I'm The Girl Next Door |TRILO...

By BellaLoveLola

274K 12.7K 4.3K


1 ° New Time
2 ° Almost
3 ° Birth of a Family
4 ° Us
5 ° I Broke Us
6 ° Trust
7 ° Mines
8 ° You Owe Me
9 ° Sorry
10 ° Together
11 ° At your Best
12 ° Warned
13 ° Pitty
14 ° Drama
15 ° For You
16 ° Surprise
17 ° Times Fly
18 ° Me & You
19 ° Crazy
20 ° Troubles
21 ° You
22 ° Dirty
23 ° Time
24 ° Sorry
25 ° Loyalty
26 ° That
27 ° Stand
28 • Fire
29 • Closing In
30 • Heaven
31 ° Lesson
32 ° I Dont Think
33 ° Why
34 ° Your Turn
35° Crazy
36 ° Amazing
37 ° Game
38 ° Hurt
39 ° This
40 ° Here
41 ° Bed-Stuy
42 ° Real Love
43 ° insomnia
44 ° Brotherly Love
45 ° Google
46 ° You Fucked
47 ° Love Me
48 ° The One
49 ° Talk
50 ° Family
51° You
52 ° Close
53 ° Dez
54 ° Question
55 ° Eve
56 ° Christmas
58 • Businesses
59 • Physical
60 • Lonely
61 • Time
62 • Up
63 • Ready
64 • Time
65 • Us
66 • Terrible
67 • Stupid
68 • You
69 • Liar
70 • Times Up
71° Bullshit
72 ° Up
73 ° BOLO
74 ° Change
75 ° Beginning

57 ° Who Knows

2.8K 162 90
By BellaLoveLola


I feel where Dez is coming from. Because we both literally care about Dez. Me and Kris has talked about her for ever. We just didn't know that she felt this way what so ever.

Dez laid down as me and Kris left the room.

"I feel bad for leaving her in there after she just like poured her heart to us!" I said

"I do to!" Kris held my hand

We both turned back around and walked back into out guest room .

"Dez!" I knocked on the door

"Yeah" she said opening the door

"Can we sleep with you?" I asked

"This is y'all house and y'all bed!" She said

"True" Kris said

"Shut up" I said

I grabbed Dez hand and I led her to the bed. We all kinda just laid down. Kris was behind me and Dez was in front of me. Kris fell asleep first.

"She snores so loud" Dez laughed

"Every night!" I replied

"Yeah! It's just like this feeling I got is weird" she said

"Well, Dez if you wanna leave you can leave! If you wanna stay you can stay! I'm not saying this will be a relationship because I love Kris, we do genuinely care about and love you!" I said

"And that's why it's weird, I'm in love with a married couple who's been fucking the shit outta me for years!" She laughed

"I mean well, it is nice!" I played with her hand

"Yeah, good times!" She laughed

I felt Kris hand creeping up my thighs, and she knows we not having sex no matter how fucking bad I want to. I pinched her hand

"Ugh, not right at all. Can I at least just feel it?" She sat up

"Feel what?" Dez asked

"Ash won't let me get nun!" Kris pushed her pelvis on my butt

"Eww Kris get out" Dez laughed

"Y'all ain't right, it's cool though I'mma go take a bath, with the Jets on!" Kris got up

"Love you too baby!" I laughed

"Hahaha" she walked out

"She is a trip, what are y'all going to do about metro and Courtney?" She asked

"I don't know,. Kris says she gonna take care of Courtney and blah blah, but this metro fellow he got another thing coming!" I smiled

"Look don't worry about them! You get some sleep, and take your medicine okay!" I said getting up

"Thanks Ash" she said

I kissed her cheek and closed the door.

I checked on Cha Cha before I went to the room. Kris was in the tub.

"Hey ugly!" I said

"Wassup" she said slouching down more

"Want me to wash ya hair?" I asked walking to her

"No, I'mma wash it tomorrow, Dez sleep?"

"Yeah she took her medicine, I can't believe he shot her in the head!" I sat on the side of the tub

"I can't believe he did that shit either, but he got it coming you getting in with me?" She asked

"Yes, but I wanted to shower!" I said

"Get in with me please!" She said sitting up

I stood up and removed my clothes, I really didn't feel like standing up anyways.

"Kristina why is this water so hot?" I asked barely getting in

"My body was kinda sore," she grabbed my hand

"Damn, ahh" I sat behind her

"I love you, I know I have been not a good wife, lately and everything, but I trying ash, I wanna do better you know!" She rubbed my legs

"Yes, I know and you're always a good wife, it's your mouth that's the problem!" I rubbed her back

"Well I am sorry. I don't mean to be all crazy" she turned to face me

"I know you don't! So you wanna tell me why you bought Cha Cha a ticket to New York?"

"Because I wanna spend some real alone time with you, we never get real alone time. And I miss that" she pulled me to her

"I miss it too, but four days is a long time for Cha Cha to be gone from me" I said

"From us, yes, but she's gonna be fine, she's with my mom's. Plus she never sees her, they gonna have fun!" Kris said

Kris is right all this drama we got going on there is no time for us. Things have been quite too quite but she wants to spend some alone time and I'm fine with that.

