My cocky bastard|Taegi

By bangtanficts

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"Making yourself a priority is not selfish. It's called self respect." ©Bangtanficts|2018 More

Hai, i am ghad
Prologue》 new school
Chapter 1》Like hell I would
Chapter 2》Yes
Chapter 3》Cocky Bastard
Chapter 4》Single
Chapter 6》Fuck
Chapter 7》Feelings
Chapter 8》Focus
Chapter 9》Dick
Chapter 10》Father
Chapter 11》Gone Wrong
Chapter 12》Found
Chapter 13》Heal
Chapter 14》Gift

Chapter 5》Avoid

4.3K 188 172
By bangtanficts


I didn't know where that sudden slap of courage came from when I talked with the famous Kyungsoo, but it just happened.

For the past hour, I haven't been listening  to the lecture Mr. Akoi was currently giving us. Though I know that this was important since it had someting to do with our first test this semester, I couldn't help but praise myself.

"Mr. Kim?" The teacher called out, making me snap out of my day dream.

"Y-yes sir?" I asked, standing up.

Mr. Akoi smirked and spoke up.

"When was the dynasty of Shang found?" He asked, hoping I would simply embarass myself for not listening to him.

Hah, sorry old man, but I'm too smart for your little jokes.

"Sir, you haven't taught us that. Not yet, at least." I said, giving him a small smile.

"Oh, but I did. You just didn't listen." He said through gritted teeth.

This made me smirk at him.

"No, sir. Last week, friday. I completely remember you telling the whole class you weren't going to discuss the Shang Dynasty until early August. Actually, scratch that. You were in such a good mood that you were not paying attention to what you were saying. You promised us not to discuss the Shang Dynasty until early August. Everyone knows you don't break promises, right? Or, like you said, there are consequences." I said, my voice low, not letting out any emotion.

Mr. Aoki simply scoffs at this and lets me sit down.

I leaned my back on the spine of the chair and decided to listen to the poor man's lecture.


Finally, the bell rang and it was finally time for lunch.

The halls were getting busier and busier by the minute and the cafeteria was beginning to get full.

If I didn't run now, I'm sure as hell my friends wouldn't save me a seat. So I'd be left with either paying for Jungkook to share his seat with me, or just not eat at all.

I decided to take the safest option and run. I ran through the sea of bodies and when I got to the cafeteria, I found myself a seat and took it before any body else could.

"Tae, how much does your jacket cost?" Jimin asks, taking a fork full of salad in his mouth.

"Oh, this? A hundred and fifty dollars." I answered, shrugging shoulders.

Jungkook spat out the milk he was sipping and stared at me with a hanging jaw.

"What?" I asked, looking at my friend who looked at me like they just saw a ghost.

"Are you serious?!" Jin asks, making me chuckle.

"Dead serious. My father gave this to me as a birthday present. It's Gucci. Explains why it's hella expensive." I said, opening the lid to my strawberry yogart.

"Wow, your family's filthy rich." Hoseok says, finishing his cup of noodles.

I didn't agree nor disagree to his remark.

I simply took a spoonful of yogart and brought it in my mouth, savoring the tase since this was only sold during mondays.

As I was about to take another scoop, I noticed a familiar blonde sitting with his group of friends at a table infront of hours.

As he was about to look our way, my body immediately reacted and hid under the table.

Jungkook notices this and looks at me weirdly.

"Hyung? Why are you hiding?" He asks, making me place a finger on my lips.

"Hush. Don't talk to me." He whispered, shooing him away.

He simply shrugs this off and continues eating his food.

I slowly poked out my head from under the table, students giving me odd looks as they saw the position I was in.

Yoongi turns to the direcrion of our table, making me hide more under the table- if that was even possible.

"Oh look! It's the guy you called a 'cocky bastard' in the awarding one night!" Jungkook yells, not thinking before he even acts.

The whole cafeteria goes silent making everyone drop their attention on Jungkook.

He was currently pointing at Yoongi who looked oblivious at what the fuck was going on.

"Huh?" Yoongi manages to say, looking around him.

Seeing that he didn't do anything wrong, Yoongi looks at Jungkook with a raised eyebrow.

I face palmed, finally accepting the hell my best friend dragged me into.

I stood up from my squatted position below the table and sighs, pinching the tip of Jungkook's ear.

"I'm sorry guys, my best friend could be a bit of a handle full. Please continue on with your lunch." I apologized, bowing at the students.

I stayed that way for a bit before finally hearing the cafeteria go noisy again.

I let out a relieved breath, bringing my body back up to glare at my younger best friend.

He smirks evilly at me, making my glare at him intensify.

I pull him by the hand, practically dragging him out the cafeteria.

"Jungkook! What the fuck was tha-"


A voice from behind echoed throughout the quiet hallways, making Jungkook and I face the person who was currently behind me.

There, I saw a furious looking blonde who I knew all too well.

"Y-Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook exclaims, sending shivers down my spine as I heard his name.

"Who the fuck called me a bastard that night?" He asked, his voice dripping of poison.

"H-him!" Jungkook immediately answers, pointing at me.

I mentally let out a sigh, wanting to rip Jungkook's neck right there and now.

The Yoongi guys lets out an angry huff before taking me by my wrist.

He drags me outside the building and to the field where we were shaded from the sun because of the tall building of our school.

"Alright-alright, that's enough! You're hurting me already!" I yelled, pulling my precious wrist from his iron grip.

As soon as I slipped from his grip, I gently caressed my wrist that was badly treaten by the hyung.

I glared at him, making him glare back.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I spat out, still holding my wrist.


"Me? Why the hell would I be a problem?"

"You called me a fucking bastard infront of the whole university. Who wouldn't be problematic with you?"

His words sunk in my mind, leading me at a loss of words.

He was right. I called him out infront of the whole school. If I was in his position, I would never be able to step foot in this university ever again.

I let out a shaky breath.

"Alright. I'm sorry about that. What can I do to make it up to you? I'll do anything." I said, still holding my wrist.

The older looks up with a questioning look before smirking evilly.

"Anything?" He asks, making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah, anything." I said, not thinking of the words that just escaped my lips.

"Alright then." He said, walking up to me slowly.

With each step he took forward, I took another backward, until my back hit the concrete wall.

He draws his body closer to mine, touching both our noses together.

I small hiccup escaped my lips, making him raise an intimidating eyebrow.

"Be my fake boyfriend."

He said, causing a louder hiccup to escape.

Shocked, I covered my mouth with both of my hands, looking at the older like I've just seen a ghost.

"Wait, what?" I asked, not believing the older one's words.

He simply smirked at the effect he had on me and brought his body even closer to mine- not that it was too close already.

"You heard me. Be my fake boyfriend and repay what you owe me." He said, his body stern and his face too serious to even make a joke.

I knew that there was no way out of this. If I denied this, I'd be hunted down the school grounds by him. Like a preditor silently toying with it's prey's mind.

With a shaky breath, I finally had the guts to build up whatever it was that made me stare at my feet.

I looked deep into his eyes, making sure that I looked like I was hella serious.


Fuck, what the hell did you just get yourself into, Kim Taehyung?


Eh, school's almost over. So uhh, that's cool. Hope you guys enjoyed this cause I didn't ;(((

Vote, comment what you think and share with your friends (please cause I'm desperate)


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