“So where is she now?” Stefan murmured. Elena shrugged.

“I talked with her. She seemed... almost apologetic about the whole scene. She even had Kol let the last few victims go. I figured they would clean up, and then she would come home...” Me and Stefan looked at each other. Elizabeth had a problem and we needed to fix it. But first, we had to find her.

“I'm gong over to the Mikealsons.” I said. “See if she's still there. Maybe wring a neck or two while I'm there.” Stefan nodded, but Elena started to protest.

“Damon...” she started, then her phone rang.

“Elijah...” she whispered, then answered her phone. She put it on speaker.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Miss. Gilbert.” came the Originals voice.

“Elijah. To what do I owe this call?” she replied.

“I assume you are either with the Salvatores, or will be soon. Am I correct?” he asked.

“You are. They are standing right in front of me and you are on speaker..” she answered.

“Good.” he said. “Elizabeth is safe.” We all breathed out a sigh of relief. “She is out with Rebekah, shopping.”

“Great. She is friends with Barbie Klaus too?” I moaned. I heard Elijah chuckle.

“Yes. Elizabeth is well acquainted with most of us Mikealsons.” Elijah said, answering my question.

“Great.” I said.

“Then why did Kol snap her neck yesterday?” Stefan asked. I frowned and nodded. I hadn't thought of that.

Elijah says. “That is my brother.” he said. “Him and Elizabeth are best friends. They do this kind of thing often.”

“Wait. Did you say my sister is best friends with an Original?” I asked in shock.

“Yes.” Elijah replies. “Elizabeth has a good relationship with all of us Mikalesons, except for my mother and Finn, whom have never met her, and Klaus, for now.” Elijah explains.

I sighed. “Well, when her and Rebekah get back, tell her to come home please?” Stefan said. Elijah chuckled.

“I'll see what I can do.” he said cryptically, then hung up. I sighed.

“Well, things just got interesting...” Stefan mumbled. Me and Elena looked at each other, and nodded. If Lizzie liked most of the Mikalesons, how were we supposed to get rid of them?

-Elijah's POV-

“I'll see what I can do.” I replied, then hung up.

I was interested in the relationship between the brothers and Elizabeth. They seemed protective of her, yet they gave up easily when I said she was with Rebekah. Did that mean they trusted her, or feared us? Maybe both. Or maybe something was wrong, and they needed her away for now. All things to ponder.

I walked back into the living room, seeing Kol back in thought.

“The brothers know Elizabeth's whereabouts.” I reported. He just nodded.

“Now, back to our conversation prior to my phone call.”

“Ah, yes. I kidnapped Lizzie yesterday...”

“So I heard.” I murmured.

“I know you don't approve of our methods. I really don't care, either. Anyway, we talked about the day she left...” I sighed and nodded, thinking back to that day myself.

*Flashback 1910*

I was sitting in the library when I heard a lot of yelling coming from downstairs. I decided to ignore it for the time being; it just sounded like Klaus and Kol arguing. Then I heard Elizabeth yelling, and knew something was wrong. I listened in.

He doesn't deserve that. But you do. I heard what you said about me to him. You are disgusting, and I never want to see your face again. I can't believe I ever loved you.” she hissed. I heard her run from the room in tears. I got up and ran to her room. I saw her throw a few things in a suitcase.

Elizabeth.” I said. She turned.

Leave me alone, Elijah. I'm leaving.” she said, grabbing her suitcase.

But, why?” I asked, stunned. This was the first time she had ever threatened this. What had Klaus done?

Klaus daggered Kol.” I grimaced.

But surely you can get over that, with a little time. I'm sure it won't last for long.” I muttered, though inside I was seething. I just didn't want Elizabeth to leave. We had grown quite close.

She glanced at me, more tears in her eyes.

He also said that I was merely a distraction. I don't feel like playing that part anymore.” she said. I gasped.

Niklaus.” I muttered under my breath. I looked at her again. “He didn't mean it, Elizabeth.” She scoffed.

Sounded like he meant it to me. Please, just let me go, Elijah...” she whispered. I saw the desperation on her face, and made up my mind.

I moved out of her way. She shot me a grateful look, and moved to run past me. I grabbed her arm as she went by. She looked at me, puzzled.

Elizabeth, this was all a misunderstanding. Someday, you will figure that out, and you and Klaus will be together again. You will come back to our family.” I said. She looked at me and nodded.

Thank you, Elijah.” she said, and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. I let her go, and she ran out of my sight. I walked back to the library and sat down. Someday, I would see Elizabeth again. I would have my friend and confidante back. She just needed some time.

*Flashback Ended*

I came back to the present, and tuned back into what Kol was saying.

“She says she hates him, Elijah. She says she hates Klaus.” I nodded.

“I'm sure that is easier for her.” I said. “To imagine that she hates him, then to stay heartbroken over him.” He nodded at my wise words.

“But what I am wondering is – will they ever find a way back together? They deserve each other, and I want for her to be happy. Klaus made her happy.” he said. I looked at him and smiled.

It appears that Elizabeth is not only Klaus' humanity, as I had known for a while she was, but also Kols' as well. I could see the love in his eyes when he talked of her happiness.

“That is all any of us want, brother.” I said. “For them both to be happy. We can see that they belong together. But they must see it, and find their way back to each other.”

He nodded. I got up and patted him on the shoulder.

“Thank you, Elijah.” he said, as I walked out of the room. I turned and smiled at him, then proceeded to walk out.

I knew that someday Elizabeth would come back into our lives. Now I just had to make sure she was here to stay.

A/N: This was a very long filler. I wanted to get both the Mikalesons and the Salvatores in this one, and then I got into Elijahs' side and the words just kept coming.

Anyway, I think that next chapter might be the ball. YAY! :) As always, let me know your thoughts, questions, comments, concerns, recommendations.... Until next time.

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