We washed u and got out the tub. I out on my shorts a portable bra and Kris of course was naked.

I woke up and I felt like I couldn't breathe at all. It smelled like something was burning up.

"Kris wake up!" I shook her coughing

"Kris, get up!" I shook her

"Yeah, what's that!" She coughed

"Smell like something is burning!" She got up

"Is that fucking smoke?" I said opening my door

"CHARIS" Kris screamed looking down to her room door it's nothing but smoke coming from underneath

"MY BABY!" I yelled as we ran to the door

"Call 911" Kris yelled

"Y'all what is...OMG" peaches ran upstairs

"I can't open the fucking door." Kris said kicking it

I called 911, Kris and peaches broke the door down. By this time Dez and Tyler was outside waiting for the ambulance

"CHARIS baby?" Kris said it was literally a fire in her room

"Ma'am, you have to get out of here!" The fire fighter told Kris

"Thats our fucking daughter" she said coughing


"KRIS, PLEASE" I couldn't see Kris or the other fire fighters

I felt like I was dying.

"Ash you have to step back!" Dez grabbed my hand

"My family is in there" I tried to walk back over there

"Ash, you have to fucking step back now!" She yelled pulling me away from the fire

"Dez, but my babies!" I cried

"I know mama" she said pulling me down the hall

"Where coming out" one fire fighter said

They held me back, as I screamed to go to them. But the bigger fire fighter was carrying Kris and Kris looked like she was holding charis.

"Why aren't they moving Dez, what's wrong.. Kristina get up!" I yelled as they laid her on the stretcher

"Kristina get UP!" I cried

"CHARIS BABY, can you move for mommy!" I said walking up to her as they laid her down on the stretcher

I looked at her and her feet was burned, her little knees, and her hands, like they lit her on fire. I felt so like a bad mother. I never wanted her to sleep in her own room. I hated her sleeping by herself.

I turned to look at Kris she wasn't breathing, they was giving her CPR on her, they had a breathing mask on Cha Cha. The pain that my little baby is in, she's innocent.

I can't believe this is happening to me. She's literally taking my family away from me.

I couldn't take it, I just passed out.


"Ahhhhh" I jumped up screaming

"Baby girl it's okay!" Jason said holding my hand

"I need to see them right now, I wanna see my wife and my child!" I stood up

"Ash have a seat please!" Sky said

"No. I want to see my wife and my daughter!" I said

"Ashlandrea?" I hear my dad's voice

"NOW!" I screamed

I waited a few minutes until a doctor came out.

"Family of Kristina and Charis Cortez?" He said

"Me, my wife and child, I wanna see them right now!" I stood in front of him

"Umm okay I am doctor Ahmad...." My mother cut him off

"Can we come?" She asked

"Sorry, at this time we can it allow the mother and wife" he said

"This way" he pointed

I followed him to the elevator to the intensive care unit.

He showed me, Charis in a room by herself, I couldn't even go in there. He stated that she had third degree burns on her hands, feet and legs. She not breathing on her own. I just cried I couldn't even hold her. I can't even tell her I love her. I just saw her laying there and I couldn't go help her.

"Why can't I go hold her?" I asked wiping my tears away

"Because of the degree of burn, we don't want to risk an infection right now. I am personally going to take care of her and I have a very good team of pedi nurses" he stated holding my hand

"Why is she on a breathing..."

"Because she inhale some of the fire smoke, and it messed with her lungs, we just want to make sure she recovers okay!" He said

"The EMT said that the fire fighter said that your wife covered your daughter face trying to get out. Your daughter I'm going to make sure she recovers from this. I promise" he held my hands

"Doctors aren't supposed to make promises, because they can't promise that it will be true" i said

"I never make a promise, if I can't keep it!" He smiled

"How is she gonna eat? Do y'all have milk? She's one she likes mashed potatoes and carrots? I could cook, or should I pump some milk for her, I have plenty....." He cut me off

"Mrs, Cortez, just breathe. Okay! Right now she just needs your love okay that all!" He smiled

"Here is one of my nurses now....Gabby" I turned

"Ash, I'm really sorry this happened" she wrapped her arms around me

"Thank you!" I was hesitant but i hugged her back

"I promise Charis is okay to be okay!" She said

I watched her step in the room, and wash her hands and put all these other clothes and gloves on.

"Is that her?" I asked

"Yes, she is trying to cry. Don't worry it's a good thing we her to make noise" he said

"She sounds like a little puppy" I joked wiping my face

"Yes, but she's strong I can tell" she smiled

Gabby smiled at me and walked over to Charis.

"Can can I see Kris?" I asked

"I'm going to be honest, with you she isn't okay!" He said as we walked down the hall

We stood in front of a room. Kris was laying there like she's sleeping. She all kinds of tubes and ivs coming out of her.

