Not Good Enough (A Harry Styl...

By adult_disneyprincess

135K 4.8K 563

Isolde Connor is just a piano teacher with above average intelligence who just happened to see a stranger pas... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Requests Open

Chapter Thirteen

4.8K 201 7
By adult_disneyprincess

Harry POV

            I couldn’t processes this information that was told to me. I looked at Niall and his eyes were shinnying. I pressed my lips together and thought before speaking. “What makes you think this?” I asked Louis and Niall.

            “She drew the picture, she heard of all these creatures, her name is Irish and that is where the story came from.” Niall says breathlessly.  I stood up and began pacing around Iz’s kitchen. I let my thoughts drift to her upstairs. If she was the Queen, that would put her in danger with Hunters and everything else.

            “If she is the Queen, why is she not a Child of the Moon?” asked Liam.

            “Because she is a descended  of the original Hood child’s daughter.” Said Niall. We all looked at him to continue. He rolled his eyes. “The baby from the story grew up to have two children: a son and a daughter. The son could change into a wolf and had all the abilities; such as healing and heightened senses while the daughter just had the abilities. She couldn’t turn into the a wolf, but she could heal and see like her brother.”

            “So what happened to the son? If he was the first he must have bitten others.” I asked and said. Louis looked at me smiling.

            “Right you are, Alpha sir! The son couldn’t handle the change very well and bit his whole village. The new wolves eventually spread and thus Children of the Moon.” Louis said with a wave of his hand. I was deep in thought when I notice Niall yawning, and Zayn stick his finger in his mouth laughing. Niall slapped his hand away huffing.

            “Alright Niall is getting fussy, so it’s time for bed.” I told the boys.

            “Iz said we could stay here. She has two guest rooms, one’s upstairs and the others down the hall.” Niall said yawning again. I was relieved that I didn’t have to leave yet.

            “Okay, Niall and Zayn take one. Louis, can you and Liam room together?” I asked. Liam groaned aloud, while Louis rolled his eyes and nodded at me. “I’m going to sleep outside Izzy’s room.”

            “Creeper.” Coughed Louis.

            “Go the fuck to sleep.” I told him, and he saluted, laughed and went upstairs. Liam waved good night and followed him.

            “Wait for me, Cuddle buddy!!” he shouted after Louis, and I heard a fainted groan from Louis. I turned to see that Niall had fallen asleep with his head on the counter top, and Zayn was heating up pizza. He looked deep in thought.

            “I can hear you thinking from here.” I told him smiling. He scoffed and looked at me. “Speak, dear friend.” I said. He paused briefly.

            “What are the odds that you are  mated with the Queen of Wolves?” He says. I shrugged.

            “Blame the Powers.” I said simply.

            “Are you going to tell her?” He asks.

            “I have to. It’s her life, she would pissed if I didn’t.” I said. I didn’t want to tell her, but she would find out and hate me for keeping it a secret.

            “How do think she’ll take it?” he asks.

            “When she found out I grew claws, she handled pretty well.” I said shrugging again. I began throwing away trash knowing that Izzy would hate to wake up to a mess. “Take your boy to bed, he’s drooling on Iz’s table.” I said softly. Zayn chuckled.

            “I like her you know. She’s good for you.” He tells me and I smile. I watch as he picks up Niall who softly whines and buries his head in Zayn shoulder. I watch as they walk down the hall and I head upstairs to sleep on the floor outside Iz’s room.


Isolde’s POV

            I had the sudden and overwhelming urge to pee. I heard Louis and Liam talking, or trying to, quietly in the guestroom so I guess they spent the night. That made me happy, I get so lonely here by myself at night.  I unwrap myself from my blankets, and find that I’m still in my outfit from earlier. I remember trying to stay awake for Harry to come back, but I was just so tired. I took off my jeans and shirt, and put on a large shirt I usually wore at night.  Once I was properly dressed for sleep, and still half-asleep, I went to the bathroom outside my room. I finished my business and went back to my room only to see Harry laying down beside my door.

            “What are you doing outside my door?” I asked sleepily. He looked like he was just caught doing something bad.

            “I wanted to make sure you’re safe.” He said slowly. I gestured for him to follow me into my room, and he quickly followed.

            “You can sleep in here with me.” I said without thinking. I was so tired. I just wanted to go back to sleep. I crawled under the covers, and felt him do the same. He stayed as far on the other side of the bed as he could.

            “Are you not wearing pants?” He asked carefully.

            “No. Pants suck, I only wear them when I have to.” I tell him. I know in the morning this conversation is going to embarrass me to no end. I hope he doesn’t tease me. Harry makes a choking noise. “So you knew William Shakespeare, huh?” I ask him.

            “Goodnight Izzy.” He laughs.


            “Goodnight Harry.”

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