"What are they doing to her stomach!" I asked

"They stated that she had second degree burns on her stomach, the fire fighter said that your daughter was on fire and Kris grabbed her before he could, resulting in her getting burned also" he said

"Why is she not okay!" I started crying again

"She doesn't have any brain activity!" He turned to me

I felt like I got hit by a plane. I can't believe she's dead!

"Come have a seat!" He pulled me away from the window

"You cannot tell me that she is dead! We was gonna go on a trip and ...."

"Ashley get her some water please!" He said

"No prob doc!" The white girl walked off

"No one comes back from being brain dead!" I cried

"She isn't brin dead, thank God that they did CPR on her or she would be brin dead, right now her lungs aren't working at all for her, because of the smoke, her brain didn't have enough oxygen, right now she is in a persistent vegetative state!"

"What is that a coma?"

"No,it's where she's in a state like it's called wakefully, she could move, blink, and groan, but she's still not actually awake, simply if she has a will to live she will come back to you! Her heart is beyond amazing, and strong. We have too do alot more tests but we are going to do the best that we can!" I said

"Chances of her coming back?"

"Fifty-fifty, if... When she comes back it's not gonna be in two days or even fours months, but she will have to learn to talk, maybe walk, write, drive, eat, we don't really know" he said

"Thank you!" I told him

"It's going to be okay!" He said

"I wanted to ask you something?"


"Charis will need a skin grafts, and I don't want to take them from her, small body, you mentioned that you can pump milk so I take it you gave birth​ to her!"

"You can take whatever you need for her!" I said taking the water from the nurse

"Thank you!" He said

"Kris will need some as well, we do have skin graft donors......"

"I'll give her my lungs, take whatever!" I said

I sat there thinking about Kris and how she basically killed her self trying to save Cha Cha. I should have went in there and not Kris. Nether of them deserves this to them.

I stood there walking back and forth looking at Kris and Cha Cha just crying.

"Doctor Ahmad said you can see Kris if you like?" Gabby stood next to me

"Yes, please!" I said

"Okay come on!"

She handed me a gown and we went in. I heard nothing but machines beeping and that's it.

"Do you hear that?" Gabby asked


"It's her heart! It's very strong! Doctor Ahmad is the best doctor I have ever met, Kris and Charis is going to be okay. Doctor Ahmad is out there talking to everyone, and Kris mom isn't okay either!, But it will be !" She said

"Can I be alone!" I asked

"Of course!" She walked out

"You save Cha Cha! Thank you!" I held her hand

"Your hand is still so sweaty!" I laughed wiping my tears away

"Can I join?" I turned around to see Kay

"Yes, ma'am!" I said

"Even like this she looks mean!" She joked

"Doesn't she" I added

"She's going to be okay!" She said

"This your daughter, how are you so strong, I can't even look at Cha Cha!"

"This is my daughter, but I believe she's going to be okay, she's like her father too stubborn to let her self die, and Cha Cha, she's just like Kris, stubborn " she laughed

"Your Right!"

"You know, Kris hates you crying!" She said playing in Kris hair

"I Kno, I'm not as strong as you or my mother!" I said

"That's because you stronger than us, look what y'all have been through! Your going to be okay and so is your family!" She stated

I looked down at Kris, and wiped my face, I have to be strong for both of you now.

I stayed overnight, at the hospital with my mom Kay and Jason.

I payed up all night going from room to room. Back and forth back and forth. Walking and bitting my nails. How am I going to get through this.

"I should have just gave her some pussy!" I busted out laughing

"What?" Jason said

"We I was mad at her I so I told her no sex!" I said

"Trust me she having dreams all about it now, when she wake up, gone gone be ready!" He joked

"I know, did you see Cha Cha?" I asked

"Yeah, I seen her,. I heard your gonna give a skin grafts for them!" He asked

"Yes at noon, does it hurt" I asked

"Shit probably, ion know!" He laughed

"You know who did....." He cut me off

"Don't even mention it you keep your head here, don't worry about no body out there. I got it" he said getting up

Everyone left eventually but me and Kay.

"Ash sweetie, wake up!" Kay shook me

"Yes, yes" I sat up rubbing rubbing my eyes

"They wanna prepare you for the skin grafts!" She said

"Okay okay, " I got up


"Is this going to hurt?' I asked doc as I laid on the bed

"It's going to feel like a big road rash, and some pain" he admitted

"Oh okay, I'm ready!" And he started

He took skin from my thigh,my calf and the back of my arms. I it didn't take so long and I didn't feel it right away.

"Sorry we have to three different places, that your arm were a little skinny!" He laughed

"Haha,I know it's fine, I'd give anything for them!" I laid there and they dressed my wounds

"They'll be grateful, that you did this"he said

Once I was able to walk again, I went to visit them. I started crying again! I can't believe that this happened, the day after her birthday! The day after Christmas!

What if I'm never able to make up with Kris. She died thinking I hated her.

I sat in the waiting room just crying, and crying!

I can't do this.

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